Say what? Absolutely not. Where would that irresponsible attitude leave the pond and the Murdochians? Let the insanity continue, and to celebrate the prospect of the next year of reptile insanity, the pond thought it should present its culling of the very best offerings of the reptiles over the break.
From time to time, the pond dipped into the reptile stew, just to make sure that the second eleven was diligently at work, and was satisfied to see this sort of offering:
Good old Dame Groan, soldiering on over the break, well played Sanjeev Sabhlok, stout-hearted supporter of the right of people to die, and oh, what joy to see the bouffant one holding up an end by celebrating the larrikin spirit, and getting something or other pulled for his pleasure ...
But there have to be winners and grinners in this pond culling of highlights, and so the pond invites Killer Creighton to come on down to accept the award for first place...
It turns out that over the break the Killer had been doing a little ego surfing, self-googling if you will, and this inspired some self-reflection. It turns out that he's not some extreme right wing rat bag, but rather a DLP type, lurking somewhere in the middle ages when it comes to matters such as women's rights and homosexuality, and at the same time, is something of a fundamentalist Catholic Keynesian ... but please, allow Killer to speak for himself ...
It's surely obvious why the Killer won ... though some might wonder why he turned out to be lucky, when some others weren't so in tune with the Killer zeitgeist ...
So it goes.
Of course there were doomsayers and neighmongers of the Charlotte Summers kind, out and about in the Graudian peddling dangerous nonsense, such as "Shield some and let others carry on? This Covid theory is dangerous and foolish."
But that's how Killer gets his kicks, living dangerously and foolishly ...
Or let's hope not. Let's hope the insanity continues, but some, including the ABC, decide to vaccinate themselves against the Killer doing a Colin Wilson and becoming a mind parasite emanating not just from the reptile stew, but also from the national broadcaster.
And so to the runner up, though it grieves the pond deeply to put the onion muncher in second spot. But early in the holiday season, the reptiles kept the onion muncher front and centre for an unhealthy, almost unseasonal, length of time, and the pond couldn't but help noticing ...
The pond has no idea why we should be generally more fearful. Was it the thought some old chooks might have had that a knock on the door heralded a visit from the grim reaper, or at least the onion muncher, saying it's time to go now, the health economists have done a time and motion study of your viability, and it's mortal-coil shuffling kind?
Mystery on mystery, but on the onion muncher went ...
Indeed, indeed, it's instructive, as the pond contemplates the situation in New South Wales at the start of the New Year, to do an onion muncher and contemplate Gladys v. comrade Dan, but how was the onion muncher to know?
Instead let us proceed on, because the onion muncher didn't earn second place by being mute, when prolix was called for ...
Or even the onion muncher's declaration that it's okay for old chooks to just fuck off out of the way. A sense of nationhood can take a little time to recover from the onion muncher's declaration that old chooks are just useless baggage standing in the way of a rational health economist's approach to life ...
Have a go? Yes, here's hoping that the barbeque-stopping Sir Tony heads off to save mother England ... because that'll that some doing, and it'll be all Poms on deck ...
And so to third place, and how could the pond avoid Polonius's summary of the year?
It had to be honored ...
Luckily we know how politics is taught in the Sydney Institute. Fragrant memories of the DLP, and a deep abiding love for Pellism and the Catholic church ... and so on the pond went, because truly every moment of this litany was deeply ... Polonial ... with only the arras missing ...
Ah, you see, that's the time of year that Polonius had most time to sit and watch the ABC and brood, only occasionally flipping across to Ten so he could brood about another pet hate, that dreadful Waleed Aly ...
And so on to wrap up the rest of the year with a final gobbet, the total impact being what might be called a fair summary of the singular way that the reptiles interact with, and view the world ...
So what about a little climate science denialism to kick things off in the final gobbet? Because, remember, as always, it's not the science that matters, it's the politics ... (poor Polonius doesn't like doing the science, which is why he's a hints and innuendoes sort of scribbler) ...
The end result?
Deeply weird shit. What a strange man he is ... and each time the pond gets a whiff, it is drawn back to a time to long ago, when First Dog first evoked the Pooter-ish effect of a whiff of Polonius ...

And so to a consolation prize ...
You see, each season the pond wonders what the reptiles will make of a seasonal celebration for such a wretchedly woke person.
Oh sure, Jesus was inclined to get angry and do a little temple wrecking and money-lender assaulting, and at times consign everybody to eternal hellfire and damnaton, but on his good days, he was sickeningly, nauseatingly woke, and we all know what the reptiles think of that lovey-dovey, do unto others woke nonsense ... oh how they hate the woke ...
I mean, the Xmas yarn's the epitome of migrant wokeness, with stables and
all, and certainly sounds beyond the pale when it comes to the mutton
Dutton's idea of stables ...
