This will be the last pond post for a week. Not because of the defeat of the NSW Labor party. Any notion that this should involve some kind of mourning was swept aside by the news that Michael Daley intended to stand again for position of statistics bumbler in chief and resident hater of Chinese students with Ph.D.
No, that comedy will continue apace …
No, that comedy will continue apace …
Nor is it due to the gloom surrounding the Mueller report. The Donald, bless his socks, will remain a grifter, conman, and snake oil salesman, busy fucking the United States and the planet (oh and the middle east too), and the entertainment will go on …
Nor is it due to the tricky situation plucky Theresea finds herself in. This very morning the pond has been entertained by UK pollies burbling away in the Commons, without the first clue about how to get out of the pickle plucky Theresa has put them in …
Nor is it due to alienation from the reptiles. Why, this very day our unoriginal Adam scribbles yet again about the importance of dinkum clean true blue Oz coal. Why, it must have been a nanosecond since the pond last read a message like that in the lizard Oz …
No, it's the siren song of the socialists in the south that has called the pond to Melbourne. These wretches, with their weird addiction to a peculiar form of football, are a constant source of consternation to the the reptiles … and so the pond has succumbed to their pinko pervert charms (there's also a birthday party, but relax, there'll be a few socialists there).
But what to leave in place as a good sampling of what the pond's curating of the reptiles has to offer?
Well the pond could have gone with unoriginal Adam or with Dame Groan, doubling down with prattling Polonius, to diss on Ardern …
Well the pond could have gone with unoriginal Adam or with Dame Groan, doubling down with prattling Polonius, to diss on Ardern …
Such grace, such empathy in a difficult time. You can always rely on a generosity of spirit from Dame Groan, of a kind that the Marquis de Sade himself would envy …
But no, coal and mocking New Zealanders - there's nothing like a mass murder to produce clever mockery - must give way to Moorice.
Moorice might write a treatise on postage stamps, and he'd probably manage to find Gramsci's long march and the Nazis at the heart of the international conspiracy.
Moorice might write a treatise on postage stamps, and he'd probably manage to find Gramsci's long march and the Nazis at the heart of the international conspiracy.
Now here the pond must confess this isn't vintage Moorice. For a start, as the world's leading climate scientist, he should really have been writing about coal, but that was snaffled by our unoriginal Adam …
But be fair. Moorice is at least in full apocalyptic mode, and capitalism and business is doomed, doomed Moorice tells ya …
But be fair. Moorice is at least in full apocalyptic mode, and capitalism and business is doomed, doomed Moorice tells ya …
Ah, Gramsci's long march, with a clear and present breach of Godwin's Law by dragging the Nazis into the stew.
Apparently Moorice isn't particularly up on German history. German companies didn't fall meekly into line, they made out like bandits, and so did many American companies. Have a read of Henry Ford about the Jews, marvel at the way that IBM made a motza, recollect that diverse businesses from Hugo Boss to Mercedes did very well under the Nazis …
It turns out that the Nazis didn't mind a bit of privatisation (Greg Hunters go here), and it was only a short while ago that the Krispy Kreme mob decided to donate a token amount for conscience-salving purposes (Bloomberg here).
Of course there are all sorts of listicles about companies that did business with the Nazis, with many surviving and still doing deals ( wiki here). How about kind words for Adidas, Kodak, Bayer and Fanta? (listicle here).
Of course there are all sorts of listicles about companies that did business with the Nazis, with many surviving and still doing deals ( wiki here). How about kind words for Adidas, Kodak, Bayer and Fanta? (listicle here).
Cunning Moorice, he knows the pond is a sucker for Godwin's Law ...
Ah yes, from the Nazis to growing left-wing bias, but strangely no mention of Moorice's speciality, climate science …
- Secure and reliable energy supply
- Affordable energy supply
- Strong, internationally competitive economy
- Meet current and future absolute emission reduction targets. (here)
Say what, the long march and the Nazis have got to them? Well luckily they don't really mean it, but it does sound awfully like corporate social responsibility being used as the latest weapon of the anti-capitalists ...

Indeed, indeed, the world needs its champions ...

