Sunday, July 01, 2018

In which the pond finally gets around to prattling Polonius ...

The pond left it as long as it could, but it finally had to get around to the current reptile excitement about the Oz political scene…

As previously noted, the excitement has nothing to do with the odious Star Chamber exercise currently being conducted by Malware's mob … it's all to do with the idea of comrade Bill having made a fatal blunder.

Oh sure the oscillating fan saw signs of life, or at least survival…

… but the likes of nattering "Ned" were in a frothing, foaming state of ecstasy, as close to signs of life in "Ned" as might be seen, perhaps only matched when the waiter brings him a port for sipping, as he sits in his leather chair at the club and broods at the passing clouds glimpsed through the window …

Yes, you won't see nattering "Ned" getting agitated at a Star Chamber …but damned if the pond could go there on a Sunday, with a Murdochian daring to talk about rotten foundations and populist crusading. What a first class futtock he is ...

And the rest of the reptiles were pretty much the same …

Who'd start a business now? Well the pond doesn't expect any of the reptiles to leave the Murdochian teat and manage the feat, with young people these days not that exercised by coal and steam and such like ...

But still, what a depressing set of opinion  pieces, and even worse, regarding comrade Bill, the pond is conflicted, because it's never had any time for Bill.

Anyone who's hung round with the pond's extended family, at least the ones that have hung around with comrade Bill, would instantly forgive the pond … and besides before Albo was cruelly snatched away from the pond's electorate, he was a genial local who actually helped out the pond on a certain matter which shall go nameless …

In all, it was a wretched situation, and the pond could have rectified the matter by heading off to the tabloids and scored some cheap, easy laughs with the likes of Miranda the Devine …

But the Murdochian tabloids are dead to the pond, and so the pond had to turn to prattling Polonius as the least worst option …with anyone wanting to know about the Star Chamber having to head behind the Crikey paywall to read Labor stands shoulder to shoulder with Turnbull on Timor Leste cover-up

Oh heck, just a short taster …

Yes, Lord Downer at his finest … but you won't find any talk of the Star Chamber in the lizard Oz, and so to Polonius ...

Of course you won't read Polonius prattling on about how Malware's mob has become more negative, and at times incredibly hostile towards workers - restaurant workers can now be assured they'll struggle on their new post-July 1 pay-packets - while wages continue to be stagnant, and fat cats grow rich, because surprise surprise, the trickle down effect has been trickling down since Ronnie's time, often with a scatological motif …



But even the chance to run a trickle cartoon or four, and even Polonius dragging Miranda the Devine into the conversation didn't please the pond …

Well yes, big business and Malware's mob are waging a class war against the less well off, that almost goes without saying. It's in their nature, and the inequality between the rewards for your average worker and the big end of town is growing …

More here - and of course he wouldn't release the analysis, because if you just repeat the big lie often enough it'll roll around the Murdochian echo chamber for an eternity …

We've all been here before …

With more Wilcox here … but with unions now effectively degutted - the right to strike, what was that? - all that's left is polite chit chat …

And all that talk of a class war is just a way to startle the horses and scare the the mugs who think they have a chance at leaving poverty behind ...

Just as you can sell hope and delusions to all those lovers of lottery tickets, the rich have always peddled the idea that if everybody toes the line and tugs the forelock, why one day they too can sit in an institute in Phillip street Sydney and generate hysteria about class warfare.

That was the cleverness of Ming the Merciless, talking of class war while conducting warfare by stealth, and lo, generations later, the Commonwealth Bank sits before a Royal Commission as a deeply corrupt and corrupting institution.

So it goes, but the pond retains the impression - call it extended family warfare - that Albo might be able to conduct the kind of re-balancing needed by stealthy warfare a little more adeptly than comrade Bill … which brings the pond into some weird kind of alignment with prattling Polonius.

To be told that Albo is the News Corp candidate makes the pond thankful it's not a member of the Labor party ...

How upsetting and deeply disturbing is that!? Though perhaps not as disturbing as a Star Chamber and a lurch towards the behaviour of a police state...

Well the by-elections will sort out a few things, and then we'll see how the reptile triumphalists fare, and let the class warfare cards fall as they may, but if anyone thinks Malware gives a flying fuck about income inequality, the pond still has that refurbished harbour bridge for sale  …

Meanwhile, there's nothing like a few cartoons contemplating the fate of others to cheer the pond up …



  1. This whole nothingness about Shorten's "humiliation" and how he's on the brink of being dumped is interesting. On the face of it, it's just a posturing pantomime - running it up the flagpole to see who salutes.

    But then, from time to time, I do wonder whether any of them really do believe any of their manifold nonsenses, or whether its just a garden variety salesperson's push: they believe it just as long as it takes to fake sincerity while they expostulate.

    But they are noodle-nutted enough to actually believe the nonsense they spout, so I guess the criterion is whether they resurrect it later on. The more they reiterate stuff, then the more they might have actually believed it in the first place. Hmm, I wonder what that says about the urbane Urban and the crisis of Western civilisation.

    1. Wonderful. I just found an article in Scientific American that claims you only need to get to a 25% minority to change the mind of a larger group. The article claims:

      "...this is about a minority trying to change the status quo, and succeeding by being unrelenting. By committing to a new behavior, they repeatedly expose others to that new behavior until they start to copy it.”

      Well, ok the urbane Urban is clearly unrelenting (dogged monomania is a required reptile attribute) but is she - even with all the other reptiles - a 25% or bigger minority ?


  2. One of my favorite words is bullshit.
    The world is now of course saturated in bullshit.
    Two examples are:
    Bullshit Jobs (Why Capitalism Creates Pointless Jobs)by David Graeber.

    The book Bullshit by Harry Frankfurt. The Murdoch media empire specializes in spreading and promoting bullshit, especially Fox "news" in Amerika.


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