Friday, May 31, 2024

In which our Henry celebrates anarchy, but not before there's a little Vlad the sociopath and a serve of Mein Gott ...

At last, a convicted felon will become Prez ...

Sorry, that's news for another day, and the pond must carry on as if nothing has happened ... much like the reptiles in their bubble-wrapped hive mind world ...

Christopher Warren has been writing some more soft core lizard Oz porn for Crikey, this time featuring a two way with the cardigan wearers, The Laura Tingle fallout shows how the ABC kowtows to News Corp, News Corp's outrage machinery clunked into gear following Laura Tingle's 'racist' Australia comments. The ABC should know better than to kowtow. (paywall)

The pond felt an unholy tingle ...

It’s been a big week at News Corp’s outrage factory, with one of Australia’s significant cultural thought leaders having been called to order for colouring outside the lines of what the US company decrees as the acceptable limits on the hot issues of race, migration and refugees.
The actual words of Laura Tingle at the Sydney Writers’ Festival on the weekend were too hot to report straight, too dangerous to confront with reason. Instead, each called for a cranking up of resentment and indignation through News Corp’s old friends: diversion, misrepresentation and amplification. 
In The Australian, outrage was quickly diverted to “partisan rot” at the ABC, misrepresented as an “attack on Australia” and active campaigning against Peter Dutton, amplified through the opposition frontbench commentary.
To the surprise of no-one, ABC management stumbled, then fell to the occasion. Fresh off last year’s staff revolt over the public broadcaster’s failure to defend Indigenous journalists during the Voice campaign, ABC leadership rewarded News Corp with a mealy-mouthed sniff that Tingle’s “conversational” comments “would not have met the ABC’s editorial standards”.
News Corp’s pile-on was more than just another skirmish in the Murdochs’ long-running war on the ABC. Policing the tone about migration — and migrants — with an “it’s not racism” deniability is central to the strategy for winning next year’s election.  
They’re reaching for the well-worn register of the dog whistle, eager to keep on the not-THAT-racist side of the debate while arguing that (as per Tingle’s truncation of Dutton’s comments) “everything that’s going wrong in this country is because of migrants”...

And so on and sure enough the Graudian reported ...

The goose in chief actually used these words: 

...Anderson said Tingle’s comments had hurt the ABC and the journalist herself, partly because they had been unfairly reported by some media.
“I will say that some media organisations have really taken this and run with it. There is also social media trolling happening for our people as well.”
Anderson said the corporation disagreed with Hanson-Young’s suggestion he should “blacklist” all News Corp journalists from ABC platforms because of the company’s hostile attitude towards the ABC.
“It is important for the ABC to cover a perspective of views that are held in this country,” he said.

Out of that word salad, the reptiles immediately knew the right one to deploy, albeit using scare quotes ...

What a pathetic kowtowing goose, supplying the words and the ammunition, and all the pond had to offer was a cartoon ...

No wonder the pond gave up on the ABC long ago ...

And so on to the rest of the reptile rag, digital edition, this day ...

Nothing really appealed in that lot - the pond is particularly disappointed at the way that riff raff have been allowed to occupy the far right, top of the digital world, ma highly desired slot ... and the bunch below the fold were just as disappointing...

The pnod finds it hard to imagine anyone could be as dull as our Henry, but the meretricious Merritt manages it effortlessly, though the pond was pleased to see that all that righteous nonsense the Murdochians deploy in the United States about their fatuous bill of rights doesn't cut the meretricious mustard ...

And what's this Salt blathering on about "fortunately, we have migrants". The pond will dob him into Dame Groan to give him a decent peppering ...

Sure, there was our Henry, but the pond always likes an appetiser before moving to the main course. How about this one?

That saintly vision sold it to the pond. A sociopath as a heavenly saint in the clouds? What's not to like?

It was sad that it was behind the Beast paywall, because Panicked Russia Is Now Telling Reluctant Soldiers They Will Be Resurrected was a ripper ...and the pond felt not a shred of guilt straying away from the lizard Oz hive mind for just a moment, knowing that our Henry would turn up in due course ...

