Saturday, January 09, 2021

In which the bromancer returns, and Polonius can't be cancelled or even re-booked for Sunday ...


He's baaacck ... and he's bromancing away about the Donald ...


Before the bromancer begins, please allow the pond to ask: is Fox News and the Murdochian empire truly responsible backing the Donald in every way possible in the long march  up to the sickening attack on the US Senate and House of Representatives this week?
Yes, Fox New and the Murdochian empire is, 100 per cent responsible. Fox News has spent every day since November 3 fraudulently claiming American voters were robbed. 
Even worse, the day after congress was attacked, Fox News cynically and irresponsibly and sickeningly spread the lie that the attack wasn't the work of Trump's supporters, but of elements of antifa that had been cunningly sprinkled into the crowd to do all the damage. It's the Ingraham way ...

Will things get better after the Donald has left office? So long as the Murdochian empire continues and acts as an echo chamber for all that's the worst in the world, there, and here, not likely …

Sure the antifa lie gave the late-night comics some great material, but isn't there more to life?

Well the bromancer has returned, and you might note that the pond even borrowed a line or two from the scribbler, and sometime Donald apologist … (oh yes, he was a two sider for a very long time, there was always a bad side to the Donald, but there was also a good side).


Ah yes, there it is, the moment where the bromancer dare not speak Fox News' name. It's all the Donald's fault, and all the deeds and works of the enablers, fellow travellers and sycophants can be washed away by lumping it all on the odious one ...



The fact that Fox News doesn't have a plan for good government, they just lie for the money, doesn't mean they should be ignored, or can be wished away by the bromancer. All that's required is someone with enough stomach to be able to watch the crap they churn out, because lying isn't just an occasional thing, it's a way of life ...




And so on and on, and there's more of that WaPo story here ...

But can Fox News be blamed for Newsmax and Sinclair? Well they're just younger brothers, aping big brother and wanting a share of big brother's action ...

And now, back to the bromancer ...


Yes, let's try to disentangle the results of this week. By enabling, facilitating, supporting, fellow traveling and otherwise encouraging the Donald and his supporters in their assorted lunacies, Fox News and the Murdochian empire has hurt America, hurt the West, helped China (and helped fuck Hong Kong), helped Russia, hurt Republicans, hurt conservatives, helped sensible people, but somehow, via the power of magical thinking, somehow still thinks it's all the fault of antifa, and perhaps BLM ...

But do go on, take them one by one, go on and explain how a lunatic had a defensible record ...


Biden as the nation's rescuer? Not really, because if the past is any guide, we'll now have four years of Fox News and the Murdochian empire explaining how everything Biden touches turns to lead, and he's the nation's ruination ... because that's how things fly in the land of professional liars ...


Indeed, indeed, the left is responsible, no doubt about it. And the professional liars in the Murdochian empire? Why, they're just earning money for a worthy cause ... their pay, and the bottom line of the chairman ...

And so to the prattle of Polonius ...

Usually the pond saves him for its Sunday meditation, but he was truly on song this day and a worthy sequel to the bromancer ...


You see the cunning in the Polonial ploy?

There are some spectacular sights to see in the U.S. at the moment ...


But instead of worrying about any of that, Polonius knows the best way to distract is to focus on language and blather about cancel culture ...


Actually it's Tulsi Gabbard who is mind-blowing ... it takes exceptional skill to lobby against same-sex marriage in Hawaii, then have to apologise for it, then when pretending she was presidential material, apologise for it again ...

In her own humble attention-seeking way, she's down there with Josh Hawley, who by the way managed to trot out the word "Orwellian" when his book got cancelled ... speaking as we are of cancel culture ... and oh how the pond would love to be able to cancel some memories imprinted in the noggin ...



Never mind, we've reached the final Polonial gobbet, and the pond must heap him with praise for his sensible distractions ... but please, no jokes about "last yer", it's actually last century when dealing with the Murdochians ...


Fuck the pond dead yet again.

Polonius has turned Jungian! What a bloody marvel. Will there be mandalas hung all over the Sydney Institute? Will Polonius embark on an alchemical quest to turn Murdochian lead into gold?

