Friday, August 25, 2023

No time to waste as the pond rushes to a hole in the bucket midrash ...


No time for crocodile tears, no time for talk of serious mistakes, no time for sociopaths evoking neo-Nazis, no time for blather about climate change hoaxes, no time to shed tears about the mass murder of baby Emperor penguins, no time for mug shots and fingerprints and sordid jail conditions, no time for Qantas looting, and above all, no time for simpleton Sharri and cackling Claire ...

Sharri and the lizard Oz graphics department were just too weird for the pond this day...

The pond was immediately reminded of that horror romp back in 2001, The Others ... see if you can pick why ...

There you go, Sharri has become Nicole, and gazes in weird fixation on Fauci as featured in the lizard Oz's version of The Others' Book of the Dead ...

It's just too bloody weird, especially as the pond has no time to waste, and then for some weird reason,  wasted all that time on dead people ...

Let Sharri see dead people, the pond will immediately rush to the hole in the bucket man for its Friday midrash fix ...

Oh dear, that was a mistake. It seems that the Jews have got up the nose of our hole in the bucket man, and therefore deserve one of Henry's immortal lectures on the meaning of Judaism ... (which any fair punter will concede is as good as having a read of Edmund Burke, though by no means as clarifying as reading what Thucydides has to say on the Voice) ...

To get things under way, the reptiles slipped in a shot of the offending one, and the pond discreetly downsized him ... (masochists do realise they can click on to enlarge?)

Then it was on with the patient explanation as to why yet again these pesky, difficult, uppity Jews manage to get things wrong, almost as many times as pesky, difficult, uppity blacks ...

By golly, when you wind Henry up, you get a better result than a seven day clock ... the pond hopes that the Jews will realise they've stuck their foot in it again, and urgently need a  מִדְרָשׁ (Midrash if you will) from the hole in the bucket man ...

It's now easy enough to see where the old bigot is going with this lecture ... and the pond realised how foolish it had been to rush for a serve of our Henry. The pond would have been better off sticking with The Book of the Dead, or perhaps a lump of iron pyrites ...

Never mind, at least Benjamin Netanyahu and the settlers now know they have a keen supporter in our Henry ... their land is my land, and so on and so forth...

On the up side, the reptiles also had a rare Friday visitation from Dame Groan doing the IGR dance ...

Oh dear, not climate change. That's the last thing that needs to be mentioned in an IGR. Can't the younglings just buy an air conditioner?

Trust that bloody Swannie to want to talk about all the  baby Emperor penguins slipping off the melting sea ice into the Book of the Dead ...

Dame Groan's going to have a good groan about that ...

Of course, of course, it'll be highly manageable, given Dame Groan's infinitely malleable scope for adaptation. Sell off a few shares and move to higher ground, where's the problem? Sure a few baby Emperor penguins might end up in the Book of the Dead, but Dame Groan is no bleeding heart ... she's a practical woman with practical needs and by the time the heat is really on, she'll likely have dropped off the perch and left a fine legacy for vulgar youff ...

Then it was on with the usual in the final short gobbet ... you know, that bee in the Dame Groan bonnet about renewables and the Soviet Union and yadda yadda ...

Yeah, yeah, read the pond's comments section and become enlightened: Fossil fuels being subsidised at rate of $13m a minute, says IMF....

Fossil fuels benefited from record subsidies of $13m (£10.3m) a minute in 2022, according to the International Monetary Fund, despite being the primary cause of the climate crisis.
The IMF analysis found the total subsidies for oil, gas and coal in 2022 were $7tn (£5.5tn). That is equivalent to 7% of global GDP and almost double what the world spends on education... 

The pond suspects it should now pay some attention to worldly affairs, as it looks forward to the movie ...

The pond never thought it would welcome a Borat revival, but what a great poster, with more being added by the day as highlights, and then there were fond memories of that great scene ...

Meanwhile, the bromancer did a run down on the debate, and while it's yesterday's news the pond had to pick the bromancer picking the winner...

Naturally the bro called it for Vivek ... who has a lot of great ideas and is exactly the sort of personality that appeals to the bro ... and after a little doubt at the start, the bromancer quickly moved Vivek up the ladder ...

