Sunday, January 14, 2024

In which the pond takes it easy, with just a serve of prattling Polonius and a stupid boy ...


It would have been too obvious to have led with this infallible Pope yesterday while contemplating the reptiles attempt to cultivate a culture war in the run up to Oz day ...


.. and besides the pond wants to keep the culture war fomenting away, especially when it can result in great impressions of great Karens (why did the pond think he was just a Queensland plod?)...

In much the same way the pond didn't bother juxtaposing this with the outpourings of sudden, new, wildly enthusiastic Angelic one  repuglican ...

The reptiles cry out for a referendum but how they like to discover their queens, and not, the pond hastens to add, the sort of queen you could once find in Les Girls in the X .. (and that's not that X).

The angelic one's head says republic, but the reptile hearts say long live the dinkum Queen ...

Okay, okay, the pond is still in holyday bludging mode, and what better way to have a bludging meditative Sunday than to turn to prattling Polonius ... about the only old school reptile, along with the hole in the bucket man, to stay the reptile holyday course ...

Of course it's the bloody ABC, once more in the thickets of Polonial heresy, and rightly subject to Polonial inquisition ...

Is this the right moment to mention to Polonius's own tome was published by MUP and that the University of Melbourne isn't adverse to tickling the government till for a little cash in the paw?

Not to worry, evidently the print run hasn't been exhausted because the Polonial site was still offering copies at fifty bucks the pop (the pond preferred to get its copy from the street library and a mug punter who'd actually forked over hard cash, then realised they'd been dudded) ...

No doubt Polonius will some day regale us with tales of the sinister links between MUP, government funding and the Sydney Institute, but in the meantime, the pond must move on  ...

An excellent point, and the pond is glad Polonius raised it, because the man wasn't just sozzled at the Melbourne Cup ...

...he was also sozzled in Tamworth, once centre of the known universe, until Barners ruined it, as this story recalls ...

No doubt Whitlam had an axe to grind, though it's a mighty witty and pretty axe - our Henry would be blown away by that Caligula joke - but the pond will seize any chance to show off mighty Tamworth, especially the front page of the mighty Northern Daily Bleeder ...

After that flurry of excitement, Polonius tailed away ... and never mind that over the years, such was the guilt of the head prefect at what he'd done that he changed his ways and became a full agrarian socialist, with all sorts of dire left-leaning attitudes ...

As for the MUP, it's either your university fees or your government taxes at work, but you can still cough up fifty bucks for a first edition from 2015 ...

And so to the bonus, and early on Sunday morning, things looked grim ...

Frankly the pond has rarely had any interest in the oscillating fan, nor interest in jolly Joe off on yet another colonial excursion.

The United States can never resist sending in a gun boat or two (how long before the mutton Dutton has the bright idea to send a gun boat north to Papua New Guinea? What's that, we no longer have gun boats equipped with Gatlings, and must fire off the odd missile, which would be frightfully expensive and pointless?)

It all feels as if it's from another time ...

Gad sir, those were the Persian days ...

Never mind, yesterday the pond encouraged the young things embarking on the culture wars for cheap crap from China Oz day to maintain the rage.

And today the pond was offered a choice between Stevo brooding being being an old reptile and Fergo boasting about being a young reptile.

The pond had half-expected the Fergo piece to steal into the night, but there it was again, and so today the pond thought it might indulge another aspiring reptile, looking for a place in the sun while the heavyweights are on holydays and the silly season is in full swing ... 

Who better to fill the bill than young Fergo?

Hmm, perhaps not the most exciting track record, and the pond confesses it was bitterly disappointed with Fergo's effort ...

It seemed largely an attempt to use up as many stock photos as possible while brooding about vulgar youff in a fluff-gathering, navel-gazing way. Admittedly, that's the patented reptile inhouse style, but still...

After that opening snap salvo, this was about as long a gobbet of text as Fergo could muster ...

The pond got a sinking feeling that this had been designed to make the pond feel good about the old farts when they returned from the holydays.

Then began the cascade of snaps ...

... followed by another short burst ... which remarkably began with a use of the third person, always the sign of a first class wanker.

