Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Serendipity ...


The pond says it again ... serendipity ...

Early in the day the pond happened to mention in passing the gormless David Brooks ... with nattering "Ned" citing him as an authority. 

The pond did its best to ignore the folly, but while waiting to do a pick-up (no, not that kind),  the pond was reading Ankush Khardori - an attorney and former federal prosecutor in the U.S. Justice Department, and a Politico Magazine contributing writer, and his 1st August piece for Politico, Why Trump Was Indicted (Again).

The lede gave the game away: "You can thank the Jan. 6 committee."

Back at the lizard Oz, Killer was doing his best to downplay the latest indictment ... look, there he is, right next to his Killer climate science, well hidden by that lesser member of the Kelly gang, Joe ...

The pond pays as much attention to Killer on the Donald as it does to Killer on climate science, but back to serendipity and that prize wuss David Brooks ...

The pond was happily reading away when it came this this ...

...By the end of 2021, it appeared that the Justice Department was effectively giving Trump a pass. There was no meaningful indication that prosecutors were seriously investigating the former president; instead they were focusing their efforts on the people present at the Capitol. The department also allowed state-level investigations against Trump to proceed despite the fact that the department usually insists on taking the lead in high-profile criminal investigations in which the underlying conduct clearly implicates federal law enforcement interests.
Then came the hearings of the Jan. 6 committee last summer, which shook the political world. Many pundits panned the committee before hearings even began, but that was a serious mistake. More than 20 million Americans watched the first hearing in primetime, as committee Vice Chair Liz Cheney — a Republican who bucked her party’s leadership and eventually lost her seat in Congress over her decision to lead the panel alongside committee Chair Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) — laid out a wide-ranging theory of the case against Trump.

A pundit got it wrong? 

Many pundits panned the committee before hearings even began, but that was a serious mistake

Who could it be? Which pompous, portentous, preening pundit made a serious mistake?

The pond clicked on the link, and who should turn up?

Serendipity came knocking on the pond's door.

Having mentioned the gormless David Brooks as a pathetic twit, it was indeed he ... (him if you will, they if you count them all)

This is the sort of loon the NY Times keeps around for balance ... and so ends up topsy turvy, with a deeply skewed view of the world ... how to conjure up the reliable folly?

Okay, it's transference, but we're talking about prize maroons here ... and "more Ron" seemed to suggest the futility of "more Davo" ...

Now likely it has a paywall, but the pond was so enchanted by this ancient history that it felt the need to read on here ...

How did the USA end up with a snake oil seller and con artist as its president? 

Look no more than the mindless stupidities of the likes of David Brooks ... so consistently wrong, that you can almost set your watch by it, and you can certainly score big win after win if betting is your thing ... just bet against anything Brooks scribbles ...

Remember Brooks was dissing the committee before it had even started its work ... and revealed what it revealed, and set a challenge for the DOJ which eventually revealed to members outside the cult just how deeply corrupt the mango Mussolini is ...

Will it alter the thinking of cult members? Likely not, that's as deep and as embedded as Excalibur, and one thing's certain. Brooks isn't the scribbler  to wrench it from the stone ...

If you want insights and answers, the only sensible solution is to avert your eyes from Brooks ... which is why he makes such a fine companion for nattering "Ned" ...

The pond is unlikely to revert to its old double post in a day past ... but this revisiting of history was irresistible ...

If you want a quick explanation of why the United States is comprehensively stuffed, keep reading David Brooks. Anything he writes is a symptom, never a solution, everything he scribbles adds a deeper understanding of how the GOP gradually shifted from a happy bunch of neo cons into a cult ... leaving washed-up members purporting to have a grasp of reality, like gull-pecked seashells on the sandy shore ... deeply irrelevant and deeply distraught at what their thinking produced, veritable Victor Frankensteins reduced to hand-wringing about what their GOP produced as spawn ... and lo, now the monster stalks the land, with not a clue what to do about it ...

On the upside, the pond has been able to catch up on some cartoons that would usually have been reserved for the weekend ...


  1. Oh thank you Dorothy - it's delightful, it's delicious - and for someone who said it so much better -

    - and, serendipity - the song is from the show 'Red, Hot and Blue'.

    1. Thanks Chadders, the pond did enjoy that link, it was de-lovely ...

    2. Yeah well, once upon a time it might have been Ella - and de-lovely she indeed still is, thanks Chad - but now it's all Tay Tay, isn't it.

      However, I used to watch Mr Brooks occasionally on PBS Newshour without ever getting any value from that. There is just no sense to ever be made from one such as he. But I do note this from him: "...we need historians and scholars and journalists to help us understand why the American Republican Party, like the Polish Law and Justice Party, or the Turkish Justice and Development Party [and Fidesz in Hungary et al] has become a predatory semi-democratic faction." "Semi-democratic"?

      Sadly, that seems to be the way of things nowadays in many supposedly 'civilised' nations and societies.


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