Tuesday, January 05, 2021

In which the pond maintains its stately holiday pace ...



The reptiles were in their usual dinkum, clean, pure, honest, sincere, Oz coal-fired state this morning, but the pond is still feeling light-headed and light-hearted and in a holiday mood, and probably will stay that way until invasion day, so it simply couldn't handle the link to Dame Groan ...

Instead, Lloydie, having saved the Amazon jungle, was on hand to dispense wisdom, and that's always enough for the pond ...



Yes, there's nothing like a snap of the satanic mills grinding away, crushing the landscape and the reptile spirit and dear sweet pure innocent virginal Oz coal (did the pond forget dinkum?) to set the tone ...


Say what? That's it? 

 Coal is doomed and we're all doomed ... but at least Lloydie had the good, proper and right reptile sense, taste and style not to mention that there might be another sort of doom, involving climate science ...

What else?

Well there was Kezza rabbiting away on the need for reform, and Dame Groan as mentioned, and bizarrely Harold Scruby, and naturally a Jennings at war with China - ever since the pond read Jennings' Diary the pond has worried about the tribe ...



Yes, it's a bloody wheel, what a bloody marvel, eh Jennings?

But enough arcana, the lizard Oz editorialist was at work, and the pond knew that would also be short ...


The pond is always amused by the way the reptiles down under like to pretend that Chairman Rupert's outfit in the States has had nothing to do with the unfolding circus and the snake-oil salesman and consummate con artist, and crook designed to make the Mafia look like a minor league, and that they aren't close kissing cousins of Fox News and Tucker and Hannity and even Miranda the Devine going the full suck in the NY Post ...

What do you mean about caring? Have you ever seen one of this places? Inside? Surry Hills say? Laughing and tears and cruel eyes studying you ... and the pond in there? Why? Has the pond harmed you? The pond is as harmless as ... one of those stuffed reptiles ... 

Oh they mean well, they cluck their thick tongues and shake their heads and suggest so very delicately that ...

Sorry, the pond was suddenly channeling Norman Bates, who knows why ... it's the holiday madness ... or perhaps it's reading the lizard Oz editorialist pretending the Chairman and Fox News don't exist ... as if a line in the WSJ was enough to set things right in the snake-handler, carnival barker's universe ...

The damage is spreading? But the Chairman and his minions have just been doing what's needed to make money ... and so have the other loons ...


But there is an upside ...

And now the pond guesses that at last it must do some work ... and what better dreary task, what drudgery, than to tackle Dame Slap, an IPA hack and stooge masquerading as a columnist, as a way of giving white-anting and fifth columnist new meaning ...



Of course ... it had to be the ABC, and a particular reptile bête noire, a man to be deplored, unlike Killer Creighton who just wanted to be able to step over a few bodies on his way to work ...


To be fair? Whenever has Dame Slap been fair? The very idea of Slappian fairness is grotesque. The whole point of Dame Slap is to give everyone a slapping, except sweet, dear, precious Gina, hallowed be her name ... oh and the IPA, great blokes, wonderful chaps, though when the pond spotted this cartoon awhile ago, it instantly thought of every reptile, and Dame Slap and Killer Creighton in particular, when it came to the matter of viral politics ...



Alas, only Wile E. Coyote has this sort of device readily to hand, and Gladys buckled on the matter of masks, and the world didn't come to a libertarian halt, so the pond pressed on. 

But please as it presses the Slappian grapes and the juices flow, don't get the pond wrong. The reptiles have every right to have an IPA stooge and lickspittle lackey on hand to do their commentary, provided that's identified in the very first line about Dame Slap at the end of the column. 

What agitates the pond is the routine unwillingness of the reptiles to balance the calls and cries of Dame Slap and Killer Creighton and the like with other views. Come to think of it, any sort of other views on just about anything ...


And so to that bit about the reptiles identifying Dame Slap as an IPA stooge, hack, and lackey, given she's a poster girl for all that produces bias, conceit and preaching ... let us see and marvel at their honesty at column's end, revealing her position as chairperson for a bunch of devious, deviant lobbyists funded by the rich ...


And there you have it. Not a mention of her devotion to Gina's mob, immune from the advice they scribble, sheltering as they do in the land of Gina's riches ...

Not a mention either of the way that Gladys fucked things up for Victorians, kept up her cricket folly, and then did a bunk, leaving others to do a minor retreat ...

Never mind, the pond has said all this before about Dame Slap, she of the UN climate science world government conspiracy, she who donned the MAGA hat and strode out into the NY streets at night to celebrate the ascension of the Donald, and no doubt will have occasion to say it again before the year is out, and in the meantime, there's always the cartoons, celebrating the achievements of Fox News and the Chairman  ...


  1. That was a truly profound and comprehensive exposition by Lloydie today. "Coal, the bedrock of Australia's existing electricity system, is being crushed and forced out by weather dependent renewables that cannot be relied upon to deliver."

