Saturday, May 25, 2024

In which the reptile Titanic serenely floats on, with contributions from "Ned", the dog botherer and the bromancer ...


As esteemed correspondents have noted, there's much excitement at the visit by furriners to the belly of the local beast to remind the peasants that they work for furriners.

The thing that excited the pond was the report on the Louis XIV component as the elegant visitors reminded the peasants of their place in the scheme of things ...

...denizens of the building – who would have seen some things in their time – have been agog to see Brooks getting around the building completely empty-handed, not even clutching a phone, although that might be understandable in the circumstances.
All her gear is being carted by an assistant, flown in from the UK, who trails the executive carrying a white leather Hermes Birkin handbag. As some of our readers will no doubt know, these start at $12,000, can set you back up to $200,000, and are only offered to select VIP-tier customers of the luxury brand.
So it’ll be some comfort to the company’s foot soldiers, who have good reason to fear for their jobs – with News’ tabloids reportedly in the gun – that Murdoch family favourites will live their best lives, come what may. (Nine)

And there was this one liner ...

The key executives stayed at the luxury Capella Sydney hotel near Circular Quay. (Nine)

Now that's not a shabby joint from which to pull the peasants into line. That yarn ended with this ...

“We’ve written to the company asking for consultation,” Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance director Michelle Rae said. “MEAA is concerned about a restructure and what that might look like for editorial staff.”

Good luck, and then came this ...

News Corp’s Australasian boss Michael Miller will address the National Press Club next month on the topic of “Australia and global tech: time for a reset”.
He is expected to continue the company’s strident campaign around social media and holding global tech platforms including Meta, owner of Facebook and Instagram, to account.
This week, the company secured a significant deal with ChatGPT’s parent company, OpenAI.
The agreement will let OpenAI use content from more than a dozen of News Corp’s publications for its generative AI products.

AI as the solution to social media?! Only in reptile la la land ...

Of course the venerable Meade was on the case in the Graudian ... as the peasants tried to impress the visiting royalty ,,,

..On Monday the Australian’s editor-in-chief, Michelle Gunn, claimed to have a bigger readership than both the Sydney Morning Herald and the Age – and boasting that the reason for this triumph is “The Australian’s contest of ideas”.
“The Australian’s weekday and weekend readerships now outstrip those of both The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, as the national masthead continues to grow its audiences while the Nine-owned metro titles shed thousands of readers each month,” a report by media editor James Madden said.
Gunn: “The latest readership figures reflect Australians’ hunger for quality journalism and incisive analysis inturbulent times and cement our masthead’s position at the heart of the national conversation.”
But wait. According to Nine’s reporting of the same Roy Morgan survey, the Sydney Morning Herald is the country’s most-read masthead: with a cross-platform readership of 7.3 million. The Age has readership of 4.7 million. Under another digital only measure, Ipsos rankings for the Top 20 news websites, The Australian had 4,091,000 readers in April while the SMH had more than double that at 8,268,000.
We asked Gunn what the paper meant by the story and a spokesperson clarified that it referred to print only. It would have been nice to tell the readers that.
Circulation used to be the way we tracked the success of newspapers but that was quietly ditched when news went digital and now the metric of “readership” is used, a far less scientific method in which people are surveyed about what they read.

Contest of ideas? So that's what they call the bubble-wrapped hive mind these days. 

And then came a plaintive note ...

The ABC’s veteran digital strategist Craig McCosker said: “If ChatGPT is using News Corp content to ground its answers it will be interesting to see how it answers topical questions about the ABC.”
And the University of Sydney AI and ethics researcher Rebecca Johnson said the deal could create increased polarisation.
“When you train a model, it picks up the embedded values, morals, world views, ideologies and cultural traits that are prominent in the training data,” she told the New Daily.

Forget the suffering of the ABC, think of climate science, and just about every other barking mad far right talking point, except when it becomes to embarrassing matters. which must be erased from the memory banks of the hive mind (think the trial of the century - thus far - or Rish! and his mighty struggle, upside down flags, white Xian nationalist flags featuring pine trees, the new Reich, the right to use contraceptives, yadda yadda).

