Monday, May 09, 2022

In which the Major nostalgically heads back to the good old days, while the Caterist and the Oreo feud over whether to have teal wallpaper ...



The pond did relish Nick Cohen’s Observer piece, Fox Needs deals in Kremlin propaganda. So why not freeze Rupert Murdoch’s assets?

Cohen went through a litany of Faux Noise’s treasonous activities - Tuckyo Rose was inevitably mentioned - and even allowed for the possibility that the chairman might be senile.

Tender-hearted readers may object that Murdoch is now 90 and may well not be in full control of his organisation. But surely this is an argument for removing him? If in his dotage he is allowing himself to become a cross between Lord Haw Haw and Tokyo Rose, it would be a kindness for western governments to save him from himself.

It was splendid stuff, and the pond only stopped once when Nick was in full throated flight...

The UK’s sanctions regulations include among the reasons for freezing an oligarch’s assets “obtaining a benefit from or supporting the Government of Russia”. The Biden White House promises to punish those “responsible for providing the support necessary to underpin Putin’s war on Ukraine”. On both interpretations, there is a plausible prosecution case for freezing the assets of Murdoch’s NewsCorp.
Because it is a media conglomerate, sanctions would be an attack on free speech. I say this plainly because so many writers and political actors pretend that they are not demanding censorship when that is precisely what they are doing. Nevertheless, in this case the threat to freedom is minimal. Murdoch would not be punished for revealing embarrassing truths about the west but for spreading demonstrable lies for a hostile foreign power.
If you still feel queasy, imagine if Murdoch’s media organisation were exactly as it is today and producing the same arguments the Kremlin uses to justify its crimes. The one difference is that Murdoch is Russian rather than Australian. I don’t believe there would be the slightest hesitation in removing him and his family from control of their businesses. Indeed, the UK, EU and US have already announced sanctions against Russian broadcasters and individual journalists. I have not heard anyone claim that they are attacking press freedom, rather than trying to cripple the propaganda capacity of a warmongering state.

No, no, no Nick.

The Chairman isn't Australian. Not anymore. These days he's an American citizen. Such is his sordid and seemingly infinite capacity for treason and treachery, he gave away his Australian citizenship for a mess of American pottage, and the ability to grasp at unseemly riches by fucking the planet …

By the way, the dictionary advises the pond that the term comes from the Middle English mes of potage; from allusion to Esau's selling of his birthright to his twin brother Jacob for a mess of pottage (Genesis 25:29–34).

Yes, not only did the chairman give away his Australian citizenship, he pandered to white nationalists and Christian fundamentalists, carrying on like the Taliban, though the pond has to admit that the original Taliban remains very competitive wit its return to the hooding all women. If only lying actually lead to a real place rather than an imaginary one:

…liars are cursed by God in the Quran. Lying is also seen as a sin that leads to depravity which becomes a reason for punishment by hellfire according to hadith. (Taqiya

 Uh huh, and the depraved lying by the wicked sinners?

The Taliban vowed Tuesday to respect women’s rights, forgive those who fought them and ensure Afghanistan does not become a haven for terrorists as part of a publicity blitz aimed at reassuring world powers and a fearful population.
Following a lightning offensive across Afghanistan that saw many cities fall to the insurgents without a fight, the Taliban have sought to portray themselves as more moderate than when they imposed a strict form of Islamic rule in the late 1990s…
(AP News)

Yeah, right, off to Jahannam for them, the lying, devious, fundamtnetalist fuckers …

And so to the pond’s very own Monday hell, a visit to the Major … because such is the terrible state of current politics for the Major that he's had to drift off on a waft of nostalgia, back to the days when a reptile could go on a never-ending hunt for lost Order of Lenin medals ...


As usual, the ABC is responsible for everything wrong in the Major's world, though the tree killer edition today was agitated about many things ...




Bloody ABC and that dreadful Radio Australia, ruining everything in the Solomons. 

Oh wait, the pond might have got that wrong, but at least this day there's no Klive kash in the reptile klaw at the bottom of the page, just some blather about fueling your thinking for half the price ... half the price of treason perhaps...