You know, like this: this writer rarely feels accomplished. Scribbling about the reptiles is kindergarten stuff. One is chief of staff at a boring, banal blog, at an age beyond counting, after all ..

Now see how the pond wasn't kidding, he really did go into the Royal one box ... with that "after all" the real Bertie Wooster kicker ...

After all (if all is said and done and scribbled), if this is the future of the lizard Oz, if Fergo is a bright young thing, and at such a tender age, one hesitates to say it, but the future for this useless climate science-denying, genocide-loving far right propaganda sheet, supplied by an interfering foreign corporation, looks bleak. 

One doesn't know how to quite put it, but one feels this scribbler is over-accomplished at doing an impression of a mediocre vulgar youff ... one certainly is put off by the simpering pandering of "a great newspaper." Is preening and crawling up the bum of those in charge the way one gets ahead these days? Grate newspaper perhaps ...

Oh and then came another snap ...

Egad sir, the pond began to yearn for the good old days when drunks attended the Tamworth show, and furriners knew their place ...

Now the bloody post office is in ruins, Rish! rules the roost, and all the Brexited mob can do is hang around with the US for another Middle East adventure ...

Meanwhile, Fergo's gobbets seemed to be getting shorter and shorter, though he managed three pars if you count a sentence as a par...

Really?  Allowed entry into the lizard Oz Valhalla, the commentary section, where giants of the bromancer and "Ned" kind lurk, and that's the best he can do?

Not another bloody snap ...

At least Fergo managed to blurt out three slightly longer pars in a row in the next gobbet, though littered with a stunning mindlessness and a grasp of meandering mediocrity that was startling to behold ...

And then came another snap ...

The pond almost regretted it hadn't paid attention to the latest middle east adventure ... reminiscent of days of yore, where oldies ran the world in style and knew how to stomp on scorpions ... (you can hear Dame Slap off in the distance, cheering on the caricatures, as a way of stomping DEI to death)...

Luckily the pond was down to the penultimate gobbet, with four full generous paragraphs...

Yep, it had been a definite mistake, and Fergo was off the pond's list for the foreseeable future. The pond never thought it would miss the bromancer, but then came another mindless snap ...

And then came the final gormless gobbet, in a style which made Molesworth seem like a champion of Latin ...

If only Fergo had read The Atlantic before he started on this exercise in mindless nonsense ...

It might have made a useful emetic and Fergo could have purged himself before he began ...

It might have helped prompt a little analysis that was deeper than a soggy serve of avocado on toast ... you know, hidden depths, still waters running deep, there's more to a generational book than its wretched cover ...

The New Yorker did it too? The least the pond can do is link to Louis Menand back on 11th October 2021, It’s Time to Stop Talking About “Generations”, From boomers to zoomers, the concept gets social history all wrong, though the pond can never tell if its outside the paywall ...

Do vulgar youths ever stray outside the hive mind, do they ever venture beyond the bubble, or do they stay permanent bubble boys?

And so on and on, but no, Fergo's addicted to it, the way some are addicted to astrology and some to phrenology, others to casting runes, or inspecting entrails, or just indulging in a hunt for ectoplasm ...

Stupid boy, as Captain Mainwaring might once have said...

Mr Cheeseman: Captain Fergo, man of action! Feared young scribbler. I'm right behind you, boy. The power of the press, remember. The power of the press!

Sorry, Fergo, one has to think that you're a lightweight. One associates your analysis with everything that is wrong with Gen X, or is that Gen Y, or is it Gen Z, or is it Gen Alpha and Omega? Whatever, Gen something or other, all under the heading vulgar youff... 

Continue your reptile studies and when you manage to graduate and move past self-congratulation, one might take another look, but not before one has returned to the bosom of veteran proponents of the hive mind... after all.... which is to say, after all, when in search of lunacy, one suspects that few will match the likes of the bromancer and the dog botherer.

And as the pond has been celebrating the empire, why not a Graudian cartoon for a closer ...


