Tuesday, July 17, 2018

In which dashing Donners rides in on Rocinante to save the day ...

The pond hadn't bothered to stay up to see the Donald commit treason, safe in the knowledge that the bromancer would be on the case early in the morning.

What do you know, the bromancer gone MIA, and the Caterist nowhere to be seen, and Cameron Stewart hailing the meeting as a success of sorts, even though right next door there was a different version of the story …

It's not just the FBI, of course, it's the CIA and every other American of the Mueller kind with some passing relationship to the facts and the real world … and surely there must be some sort of pee tape somewhere ...

But please, allow the reptiles to keep a proper perspective. 

You see, the reptiles aren't in any sense republican. They love their kings, they love the divine right to rule, they love their lifetime monarchs …

A courtly, kingly triumph.

And that's why the reptiles ordered their affairs this morning to celebrate monarchists and dictatorships everywhere …

But what was left for the pond to contemplate? 

Well luckily an heroic figure arrived to tilt at the usual windmills …and his name was one dashing Donners, the paladin of Xianity …

The pond almost felt the need to hum the lyrics of an ancient TV western beloved of one of the pond's uncles, on the weird side of the family:

Have keyboard, will rage at secularists, commies, infidels and Islamics
Reads the card of a Catholic man
A knight without armor in a savage reptile land.
His fast keyboard for hire heeds the calling wind
A windy soldier of fortune is the man called ... dashing Donners … the ACU paladin ...

Dashing Donners, dashing Donners
Where do you roam?
Dashing Donners, dashing Donners
Far, far from uni home …

He travels on to wherever he must
A fragment of saintly thigh bone is his badge of trust
There are campfire legends that the reptiles spin
Of the man with the keyboard, of the man called ... dashing Donners …the ACU paladin ...

Repeat the chorus until tedium sets in …

Oh okay, it doesn't quite rhyme the right way anymore, but there's nothing like a singalong to start the day ...

This would be an easy ride for the pond. There's nothing quite like the cannibals, sated on their human flesh and blood, riding off to battle on a Tuesday morning in Australia, to make the pond sit back, comfortable and safe, with a sense that all is right on earth and in some imaginary place called heaven, where Santa and the Easter bunny retired to long ago ...

It's just so much horseshit, but the pond finds Donners' relentless desire to go on parading this sort of tripe somehow admirable.

Given the history of the church in relation to gays, complimentary women and such like, it takes a truly remarkable capacity for delusion to scribble "concepts such as the inherent dignity of the person and inalienable rights are deeply imbued with Christian morality."

As for concepts of law and order and such like, it's good of Donners to preach the virtues of an eastern religion, or at least middle eastern if inclined to ponce Pom views of the world, but the pond has already gone over the contributions of ancient Greeks and Romans until it's so tired of the subject it can't wait until the next Saturnalia comes around, and everyone can have a good break …

Never mind, a final gobbet of delusion, and the pond can get on with the day ...

It's funny really, the way rhetoric is supposed to work, but just linking secularism with nihilism - "secular nihilism" if you will - is remarkably silly.

You might as well talk of religious nihilism, because nobody has yet quite managed to explain to the pond the joy of being crucified as a religious symbol … unless aimed at depressives determined to go on being paranoid and gloomy.

What such talk does evoke is the pitiful sight of an old man shouting at clouds, without any sense that the current world might offer pleasures and indulgences that can be enjoyed.

Instead it seems we must all embark on a fervent crusade in the hope of getting some pie in the sky on the bye and bye …

Well even the Donald knows how to enjoy this carnal world, and the pond will certainly be pleased when the bromance turns up to explain the recent royal fucking behind closed doors.

In the meantime, this delicious Rowe will more than suffice, with more deliciousness here ...

And now, in honour of Rocinante and Xian windmills …

1 comment:

  1. Dash the Donner: "...there's no doubt that Christianity has been guilty of many transgressions"

    Well, may I suggest. Dasher, that the current state of "Christianity" therefore owes much to God's imposition of condign punishment for those transgressions. That maybe God is closing down "Christianity" - or at least its long sinful and corrupt Establishments - in order to start again ... and hope for a better outcome this time.

    Oh, and "...totalitarian dictators [Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot Kim Il-sung] are guilty of starving, murdering and executing about 94 million people..."

    Yes, and Christian imperialists from England are guilty of starving, murdering and executing about 35 million or more Indians during rthe British Raj. Not to forget how many more in the various colonisations (America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and sundry attempts in various parts of Africa). And how about the Christian Portugese and Spanish colonisation of South America and Mexico ? How many natives of various ethnicities were "starved, murdered or executed" then. And the "settlement" of the Caribbean. And how many Africans were starved, murdered or executed during the slave trade to America ?

    No doubt about it, that "Christianity" is a wonderful thing that people all over the world feel very grateful for.

    BTW, DP, Saturnalia as we all know was originally just one day (17th Dec) per year but was expanded during the Roman republic era. I recall seeing a teev doco that claimed that Saturnalia was first extended as a way of trying to restore Roman morale after the horror of Cannae, but I can't seem to find a reference to that. Any clues, anybody ?


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