...The most worrying moment was when Ramaswamy put up his hand to say he would oppose any further financial support for Ukraine.
Given Trump’s own isolationist instincts, support for normal American alliance leadership is under some attack among Republicans. Trump’s equivocations about supporting Ukraine have contributed to a weakening consensus among Republican voters for supporting Ukraine. This is not effectively balanced by the overt hostility to China. There is something like a visceral dislike even of US allies, even of allies who fight heroically for their own freedom and don’t ask the US for any troops, among Republican voters.
Trump has no affection or loyalty towards Taiwan, and there must be a significant chance that he could sell Taiwan out in some grand bargain with China’s Xi Jinping.
Ramaswamy would offer no resistance to that impulse. He is the surprise, so far, of the Republican field. He’s moved into third place behind Trump and DeSantis. A bit like Trump, he’s a business background populist who is happy to say pretty radical or at least unconventional things.
He thinks climate change is a hoax. He would abolish the federal Education Department. He claimed everyone else on the stage was “already bought and sold” and were mouthpiece puppets for vested interests. He wouldn’t balance Trump and reassure voters in the way that Mike Pence did, but he’s a good debater, full of vim and vigour, utterly self confident, very happy on the attack. Indeed he’s such a good performer, in a kind of slightly more rational Trump style, that Trump could well be jealous of his performances.
Being the most radical allowed Ramaswamy to be the alternative on the stage to the seven others. DeSantis remains at number two, and would still probably be the Republican candidate if Trump, unimaginably, withdrew. But Ramaswamy clearly moved up the ladder. 

Yep, the pond was immediately reminded of a tweet by a certain Michael Cohen ...

And there was a cartoon by the immortal Rowe to celebrate the new isolationism, or perhaps the new alliance ... making more contributions to the Book of the Dead ... (not that the pond cared that much provided Vlad joins him soon) ...

What else?

Well the lizard Oz editorialist was at it again, and for a moment the pond thought it must be Sunday and prattling Polonius was doing some undercover work for the reptiles ...

Yep, there's good old Media Watch, still providing carrion for the reptiles ... and meanwhile, it's worth remembering that the reptiles of the lizard Oz will have none of this talk about facts, they're kissing cousins to Faux Noise ...

...The Fox team's legal briefs compared Carlson's show to radio talk-show programs hosted by ex-MSNBC and Fox Business star Don Imus, who won a case more than two decades ago because an appellate court ruled that "the complained of statements would not have been taken by reasonable listeners as factual pronouncements but simply as instances in which the defendant radio hosts had expressed their views over the air in the crude and hyperbolic manner that has, over the years, become their verbal stock in trade." (You Literally Can't Believe The Facts Tucker Carlson Tells You. So Say Fox's Lawyers)

Put it another way ...

Shannon Bream, one of Fox News’ top “hard news” journalists, peddled a two-year-old hoax on Thursday that school-age children are identifying as cats, thus forcing educators to give them special treatment and provide litter boxes.
Bream, who took over for Chris Wallace as anchor of Fox News Sunday and is the network’s chief legal correspondent, insisted that “a lot” of parents near where she lives had told her this was happening. (Fox’s Chief Legal Correspondent Pushes Wacky School ‘Litter Box’ Hoax)

And so to end with a celebration of the devil going down to Georgia this day ...


  1. I trust that Sharri’s WORLD EXCLUSIVE reveals that the secret lab was in a base located in an inactive volcano. Possibly sub-let from either Dr Evil or a cabal of Bond villains.

  2. How fortunate that Australian Jews have Our Henry to explain their own intellectual and doctrinal history to them, and how they should interpret it. Truely, his generosity knows no bounds.

    NTW, if Henry can accuse Karl Marx of anti-Semitism, is it also ok to accuse certain modern Israeli politicians of fascism? Just wondering.

  3. Top comment of the day must be the Lizard Oz Editorial line that fact-checking aids censorship.

  4. Quite enjoyed the spectacle of Game Show Donnie being booked and having
    his mugshot taken tonight.
    All the worlds a stage, and this production had something appealing, something appalling,something for everyone, ala Stephen Sondheim -

    Goodness and badness
    Man in his madness
    This time it all turns out all right—
    Tragedy tomorrow
    Comedy tonight!

    1. Oh my, Zero Mostel: now that's a name I haven't heard in a very long time. And Stephen Sondheim is a name that's never heard often enough.