  1. Dot, if we talked of Gerard at the pub, the way we'd say it would force the pond to apppoint legal representatives. Here is one contender.

    wrlaw says teh Oz is missing "the element of independent and fearless reporting."
    "Radio National’s Fran Kelly retires and the Australian’s Gerard Henderson is ungracious
    "it took the Australian’s Gerard Henderson to rebuff that acknowledgement and describe it as being “self-indulgent”. An attitude which came across as churlish and small minded. Murdoch’s newspapers clearly support the cause of the Coalition, but surely journalists such as Henderson can step back from their anti-ABC position and recognise the element which they claim is missing from the ABC, the element of independent and fearless reporting."

    Oh no he can't step back. Doing it over and over - madness.

  2. What on Earth can be said about Richard Ferguson ? " feels this scribbler is over-accomplished at doing an impression of a mediocre vulgar youff ". Yeah, that about covers it.

  3. Hi Dorothy,,

    Could Gen Y Richard Ferguson (National Chief of Staff for The Australian) be in any way related to John Ferguson (Associate Editor for The Australian).

    Maybe success for the likes of Richard has less to do with what generation you grew up in and more to do with who your parents are.

    Another Nepo Baby just like Lachlan?

    1. He must have got where is somehow DW, and based on today’s offering it wasn’t through journalistic skill and wit.

    2. Interesting theory DW, but the pond doesn't have any evidence to support it. The pond never thought it would be saying this, but this Fergo makes John Fergo look like a master journalist, so, if true, the wind must have scattered the seed some distance from the tree.

    3. Hi DP,

      I’m barking up the wrong tree regarding the young Ferguson, he’s originally from Scotland.

      So very unlikely to be the spawn of Ferguson senior.

    4. The pond isn't sure that's a relief DW. Somehow it feels like defaming the Scots ....

  4. Another desperate cry from the heart from Polonius - “Why, oh why wasn’t I featured in that documentary?” His neediness is just so pathetically obvious.

    I suppose that as a former NSW ChiefJustice, Kerr epitomised the saying “As sober as a judge”.

    From memory, the Leader photographer who took those photos at the Tamworth show went on to a substantial career with the Sydney press; they were something of a career springboard for him. So Kerr did at least one good deed in his life.

    1. According to the records it was one Paul M Mattews and he won a Walkley. The Graudian made note of it here ...

      ...By 1977, Kerr’s behaviour at public events was also becoming a liability. That was the year he landed face-down in the mud at the Tamworth Show as he attempted to place the winning medallion around the prized cow “Lovedale Posh”, all of it captured by a waiting photographer. The front-page images of the governor general pinioned under the cow’s hoof won a Walkley award. There was a memorable repeat performance at the Melbourne Cup later that year when Kerr, in an ill-fitting top hat and tails, struggled to remain upright as he awarded the cup to the owners of the winning horse. It was a sad sight of a public decline (now a much-watched YouTube clip called, “the Governor-General drunk at the Melbourne Cup”).

      Kerr’s inadvertent burning of the carpet at Victoria’s Government House during a short visit, when he tripped over the heater in the middle of the night and woke to find the carpet smouldering, no doubt also caused ripples of anxiety in vice-regal circles. And so, it is hardly surprising that by 1977 the Queen had joined the list of those who wished the governor general to make an early retirement. In little more than a year he had gone from saving the Queen from embarrassment to being the embodiment of that embarrassment. Kerr’s greatest fear under Whitlam, his removal from office, would now ensue under Malcolm Fraser.

      Kerr’s forced resignation was, to him, the ultimate betrayal by Fraser, whose political fortunes during the 1975 crisis his unprecedented actions had assured. The newly released cache of letters and drafts to Charteris is a raw display of devastation. In an extraordinarily indiscreet draft letter, Kerr writes that Fraser had never given him the support that “I have been entitled to have”, and that now, “victory achieved”, Fraser is “happy for me to go”. The well-honed vituperation that Kerr once deployed against Whitlam he turns towards Fraser, “a stern, distant, arrogant man determined to rule completely and not able to relax in conversation with me as Mr Whitlam was able to do”. Whitlam is now, apparently, not so bad after all.

      There was a Trove mention for an old website for Mathews here ...

