Sunday, May 02, 2021

In which the pond has a quiet Sunday med with prattling Polonius, the Angelic one and Helen of Trinca fame ...



The pond is always excited in its Sunday meditations to find out whether prattling Polonius has yet again mentioned that the ABC doesn't have a single conservative in its ranks ...

Sometimes Polonius manages to control himself, sometimes he just rants and rails at the GABCA (hereinafter the Graudian ABC alliance) ...


Well there's the familiar history lesson, but what about that GABCA axis of weevils? 

The cunning fiends! It was a conspiracy designed to show the lesser Pitt in a hapless light. Of course they also didn't invite any climate scientists, who might have made more sense than Malware, the lesser Pitt and any Labor hack who's suddenly discovered the wonders and glories of dinkum Oz coal ... but what would the pond know, never having watched an episode of Q and A ... nor having ever bothered to use polling to make a feeble point. But do go on, and make sure not to mention climate science, but to give coal and Joel a plug ...



Yes, whatever you do, don't focus on the planet ... think of the husky men, those male tradies who regularly turn up to the Sydney Institute for a night of grog and prawns ... in their luscious steel-capped boots and shirts and equipped with big tools ...



Who knew when we started out from there that we'd end up with Polonius and the Donald grooving along here?

And so, because Polonius failed at the simple task of mentioning how the ABC didn't have a single conservative in its ranks, the pond thought it might try to redeem things by turning to the Angelica one for a meditation about religion ...


How the reptiles love that shot of the speaker in tongues and the layer on of hands and the great crusader and possibly even the new Messiah appointed by god to lead the country ... but of course there's a fly in the Pentecostal ointment when it comes to Catholics of the Angelic kind, and it isn't just Hillsong's rampant sex frolics ...

Thank the long absent lord that Crikey has joined the conspiracy, so we get GABCAC ...
But what's this, the Angelic one isn't a fan? There's a reason of course. They fight like cats and dogs and in a most unXian way ... and it's not just because of a frantic and fervent preaching style. It runs a little deeper than that ...
Here's the Catholics laying claim to everything and consigning everyone on the outer to eternal fire and hell and damnation ...
The Latin phrase extra Ecclesiam nulla salus means "outside the Church there is no salvation". The 1992 Catechism of the Catholic Church explained this as "all salvation comes from Christ the Head through the Church which is His Body."
This expression comes from the writings of Saint Cyprian of Carthage, a bishop of the third century. The axiom is often used as shorthand for the doctrine that the Church is necessary for salvation. It is adogma in the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church in reference to their own communions. 
And here's a not atypical Protestant response in a random blog...

...Historicist interpreters commonly used the phrase “Whore of Babylon” to refer to the Roman Catholic Church. Reformation writers from Martin Luther (1483–1546) (who wrote On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church), John Calvin (1509–1564), and John Knox (1510–1572) (who wrote The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women) taught this association.
Most early Protestant Reformers believed that in Bible prophecy a woman represents a church. “I have likened the daughter of Zion to a lovely and delicate woman.” (Jeremiah 6:2 nkjv) A harlot, it is argued, is representative of a church that has been unfaithful: “Go, take yourself a wife of harlotry And children of harlotry, For the land has committed great harlotry By departing from the LORD.” (Hosea 1:2).

They also believed that the primary location of this unfaithful church is stated in the same chapter.“And the woman whom you saw is that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth.” (Revelation 17:18)
The connection noted above on the seven hills of Rome is argued to locate the church.
Identification of the Pope as the Antichrist was written into Protestant creeds such as the Westminster Confession of 1646. The identification of the Roman Catholic Church with the Whore of Babylon is kept in the Scofield Reference Bible (whose 1917 edition identified “ecclesiastical Babylon” with “apostate Christendom headed by the Papacy”).
...The ultimate betrayal of our Protestant ancestors, who strived, even to the shedding of their own blood, for the purity of Protestant Truths, which at their most pure are simply exegesis of simple New Testament Truths, is to fellowship with members of the Roman Catholic Church or to pay homage to the Pope. The Church of Rome is still as chock full of idols and heresies as it was in the sixteenth century at the time of the Reformation.
The world-wide Church of Rome is one of lucifer’s veils to stop mankind knowing the simple truths of the Bible and particularly of the Teachings of the Lord Jesus, the Teachings of the Mighty Apostle Paul and all the Great Truths of the New Testament in the Holy Bible.
Sheesh, it gets tricky, what with both sides consigning the other to eternal hellfire as a result of sundry heresies ... so many splitters, so little time ... but back to the idolator and heretic, as the Angelic one manages the task with consummate ease ...