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s ill-fated decision to invade Ukraine is so unconscionable that his propagandists—including Russian Orthodox church that is tightly controlled by the government—are having to resort to increasingly outlandish methods to recruit more volunteers and comfort brokenhearted families of soldiers who perished in Ukraine.
From the beginning, Putin’s loyal mouthpieces like state TV host Vladimir Solovyov asserted that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a “holy war,” predicting it would lead to a “global jihad” against the West. Deputy of the State Duma Vyacheslav Nikonov claimed that Russia is “the embodiment of the forces of good” and stated, “This is truly a holy war we're waging and we must win.” Major General Apti Alaudinov, the commander of Chechen forces, who is himself a Muslim, claimed that Russia’s war against Ukraine will lead to the second coming of Christ, describing Moscow’s troops as “the forerunners of Jesus forces.”
Apparently, these assurances are not sufficient to ensure a steady stream of volunteers, much less to calm down the families of fallen soldiers. This month, Archpriest of the Russian Orthodox Church Artemiy Vladimirov decided to up the ante and claimed that soldiers fighting on Russia’s side in Ukraine get resurrected after they get killed.
Ukraine’s Armed Forces estimate that the Russian military has suffered 451,730 casualties in the course of war, which includes deaths and injuries. Estimates by the U.S. and British intelligence conclude that Russian casualties exceed 300,000. This further exacerbates Russia’s growing demographic catastrophe and highlights the difficulties faced by the Kremlin in ensuring they have enough men willing to continue this devastating war.
Host of TV channel “Soyuz” Sergey Platonov told Vladimirov that he often speaks to soldiers serving in Ukraine and has been trying to convince them that there is no such thing as death. Describing one of his recent conversations with a Russian soldier, the host proudly said, “Maybe I’m boasting but I was successfully able to explain that death does not exist. He was encouraged by that!”
Vladimirov played along and replied, “In war, there are no unbelievers! When you are facing physical death, every fiber of your soul comes alive. Right now, there are many wonderful testimonies of Christ’s victory over death. My wife sends me many military testimonies and video clips. Before Lent, I watched a video about one Chinese man who participated in the special military operation. A bullet hit him in the stomach, destroying all of his insides. He died from this and then was resurrected.”
Vladimirov continued to spin the tale, claiming, “Saint Luke of Crimea appeared to him and completely healed him, his insides were fully restored. He was baptized along with his relatives, all of them are photographed together, dressed in white clothes, baptized into our Orthodox Church.”
The Archpriest added that this is not the only miraculous testimony that “Christ is visiting the soldiers who laid down their lives for their brethren, he is visiting them as his brothers, as blessed martyrs.”
Platonov said that Vladimirov’s tale of an alleged physical resurrection is an example of what should be a constant topic of conversation. He surmised, “All of us talk on the Internet, these stories should be constantly told. Death does not exist.”
Vladimirov wholeheartedly agreed, reminiscing about the Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov, describing him as one of the first clergymen who united the Russian Orthodox Church with the Defense Ministry. The thesis that “death does not exist” has already been incorporated into multiple state TV programs and even holiday specials, but is now being endowed with new outlandish specifics.
Vladimirov is no stranger to spreading idiosyncratic fibs. In 2019, he claimed to have communicated with Charles Darwin from beyond the grave and alleged that the scientist repented for his theory of evolution and renounced his own hypothesis about the origin of species.

You simply don't get that sort of high resurrection comedy in the lizard Oz, instead you get talk of the wonders of Xianity, or perhaps Mein Gott doing a riff on EVs ...

The reptiles try to keep Mein Gott out of the pond's eye by running him at odd times - just like Killer Creighton musing on the New York trial, which involved some kind of recognition that the trial was happening, and so Killer had to be disappeared quickly. (Why, it might turn ugly and then you'd have the reptiles supporting a convicted felon for Prez).

Dammit, the pond is not easily dissuaded from serving up a dose of Mein Gott and his latest tale of disaster, because talk about channeling Charles Darwin is nothing up against Mein Gott channeling the apocalypse, in all its myriad and manifest forms ...

Mein Gott, it turns out the global EV mess is wot brung Rish! down. Who knew, apart from Mein Gott?

To be fair, EVs featured significantly in a recent Rowson on Rish!

(Relax, apparently that boat was an EV).

The reptiles supplied different videos and snaps for Mein Gott ...

... and then it was on with the catastrophe that had brought Rish! down ...

Ah, it was the pandering to 'leets wot done it ... only Mein Gott can channel "ordinary peeple" ... but it would seem there's a simple solution. 

Let India stay clogged in sweat while we revert to the 1950s and the good old days of petrol ...

