Thursday, August 03, 2023

In which the pond almost does an orange crayon, but settles for swishing Switzer and accomplice ...


The pond overdid it yesterday and so today decided to take it easy, and the reptiles helped because there's only a couple of issues at any time in the lizard Oz, and to mix animal metaphors, the reptiles buzz around them like bees in a hive mind ...

The tree killer edition was the first sign ...

That was closely followed by the digital edition ...

The Lehrmann matter yet again? Yeah, nah. Petulant Peta? Yeah, nah, the pond can only torture stray readers every so often. The Bearup blather yet again? Yeah, nah, more than a bear could bare ...

And then in the comments section there was a higher than average offering of dreck ...

Is it just the pond? The obsession with the Lehrmann matter and the alleged art scandal, and the Voice, and to cap it all, there tucked away, was Rosie and Sarah, who had done the "when did you stop beating your wife" routine yesterday about treaties now, and then today announced in much smaller print that the yes side insisted treaties were decades away ...

Meanwhile, the pond gave up watching MSNBC because of the relentless obsession with the Donald, with banks of talking heads, nearly matched by CNN ...

The pond began to devise a fantasy. The Donald gets the GOP behind him, wins the election via strategic corruption, pardons himself, removes all aid to Ukraine, thereby encouraging Chairman Xi to invade Taiwan, and the Donald declares an emergency and announces his reign as dictator for life. What a legacy that would be for Chairman Rupert and his minions ...

Back in the real world, only the lizard Oz editorialist seemed to notice ...

It sounds as if the lizard Oz editorialist cares, but it's actually just a bit of both siderist cover, and the alleged cartoon by an alleged cartoonist at the alleged lizard Oz gave the lie to all that ...

Really? The pond understands that back in the day Bill Leak had a fall and was never the same after it, but what happened to Spooner? Call the pond old-fashioned, but that just seems old, and also beyond the valley of the pathetic ...

As for the lizard Oz editorialist, there was a vague yearning for another world, with a rousing bit of both siderism to end it all ...

...says the minion of a discredited old man enmeshed in scandal, and facing serious questions about his never-ending quest for money and power, which has plunged a number of countries into crisis while the planet suffers mightily ...

The pond felt like bursting into song ... and even better the pond knew the de-lovely tune ...

The pond supposes that it should make at least a token gesture ... and paying attention to the swishing Switzer is about as token as it gets ...

Here the pond should note that there's a reason it left RN and headed to News Radio, though that's a bummer when parliament's in session. 

The pond could never second guess when the sounds of the swishing Switzer might emanate from the wireless speaker ... (the pond does so love the word 'wireless' and can still remember the joy of discovering that transistors and batteries had allowed radios to run wild and free - yes there's a wiki for everything) ...

He's quite the hero at the ABC and has quite a sinecure, not bad at all, and astonishing proof of prattling Polonius's assertion that there isn't a true conservative at the ABC ... instead there's just a smirking marshmallow, a salaryman dressed in a suit, with bonus banal tie, lacking in any Freudian resonance whatsoever ...

Oh okay another gobbet, a short one, to keep the swishing Switzer and accomplice flowing ...

Even the reptiles recognised this was a dud beat-up, an attempt to flog a book, and so they gaily bedecked the piece with assorted snaps ...


Strewth, as they used to say in Tamworth, stone the bloody crows, that one of Boris with his eyes closed and looking like he was waiting for the coffin was almost worth being enlarged, but the others were just visual space fillers, used to break up the verbal diarrhoea ... because the pond can't begin to count the number of times it's heard paranoid blather about the culture wars, and certifiable reptile insanity about progressive 'leets and the suffering of the Anglosphere ...

Oh yes, fancy that, fancy treating gay people as human, fancy not thinking that TG folk are the end of the world, fancy wanting to give Aboriginal people a voice, fancy thinking there might be something to the climate science that the scientists keep rabbiting on about ... (and a note on that for the closer to follow) ...

The pond was close to being triggered again and was only saved by an immortal Rowe being handy and conjuring up a real nightmare ...

It's always the details ...

That gave the pond the strength to return to another gobbet of the swishing Switzer and accomplice ...

Yeah, whatever ... shouldn't you mention a picket fence and the 1950s, and oh just cool it daddyo ... have an infallible Pope celebrating the current situation ...