What a tortured goose ...

The separation of church and state is a philosophic and jurisprudential concept for defining political distance in the relationship between religious organizations and the state. Conceptually, the term refers to the creation of a secular state (with or without legally explicit church–state separation) and to disestablishment, the changing of an existing, formal relationship between the church and the state. Although the concept is older, the exact phrase "separation of church and state" is derived from "wall of separation between church and state", a term coined by Thomas Jefferson. The concept was promoted by Enlightenment philosophers such as Locke. (wiki)

It's not aridly secular, it's just that dedicated lovers and wearers of frocks should keep their enriched private lives away from the public square, and do their frock wearing in the privacy of their churches ...

Uh huh, well it goes without saying that Catholics are extremely practised in the art of hypocrisy, and wondrous levels of irony, and to praise SloMo for ducking and weaving on gay marriage, while berating Joe on abortion is exceptionally rich ... a bit like the revisionism that led to Fratelli Tutti in the matter of the death penalty, or taking a second look at the strange notions of limbo and purgatory, both of which have done a slow slide into oblivion since Vatican II... but then the Catholic church has always indulged in indulgences, and blown with the theological wind ...

And so to the bonus, and the pond should give notice that it ruled out the bromancer brooding about India, the oscillating fan brooding about fiscal conservatives and deficits, and passed on our Gracie daring to suggest that unions are wonderful things and soon enough we will be embracing the US industrial system - oh Gracie, such wilful heresy - and instead settled for another volley about anon, as the phenomenon had caused our Henry great distress on the Friday ...

Of course it fails the reptile stupidity test even before the get go... because the reptiles hide at least one of their authors behind an alias, and even make a proud point of it with a blackface graphic (oh yes blackface isn't dead in this country, not if the reptiles have their way) ...

Not that it matters and not that the pond can throw the first stone, and in any case many suspect it's just the dog botherer in disguise, a chance to hide the many ways this activist contributes to the radicalisation of the lizard Oz, or perhaps just so he can get back on twitter ...



Don't ask the pond why there's a reference to Jaws at the top of the twittering twit's page ...

Sometimes that reptile dog botherer looks right at ya. Right into your eyes. And the thing about a dog botherer is he’s got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll’s eyes. When he comes at ya, he doesn’t even seem to be livin’… ’til he bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white and then… ah then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin’. The streets around Surry Hills turn red, and despite all your poundin’ and your hollerin’ those reptiles come in and… they rip you to pieces.

Sorry, sorry, the pond is easily distracted doing a Sunday meditation ... and we haven't even started ...


Standing by your view is surely a basic requirement of being taken seriously in our society? 

What then of the Mocker? Is the lizard Oz just a vituperous bundle of anon trip?

Mind you, the pond has never taken the Mocker seriously, it seems like a childish way for a groan man to vent some spleen ... but then he is being published by the lizard Oz, so there's something very strange about this talk of accountability and the notion that opinions under false names aren't immediately attractive.

It seems however that we can at least definitively establish that she is not the Mocker, the Mocker is not she ...

Now will Helen of Trinca be lobbying the reptiles to abolish the Mocker forthwith? Probably not ...


Indeed, no, the answer to cancel culture is a flurry of cartoons, celebrating the work of Tucker and Faux News ...

How the pond has missed the Donald, and what about the notion of giving the chldren a vote, when in the United States, the GOP is busy denying anyone black or brown a vote?


Well that was a lightweight piece of fairy floss, just what the pond needed on a Sunday ...

And now, instead of finishing with a cartoon, how about a tweet, which suggests there might be some virtue in anonymity ...