But apparently the Major passes for reptile thinking, so on we go ...

Poor old Major ... so this is what dotage brings ... but now to the present and the Major's standard agitation about the ABC. Sorry, how could the pond be so silly, it's also Twitter that is ruining everything ...


Sorry, it was the ABC after all, and those bloody women have it in for Coalition men ... the poor, persecuted hapless chappies ...

Sorry, sorry, it was also that dreadful Crikey that got the Major agitated ...


Driven by Twitter? Only in the Major's navel-gazing and fluff-gathering world ... though the pond can't wait for the Major to catch up with the apparently Twitter-driven Nick Cohen, and attempt to explain , in a Majorly way, how he continues to work for a treacherous, treasonous organisation ...

As for partisan hackery, it's a living, and speaking of partisan hacks, there was a conflict of views in the comments section this day ...




The Caterist yammering at the world to forget the teals, while the Oreo sees the teals as completely ruining the nation's safety and prosperity?

But we've already had a Major outburst about the teals, so surely the Caterist is wrong, surely a daily lecture about the dangers of wrongly coloured curtains bringing about the end of civilisation (as the reptiles know it) is in order ...

Well the pond knows the reptile rules, so it's long-suffering men first, and recovering, reformed feminists second ...

Not as simple? But the pond relies on the reptiles for simplistic half-truths ... and the always reliable coal-loving Caterist delivered ...

Yep, thar he blows, and it's more than passing rich that the Caterist should get agitated about Clive, when the reptiles have spent weeks pocketing Klive's kash in their klaws ...

The pond has spent day after day, week after week, noting Clive's presence at the bottom of the tree killer edition, and the irony is so surpassingly rich that the pond actually quite enjoyed the last of the Caterist's bleating ...


Indeed, indeed, the liar from the Shire's support for ratbags of the ACL and Deves kind has not gone unnoticed ... and yet is the Caterist right in thinking that the fascination with the teal campaign is most apparent at the ABC?

The reptiles have been compelled to scribble furiously about the colour teal and feature walls and curtains for day after day, week after week, as if watching a train wreck in slow motion, and the Oreo provided a sterling example of the compulsion this day ...


Is the reformed, recovering feminist referring here to the way Faux Noise displays an infinite capacity for forgiving the mango Mussolini's attempt at a coup, or perhaps Faux Noise's embrace of Putin the destroyer?

Never mind, the pond was caught short by the next gobbet, and feels the need to slip in a spoiler alert ... a warning of visual pollution to come ...


There, you can see the pond's problem. It is a faithful transcriber of reptile thinking,, but the reptiles were so bored by the Oreo that they allowed a leak to leak into her piece ...

Sure it confirms the way that the reptiles' obsession with the colour teal leaks into just about everything, but the pond apologises that this means the leaked leak has leaked into the pond ... and thereby distracted from Oreo highlights, such as her quoting nattering "Ned" - do reformed, recovering feminists only read the old farts in the lizard Oz? - and blathering about how net-zero carbon emissions might be bad in an inflationary environment, and never mind how fucked the planet might become with a decent dose of carbon emissions ...

On the upside, it meant that the pond just had a gobbet to go before getting to a real cartoonist ...



As for the planet? Well as reformed, slowly recovering feminists must do, sell it short and make a killing, of a kind ...

And so to that real cartoonist, with more real Rowe here ...





Ah the dawn chorus of the bushland symphony ... now that should take the Major back to the days of Ken Hall ...



  1. Saw this in The Conversation this morning by Denis Muller " The lesser lights on Sky, such as Chris Smith, Chris Kenny and others,........." Ouch!!

    1. So Dennis Muller (of 'The Conversation') tells us that News Corp is becoming: "a truth-distorting propagandist for one side." D'you reckon if he'd just said 'they're lying', they'd have sued him ?

  2. The Oreo: "No election would be complete without a former politician throwing his rat into the ring." Yeah, I think I can sorta see that.