    I most certainly hope the coal is being "crushed out"; it isn't really sensible to try to burn it in the form of great big lumps no matter what SloMo thinks. But oh how totally insufferable it is that those "renewables" are so "weather dependent". Apart from the absolute absurdity of calling sunshine and wind "renewables" then surely Lloydie is saying that we could get up tomorrow and all over Australia there will be no sunshine and no wind anywhere.

    Well I grant that there are periods of time when there's no sunshine anywhere in Australia for an extended peroid, but no wind anywhere ? Nobody has ever introduced Lloydie to the East Gippsland coast obviously. Or to just about anywhere along the Victorian coast.

    But fear not: "Technology fixes are in the pipeline...". Oh, that is really so reassuring to know - we're not going to have to sit around for 50 years in the cold and dark eating raw vegetables for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Though hang on a bit: "but it is still not certain what they will be, or whether they will arrive in time or at the scale required."

    Oh dear, raw mango and crushed avocado meals, here we come ! But hold on, what's this ? "...the clock is ticking in a rush to ensure Australia retains an electricity system that is affordable ..."

    Hold on though, what was it that the IEA said just the other day ? oh yes:
    "Solar power is now the cheapest electricity in history, according to the International Energy Agency."

    He does get just a wee bit muddled and doddled out in his jungle hideaway, doesn't he.

    1. As it happens, I was just talking to a neighbour who has a largish solar array. Late on an overcast day he is still getting 2kws. Without going into all the details the system produces a maximum 8kws in ideal conditions so it is still operating at 25%.

      I think that technology pipeline has already dumped its contents but the Oz readership has likely not noticed. I suspect they don't notice anything until their entire herd acknowledges it.

    2. But you can't escape the fact that the "renewable" sunshine is weather dependent, Bef. It's a La Nina season now so there's more moisture in the air, and hence more clouds in the sky, than in an El Nino season. Back a few years ago when we had the long drought, your neighbour would have gotten his 8kws day after day after day - and will again, on and off.

      Oh, and when "their entire herd acknowledges it" it will be that they have always known it and pay no attention to us lefties' trying to say otherwise. Thus Lloydie can disingenuously proclaim that:
      "The ESB says continued innovation and the subsequent cost reductions in the likes of electric vehicles, hydrogen electrolysers, batteries and fuel cells have the potential to fundamentally reshape the future as these technologies are increasingly paired with solar and wind."

      See, just a little something that he's always known and now has to explain to us retards.

  2. Not much to be said about Dame Slap, is there: "Dame Slap, an IPA hack and stooge masquerading as a columnist ..." says it all, doesn't it. But maybe just one small point: "ABC Broadcaster Norman Swan has become a nifty symbol of much that is wrong with the public bureaucracy. Swan has been castigating the NSW government for not locking down the Greater Sydney area earlier and harder."

    In short, that awful evil man is being critical of that symbol of modern sainthood, the very holy Gladys. But does anybody think that Slappy might actually recognise that a lot of us - not only Stormin' Norman - are highly critical of Gladys for being such a slow moving wuss.

    So then: "And why not ? Sinecure Swan, who has been on the public payroll since 1982, can continue to work as before ..." Dame Slap, of course, has never, ever been "on the public payroll" has she. But she has spent a lifetime in Wingnut Welfare sinecures - positions she still self-glories in - and can "continue to work as before...".

    But just like Killer Creighton and a gang of reptiles, she can't quite see that COVID-19 is fatal to a lot of people - and not only to the 75 and overs - and that even those for whom it is not fatal can suffer long periods under 'long-haul' COVID and even now - waiting on the agonisingly slow process of vaccination - the best idea is to prevent the spread as quickly and completely as possible. Go early, go hard, go comprehensive.

    People who are dead, or long-term ICU just can't "continue to work as before", no matter how completely that simple thought escapes the minds of Slaps and Killers.

  3. When the Dame Slap writes about the failings of the ABC, her trailing bio. should include the information that she was a member of the board stacked by J Winston Howard to 'do something' about the ABC, and failed on a near-Trumpian scale.

    1. Ah but she (and Moorice et al) back then hadn't cottoned on to the "let's partition the ABC into a country bit - which our country constituents really want retained, especially the disaster warning parts - and the evil, leftist city bit which can be sold off (to the Murdoch Empire ?) and privatised". Wonderful idea, ennit ?

  4. DP wrote "Miranda the Devine going the full suck in the NY Post"

    A few weeks ago I happened to tune in WABC radio and a stone fuckwit with an Aussie accent
    was pontificating about Trump. I wondered if this was one of DP's pet reptiles and sure enough it was your Miranda. First Rupert, now Miranda, is Greg Sheridan next? This Oz contagion has to be stopped, a vaccine developed and wherever it originated from should be walled off.

    1. When Trump wins back his stolen election, JM, he can build a wall between the USA and here - paid for by Australia, of course. :-)


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