Thursday, July 12, 2018

In which the pond goes on a war footing with the savvy Savva ...


The pond has noted an increase in reptile hyperbole over the years, with relentless talk of "wars" the worst form of paranoid hysteria …

Why do they do it? Over the years most of them have studiously avoided action in a real war … so is it some kind of fervid substitute? As that immortal philosopher Jack Nicklaus is reported to have once said, "This is a game. That's all it is. It's not a war."

But sadly the pond has to report direct from Malware's office, that the siege bunker mentality has infested everyone, even the savvy Savva …

It's wartime? The pond is living in a war zone? Who knew, but please, do go on …because it seems the savvy Savva has been blessed with the cult status of a Lobbecke

Ah the pond fancies itself adept at decoding messages direct from the Malware bunker, and there, in all the fluff, and the cluck-clucking and tut-tutting about the treatment of Frank Brennan, a flip-flopping emerges in that line "courtesy of a thoughtful speech from Dan Tehan to the Stir Thomas More forum" and "it does appear that, yes, sadly, some new laws are needed to protect people of faith, particularly those who have the audacity to express a different view."

So Malware is going to fold, like Alice's proverbial flock of cards, and deliver up laws which will do diddly-squat to protect Frank Brennan against ructions within the Catholic church, but will prove mighty handy for Catholics still yearning to demonise teh gaze …

The irony in that last par, that a new act, prepared by Malware, apparently a man and woman of goodwill, would safeguard Frank and gay people is pure, unadulterated piffle … though perhaps it's intended to be laden with such heavy irony that we will shortly see Malware take on bonfire-lighting, latter-day Savonarolas …

As if …the chance of Malware taking on religious fundamentalism and fundamentalist crackpots? The pond rates it somewhere between zero and nil …

And now to the embedded message to the party faithful, another chance to have a little each way bet …

Note the neat pivot. It seems that after all the king rat was only repeating what Malware himself had said, and where's the harm in that, whereas the real problem is that the onion muncher is the king rat, and no one seems to be saying it, apart apparently from Claire Kimball and the savvy Savva …

But what of the effectiveness of the arm-breaker's intervention? Well Jack the insider has already spoken thereof …

… so it was on to the savvy Savva's real grievance, with the narcissist attention-seeking king rat out and about yet again this day …

Ah, that's right, we're at war, homeless and all alone, and we must turn to a fortress Australia, or perhaps spend enough to be able to give China a damned good thrashing …

Naturally the whole point of the savvy Savva's outing was to excoriate the king rat and explain how the country was in the very best of hands ...

Uh huh … now remind the pond, where did all this start this day?

Dinkum clean Oz coal, oi, oi, oi …

Put it another way …a gesture towards a new coal-fired power station which would take all of eight years to compete … and that, for newbies in the art of tracking Malware, is how to reset the debate …fold like a pack of Alice's proverbial cards ...

Well you heard it direct from the horse's mouth, or at least from the PM's desk, courtesy of the savvy Savva, and now for a few pieties to wrap it all up …

The pond spent several minutes … well several seconds … trying to work out what "rekindles faith in the strength, courage and ingenuity of man and boy and those who created them" actually meant … but then the pond relaxed, safe in the knowledge that Malware's new laws would surely result in the banning of this kind of blather …at least until the pond remembered that we were at war, and the pond was living in a war zone, and reptile piffle was the newest kind of bullet ...

Meanwhile, other wars began to heat up, with more Rowe here

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