It caused great joy for the short time it was up,  before it was inevitably taken down, and the pond humbly proposes that in the future Lord Moylan should take a pseudonym for his tweeting, perhaps something like Lord Haw Haw ...

Naturally the intertubes went wild, and the pond will finish with one such wildfire ...


  1. Sacha Baron Cohen: "Imagine what Goebbels could have done with Facebook!" Yes and just "imagine" what Trump could have done with Fox News. But we don't have to "imagine" that, we can see the rampant corruption of GOP America.

  2. Much as I enjoyed the illustrious thoughts and words of Ms Trinca I think I really would have preferred our Gracie and her thoughts on Unions and the US industrial system. Does that mean our remaining few unions will finally be completely absorbed by mafia gangs ?

    But mainly the problem is that, being a reptile "editor" Helen has to maintain the wingnut lies about there being a 'cancel culture' when there is, of course, no such thing. Oh I grant that some number of 'lefties' have finally learned from the wingnuts that any display of tolerance is simply taken as evidence of weakness by the 'righties', but it's hardly a 'culture' (yet).

    Just consider William Tyndale and the English vernacular bible: for the evil act of creating such a thing, Tyndale was captured by the Vatican, strangled to death and then his body burned at the stake (with John Wycliffe they only dug up and trashed his bones, he being already dead). Now that was "cancel culture" as practised by those fine religious leaders of Judeo-Christian Western Civilisation. There should be more of it !

    The bit about euthanasia of disabled newborns is right on though: just remember the Greeks (yes mainly, bit not only, Spartans) and 'exposure' of newborns to cull out the unfit. Now some do say that's just a myth, but many reckon it was true. So what about that then - is there going to be a 'culture' to 'cancel' not only Peter Singer, but also the traditional Greeks ? And who will prosecute such 'cancellations' ?

    1. I suspect from your note GB that you really did enjoy Ms Trinca, and that you would have been disappointed by our Gracie, who not once mentioned The Irishman and what a terrible movie it was ... and how much better Australian movies would be if we had more Painters and Dockers moments (and not just the band) ...

    2. Yeah, Helen was at least a new 'face', for me anyway, though I don't think she's a candidate for being (one of ?) The Mocker. I do like to keep in touch with the Gracie heresy though.

  3. Ah yes - the Angelic. Start off with a joke, of a kind that will help the truly informed to know that they are at the right source of enlightenment.

    What we don’t know when the Angelic writes of family is - was the son who had to be told that the didn’t really, y’know - belong, because of a relationship he had entered into, which, presumably, put his kind outside ‘Grace’ since before the Council of Trent - was that son included in the little snipe at C0T and Vatican II?

    But that opening was more to serve as a reminder of one of the most consistent sources of Hobbe ‘Warre’ - religion, but more particularly - factions within what is supposed to be the same fundamental set of beliefs. Here the Angelic seems to be more inclined to Pentecostals than to errant offspring - we must guess that the Devil has not infiltrated the Pentecostal mind - yet.

    Then a little meander through the duty of Xians - but focussed utterly on just the one commandment of their founder - don’t complicate the message by giving the full text -

    37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

    38 This is the first and great commandment.

    39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

    40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

    Well - ‘neighbour’ - the writers for King James could be a little, l o o s e with their wording at times. Not really applicable to life in Girtby, 21 centuries on. Sure - someone who used to take your wheelie bin out qualifies, but how could you accept that some family in Biloela could be your ‘neighbour’?

    But then we came to the absolute gem, to help ScoMo focus on his duty -

    ‘Morrison has to do that as much as he would if he were still in marketing.’

    1. Now, now Chad, we must accept what the Angelic Shanana has pronounced: "All Christians, no matter what tradition they belong to, have one overwhelming duty: to know, love and serve God..."

      But hold on there, is Shanana telling us that there are many different Gods, each with its own tradition and followers ? Or is she just saying that there are many "traditions" and nobody actually knows which one is God's ? Whichever, it would certainly explain why nothing SloMo says or does bears any resemblance to anything I ever earned prizes for learning in Sunday School.


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