Thursday, March 14, 2019

In which the pond indulges in a feast of mints, disguised as Moorice, the bromancer and the savvy Savva ...

Say what? The wimp folded and started speaking Latin? Well there's no need to watch then, is there?

Talk about a helter skelter week, with even Dame Groan showing signs of strain, and hinting that climate change might actually be happening …

Damn you RBA, see what you've done? Thank the long absent lord Dame Groan could quickly get on with caveats and conditions, and blather about yielding very good results for a condition she usually refuses to accept at all - the science is so unsettled, you know - and how lucky we were that the Dame immediately reverted to true and correct form …

And speaking of stooges, today the lizard Oz had the world's most famous climate scientist on its pages, and naturally the pond heard the Moorice yodel …

Groupthink? Surely he meant the long march towards virtue signalling in a PC way by 1984 where Orwellian tyranny resides?

Now if any stray urchin happens to be passing, have they thought of adding to the Miller's Tale of Woe, by boycotting all News Corp products, wherever they might find them in the world? It's perhaps the only way to cope with feeling like a mere pawn at the hands of Uncle Moorice when he comes out of his attic and shouts at them to be quiet, and get off his lawn, damned irritating uppity deluded kids ...

Hmm, the pond can sense a familiar odour, or perhaps a stench coming, and felt the need to rush a Wilcox into the breach, with more Wilcox here

Ah, that surely feels better, so stray urchin, read on ...

Indeed, indeed, clearly they've not read their Moorice, as he patiently explains climate science is a delusion or perhaps a religion or a crusade …

Not to worry, stray urchin, we've already reached the last gobbet, and the din, the moaning, and wailing and sighing will soon end … just remember it's all your fault for ignoring uncle Moorice ...

Yes young urchin, it's clear enough. Either you're on Moorice's side, or you're boycotting all of News Corps products worldwide, or you're on the road to serfdom in service of the Chairman … the pond of course takes no view on the matter, it just notes that the choice seems a simple and obvious one …

Speaking of the unholy damage that News Corp has inflicted, is inflicting, and will continue to inflict on the world, this very morning as the pond types, befuddled British politicians were still trying to deal with a vote arising from a simplistic referendum, involving a campaign full of lies and distortions, organised by a singular bunch of foolish fops …

Yes, the head foolish fop of those times was desperately embarrassed by those days, but still wrings his hands on the sidelines …

Actually David Cameron, Boris, that suave moggy villain from a Jane Austen novel, and assorted other fops, backed by the Chairman and his minions in the media and Vlad the impaler and his minions, were a disaster for the country, and so the pond turned to that other Murdochian disaster, the bromancer, also wringing his hands at top of lizard Oz page today …

The way forward? Why it's to claim cult status with a Lobbecke cartoon and wash hands of proceedings ...

Only the bromancer could manage a thought bubble of that kind … "It is the worst single failure of UK politics since the infamous appeasement era, in which British leaders refused to face up to the reality of Nazi Germany … I am not equating anyone in this situation with either Churchill or the Nazis …"

Is Godwin's Law still in the house? Thank the long absent lord the stray urchin has been blown away by Moorice, because it takes a singular stomach to keep going … and how the fuck did women's suffrage and trade unions get into the story?

Never mind, it's all a conspiracy organised by remainers … and if anybody can remember Swift on the matter of the big and small end of eggs,  how wonderful that the argument continues centuries later ...

Boris and David Davis were the solution? A typical May dodge? Already we've forgotten what a prat the foolish fop Boris was?

More Bell here, but we shouldn't forget Davis and his brilliant negotiation technique

And so to the final gobbet, knowing that the bromancer won't mention the Murdochian role in urging on these foolish fops, and instead might only wring hangs, look to heavens and sigh, "what a mess" ...

And that's it? A hard Brexit, just to add to the bloody mess the foolish fops and the Murdochians have already made? 

But Rowe already said all that in his cartoon, here

And now, because the pond wants it all, and the urchin's long gone, the pond intends to sneak in the savvy Savva …

Sure, it's like asking for an extra dinner mint after a hearty meal, but here's the reason. 

While unpopular Comrade Bill is the surface dressing, the real tilling of the soil is yet another re-hashing of the feud between Malware and the onion muncher … because they just can't let it go …

You see? The savvy Savva started so strongly on unpopular comrade Bill, and then at first blush, there's Malware bobbing up his head, and if Malware's there, would it be long before the onion muncher followed? And then we'd be rehashing it all, and the pond would be chewing on the mint, and feeling that an explosion of some kind was imminent ...

The pond just loves it when the savvy Savva talks dirty, and piles scorn and shit on the onion muncher. What fun it is, what dreaming of hopes lost and prospects ruined …

Phew, where did that thought bubble come from?

Relax, it was just the pond trying to reassure the savvy Savva that while it's a complete and total disaster, the longer it goes on, the funnier it gets, and it's hard to argue with that ...

Not to worry. It could be worse. We could have had the full Murdoch effect at work in Australia … and we know where that lead the United States …


  1. I suspect that their will be even more enjoyment to be had from the climate strike. Surrey Hills will be like a ball of writhing snakes tomorrow when the kiddies school them on how social responsibility works.

    I probably need popcorn or a chocolate topped icecream.

    1. When I consider all the days wasted actually sitting in a classroom, I kinda wish I'd had the nonce and the commitment to get socio-politically active back in my school days. But we didn't even have Vietnam back then, and I was only 10 when Korea ended. I might have had a go at protesting the banning of Nabokov's Lolita though, if I'd ever heard of it - or maybe McCarthy's "The Group" (both banned by those free speech loving RWNJs). Both of which I read later and was duly unimpressed.

      Like quite a few kids, I did much self-educating under the occasional guidance and tutelage of my "teachers", so missing a day, a week or a month amongst the 12 long years I spent at school to learn so very little is neither here nor there. Five years of French and I still couldn't sing the Marseillaise properly.

  2. The only thing worse than kids being in school and indoctrinated with leftist ideology, against Western Civilisation and gender fluidity, is...

    kids not being in school, not being indoctrinated with leftist ideology, against Western Civilisation and gender fluidity, but showing they care about climate change.

    Conservatives - lol


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