      Paul has had thirty three years in the Industry, working mostly for the newspaper industry, Sydney Morning Herald (Senior photographer), Newcastle Herald, Northern Daily Leader.

      He was Photo Manager at both Sydney Olympic Stadium 2000, and Athens Olympic Stadium 2004, accommodating up to 600 photographers at any given event.

      Paul is also consulting for the the IOC in preparation for Photo Operations for Beijing Olympics.

      He is a freelance Photographer covering Media, Corporate, weddings and Portrait photography. His years of experience include Australian Press Photographer of the Year (twice) 1982 and 1990, and twice Runner Up.

      Paul has won the Prestigious Walkly Award in 1976, and the Rothmans Press Photo of the Year in 1986.

    2. That’s the fellow! Big bloke, he was a few years ahead of me at school and already a keen photographer (yes, I’m an old Tamworthian).

    3. Go Bees, go industria. Sheesh, couldn't they have gone go magpies ...

  5. Dorothy - your selection of early newspaper illustrations reminds us of the care and skill demanded of illustrators in the 19th century, when 'London Illustrated' and 'Punch', amongst others, were in their prime, using wood engravings. It also points up the difference in quality between the work of Davids Pope and Rowe, and the, er - 'work'? of Johannes Leak fluttering from the Flagship. We know from his official portrait of the Onion Muncher (although I cannot identify a signature onion anywhere in the background) that Leak is capable of basically competent work, so presumably the abysmal quality of his editorial cartoons for Rupert is sufficient to satisfy the fairly low expectations of people who pay for the print edition. After all, what can you expect for $5, when Rupert is selling it to you?

    1. The pond doesn't have the heart or the courage to run Leak cartoons, not even for the pleasure of mocking him. He's a tragic figure, a cartoonist without a sensa huma or any obvious drafting skills, so best to leave him be.

    2. Yeah, even Leunig is better than Leak(s).

  6. Henderson re Hocking. 'She has spent much of her very productive career employed in taxpayer-subsidised universities and/or as a recipient of various government-funded grants.'

    The same would apply to Nick Cater, albeit an English taxpayer-subsidised university, but Australian grants. Unnecessary pejorative statement. AG.

    1. No, actually a very necessary pejorative statement, AG. It's never mattered one iota to reptiles that they're 'perjorating' people for the same crimes that their own commit, because they're never going to mention that, and none of their 'base' will either. But it matters supremely to them if they ever miss an opportunity to slander and defame a 'wokist'.

  7. Although purporting to be a young ‘Gen Z’ – actually, many younger age groups might regard 34 years as old - Ferguson appears to look upon all politicians – those who were elected to work for the public - in a negative light, but all those working for Rupert’s private company in a positive light, so perhaps the whole purpose of Ferguson’s article is to make Rupert and Lachlan and all the aging commentators at The Australian seem better and to do what Rupert’s minions do best, which is to promote cynicism towards the whole political system unless the political system is completely under their control.

  8. Young Fergie certainly ticks off one standard Reptile box by including the obligatory reference to “decrepit” Joe Biden.

    1. They gotta follow the script, mate, and slip things like that in wherever they can just to keep the readership base focused on the important matters of life. Though I notice that Polonius - who hardly got a mention in comments today - is himself just about 79 years of age and thus very nearly as 'decrepit' as Joe. And it shows.

  9. While chewing over my lunch, I discovered that my spread is Dutton Approved. Is this a portent of what life under Dutton would be like? Feels more like Florida every day. AG.

    1. Sounds interesting though I'll probably stick with Vegemite for the nonce.

  10. There's a current unsettling fixation
    To classify each generation
    As an X, Z, or Y
    So to make them comply
    To blatant age discrimination

    1. Yeah, us 'silent generation' folks are discriminated against by everyone ! Especially all those who don't actually know that there ever was/is a 'silent generation'. 😄

    2. Then there's the stolen generation which reptiles never want to mention...

    3. I think that went on for several 'generations', Kez. Or it never went on at all if you believe Andrew Bolt - and lots of people do, apparently.

  11. And long past time, too:

    Women’s sex lives were a mystery to men. Then along came Shere Hite


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