Never mind, that's all too deep for the pond, who was radicalised, when as a child, the pond cleaned out the cigarette trays on office desks as a way of helping mother make a little pin money as a cleaner ...

That's when the pond realised that there was a lot of horseshit being spread in the world ... as when Polonius reveals he's still in an epic sulk about not being invited to appear on The Insiders, apparently failing to understand that as a professional pedant, he's as boring as batshit ...

And as usual when Polonius's distractions have failed to work, the pond thinks of the real mugs in the game, the suckers that get to clean up the mess that the Murdochians keep on making, while blathering on about cancel culture ...




  1. Bromancer: "Trump did not lose narrowly to Joe Biden. ... On percentages Biden won by 51.4 per cent to 46.9 per cent, a margin of 4.5 per cent." Trump did lose several states narrowly, which if he had won would have meant retaining the presidency. But what would have been a fluke like 2016 did not come about ..."

    Polonius: "Despite what many Trump critics say (including some journalists who should know better) the outcome of last November's election was very close."

    Oh dear; tension, apprehension and dissension have begun ? But who is the demolished man this time ?

    1. The inevitable splits that we've seen - sometimes generationally - when fanatics are challenged by reality.

      One supposes the reptiles like the GOP are in for the rockiest of years as a reset, but not a great one, slowly sweeps across the herpetarium.

      As you correctly noted yesterday, Dame Slap is bound to board the wrong bus as she is wont to do, but whose bus will she board - the Polonial vehicle, or the Bro-cart?

      Details matter GB. I am hoping that DP will share the panicked gobbets later in the weekend.

  2. Yeah, I know: nothing quite as enervating as The Bromancer and Polonius on an otherwise fine summer's Saturday. But I gotta do what I gotta do, so:

    Polonius: "In the house of representatives, the Democrats performed poorly and the Republicans picked up seats [15 seats - 12 from Democrats - out of a house of 433 seats, or 12/433 = 2.8% despite the Democratics winning the overall popular Representatives vote by 3.1%]. The Democrats narrowly defeated the Republicans in the runoff elections for two Senate vacancies in Georgia."

    Unlike the Reps, only a subset of Senate seats were up for election. Of the 35 seats so involved, the Democrats flipped 4 Senate seats (and lost 1) to go from 45(+2) to 48(+2) and therefore have "control" of the Senate (especially given that Sanders and Angus King - considered a moderate liberal - will normally vote with the Democrats).

    Of course what Polonius will not state is that the Congress elections in America are giant gerrymanders because the smaller - and mostly Republican - states have a higher percentage of seats compared with their population than do the larger (excepting Texas) states that are basically Democratic.

    So what the whole thing shows is the very great drawing power of Trump, and I don't just mean his 74.2 million voters. If it hadn't been for a huge effort to get out the black vote in Georgia, Biden may not have won the state and certainly wouldn't have won the two senate seats. And it is quite abnormal to actually have both senate seats up for election - normally only one or none.

  3. Polonius reaching a wider audience today.

    Always fun to imagine the look on a person's face when they sip for the first time from the Polonial goblet:

    1. One of the responses to this tweet had an interesting link

      There's definitely truth to the idea that people tend to place more credence on personal discovery than other information sources. Propagandist, scammers and salesmen all understand this without necessarily referring to any academic explanation.

    2. It's indeed a cracker Bef.

      I am amazed at twitter's ability to turn up jewels quite early in the comments.

    3. "QAnon grows on the wild misinterpretation of random data, presented in a suggestive fashion in a milieu designed to help the users come to the intended misunderstanding." I knew about apophenia - and its subset pareidolia eg 'faces on Mars - but only as some abstract idea. This all makes it real so that "when you “figure it out yourself” you own it."

      And especially this: "It’s easy for people to forget that they are not discovering the story, but creating it from random data." And also: "How easy is it to live in a fantasy world? Pretty easy actually." Indeed, because to some extent we all do live in a fantasy world; clearly not everything I think is "true" really is true, and not everything I think is "false" really is false.

      Dunno what we can ever do about that, especially with us all living in our own 'alternate reality'.


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