Tuesday, May 10, 2022

In which the pond shares the bromancer's existential despair, only to find a trip down memories of Ming the merciless lane irresistible, thanks to ancient Troy...





As you asked, the pond has a mixed reaction to the artwork, it feels a tad too American, but the pond does like the name Putler, and wishes Putler would get the hint ...but sadly sociopaths are usually more happy pointing the gun the other way ...

Now on with the reptiles and there was a lot of squawking this day about "eco identity", in both the tree killer edition ...



... and at the top of the digital page ... and sure enough Natasha was on the woke case, because there's nothing like unsafe dating to give the reptiles that wild-eyed Basic Instinct feeling ...




How dare they try to ruin the thrill of unsafe dating ... but it was unsafe reading that the pond was interested in, and as always the bromancer was there to satisfy the pond's basic needs ...



The pond should confess that it didn't watch the debate, had absolutely no interest, and would rather volunteer for a tooth implant ... but the fallout for the bromancer seems to have been dire. 

The poor lad seems of late to have been in the grip of a deep and savage depression, a profound alienation from the liar from the Shire, and of course, being a great mate of the onion muncher, from Labor too ...

Where does your fundamentalist go for a fix these days? It seems the bromancer is now without a regular dealer, and can't score anything ... except the odd neutered reptile click bait video ...

Dear sweet long absent lord, to start with Billy McMahon ... (don't worry, it was just blank pages) ...





... and then to run through that litany of alienation, despair and sense of failure ... oh the suffering, oh the humanity ... oh the neutered click bait video ...


By golly, good at PR and announcements, but poor on substance? And so back to the bromancer's much loved 78 record, much played and sounding a little scratchy and full of hiss ...



Oh the poor thing, and if you follow the infallible Pope, apparently there was no mention of the animals in the room, let alone a rather conspicuous elephant ...


And so to the search for a bonus ...and the pond was startled to see that the reptiles had started painting a corner of the comments section in teal ...



Dear sweet long absent lord, the reptiles would let the enemy of freedumb boy into the tent!

And even worse, what of that talk of the new woke school curriculum being basically sound, when surely the thrill of unsound dating is what vulgar youff need to enjoy ... for fear that they will turn massively depressive, in the bromancer manner ...

Still, there was tranny bashing to be done, and both siderism about Darwin's port, as if the CLP didn't do the deal ...

 …the decision to hand the port to a firm owned by a billionaire with reported close ties to the Chinese Communist Party prompted claims that national security had been compromised for the sake of economic gain.
Even US President Barack Obama — who had signed off on the annual deployment of US Marines to the Top End in 2011 — was said to have expressed his dissatisfaction to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

 The CLP did the deal knowing the vibe, but to be fair, it was back in the days when everyone loved to have a laugh with Xi ... and toss down the odd glass ...





Dear sweet long absent lord, is that comrade Bill in the background? 

Never mind, now the liar from the Shire's solution is to build another port ... which is pretty close to the pond's solution ... sell off Australia and use the proceeds to buy another country ...

At the end of all that, the pond was feeling nostalgic for the old days, and heard the siren song of ancient Troy. 

It's rare that the pond responds to the siren song ... better sturdy chains and a mast than heed ancient Troy, but the promise of a journey back to the days of Ming the merciless was irresistible ...

This was a day of shocks for the pond. Not only had the reptiles let a teal viper into their nest, but now they were quoting Piketty?

Poor old freedumb boy, it was running pretty hot down there, generating more headlines than the pond could cope with ...



That bloody Malware ... and those bloody placards, they should all be torn down, as if private property meant anything when freedumb boy's future was at stake ...

Quick, ancient Troy, a time machine, whiz the pond back to the days of Ming the merciless ...

Huzzah. At last a chance to indulge in a little Ming the merciless ... it can be found in full here, but what about this for a sample ...





What's this got to do with the current situation and circumstances? Three fifths of fuck all, but it does show how cunning Ming was ... with that notion that he wasn't going to talk about class, because it didn't exist, and then plunging into the usual class warfare stuff ...



Could it get any worse? How about this flourish, dripping with condescension and alleged compassion ...


Um, so maybe Dame Slap should leave her MAGA cap hidden in the closet, as we're speaking of the emotions of a crowd ...




After all that, the pond hasn't forgotten ancient Troy, and his irrelevant invocation of long lost days ... and now will finish off with a last short gobbet ...


Ancient Troy is far too modest. Let us not forget the role the reptiles have played, with their tabloids and the lizard Oz, in producing weaker governments, less policy progress and greater political instability ...

Tender-hearted readers may object that Murdoch is now 90 and may well not be in full control of his organisation. But surely this is an argument for removing him? If in his dotage he is allowing himself to become a cross between Lord Haw Haw and Tokyo Rose, it would be a kindness for western governments to save him from himself. (Nick Cohen).

