Well being Pravda down under is a regular gig - these days China Daily is also inspirational - so why not ...
Sadly the pond got lost somewhere around the line "Australia has been at the forefront globally" ... since when the pond last looked, the federal government couldn't even control the behaviour of sundry loons in what's loosely known as politicians and traditional media, but do go on ...
This is a principle they're putting into practice? Well the pond will believe that when Craig Kelly and Michael McCormack and George Christensen and the like are prevented by government from turning up on social media. It's the only way to show big tech how effective self-policing works ...
But all that was only a hoarse doover for the pond's main event this day ...
Come on down Dame Slap, harping away at the same theme as the Fletcher Jones man...
Oh okay, the pond swore it would stop printing that reminder, but at least it's the slimmed version, because Dame Slap did go on after that ... though it's also true that the pond would have been better off starting its latest Dame Slap journey with a cartoon ...
Hmmm, the pond feels much the same way at the thought of unity with an IPA shill, stooge, hack and lickspittle lackey ...
Dear sweet long absent Jesus, and even granted the pond has lived in a reptile world of stunning hypocrisy for a long time, that talk of Twitter living in the Donald's pocket is remarkably stupid, coming from a scribbler who is a kissing cousin to Fox News ...
The pond might not shed a tear for social media moguls, but what about old-fashioned moguls of the Hearst Rosebud kind that let this tosh out into the world? Not just locally, but with the Devine and Dame Slap turning up all over the place, spreading conspiracy theories ...
Okay, the pond didn't mean to turn this into a 'Dame Slap's greatest hits' day, and while she might have a cure for social media, the pond thinks that there's an old-fashioned dinkum Catholic solution at hand, if we can only find Mike Oldfield and some tubular bells ...
Never mind, the pond was just trying to keep up the cartoon quotient, to try to match Dame Slap in the comedy stakes ...
And so with a single blather, Dame Slap tries to shift the blame for the Donald on to others, and get the weight off her shoulders, and the shoulders of Fox News and Hannity and Tucker and that Judge and that weird woman called Maria, and ... and on and on ...
The pond never imagined it would be mangling a Billy Joel song - Billy fucking Joel! - but dire times call for dire measures ... because, let's face it, it's the Fox News/Murdochian/Dame Slap anthem ...
We didn't start the fire
It was always burning, since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
And when we are gone
It will still burn on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on
We didn't start the fire
It was always burning, since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
We didn't light it, but we loved to pour more gasoline on it ...
Here, have another cartoon ...
Dame Slap apparently also has no idea how the fire started, but at least there's only a short gobbet to go ...
With monopoly-busting off the table as a regulatory response, the next question is how to sensibly and effectively rein in Fox News, the Murdochians, Dame Slap and co?
Sadly it seems that there's nothing that can be done. There is simply no way to make an IPA stooge, hack and Gina's mob lickspittle lackey come to grip with her responsibilities, for what she has written in the past, and for all she will write untrammeled and unimpeded in the future ...
Instead she'll go on blathering about the Woke, without any thought of the need for an awakening within herself ...
What to do then? Just be careful about the kind of transport you chose to ride on ...
"There is simply no way to make an IPA stooge, hack and Gina's mob lickspittle lackey come to grip with her responsibilities ..."
ReplyDeleteOh I reckon she's come to grip with them splendidly, DP: her responsibility to act as though Fox News doesn't exist, or if it does exist, that it has never been responsible for anything. So, work very hard at pointing to "social media" as the evil influence and never mention Fox.
But some do:
The pro-Trump media world peddled the lies that fueled the Capitol mob. Fox News led the way.
DP - you write 'effectively rein in Fox News, the Murdochians, Dame Slap and co?' My Source tells me that many of the comments on the Dame's call to action this day wrote that it was time to 'reign' in the supposed power of the electronic communication channels; often allowing amusing alternative interpretations of their thoughts. Whether they allow the spell predictor free rein - or their education is limited - they continue at the keyboard.
ReplyDeleteAnd, when I say 'education', I assume that most of us feel that we continue our education through our lives.
And maybe even continue our lives through our education. But truly, Chad, hatdly anybody is 'schooled' in horse riding nowadays, so how would they ever have heard of 'reins' ? After all, they do 'toe' the line, don't they ? And they 'infer' their meaning so that we may 'imply' it.
DeleteBut the response as reported by your observant Source indicates that Gina's agitpropers' tactics still work: if they don't mention Fox at all, then it simply can't have been responsible for anything, can it.
They do indeed toe the line: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toe_the_line
DeleteJust before they "tow" it, Anony, they first have to grip it with their toes.
DeleteSorry Chadders, of course the pond meant to scribble "rain in", what with all the wet weather of late keeping the pond and the reptiles housebound ...
DeleteDame Slap: "the courts should determine liability...". Really? Scores of new judges in the District Court to determine if you have been maligned on Twitter, a horde of new lawyers prosecuting cases, an army of public servants to support the courts, scores of media commentators saying the judges are no-nothing elites and should be elected. What could go wrong?
ReplyDeleteMaybe we could first try mandating that social media users have to post under their real name.
Gotta find jobs for the hordes that the human race gives birth to every year, Joe. They currently reckon the human living population will get to about 11billion by 2100, and there won't be a single thing for them to do: cars will drive themselves, ships will sail themselves, planes will fly themselves and factories will run themselves. And AI quantum computers will write all the books, compose all the music, make all the artwork and do all the new science and mathematics too.
DeleteGotta find something for everybody to be employed at - and AI computers can't do law, they're way too logical.
What splendid visions ... but sorry Joe, the pond will have to stick with Dorothy Parker, because it's a jungle out there ...
DeleteBef, Chad ... others ? You may enjoy this:
ReplyDeleteOn fantasy politics
Thank you GB - if not enjoy, certainly follow through. I did scan through to see if any of the contributors would mention the extent to which non-existent items - all kinds of financial derivatives - are used by traders to sweep money (including credit) into their bank accounts, in tiny countries which are happy to take a tiny 'agent fee' off the top, and not trouble the nice money vacuumer with unpleasant matters like tax. So much of this goes on, and is acknowledged by the same central banks who then wonder why there is little extra productivity happening. And, yes, I happily concede that there are so many actual goods and services that are not priced, so are missed in the formula which compile fanciful concepts like 'GDP'.
DeleteThe several commentators, and links, to this site, do recognise those uncosted goods, and interesting side discussions there.
Oh - while I am here, and having mentioned central bank - the new thing I learned today, in an e-mail from 'GetUp', was that our Reserve Bank of Australia subs $20 000 a year to - the Sydney Institute - and has been sending that little Chrissie present to them since 2006. RBA started that year under Ian Macfarlane as Governor, and Glenn Stevens was appointed Governor effective 18 September 2006.
Thanks GB.
DeleteA commenter on the intertubes the other day referred to the "flexibility of vague ideas". Slappian language like woke, cancel culture, free speech etc is vague by design, in practice it can mean whatever the reader wants it to mean.
If you look at what conservative policies have really meant in social, economic or environmental terms it is a tale of woe and misery with more to come, so a retreat from reality is their best policy.