Thankfully there was no sign of this turmoil in the lizard Oz, which sailed on majestically, completely oblivious to inhouse matters, and featuring the usual suspects ...

As the pond suspected, talk of the ICC dominated proceedings, with all hands on deck to defend the genocide ...

There was really nothing the pond could do but go with the flow ... though at least it could ignore Josh and Dame Slap and instead turn to that gigantic bore "Ned", given the difficult task of how the reptiles got to where they are ... 

It was Little Johnny and the stocking and high heels man from the south wot done it ...

The good news is that it's so embarrassing that they had to pack "Ned" full of videos and "Ned" himself was remarkably short about his business ...

Video clips out of the way, it was time to do a little historical revisionism, with a search for suspects to blame ...

Indeed, indeed, it was essential that the right of the United States to roam the planet committing war crimes be protected... and what if a client state be run by a pack of barking mad fundamentalists intent on war crimes and genocide? Of course they needed protection ...

Bloody Ninian Stephen. It was all his fault. The bloody wretch even had the cheek to sit on an international tribunal to judge war crimes in the former Yugoslavia and events in Rwanda (obit).

As if anybody had the right to pass comment on war crimes or interfere in a legitimate internal genocide ...

Shocking, shameful, and now the chooks have come home to roost, and "Ned" was so dismayed he could only manage a final gobbet ...

Well the pond promised it would be short, a rarity for "Ned" and concluding with the high comedy of the stockings and high heels man feeling betrayed ... and wanting to flounce out of the room. If only he'd stayed in that bar listening to tales of conspiracies afoot ...

And so to the dog botherer, who offered up his standard Saturday rant, with a slight skew to supporting the current genocide ...

Take note of that mention of climate change and the effect of heat emanating from footpaths. The dog botherer loved it ...

Meanwhile there were any number of illustrations - how soon can AI come to jazz up the reptile offerings? - and as usual the pond lumped them. altogether but felt the need to at least note the efforts of the long lost graphics department ...

Phew, so much visual padding, but they do match the verbal padding ...

In this listicle of thought crimes, the pond couldn't help but notice a black hole, a missing item ... the need to nuke the country to save the planet ...

Usually such talk would be front and centre of a dog botherer screed, but not today ... no hammering of climate science hovered into view ...

All standard, pro forma stuff, as if bag-blessed Bekky had never landed and told the reptiles to lift their game ... instead there was just more bog standard bagging by the dog botherer ...

At this point there were just two gobbets to go, and the dog botherer still hadn't really tackled the salvation of the planet by Captain Spud nuking assorted electorates ...

Oh he has the courage of his convictions, but shush, no mention of nuking the country ...

You see? There he goes again, repeating himself, and again drawing attention to the dire threat of climate change and its impact on temperatures and hot footpaths, yet nary a word of the way that nuking the country will help save paddle pops ...

Oh dear, the dog botherer must lift his game, or Bekky will get him with her bag ...

And so to the bromancer, doing a "Ned". 

On past occasions, the pond has spent some time reporting on the actual genocide currently going down, but the bromancer's outing is so long that it will be sufficient to report on his thoughts ...

Now the pond should note as a teaser that the talk of Benji will lead to a gigantic billy goat butt, dressed up as an "of course", but it will take some time to get there ...

In the meantime there were an inordinate number of snaps and a video clip to note and get out of the way...

Then it was on with the hysteria, not about the genocide of course, but the bizarre notion of noting the genocide and condemning it ...

This might be best done by introducing an Iranian shibboleth to terrify the aged demographic ...

The pond has no time for theocrats, whether in Israel, Iran or the United States - death by chopper is but one way to sort out the problem - but always finds it marvellous the way that Israel's theocratic ways are forgiven or forgotten George Orwell might have said, some theocrats good, some theocrats bad ...and as a wannabe theocratic tyke, the bromancer knows whereof he scribbles ...

Well yes, but why no mention of the fate of Palestinians/Arabs in theocratic Israel? Never mind, on we go with a very big and grand gobbet ...

Yep, as a tyke in good standing, the bromancer knows whereof he speaks ... who has been better at anti-Semitism than the Catholic church?

Of course there is a slight problem whenever it turns up as a final irrefutable argument ...

