Thursday, September 06, 2018

In which the pond tastes a bromancer reptile stew ...

Once someone's tasted reptile, they can never go back to koala, which is why the pond always recommends reptile games for the whole family - reptile hurling, reptile tossing (trickier than a caber), reptile tickling,  reptile curling …

It doesn't much matter, there's some form of reptile fun suitable for young and old …

And that's why the pond is always delighted when others join in the sport …

One of the better aspects of reptile handling rules is that the rougher reptiles - the bigots, the hate-mongers - can be slam-dunked … and they don't mind, they love the attention …

And so to the pond's reptile dalliance today, with the bromancer bobbing up to offer an above-average example of exemplary reptile resentment and nonsense ...

Uh huh, the usual claptrap about the full-to-overflowing intertubes, when the reality is that the biggest poison to flow into politics in recent times has routinely come from News Corp or Fox News … just ask a TG kid anxious about being bullied at school…

It was Chairman Rupert and his minions who helped take the United States, and so the world, to crazytown ...

And now we're struck in crazytown with a moronic idiot, and the best the bromancer can do is blame the intertubes?

Never mind, the bromancer was blessed with the Lobbecke of the day, and so the reptile game rules deem him a cult item, and deranged enough to rabbit on about anything and everything other than the baleful Murdochians ...

It takes a singular skill to ignore the way that Fox celebrates the Donald on a daily basis, and instead blame him on the intertubes. 

Fox and Friends has an extremely short attention span, and prizes simplicity and stupidity, and so apparently, does the bromancer … and so what we now get is yet another old white man mourning the way that the world has passed him by ...

Actually you don't need to be anonymous on the internet to accuse people of all sorts of crimes. 

You just have to publish the Daily Telegraph and the HUN and the Currish Snail, scurrilous buckets of gossip and distorted essence of bigotry and hysteria (is there a Waleed Ali in the house? There's certainly a Bolter…)

Whenever the pond reads the bromancer in "deep thinker", "profound analysis" mode, it's reminded that the lad sometimes sounds a chop short of a barbie …

Just look at how he manages to present the Donald as presiding over relatively mainstream policy differences … while at the same time blaming the world's problems on the intertubes …

Well the intertubes might have harmed the Murdochian business model, but where's the problem with that?

The pond understands perfectly well why the reptiles want to regulate and control the intertubes. It doesn't help Chairman Rupert's business model, and the sheep run out of control …

How much simpler it was in the days of Pay-TV and tree killer editions and the docile sheep lined up for a daily plucking ...

But would it have hurt the bromancer to introduce just a little honesty into his consideration of the corroding effects of conventional media?

Own the model, own the result …the most corroding influence on US politics, and therefore the world in recent times? Surely not the intertubes, surely a vast echo chamber known as ...

And the same can be said for Australia and the corroding influence of the Murdochians on tree-killer journalism, routinely regurgitated on the ABC; on television via Sky News; and on rabid ratbaggery via hysterical ranting from the likes of the Devine and the Bolter … 

Sure the intertubes might amplify the noise, but don't blame the intertubes for starting it …

While the reptiles keep flailing and failing  and yearning for a retro business model, is it any wonder that a lot of punters have decided they can go elsewhere to play their reptile games …

Heck you might end up at Junkee … hey you might even discover a few reptiles within the tent with some grasp of reality …

Not that you'll see that the subject of a reptile crusade anytime soon, not when there are TG kids to pick on and surround with hysteria and prejudice …

Never mind, the pond just wanted to toss an intertubes tweet through the old bromancer hoop before heading off to enjoy a Rowe cartoon, with more Rowe here


  1. What an appalling pile of "trivium" from the Bromancer. One might even be pardoned for reviving the traditional Aussie term "furphy".

    But just two things really stood out:

    1. "...the internet was the invention of the Pentagon"

    No, it wasn't. The Pentagon invented the 'network' - wires and hookups and especially TCP/IP. Tim Berners-Lee invented the WWW which was the origin of the web, but the "web" has largely invented itself - like Topsy, it just grewed, especially over the immediately preceding decade.

    But then, perhaps we should also remember IBM's SNA, introduced back in 1974, which began the whole process of inter-business communication which later migrated to "the web".

    2. "...Gillard is known internationally only for her deeply dishonest but highly charged misogyny speech"

    Sure, Bro, sure: you believe that with all your pro-Abbott male misogynistic heart. But never, ever use your mind, you just won't like the result.

  2. And the ABC allow this cretin to speak on 774. He is a creature of the past with his belief in that dark figure from italy B A Santamaria. Sheridan and Abbott are followers of Santamaria.
    In my time I recall Santamaria would be on tele Sunday evening spreading his fear and loathing how the communists where heading to take over Australia.

    1. Notwithsanding Santamaria's many failings, ww, he was still streets ahead of Sheridan and Abbott: late, very late, but he did finally grasp that he'd vastly overestimated the "threat" from communism in Australia, and much underrated the threat from robber-baron capitalism.


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