But the pond didn't want to go there, what with the Chilton nest full of weevils, and the consequent temptation of wondering if being called Chilton had set the man off on a lifetime pursuit of the woke ...
So instead the pond turned to the lizard Oz editorialist, grappling as best an editorial could with an outbreak of Xian wokeness at Xmas time ...
Indeed, indeed, so much suffering. How much better if the elderly just went off and discreetly carked it ... and while we're at it, why not open the borders, so that even more might die and wend their way to heaven? Or hell, or whatever the case, and wherever it might be ...
Now let us get on with some sickening, nauseating talk of woke-ness ...
Say what? The Catholic church is deeply corrupt? Who knew? But what does that say of the Catholic Boy's Daily, and Killer Creighton's yearning to be considered DLP, and the onion muncher's Catholic desire to shuffle off the elderly, and Polonius's deep love of the Pellists?
The pond knew then with relief that there was no way to stop the crazy, that the insanity would continue, and that each year same cartoon could apply to at least the 12th of never, or some other truly unique time in the ABC calendar, perhaps only requiring an occasional slight adjustment of the list of characters on parade, to keep abreast of the times and those doing the herding of the horses ...
Let us hope then for a better new year than the last wretched one, but don't rely on it being safe, not if the reptiles have anything to do with it ....
Charlotte: "This Covid theory is dangerous and foolish."
ReplyDeleteNo, "This COVID theory is unthinkingly murderous" I would have thought. But Killer C's bit about "For the first time in history we're about to embark on mass compulsory vaccination of entire populations againsts a disease that poses negligible threat to most." is just so very pointedly reptilian, isn't it. Killer C just inhabits a faiyland world that doesn't include anywhere except Sweden (the brave) and Aus-NZ (the panicked and foolish). After all, COVID has only infected a minute fraction of our populations and killed even fewer - and all of them over 75 with co-mobordities.
Nuff said, eh. Other than welcome back, DP, so glad you're here and hale !
Hmmm, from The Editorialist: "On Wednesday, Dennis Shanahan reported that $2.3bn was transferred to as yet unknown parties in Australia in more than 40,000 transactions from 2014 to this year. The revelation is indicative of the depth of corruption that has afflicted the Church's senior echelons."
ReplyDeleteOr just maybe, it is indicative of the depth of craziness afflicting Dennis and the Reptiles. Consider: $2.3bn in 40,000 transactions averages out at $57,500 per transaction. And 40,000 over 7 years is an average of 5714 per year or 15.6 per day, every day of all those 7 years. Now that's so very small and trivial that nobody in these hyper-sensitive to money laundering transfers days would have noticed. Until now, of course when Dennis the Diligent has pointed them out to us.
And since both the AFP and the Vic State Police have clearly stated they aren't interested, what does that say about "depth of corruption". And did it really take $2.3bn spread over 7 years to get Pell off the hook that he wasn't even on until a few years ago.
Poor Shanners!
DeletePolonius neglected this highlight:
Aug 6th The Australian published a graph half-inched from a blogger and attributes the graph to Vichealth. Under the Shanahanahan byline, a story rages about ludicrous projections of infections that were wrong by a gajillion percent or so.
When Media Watch targetted this absurdly low hanging fruit, Chris Dore held tight, and Shanamahanamahan sent in a letter apparently explaining the debacle that linguists have yet to report back on. Zero sense evident at the first pass.
Welcome back DP!!
Awwww ...
Ooops, just
Oh - just got a speck of dust in my eye, both eyes actually.
DeleteA fine pick DP. 2020 has been Killer's breakout year where he has gone from being just one of a number of economics commentators who drank a bit too much of the neoclassical Kool-Aid at uni to a leading right-wing fuckwit.
ReplyDeleteHe's getting the attention he deserves as well. Mike Carlton just refers to "Idiot Boy" and here's Patrick Stokes doing a short critique
I liked the last comment "This is why I like Twitter so much. So much good analysis and thought provoking comment.
Me... I just thought the connecting thread was that he's an idiot. Go figure"
I simply take Killer C as one of those 'highly dissociated' types who go through their entire lives completely unaware of context or consequence. Just a simple matter of 'if he doesn't think of it, then it doesn't exist or is at best negligible'. Most, if not all, of the reptiles are like that.
DeleteFor them, if it's any good then it was created by them or their tribe. If it's not so good, then it's an evil creation by the 'enemy tribe' (which is actually the whole of the rest of the world).
So the likes of Creighton, Abbott, Polonius, the Editorialist etc etc, there is only ever 'news' (good sometimes, fake mostly) whereas, in fact, things (eg the use of private security in Victoria's quarantine) are mostly 'emergent':
The great majority of all human existence is basically 'emergent'.
Ooops. "highly dissociated" should read "highly decoupled" (correct terminology).