    2. GB,
      You are a man of discrimination and good taste, due no doubt to your
      Victorian upbringing.
      I would note that other White House denizens got their mugshot taken.
      VP Spiro Agnew for one for taking cash payoffs from the Baltimore mob,
      the bag men delivering it directly to his White House office.
      Years before he was elected president George Bush was booked and had
      his mug shot taken for drunk driving in 1976 in Maine.
      His VP Dick Cheney also scored two drunk driving arrests.
      I guess if you want a portrait of a Republican leader these days that
      wasn't taken in a police station, you have to fish a 5 dollar bill out of
      your wallet, featuring Honest Abe.
      Bonus mugshot - Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, a genuine
      child molester caught for making hush payments. Bring him up
      the next time the reptiles start accusing liberals of trafficking kids.

    3. Dunno that'd do much good, JM; they'll only claim that poor, innocent Dennis had simply been overcome by those evil woke Green-Lefties and he needs help to recover his innocent purity. Just like the Aussie reptiles did for Card. Pell.

    4. That was quite a sermon delivered today by our Henry; full of almost unknown names and contradictory interpretations of "the word of God". But then, it's a poor sophist who can't make his words sound like the words of some 'God' or other. And vice versa.

      But then, Henry is really just a name-dropper, isn't he. Though that's fair enough, I guess, because over the millennia pretty much everything that can be said has been said, many times over and in many different words.

      But I do like today's theme: when "God" tells different people contradictory things it's all for the best, in this best of all possible worlds, because "God" himself is a self-contradictory old bugger and he made us in his image.

    5. Oops, didn't mean to tack that about Henry on to your thread, JM. But hey, all 'accidents' are really initiated by "God", so I guess it was His call, as always.

  5. Henry tells us ‘controversies about the meanings and implications of (the laws) are - a blessing.’

    Which is pretty much what Rupert’s dad learned from Northcliffe - about selling, not information, but controversy about information.

    But it is also characteristic of almost all the much-longer established religious denominators. Early seers or prophets claim to set down rules for life, but an endless succession of self-appointed wise men (always men, but not all called ‘Henry’)) claim authority and status for themselves by tweaking those words, because the ignorant poor just are not able to understand from their own reasoning. Invariably that divides the adherents - Jews, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists - they all have their equivalents of Theravada and Mahayana, with further generations of wise men finding exquisite justifications for one side to make life, at the very least, uncomfortable for the other side(s) - right through to death, but only where it is for the eventual good of the heretic in their after life.

    Yep - with blessings like that - who needs curses?

    On happier note - Hi to Mike from Jersey - always good to have your perspective when the 'reportage' from your bit of the world plumbs new depths of utter silliness.

    1. What I want to know is when is Godzone religion is going to enforce the mortal sin of onanism. After all, it's the best males can do for an equivalent to abortion so this sexist discrimination must end.

  6. Yep, goodbye to the daily comics in the SMH and The Age: Zits, Non Sequitur and The Wizard of Id will no longer appear. Not too fussed at missing out on Zits and Id, but Non Sequitur will definitely be missed even though I only read it on Thursdays.

    1. Hard to believe that a substantial comics section was once a vital part of any popular / populist newspaper often in colour and quite large. The decline - in number of strips, print size and quality of the offerings - has been underway for many years, but it’s still a shock that the end has finally come. A lot of US papers still have decent comics sections, but my American correspondents tell me that things are looking grim. Yet another reason to dispense with dead tree editions.

    2. Yeah, I can just remember when the Sydney dailies had two full-size pages of comics, many in colour, as you say. They've slowly disappeared over the years - The Age having contracted to just those three some time ago.

      But then I can also just remember when even the Women's Weekly carried comics - Mandrake being one of them and a scifi one - Brick Bradford and the Time Top - as well. But they departed many years ago.

  7. Nice cal-out to “The Others”, DP. I do like classic-style Brit ghost story - I think M R James, Oliver Onions and E F Benson would have approved. Paradoxically, it’s one of Kidman’s liveliest performances - plus it has one of the great Eric Sykes last roles.

    I wonder whether, once they have departed, the shades of Ned, Polonius, the Bromancer and Our Henry will tread the corridors of Holt Street?

  8. Chadwick -
    "Hi to Mike from Jersey - always good to have your perspective when the 'reportage'
    from your bit of the world plumbs new depths of utter silliness."

    Thanks pal. 'Your perspective' remark bought back memories of my 11th grade
    Health teacher who one memorable morn dismissed me from class with
    "your perspective is not welcome here young man." 
    Just because I made the observation that a hermaphrodite and a bi-sexual would
    make the perfect couple.

    GruBleen -
    "What I want to know is when is Godzone religion is going to enforce the mortal
    sin of onanism"

    Jeeze GB, you want to cut my love life down to nothing?


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