Oh sheesh, a switch back to petrol will cause more chaos ... ordinary peeple is doomed ... with a Colbert "Meanwhile" to wrap up this sorry tale of woe ...

If only all these clever dicks always wanting to innovate and driven by the delusion that climate science is a threat would settle down and let us all get back to a decent Morris Minor ...or perhaps an Austin A30, or if you really wanted to keep your mechanic happy, a Vauxhall or a Jaguar XJ-6.

And so to the serve of our Henry, in ripper nineteenth century form this day ...

Our Henry's real beef is with people daring to call out an unfolding genocide, but as usual the deviant dodderer seeks refuge in the past as a form of attack on the present ...

Indeed, indeed, why try to tame war, why try to prevent genocides? Why indulge in the Nuremberg trials? Surely the correct response was to hand all the Nazi leaders a ticket to South America, and living expenses for a year, with a kindly note that they'd played a jolly good game, but they'd lost.

Let the beast loose, indulge in the bestial. Why all the hanging and the rest of the carry on? Why all this talk of self-regulation when you can freely wank in the patented our Henry way?

The reason became apparent in the next reptile snap ... the barbarian perpetrator of a genocide in response to a barbarian slaughter might be under the gun ...

Our Henry wasn't going to stand for any of that ...

Hang on, hang on, mixed message reptile time out.

Didn't Killer Creighton only yesterday scribble Things even may be looking up: the world is coming to look more like it did in that relatively peaceful 19th century, when no one nation held overwhelming global power.

He did, he did, and the pond thinks esteemed correspondents might have noted, what with the American Civil War still tops, with an average of 425 deaths per day, up against a 100 a day in the first world war and 200 fatalities a day in the second world war ...

Oh okay, that's just the sort of faux statistic the google bot will throw up when asked, and c. 600k dead helps explain why the nineteenth century was relatively peaceful ...

Meanwhile, our Henry was still working out ways to save the current Israeli government and its war criminal leader from assorted charges ...

Oh sheesh, the hole in the bucket man is going to do a listicle, and yet truly up to this point, his main thrust in support of anarchy, lawlessness, and barbarism was going splendidly well ...

Next time you feel like murdering your partner, please don't be held back by sweeping judicial mechanisms. 

The disconnect between those biblical injunctions and actual practice have always been in a chasm, and if you don't like the rulez, simply tear them up and do what you will.

As Aleister Crowley famously once said, "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the our Henry law ..."

Perhaps not exactly those words, but put it another way...

Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back at you.

And now it's time for the listicle, and then you can head off to do a little shop lifting, and complain SovCit style about stringent rules and sweeping judicial mechanisms.

Who needs a driver's license? Who needs to drive on one side of the road, what meaningless rules are these? Why all these stringent judicial mechanisms and useless pettifogging regulations?

Yes, lessons have been drawn, just as the curtains were once drawn with a pencil on the Good show.

As Nikki Haley famously scribbled and as the genocide loving Henry concurred ...

Finish them! Kill 'em all, the long, the short, and the tall. Let there be blood. Heck, pound an Xian to death with a bowling pin if that's your fancy.

Remember, our Henry has never met a genocide he couldn't love ... his god is old testament,  where bunging on a flood to wipe out life on earth was just a routine cleansing genocide. She really knew how to do barbaric slaughter, and gave not a whit nor a jot for the rules She'd scribbled in a listicle fit into a ten point form. Useless regulatory nonsense full of mindless legalisms. She should have known better, She should have sought Henry's advice.

And so to the cartoons of the day, and the pond had to hold them back to the end because they all concerned the latest racist migrant lizard Oz fixation.

The pond has a humble attitude to the problem ... if you've sheltered and nurtured someone from say the age of one or two, and they turn criminal - not that there's anything wrong with that, they've been made that way by insufferable legalism and sweeping judicial mechanisms - then you broke it, and you should fix it, or at least live with it, rather than deport it and dump your handiwork on other countries...

Cue a flurry of cartoons to wrap up proceedings...


  1. Shorter Our Henry - “Shit happens, ok? Just so long as it’s the right sort of shit.”

    An entirely predictable lecture from the all-knowing Henry, the only surprise being that he draws his examples from the 19th Century. Surely he could have cited the Peloponnesian War, if only to quote Thucydides?

  2. "...Anderson said Tingle’s comments had hurt the ABC and the journalist herself...". Strangely, however, Ms Tingle was not "counselled" for talking about racism:
    "Anderson clarified that Tingle was not counselled by Stevens for her comments saying that Australia was a 'racist country', but instead in relation to her remarks about the Opposition's post-budget policy position on immigration."

