Saturday, September 15, 2018

In which the pond starts off an epic, bruising weekend forced to choose between sick bed and nattering "Ned" ...


As the pond's strength fades and its ability to reptile wrangle fades with it, this weekend presented a superhuman challenge, which the pond inevitably failed …

There was the 'shift' to the 'radical' 'curriculum', with the urbane Becca 'extremely' 'alarmed', and there was Chip and Dame Slap on 'identity' 'politics' and then there was the crisis in the 'federal' 'government', and just the amount of 'inverted commas' needed left the 'pond' feeling 'exhausted' and wanting to spend the entire 'weekend' in its 'sick bed' …

In such cases, what's needed is a healthy amount of doom-saying and endless braying, and as nattering "Ned" had been blessed with the cult status of a Lobbecke, the pond knew where it had to start on the Everest climb …

Indeed, indeed, how unfair is that? The reptiles had endless hours of fun braying about comrade Bill's hypocrisy on such matters as 44(v), and now ScoMo does a comrade Bill, and some cynical wretches point it out, and how unfair is that?

Why it's enough to prompt nattering "Ned" to natter on for hours and hours ...

Dear sweet long absent lord, the unutterably mysterious answer to the question that many people are asking, but really no one should be, because let's face it, between telling the truth and lying, what's a politician to do, except maintain an enigmatic, impenetrable, abstruse silence? 

Does government get any more Sphinx-like?

This will require more hours and hours of nattering "Ned" exegesis ...

Judgment Day is coming?! That's why the pond loves nattering "Ned" so …

And then there's the dreadful business of the white-anting and the undermining and the wrecking and the sniping … and worse still, nattering "Ned" himself suggests that maybe Dutton should have been referred, but it turns out that ScoMo is a gutless wonder (as they used to say in Tamworth in the old days) ...

Well it's been jolly good fun, yet another voyage on that nameless ship in company with the Ancient Mariner, and yet even those tortured voyages must come to an 'end' … but not before 'Ned' dishes out some needful advice to ScoMo ...

It is madness to attack the Turnbull legacy …??

Say what? The pond can make no further mention of the NBN?

But the pond knows what to do in such cases. 

Let madness and chaos descend on the land.

Break glass and send in the Grand Inquisitor, the man who can sniff out a heretic at ten paces, the stern man willing and able to spot deviants, and shame them …

Yes, the next episode in this Saturday matinee will feature … Polonius, keeping a sharp eye on wretches who fail the 'loyalty' 'test' …

And so to a jolly Rowe cartoon to wrap up this first encounter with reptile fear, hysteria and loathing, with more Rowe wrap-ups always available here

1 comment:

  1. Neddles: "The Liberals panicked, felt they had to endorse a woman, only to find the rank and file had a different view and voted on merit."

    Oh here we go again: "on merit" no less. Personally, I would have thought that the candidate of highest merit was the one most likely to win the by-election - a woman. Besides which, whatever happened to "and some have greatness thrust upon them" ?


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