It's always in the detail, and the pond loved that detail ...

... though that use of an ancient Volksie will likely upset the pond's partner, still dreaming of the days of carefree Volksies, not least the day when the battery caught fire ...

As for the swishing Switzer and accomplice, the pond has successfully filibustered its way to a final gobbet ... and a short one at that, revealing the true purpose of the mission, the flogging of yet another Connor Court book, no doubt coming to a street library near the pond in the near future, after some mug punter realises they've been dudded yet again ...

How to end after that tedious spray by the allegedly beleaguered swishing Switzer and accomplice, with the swishing Switzer still beleaguered on the ABC and with * for a ratings figure? Could the pond take a lesson from the crayons ...

Yep, though they seemed to be a little mushy and addressing young people's anxieties ...

But please, spare a thought for the orange crayon, just as Megan Herbert did ...

Relax orange crayon, everything's for the best in the best of all worlds ...

You won't be reading about that in the lizard Oz, orange crayon, though it's here, and in The Economist and elsewhere ...

And what good news it is for vulgar youff looking to a splendid, if a tad beleaguered, future ...

Never mind, vulgar youff, the swishing Switzer and accomplice has got you and the orange crayon covered, and you can rely on getting a freebie ... because this popped into the pond's inbox this morning ... and what an offer it is ...

Look on the bright side. That's how we take care of the sub situation, and help out the bromancer ...


  1. That screaming headline on the Oz tree-killer edition is a fine example of blatant character assassination, worthy of the Terror or the Hun.

  2. The Swizzle-Stick’s anguished wail wonders why, amongst other things, young folk are delaying such supposed examples of adulthood as having children and purchasing real estate. Hmmmm… - has he noticed the costs associated with such “maturity”?

    I get the impression that, like Gina R, he sees the story of “The Little Red Hen” as the correct guide to life.

    1. It took TWO people to write the content under ‘Why centre-right parties are failing GenZ, millennial litmus test’.?

      If AI could not have generated a better title - it needs some work. Although I did smile inwardly at the possibilities of political ‘litmus’ - where the blue is basic, and red acidic. Best leave it there, rather than pursue metaphors about one group being donors, the others acceptors.

    2. Only two people to write the (so-called) content, Chad ? Or only two people who would put their names to it. But then, hey, America is the place where Little Red Hens breed prolifically.

      And as for Swishy Switz, well, what can one say: only possibly that he and Blyth have produced the most appallingly inane infantile rubbish ever committed in English - and that includes Enid.

      One thing that always appealed about "the Left" was that, in general, they knew they were writing fiction: nowhere like their fondest daydreams has ever existed, they were writing about a desired future. But Switzer and Blyth's little ramble is about somewhere that they fondly imagine once actually existed; and which, with a little bit of care and attention, will come racing out of the woodwork yet again to oppress the majority of humanity in ways only they can admire.

      But why do we put up with them ?

  3. Today's Mr Ed: "...a choice between two discredited old men enmeshed in scandal and facing serious questions about their mental capabilities."
    And that's how it's done, isn't it: blow up some very minor "scandals" by Joe's son (never mentioning Trump's offsprung) and then equate Biden as being the same as Trump. Yeah, we can all see that, can't we.

    1. Most US Presidents seem to have at least one slightly dodgy relative; Billy Carter and Roger Clinton spring to mind, but they’re far from alone. Hunter Biden is merely the latest in a long and somewhat dodgy line. Trump, of course, bigly exceeded all others by having a whole clan of shonky graspers, any one of whom engaged in shenanigans that far exceeded Biden Jr’s largely pathetic transgressions. But when it suits the reptiles and other public windbags - hey, same-same.

    2. Yair, just a little bit of "projecting, flipping, politicising and bothsidsing" I'd say, Anony. Those Right Wingnuts are experts at it.

    3. Yair, just a little bit of "projecting, flipping, politicising and bothsidsing" I'd say, Anony. Those Right Wingnuts are experts at it.

    4. Ooops, only meant to post that once and have no idea how I managed twice. Then again, all good things deserve to be repeated, don't they.

  4. Just some analysis of KillerC's bullshat of a couple of days ago about heat and burning if you are interested:

    The world likely just had its hottest month on record. What a time to be a climate science denier

    Just the usual simplistic ignorance from the cohort of reptile denialists.


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