    So there ya go, nobody got any of it right at all.

  3. So Henry has been chatting to The Bro about the fundamental good of war, far better than adopting the rule of law with military action to restore the peace only as a last resort, hopefully with a UN majority or thereabouts. Why wait for justice when you can get it by brute force? Of course this latter view is ok if you have the brute power in the first place, but in an increasingly nuclear and biological weapons world, it turns out that most everyone has either the might to deliver a killer blow, or can readily buy it.

    I was moved by the following article in The G.

    I am wondering, how about some Tee shirts for the ICC and ICJ. Seems there are never any Tee shirts for the umpires. AG.

    1. Yes, that was a strong piece, and the pond would like to link to it, and will likely do so, though the reptiles manage to avoid such topics so successfully it has to be a major pivot and segue ...

  4. Henry Ergas: " It is...crystal clear that the 19th century architects of what evolved into the current edifice steadfastly assumed that those running it would be committed defenders of the liberal ethos, promoted from the apex of the most advanced countries' judicial elites and devoted to Enlightenment ideals.

    That they might largely be drawn from an assortment of authoritarian and failed states, with corrupt judiciaries to boot, didn't cross their minds."

    One has to wonder which members of the Court (all eminent judges - their CVs are available at the ICJ site) are are not committed defenders of the liberal ethos and Ergas doesn't name the failed states. Perhaps it includes Australia, the United States of America and Japan all of whom sit on the ICJ.

    Given that the ICC has named leading individuals within the terrorist group Hamas as committing war crimes, Henry Ergas' implication that the "current edifice" is somehow not taking into account insurgent groups is false.

    In order to make his claim that "85% of casualties in post-1945 warfare have been caused by conflicts between states and insurgent groups that utterly disregard international law", Henry Ergas suddenly jumps to post-1945, omitting much of the 19th and 20th centuries' conflicts in order to make his argument that the "current edifice" is not fit for purpose stick. He ignores all guerilla warfare and insurgencies that occurred in the 19th century.
    It's a wonder Henry Ergas doesn't mention the insurgency against the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021.

    1. When I read “groups that utterly disregard international law" I thought it was a reference to the US. The yanks don’t sign up to a lot of international law, they prefer the “rules based order” in which the rules aren’t written down and seem to change depending on who they are applied to.

    2. That's always been "the rule" about Rules, hasn't it Anony ? Just consider the history of religions - eg largely, but not only, Christianity. And what, for instance, has happened to "the rule" that homosexuality is a mortal sin. In how many paces does that "rule" still apply without ever having been formally discontinued. And if you wonder why some Christnuts regard masturbation as a mortal sin too, that just say 'Onan' quietly to yourself.

  5. The Henry passed up a neat piece of Latin - Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius (Kill them. For the Lord knows who are His.) which had the benefit of being associated with that bit of unpleasantness in Béziers, to weed out a few heretics from the true faith. To be fair, although attributed to the Inquisitor Arnaud Amalric, the person who wrote them down admitted that he only had hearsay that Arnaud had said this. Still, it is a piece of 'Law of war' similar to 'Rule 303', with the kind of simplicity that seems to appeal to our Henry. And few wars are simpler than those of opposing interpretations of what is supposed to be essentially the same religion.

    1. Well of course 'They' (being this progressive Trinity and all) know their own. And of course it's "the same religion" even if all its supposed believers have different holy books and different Holy Men (no woe-men, of course) and say different things.

      It's quite wonderful how so many different things are really all the same things.

  6. What was hat thing about "bids of a feather" again ? Was it something like this?:
    "Kremlin spokesman decries ‘elimination … of political rivals’ while Hungarian prime minister calls Trump ‘a man of honour’."

    Nothing so far on Xi's reaction have I seen. Will he give one praising Trump ?

    1. [sigh] "that<"/b> thing about "birds of a feather"...

  7. Fridays and Amanda:

    "Murdoch’s empire down under has been quietly reorganised – with a long, slow cull of journalists expected to follow"

    I wonder who will go missing ? And just how would the choices be made ?
    "While News Corp has berated the ABC’s Laura Tingle for calling Australia a racist country, Sharri Markson spoke on Sky News of an ‘explosion of racism’ across the nation'".

    Sharri will have to stay and be promoted, of course.


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