... but the pond had promised not to interrupt too much, just to get the job done ...

The pond can't help but note the irony that right next to "Ned" in the digital edition there came a report ...

Sheesh, not the ICJ too ... shocking really. Fancy wanting to stop the destruction of Rafah, just when the genocide was reaching a peak'll be ignored of course, that's what theocrats do ...

Meanwhile, stripped of his snaps, the bromancer had been reduced to spluttering short gobbets ...

Naturally the pond helped out by filling in with a little more from that report on the ICJ ruling ...

Oh dear and then came perhaps the shortest gobbet of bro hysteria on record, and the bro really did produce a wondrous word jelly in it ... though some might quibble and quiver and wonder whatever happened to "blancmanage" as a term of abuse ....

More praise for Captain Spud - the bro and the dog botherer singing in harmony - and yet that other story about the ICJ ruling kept on giving ...

Uh huh, and that led the bromancer to the foreshadowed gigantic billy goat butt, or if you will, an astonishing bromancer "of course"... buttressed of course by a defence of a barking mad fundamentalist genocidal regime ...

Amazingly, the bro managed to toss aside all that he'd scribbled to offer up alleged "great criticism" ... is it possible to have peak comedy in the middle of a genocide?

The pond has had more than enough to say on Israel's judicial system, and the way it has licensed terrorism and expansionism on the West Bank, not to mention the degradation of second class citizens within Israel proper, and will only pause to note that talk of "old liberal international ideals" was once upon a time supposed to be the work of "cosmopolitans" ...

It's enough to know where those ideals have gone ...

And so to the final gobbet, and what a relief to reach the end ... and the pond won't even bite on the way that yet again a reptile manages to ignore the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin by a barking mad Zionist fundamentalist ...

Really? Haven't we already attempted our own genocide, and did particularly well at in Tasmania?

Never mind, it's just the usual bromancer paranoia about the world coming to get him - as it should given his madness - and so to end, please allow the pond an indulgence, with one last cartoon that seems to sum up the point of it all ...


  1. Dorothy Parker I doubt envisioned herself as an algorithm outer. But if this bromanced neddified revisionist against ICC tosh is served up as reheated ainyooz we are surely going to drown in PaiNews. NaiSpeak.
    Keep up the good work Dot. Ta.

    1. De-BroNedify nyoozai... "add "udm=14" to the search URL."

      "Does One Line Fix Google?
      "Forget AI. Google just created a version of its search engine free of all the extra junk it has added over the past decade-plus. All you have to do is add "udm=14" to the search URL.

      " If you’re using Google to actually find websites rather than get answers, it $!@(&!@ sucks. Admittedly though, it’s not the first time Google has adulterated its results like a food manufacturer in the 19th century—knowledge panels have been around for years.

      "But in the midst of all this, Google quietly added something else to its results—a “Web” filter that presents what Google used to look like a decade ago, no extra junk.

      "the disenshittification Konami code
      "If you want to give people easy access to an AI-free Google search, send them to this page

      h/tip cory docrorow pluralistic


  2. What the Bro-nyooz-hai(l) won't be training on... "The real unstated imperative is protection of unelected Arab monarchies and their wealth parked in the West."

    "Satyajit Das: The Economic Costs of Modern War
    Posted on May 23, 2024 by Yves Smith

    "Yves here. This is a fine, compact piece on the nexus among the Ukraine and Israel conflicts and their costs, both on the countries themselves and their backers.

    "An additional point comes from Alex Vershinin in a recent RUSI article, The Attritional Art of War: Lessons from the Russian War on Ukraine.
    "Obliteration of impoverished, aid-reliant Gaza is economically pointless except to drive residents out paving the way ultimately for Jewish settlement. In contrast, Israel’s economy has shrunk, by perhaps 20 percent. Loss of cheap Palestinian labour has crippled construction and agriculture. Callup of reservists for military service and flight of talent has disrupted its industries. Northern border skirmishes have necessitated evacuation of around 60,000 Israelis resulting in economic dislocation and relocation costs. The $50 billion plus cost to date (10 percent of GDP) of the conflict has substantially increased Israel’s debt and its credit rating has been downgraded.
    "The real unstated imperative is protection of unelected Arab monarchies and their wealth parked in the West. Given that over 90 percent of their population support the Palestinian cause, a perceived betrayal risks a new ‘Arab Spring’. With rising domestic tensions requiring increasing repressive state counter-measures in the Gulf, Egypt and Jordan, civil conflict and the fall of these unpopular hereditary regimes is not inconceivable.