And so to the immortal Rowe for the day, with more Rowe to be found here ...


Oh the poor pooch ... and as usual the action is everywhere and not just in that drunken brawl ...


  1. I concede I am predictable, but when any of the reptile contributors (any) tries to summon up a misty golden vision of the time of Menzies, as seen from this economically challenged year - and which side, I askya, which side has experience with inflation?

    Give Menzies credit for setting THE Australian record for inflation rates. From the September quarter 1951 to the June quarter 1952 he managed to keep Consumer Price Inflation above 20%, with the stellar accomplishment for December 1951 of 23.9%

    1. I do wonder just how many reptiles and wingnuts are prepared to confess to reverence for 'Pig iron' Bob these days. Don't forget that he almost lost government in 1961 - to a first time Arthur Calwell of all people - because of his 'credit squeeze we had to have', Australia's first of that ilk, back in 1961. Menzies didn't have a real lot of 'stand up for' values either - other than his "I did but see her passing by ..." Queen.

    2. Labor actually won as many seats as the Coalition - but two of those were for the Territories, whose members could vote only on matters that were deemed to be of direct significance to their electorates. There were some remarkable semantics by the Coalition to rule issues to be not of significance to the Australians living in either of the Territories. That there 'democracy' that Liberals/IPA are so strident about.

  2. The Bro: "It's not as if the Morrison government stands up for values." But BG, butt, the Morrison government has no values to stand up for.

  3. On numeracy more generally - Shanaham was on Sky last night, talking about Newspoll, but drawing the attention of viewers to something called 'margin of error'. Funny how they have discovered that element of statistics, as the indicators for what they unashamedly identify as 'their side' drop steadily - but, for each Newspoll, within that margin of error thingy.

  4. Go for it, Bro: "The Morrison government is good at PR [yeah ? where ?] and announcements and poor at substance." So what you're saying, Bro is that $loMo can "talk a good game, but ...". Back in days of yore, it was from time to time said of IBM that it specialised in "First the pre pre-announcement, then the pre-announcement and then the announcement, followed by the post-announcement wirhdrawal".

    IBM only did that, it was said, to deter its customers from going off and buying hardware from other vendors because, well, IBM had it in the works, already. So are you telling us that $loMo's mob is as good as IBM ? You know, like the federal ICAC and the
    protection of religious freedom and the submarine fleet and ...

    So, Bro: "The government is not engaging in this rhetoric [ie prodding China] to prepare people for the sacrifices and expenses we must make to defend ourselves." Ok, so here's my question: given the size of the PLA and of China's army, navy and airforce, just how much "sacrifice and expense" would it take to actually be able "to defend ourselves". Wanna make a guesstimate Bro ? How many $trillions worth of armaments and how many hundreds of thousands of armed servicepersons would it take ?

    And then, some genuine Bro "wisdom": "You cannot make up for a lack of substance with an extravaganza of style." Oh yes you can, just consider Trump, BoJo and $loMo - no substance whatsoever, but lots of success.

    1. I seem to remember an observation from Mad as Hell that Spud's proposed expansion of the total defence workforce to 100,000 would leave us only 2,000,000 short of the PLA.

      When certain people don't know how to respond to a situation or cannot articulate a sensible argument they tend to bluster and lash out - I'm talking about the PM and the demographic that that support him. Even when there is a real issue it would be best to do something that makes the situation better rather than worse (and yes. I do realise the PM's only concern is to play to the male butthead demographic)

    2. The pond caught that episode BF and it caused a nervous laugh, because they've been really good at talking the walk, and totally useless at waddling the duck ...

  5. Good ol' Troy: "These independents [UNoHu] lack transparency about their organisation, funding and policies." Whereas the "real Parties" (Lib. Nat, Lab, HON, UAP, Greens etc) are just blindingly open and transparent, aren't they - any more transparent and they'd be completely invisible. If it wasn't for these 'teals' and other independents we wouldn't have to think about a federal ICAC at all, would we.

    Loved that bit about Robert Gordon "I'd put an 'h'" Menzies - he was really something, wasn't he. Especially since he was a rural Jeparit boy who nonetheless formed and operated the Liberal Party. But very much a 'forgotten Australian' in his own way whose retirement residence in Haverbrack Ave Malvern had to be bought for him by a group of his supporters and friends.

  6. The essay quoted in this tweet https://twitter.com/TitanicusP/status/1523787552070975488 is very good.

  7. The Bromancer’s having a cow
    He’s sure there’s no hope for us now
    While Scomo is dancing
    Xinping is advancing -
    Soon fried rice will be our main chow

    1. And delicious it is too:

    2. Very tasty GB. I wonder if the bro eats it?


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