Oh yes, the stories will be told long into the night, or long into the Rowe, with more Rowe here …
And so a culling that the pond regretted the moment it had done it yesterday … poor Bella given the chop? Unthinkable, and so to remedy the matter the pond will revert and make way …
And so a culling that the pond regretted the moment it had done it yesterday … poor Bella given the chop? Unthinkable, and so to remedy the matter the pond will revert and make way …
Now first the pond must celebrate Bella's use of Orwell.
Orwellian has fallen out of fashion with the reptiles - instead we get a lot of blather about virtue signalling, which simply isn't good enough.
Orwellian has fallen out of fashion with the reptiles - instead we get a lot of blather about virtue signalling, which simply isn't good enough.
Now as the reptiles are supposed to be about free speech, it seems remiss not to have provided a link to the opposing argument - it wouldn't have been so hard, but the reptiles live in a bubble, and never provide links to the enemy, as in After Christchurch universities have a responsibility: abandon Ramsay.
Reimer hasn't been backward in coming forward before … Ramsay course offers stark choice to Australian Universities in 2018 and the same year Weaponising Learning …
He also tweets …
Naturally he also produced a howl of pain in Simon Haines To blame Rasmay for Christchurch atrocity is facile vilification.
But there's the white man's burden in a nutshell, as the persecution of poor hapless white people continues apace … and noble Bella is waiting to help with the shouldering of the burden ...
Um, did Bella strike a slightly odd note there? Western society is characterised by religious toleration, as demonstrated by blowing fifty people away …not to mention those 11 killed in a synagogue massacre, and so on and so forth …
And now for a little more sobbing about Peterson missing out on a junket ...
Well done Bella, once more the victims have been blamed, and it's all the fault of identitarianism, and the supremacy of white civilisation has got nothing to do with it. But at least we know climate science denialism, coal and tobacco's future is in safe hands with the support of the IPA …
And so to a final treat, because the pond simply couldn't overlook this one … and it provided a chance to catch up on Lloydie's climate science credentials …
Ah the Peruvian venture. Bit sticky, wot, wot … with suits and despair …
Never mind, Lloydie comes highly recommended
He (Lloydie) has been named by the Queensland One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts as one of the journalists who “show the courage to research the evidence” for climate change, alongside Alan Jones, News Corp and the Sky News commentator Andrew Bolt, and his colleague Chris Kenny at the Australian.
So what delighted the pond with this outing? Well it was the notion that thousands of dead fish provided no reason for doing anything much about the environment …
* And now to a significant prediction. Not only will Dominic Cummings predict an international pandemic in 2020, but the pond predicts with an absolutely unerring certainty that he will make that prediction, and that both he and the pond will be astonishingly, astoundingly correct, in a way that would make Houdini marvel. For those doubters who came back here to check on the pond's prediction of Dom's prediction, please now, a humble apology. There's far too much scepticism, cynicism and doubt in the world. When confronted with foresight of the most remarkable kind, please accept that you are an inferior member of the 'leet, and that the pond and Dom are peasant members of the illuminati.
Never mind, Lloydie comes highly recommended
He (Lloydie) has been named by the Queensland One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts as one of the journalists who “show the courage to research the evidence” for climate change, alongside Alan Jones, News Corp and the Sky News commentator Andrew Bolt, and his colleague Chris Kenny at the Australian.
So what delighted the pond with this outing? Well it was the notion that thousands of dead fish provided no reason for doing anything much about the environment …
Yes, it's always pleasing to read an environment editor who doesn't seem to give much of a flying fuck for the environment …
The pond wondered what would please Lloydie even more. Thousands of dead koalas, so he might write dismissively about the echo chamber mourning all those dead koalas? Would we need millions of 'roos, it being commonly judged that one dead koala is worth a thousand dead 'roos? As for a million fish, it's just business as usual …no need to worry, it's all in the best of hands.
Well here's hoping the quixotic venture to turn the Amazon into a haven for junketing westerners gives Lloydie the funds to help out with the Darling river …perhaps each time there's a fish kill, city dwellers could head west for an eco-tourism experience ...
Yes, it's all good, as our Lloydie dances on the grave of climate science, ever ready as he is to consider a counter view, which is that it's all a theological hoax or a religion or a cult. Why Malcolm Roberts might have been a genius with astonishing insights, if you keep an open mind and are open to counter views …
And so to the Pope cartoon of the day, with more Pope here …