Saturday, September 01, 2018

In which the pond offers nothing but blood, sweat, toil and Dame Slap ...

Forewarned is forearmed, and the pond came ready for Dame Slap. 

After all, the pond has studied Dame Slap for years, frolicking in the lizard Oz herpatarium, and knows she's one of the most dangerous reptiles, always with a mean bite …

She has a willingness to frolic with climate science denialists of the "Lord" Monckton kind, and blather about the UN using climate science to introduce world government by Christmas …

But that's only one of many outrages, because she was an early enthusiast for a member of the gangster New York mafia clique of dodgy racketeers, and danced in the streets at his election …

And so on and so forth. Whenever there's a reprehensible far right ratbag bit of rage to churn out, Dame Slap is front and centre ...

All this while purporting to represent the sensible middle … as if the Donald was ever the sensible middle …

And there was the pond's solution. 

A Donald cartoon path through the latest Dame Slap, a pause every so often for visual refreshment, and while there might be pain, sweat and tears, there'd be way stations of relief ...

Oh sheesh, the pond knew it would be a hard slog, but not the Howard years, not another bout of Dame Slap doing the culture wars all over again … quick, Captain Au Pair, a cartoon for the love of the long absent lord …

Now of course the one thing that's certain is that Dame Slap will take it personally. 

Someone has no doubt noticed that she's a certifiable raving ratbag right wing loon, and she'll get agitated about it, and carry on shouting at her clouds and at lefties in the usual way … because that's her brand, that's her bread and butter, dancing with loons of the Monckton kind and feuding with lefties and greenies …

It's how she makes a dubious living. It doesn't mean anything, it's just a lot of noise, and it feeds off discontent and resentments, and serves as a distraction, so the rich can keep on getting richer, and the sheep herders have an easier time herding the sheep and accepting their diminishing share of the feed...

Who can forget the history wars? 

Who can forget Dame Slap's warm embrace of a New York gangster, with mafioso style lawyers and a catch and kill attitude to all his sordid scandals and stories? 

Okay, Captain Au Pair, that ritual has been observed. 

Perhaps instead of an au pair, another cartoon as a Pavlovian reward? Ring the bells?

Two cartoons, and one of them a flag joke?

Oh Captain Au Pair, you're too kind, too generous, the pond is ready for another serve of surly Dame Slap resentment and bile ...

The reptiles have done more to defend freedom of speech than any other newspaper or politician?

And that's why the lizard Oz is full of alternative and dissenting voices, ranging from Dame Slap to Dame Groan to nattering "Ned" to the dog botherer to the bromancer to prattling "Polonius" to …

And somehow Dame Slap can purport to be somewhere near the centre-right, and the lizard Oz is a forensic scrutiniser of right wing loons, climate science denialism, Dame Groan's hared for renewables, the doings of minor war criminals of the dog botherer kind, and so on and so forth?

You see, Captain Au Pair, when the pond goes into hysterical laughter and runs dangerously short of breath and there's no oxygen tent nearby it needs a cartoon just for a bit of respite and recovery …

Oh you're too kind, but he's good on 5 and 6? Are we sure about that? 

He honours his father and mother and he hasn't killed anyone? Um, are we sure about the killing fields?

How goes it in Yemen and the warm embrace of Islamic fundamentalists of the Saudi Arabian kind?

Never mind, it's been a great help and the pond has got to the final Dame Slap gobbet in good shape, and is feeling ready for a lunge to the finish … easily able to handle the last bout of surly bitterness and Dame Slap aggro and resentment … using her poison-laden keyboard to insiston living and dying by the sword, from her comfortable, handsomely rewarded 'leet Surry Hills eerie ...

Debates about the threat to democracy? 

Did the pond mention the Donald and Dame Slap, and climate science denialism and the relentless worshipping of the greedy and the elite?

Such a relentlessly ratbag right wing warrior loon, reprehensible week in, week out ..

All she offers is an excuse for the pond to indulge in some Donald cartoons, but that'll do Dame Slap, that'll do …


  1. "He honours his father and mother and he hasn't killed anyone?"

    Of course he honours his mother and his father - he paid back his father's $million loan, didn't he ? Didn't he ?

    But do keep in mind, DP, that commandment 6 is actually a prohibition on murder, not on killing. Murder is the unjustified taking of life, but killing - eg of someone who is threatening your life - is ok. Otherwise, the Bible wouldn't be full of God-mandated death penalties for, as an example, working on the sabbath. Or for onanism.

    Therefore since every death attributable to the thoughts and deeds of Trump is completely and totally justified, so he and Fox tell us, he has no guilt for "killing".

  2. If Slap is so much in favour of "freedom of speech" why the sensitivity about hurtful things said by the other side? Seems like she is the sook.

    Basically, the reptiles want to say what they want without any reference to fact or consideration of civil debate whilst forcing a sort of legalistic responsibility onto their opponents.

    I seem to recall Jack Ruby being reported as the "alleged" killer of Lee Harvey Oswald. I understand the legal reasons for that sort of reporting but, having just seen the shooting on TV, I felt the same sort of bemusement I get when D Slap denies the Murdochians are waging a war or that Tony Abbott is a wrecker. The whole world knows the facts but, convicted? No not convicted your honour.

    Anyway, she dug herself into a rather deep hole, siting numerous informed sources, before attempting a rebuttal by quoting - - the dog botherer? The "reality over climate change and energy policy" is not any sort of popular backlash, but rather, a small conservative rump dragging the party to the right and to an electoral disaster.

    As you say " a certifiable raving ratbag right wing loon".

    1. The query, as always Bef, is whether Dame Slap and cronies are just playing legal dodgems or whether she (and they) really believe that "everything from my side is noble, everything from your side is evil".

      Once again: not only ... but also ? Though I do keep in mind that Slap and her cronies are more than thick enough to entertain the deluded illusion that they are acting for a "worthy cause".


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