Saturday, May 07, 2022

In which the dog botherer vanishes up himself in a late arvo slot and no one notices or cares ...




The pond took heart from its petulant Peta experiment. 

Consigned to the late arvo slot, she produced only one comment, and that from the toughest and most determined reptile expert the site has ...

Yet at the same time there was a badly needed petulant "Peta" bounce in the pond's clicks, suggesting that there are those who like to take their perverse pleasures in the shadows ...

So why not continue the experiment by once again assigning the dog botherer to a late arvo slot? 

And throw in some cartoons, and the more irrelevant they are to his ranting, the more piquant they might be ...






Of course it's shameless. The pond has already pointed out the reptile theme for the day, and will shamelessly point it out again ...





This weekend it was determined that there'd be endless blather about turbocharged deficits, and so the dog botherer, a tremendously able parrot, joined in the reptile chanting ... 

Think of it as a murmuration of starlings in reptile form ...

And now, as the reptiles use click bait videos to break up the journey, so the pond will deploy the odd cartoon ...




The pond could drag in some attempt at relevance - after all, as a court assumes control of women's bodies, what could be funnier than the dog botherer ranting about moving from the worrying infantilism of the nanny state to the dark authoritarianism of unlimited state mandates? 

And now just for the record, the pond will start the next gobbet with a neutered click bait video, before getting to the joke ...

Oh indeed, we look to the state for more and more, always more ...


And after that break, back to the dog botherer ranting away ... 


Ah the "only raising questions" routine ... and sinister unspoken plans ...but why not just burn the odd book?



And so another gobbet of ranting ...

Indeed, indeed, it's truly worrying that we should have people caring about children ... you do your level best for them and then they turn into ungrateful wretches ...

Kenny is a staunchly neo-conservative, anti-progress, anti-worker defender of the status quo. He is an unrelenting apologist for the Liberal Party. He was one of Alexander Downer’s senior advisers at the time of the Iraq War. He’s been known to argue for stubborn, sightless inaction on climate change. He spits at anyone concerned with such trivialities as gender equality, environmental issues or labour rights from his Twitter account on a daily basis. Recently, he characterised criticism of the lack of women in Tony Abbott’s Cabinet as a continuation of the Left’s “gender wars”. He is a regular and fervent participant in The Australian’s numerous ongoing bully campaigns against those who question its editorial practices and ideological biases. The profoundly irresponsible, dishonest, hate-filled anti-multiculturalist Andrew Bolt has recently referred to Kenny on his blog as “a friend”.
And it’s a jokey picture of a bestial embrace that I should be afraid of discovering online? (Junkee here, and still a pond favourite to this day).

Dear sweet long absent lord, what to say about that rant about the ranter? As always, the pond turned to the good book for advice ...

If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them:
Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place;
And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard.
And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.

 Yes, a stoning to death is the perfect solution, and you don't need the government to hold your hose and give you enough money to live on and get in a supply of stones ...

What we need is someone unafraid and ready to refuse to hold a hose for anyone or anything, because that's what governments should do ...




The pond spotted a couple of those on a fence just down the road , and if you happen to be driving along Salisbury road in Camperdown you might spot them, but frankly the pond had to draw the line somewhere, and this was it ...





Walk around with that mug on your tee? No thanks, it's simply too much, it would be simply unendurable ...

All the same, it provided another visual distraction from the dog botherer, so it's all good ... especially as in his final short gobbet, the dog botherer leads off with the standard "but billy goat butt" ...

The "billy goat butt" is dressed up as a "sure", but the larger point is the same - no need for anyone to hold a hose. Need help? Just get fucked, go take a flying fuck ...


Things are always gonna get real you self-entitled handsomely paid Murdochian succubus ... and they always stay real if you happen to be doing it tough on struggle street. But you wouldn't know about any of that, not with the lavish amount you can afford to spend to get your pate to shine like a beacon of "fuck you Jack and Jill, I'm doing okay, and buggered if I'll hold a hose ..."

And with that a few more cartoons to celebrate caring community, reptile style, with all that blather about keeping government intrusions to a minimum ...


  1. "So why not continue the experiment by once again assigning the dog botherer to a late arvo slot?"

    And what a slot it was, DP. It's got to the stage where I can't think of anything to say about the Bov that he hasn't himself rendered in his usual simplistic way. Though I do have to think that he's a true devotee of Edmund Burke in not yielding an iota to the citizens of his nation. We all remember the Burke quote: "Your representative owes you, not his industry only, but his judgment; and he betrays, instead of serving you, if he sacrifices it to your opinion". So that's it, the "government" owes nothing to the needs and desires of its citizens. And that's what Doggy Bov is telling us.

    But then, Burke wasn't completely disconnected: "Parliament is not a congress of ambassadors from different and hostile interests; which interests each must maintain, as an agent and advocate, against other agents and advocates..." In short, we don't have democratic governments to rule us, but to use the resources that we generate and supply it with to make our lives - all our lives, not just the rich and powerful - better.

    So if we want doggy parks, our government should supply us with doggy parks. And anything else we, in our free and lawful way, decide that we want it to.

    1. Hi GB,

      Kenny seems all het up about the Dog Parks.

      Too much temptation maybe?

    2. He does seem to have a real obsession with them, doesn't he.

      And I was also rather taken by his paragraph that begins "After a pandemic period in which government has restricted ..." and ends " might have thought we would have had enough of being over-governed." which is essentially a list of all the things that Aussie governments have done to keep us (mostly) alive during a serious pandemic that is still taking lives and imposing long illnesses on millions of people world-wide. Says it all about the Doggy Bov and the reptile "media" doesn't it: no doggy parks and no care for anybody else.


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