    "Such instability poses serious risks to the global economy. 

  3. I trust you have all read the outrage:

    It is difficult to put into words how Polonius feels about this, and it consigns him to more late night ABC surveillance - a sort of ABC after dark.

    Clearly an activist retaliatory response from the ABC - the sooner Dutton nukes them the better. It is also a salutary lesson on the Labor-lite days of Malware, who used his mate at the ABC board to silence unfavourable (if somewhat inaccurate) economic commentary from Emma (but then, I've heard very few economic analysts of recent times that I would trust with my housing investment, so nothing new really); Malware still left a cabal of activist leftist journos and what do we get - David Marr instead of Polonius on late night ABC airwaves. The sooner Dutton announces six nuclear SMRs at ABC HOs in the capital cities, the better. AG.

    PS. I will be there with Polonius, listening to the outrage on the late shift. Seriously - I don't know how he does it - does he ever sleep?

    1. I don't know that Emma's commentary was all that "inaccurate", Anony, just mainly unfavourable. But then who would you rather trust, Emma or Malware on economic matters.

    2. I don't know that Emma's commentary was all that "inaccurate", Anony, just mainly unfavourable. But then who would you rather trust, Emma or Malware on economic matters.

    3. If at first you don't succeed, say it twice. 🙁

    4. "It is difficult to put into words how Polonius feels about this", but not for some.

      "Henderson, Marr and the privileging of “rational” thought"
      ..."Emotion is a normal human response to situations, and the more appalling the situation, the more appropriate it is to feel distress. The privileging of thinking over feeling, and the moral bifurcation of the two equal capacities has created an atmosphere of shame around the expression of emotion, as if there is a moral value in denial and restraint. Henderson clearly believes he embodies this moral value while Marr, in Henderson’s opinion, does not, therefore his views are to be dismissed as emotive and unworthy of serious consideration.

      "I don’t want to demonise poor Henderson, for whom I feel considerable pity, however, he does strike me as an outstanding example of a man who deeply, if unconsciously, desires what he publicly claims to despise: the ability to feel and to express that feeling."

    5. 'Emotion' is vastly overemphasized and misunderstood IMNSHO. Emotion is fine in its role of driving you to persist but it's only what reason delivers that is important. We only make progress when we can separate emotion's drive from reason's results that we've ever made any progress.

  4. In the words of Annabel Crabb, there's the "former next-Prime Minister" writing about the nation's descent into darkness. He should know following his descent into electoral oblivion.

  5. Paul Karp of The G writes

    'Coverage of Albanese in News Corp publications such as the Daily Telegraph has been mixed over the years, ranging from a Save Our Albo front page endorsing him over his Greens opponent in 2016 to an exclusive in 2021 accusing him of an “awkward lie” about eating Streets Viennetta ice-cream as a child'.

    Well at least he wasn't eating a centre-right Magnum - perhaps he was but lied to avoid the controversy, and then was called out by the reptiles? I for one have never eaten a Magnum, at least not that I would own up to, not down here in the south, I know my ice creams and their significance. Anything else happening the world today? AG.

    1. I have a half-eaten Viennetta sitting in my fridge even as we speak. So what was Albanese's "lie" ? That Streets didn't create the Viennetta until after Albo's childhood has ended ?

      I must admit I've never been quite sure about folks who claim they can remember every little thing they did and didn't do as a Child. Or as an adult.

  6. As the Bro continues to repetitively rant and rave, my only flicker of interest when reading today’s instalment was to wonder - why an orange-green jelly? Surely a red-green concoction would have been more in keeping with the Reptiles’ usual paranoia about the “Green-Left”?

    1. The orange reference caught my eye as well. Perhaps an allusion to Northern Ireland? Sheridan's mind is is roughly akin to the contents of a cows lower colon.


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