Sunday, January 21, 2024

A Catholic boys' daily late Sunday special edition ...


The reptiles are always trying to slip things past the pond on the weekend, with this classic, poignant, totally ironic and complete unaware juxtaposition a typical example ...

The point of the Killer piece is to normalise the Donald and make him sound like a normal politician exploring normal political processes, like a hunt for a VP, as opposed to a sociopath keen to seize power and do things ...

The pond hasn't the slightest interest in helping, and doesn't care which patsy and pawn gets the nod, and to add to that lack of interest, the pond found an outline of the policies to be pursued by the authoritarian wannabe dictator and not so cryptic fascist in  Rolling StoneEvery Awful Thing Trump Has Promised to Do in a Second Term.

Anyone wanting the documentation can follow the links ... these are the headlines ...

He will indict Biden and his other political enemies
He will round up, intern, and deport undocumented immigrants
He will send the military to the border
He will invade Mexico
He will round up the homeless and send the National Guard into cities to fight crime
He will bring back the death penalty in a big way
He will make stuff more expensive by taxing all imported goods
He will reevaluate America’s participation in NATO
He will roll back all of Biden’s climate progress and reinvest in fossils fuels
He will construct “freedom cities” filled with flying cars
He will try to overhaul the education system in the MAGA image
He will torch the First Amendment by going after non-MAGA media
He will legally delegitimize trans Americans
He will pardon the Jan. 6 rioters
He will gut the federal government and take unprecedented control of what’s left

The pond is sure this isn't everything - there's handing over Ukraine and helping wipe Gaza from the earth for example - but it's a good start, and it makes it all the funnier to read the blather next to it about the western malaise, the sort of stuff you can best find in the Catholic boys' daily ...

Theologian, heal thyself, because you're scribbling in a corporation that has helped give the mango Mussolini unto the world're a part of the modern western malaise in the making ...

And so, with brave heart, on to the Catholic boys' daily special late Sunday arvo edition ...

Now the pond isn't going to comment much ... the thing itself is a thing unto itself, and fully sufficient, and the pond's main job is simply to dole out the gobbets and downsize the snaps ...

Of course, of course, it all began with Luther, deviant and anal obsessive and with something of a thing about the whore of Babylon, and naturally the remnants of the graphics department reached for some cheap incriminating mug shot snaps of likely suspects ...

And then it was on to the big gobbets, with a superficial survey that our Henry would have been proud to have scribbled...

It goes without saying, maintaining the irony mode, that if you happen to be a fundamentalist evangelical Xian in the USA, you're vulnerable to the appeal of demagogues, and if you happen to be in Italy, you're vulnerable not only to the cult of the Catholic church but to the current clutch of far right politicians, who make the bunga bunga man look like a moderate.

But the pond is starting to editorialise, and should keep the gobbets flowing ...

Ah Pope Benedict. Please let the pond get in first and show a snap proving the benefits of supine submission ... you know, spiritual potency and all that jazz ...

What's that, the reptiles preferred a snap of a man in full frock? Best downsize that ...

And with that the pond came to the last gobbet, with a bitter sense of disappointment that it was all over too soon ...

Freedumb can be found in the Catholic church?

Funny kinda freedumb.

And it turns out the devil is still doing pretty good business, and you're just helping the business model by scribbling tripe, and so it goes in the Sunday afternoon Catholic boys' daily edition, where a Heil Mary, Heil Donald,  can come in handy during times of stress ...


  1. Hi Dorothy,

    “The point of the Killer piece is to normalise the Donald and make him sound like a normal politician exploring normal political processes, like a hunt for a VP”

    The last time Trump organised a hunt for a VP, Mike Pence was very lucky indeed to avoid being caught by the mob.

  2. The modern conservative saying that modern society has reached a moral crisis,well if we keep reading what is written in the Murdochracy we certainly will be.

  3. Killer is going to enjoy this year, isn’t he? Working himself up into a frenzy of excitement at the possibility of a second Trump Presidency, no doubt with visions of being rewarded with EXCLUSIVE interviews and stories in return for his contributions towards normalising the Great Beast.

  4. It’s a good thing I rarely indulge in the old-fashioned Sunday roast; reading David de C’s turgid homily after a large meal would certainly lead to heavy slumber, possibly accompanied by severe indigestion.

    At least this wannabe Henry provided one good laugh, though, with his comment that “the news and current affairs market has discovered outrage and prejudice can be very profitable”. Do you realise who you’re scribbling for, Davao?

  5. Of course the crisis of truth-beauty-goodness about a (re)search for (un)re)covered) meaning(less)ness) must lie in the will to....dialogue....about faith-based reason(s).

    1. Mmm - de Carvalho was a chosen name (signifying ‘Of the Oak’) amongst Portuguese Jews (a sometime colleague carried the name) but this David is a deep-dyed Catholic.

      Of more significance is that his career has been in academic studies of education, philosophy and theology. This day he tries to raise an issue, supposedly going back 500 years, about separation of faith and reason. It includes an Ergas-style wave towards Hobbes and Locke, but no mention of the writings of around 200 years ago of John Stuart Mill, Coleridge, several Benthams, David Ricardo (if you actually want to set out the fundamentals of current economics, with all due respect to Adam Smith) Harriet Taylor and their several correspondents. That group resolved what de Carvalho seems to be prodding at, and wrote about it in works that still read easily for those who want to follow the process of their thinking.

      Perhaps David ‘of the Oak’ did encounter some of those writings (would be difficult not to, given the areas in which he has supposedly been recognised) but realised that his conclusions were more like those of the unfortunate Dr Whewell, who, yes, might have given us the term ‘scientist’, but otherwise could not resolve his own inability to fit his belief in a divine being laying down how humans should live, with the simple propositions of, for example, utilitarianism. Puffed up with his own authority, Whewell was foolish enough to launch into print promoting the divine authority - and had his own contradictions and inconsistencies tabulated for him by the Mill/Bentham group.

      Which indecision still clutches at all who chain themselves still to organised religion.


    3. Talk about chaining themselves, Chad, how about this:
      "Christian Nationalists and biblical literalists
      Recent research has shown that Christian Nationalists and people who take the Holy Bible literally are more likely to believe in the conspiracy theories they see around them and distrust their government officials than other groups of individuals in the United States

    4. Anonymous - (belated) thank you for those leads to Charles Taylor. The heat outside makes this a day for staying in, so interesting things to investigate there. I have already noted that he has been one of those rare kind - philosopher who ran successfully for parliament (along with J S Mill - trying to think of others).

      Also GB - will follow up on the bible literalists, repeating the same processes in each generation, as they will for ever.

    5. Why change a winning formula ?

    6. Who isn't enchanted by a three-way?

  6. Won't someone think of the kids. No wonder the curriculum is 'poor'. Too much 'of the oak' types who don't agree with the separation of church and state.

  7. Speaking of Ratzinger (rats finger) he actively facilitated the rise to power within the "catholic" church of opus dei, as did the very grating "great" John Paul II, and the smelly one in Sydney who is now being praised for his "courage" in quad-rant. Sydney's Campion College also has close links to opus dei
    This website provides a critical take down of opus dei

  8. I actually agree with much of Carvaliro's assessment of or current situation and how it evolved.
    But apparently for a man of such high moral seriousness and credentials he cant see the dark irony of presenting his case in the Murdochian reptilian cess-pool.
    Murdoch has done more than any other human being to degrade the nature of Western culture. He would be very much home in Tolkien's Mordor.


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