  3. When biscuit girl describes Brian Fisher as an "independent economist" she knows that is a lie but at another level I really do think she shares with the other reptiles an inability to understand what independent means in any sense.

    If your employment depends on slavish adherence to the company line I guess you have trouble understanding that other people are motivated by some sort of common good. It's a bit like expecting Roopie to understand altruism, he just wouldn't get why someone would help another person without some immediate payback.

    1. Should really have mentioned the teal candidates are fake independents because they won't say who they will support - eh?????

  4. The Cater did tertiary studies in sociology. Seems he could have saved himself the time and expense of attending the University of Exeter, and just driven laundry vans (ref. the Wiki) for all of that part of his young life, because remarkably little of any training in sociology has remained with him.

    He identifies (?) ‘woke’ as a generic descriptor that denotes ‘a certain viewpoint’. That is really crystallising a definition, isn’t it?

    Not that he is better able to identify the characteristics of conservatism. In the context of what he has written for today, he wants it to accord with (capital ‘L’) Liberal - conceding that that party has to build a church ‘broad enough’ to accommodate that. Makes for a tricky Venn Diagram (and we are not going to touch on Stigler’s Law, thank you) when you try to follow the Cater as he tracks ‘disaffected conservatives’ as they peel off to - Pauline, Klive and Independents. Add lepers, and then chide the ABC for struggling to understand the conservative mind - or, for the Cater’s purposes - sets contained in his ellipse of ‘conservatives’. Season with a sprinkle of the formal Christian Lobby.

    OK - might have been worth a try in a first year tutorial at Uni. of Exeter - but, with all that set out this day, our Cater tries for a leap in logic to tell us that ‘Morrison will attempt to raise voters’ sights beyond the issues that divide Australian and towards their common interests.’ Yep - he, Cater, has given us almost infinite ‘divides’, not a clue on what might be ‘common’.

    1. Cater may well have sat occasionally in a room in which sociology was presented, but I'd be very doubtful that he ever actually "did tertiary studies in sociology"

      Stigler's Law is interesting, isn't it. So for example Einstein's Relativity wasn't really originated by him. And certainly David Hilbert has to be credited for much of it (all the really hard mathematical bits, anyway) and especially the 'law of warpage' that ended up being called Einstein's field equation.

      Maybe it's just that it takes time for something new to be widely acknowledged by which time a second, or even later, contributor is the person at the public forefront.

  5. Oh - and that Johannes Leak cartoon is just - sad, but in none of the ways he probably intended.

    1. It does take some time to get fully into the swing of it, doesn't it. But yes, if not for Leak, that cartoon might actually have been sad.

  6. Sorry - still not getting the entry sequence ingrained in the fingers. Comment on Leak came from Chadwick.

  7. Hi Dorothy,

    “He has been helped by journalists feeding into an inaccurate Twitter-led campaign of personal vilification of the PM. If he wins, Albanese will be unable to complain if journalists treat him with as little respect as they and Labor have accorded Morrison.”

    As if the Major and his pack of trained reptiles will need any excuse to treat Albanese and Labor like a piñata. They certainly didn’t need any encouragement before they laid into Gillard with both feet.

    1. Yeah, but don't forget Julia committed the unpardonable sin of being female and what else can a reptile do than "ditch the bitch" in a tied up bag into the ocean.

  8. Oreo again: "Labor experienced voter backlash in 2019 over its uncosted climate plan with a 45 per cent emissions reduction target." Oh wau, a real true "backlash". But hold on, the Oxford Dick'n'Harry tells me that a backlash is "a strong negative reaction by a large number of people, for example to something that has recently changed in society".

    Now back in 2019, Labor lost just one seat by just a few thousand 2PP votes, and suffered a huge, massive negative swing of 1.17 per cent in its overall 2PP vote. Oh yeah, if you're a bit of a recuperating feminist reptile who needs to swap porkies for pork, then yes, I guess you could call that a "backlash", couldn't you. And the Oreo certainly did.

  9. Has Nick Cohen apologised yet for his risible promotion of the Iraqi invasion?


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