Monday, January 08, 2024

In which the Caterist is splendidly silly in the ongoing reptile silly season, and then it's on with an epic battle between the reptiles and Mothra Musk ...


The holyday season can't truly said to be over until the Major returns to his perch and provides a magisterial analysis of everything that's wrong with the world, in a way only the Major can do ...

Then again, does the silly season ever begin or end with the reptiles? Isn't it just one endless silly season? 

In this day's silliness, at the top of the digital edition, the reptiles were back to that old renewables bashing syndrome again, with a dash of teal-covered fear ...

Down below there was a matching amount of silliness ...

Silliest of all was the Caterist, in an outing which was exceptional, so peforce the pond had to wave goodbye to Dimitre's deep, abiding gloom, and that outing by the lesser member of the Kelly gang, doing his very best to sub for the absent "Ned" and his mind-numbing natter ...

Yes, yes, the pond realises that there are other stories. 

On another planet, you might read something like this ...

And so on and so on, but that's on other planets, and be fair, this is the Caterist contribution to the silly season, and should be enjoyed as such ...

Some might tend to bristle at the flood waters in quarries whisperer conflating and confusing a caravan with a national energy system, but just look at the visual parallel ...

This is vital info for grey nomads, and the pond began to wonder if the Caterist and his life Quad Rant partner might be thinking of chucking it all in and hitting the road ...

Yes, yes, it's all about the FUD, or perhaps the promotion of Digital Nomads and Influencers, who know how to con an old clown, and even get their selfie snap in to the digital edition ...

You can't buy publicity like this, but sadly it was on to the last gobbet, and the publicity outing was done ...

Not even an actual link? Instead you have type words and goggle a bit? Yeah, nah, not really...

And as a footnote or a coda, when energy policy is set without a flood waters in whisperer in the room, you might have the shred of a ghost of a chance of sanity prevailing ... but to be fair he's done is best to help a couple of young "influencers" who clearly could do with the hits and a bit of income from their channels ...

Meanwhile, the pond would love to be writing about another story entirely, one that even the reptiles have found room for, a tale of the biter bit ...

There are any number of other sources with updates ...

But the pond was intrigued that the lizard Oz ran with the story in the first place ...

Sadly the pond can't dwell on the details,  because for its bonus, the pond decided to feature another reptile story ... roughly equivalent to one of those creature features where Mothra takes on Godzilla takes on King Kong, only this time it's the reptiles v. Uncle Musk ...

Sure, it's just some recycling from another part of the empire, but the reptiles have long been fascinated and repulsed by Uncle Elon, with a history that goes back some years, and has seen an uptick in recent times ...

The original had more of a feel in terms of artwork ...

That noted, it was on with the worry ... a handy way to distract from the contrarian views, unfiltered speech and provocative antics of the reptiles, especially those on daily parade in Faux Noise or Sky News in noirish dark ...

It goes without saying that it's reptile kettle calling the Mothra Musk pot a "colour" once mistakenly maligned in odious comparisons, and there were illustrations too ...

Then there was more worrying ...

Then came another illustration ...

Noting the vibe, the pond should add that the WSJ, which has an actual graphics department, has produced some even more useful illustrations in recent months ...

This has routinely set off the Mothra fan boys at Reddit and similar locales ...

The pond is more agitated at having to note that that is what it might have been like if the lizard Oz had retained its graphics department ...

Meanwhile, the worrying proved almost endless ...

Others have picked up the story and run with it, as in Business Insider ...

Meanwhile, the reptiles were offering their own Timothy Leary splash ...

This Mothra Musk v. the reptiles wasn't done yet ... there's a history to be recited ...

The reptiles have been down this path before, and quite recently at that, rebuffing the Musk moth every chance they get...

The pond's partner was astonished and delighted by the spectacle, perhaps coloured by the behaviour of Telsa cockroaches at the pump, where 80% is just a sign they should keep charging ...

At this point, the pond began to wonder what was the point? What private beef was there between Lachy and Uncle Elon?

The pond doesn't know and was too lazy to attempt to find out, but it had enjoyed the distraction ... and was pleased the yarn had spread to all corners of the reptile empire, with the NY Post adding a rocket to the recycling ...

Okay, it wasn't Uncle Elon, but it did mention Gene Roddenberry, along with a promise of more on Musk for those fan boyz who cared...

By this time the pond had had more on Musk than it needed, and was pleased to reach the final gobbet ...

Tremendous stuff ... with lots of contributors and the Mothra Musk given a decent pounding.

The only regret was that it meant other US stories had to be dealt with via cartoon as a way of closing out the Monday silly season entertainment ...


  1. "Pure Politics: A historical look at Australian drug policy"

    "Those who cling to the prohibitive agenda of the past would do well to take an honest look at the past to which they cling."

    James Rowe

    "This article examines the historical basis of our current drug laws, and the role played by simplistic prejudices and irrational fears. It explores the role of past politicians in strengthening the punitive nature of drug control and the criminality of use in Australia whilst ignoring the need for reform. Most importantly, it exposes the failure of prohibition as a drug control strategy at a time when alternatives are sorely needed."

    Imagine how much advertising has been sold in the media since :
    "[2] Beale, O., Royal Commission on Secret Drugs, Cures & Foods Vol.1, Victorian Government, Melbourne, 1907, p.426."

    "This Bill provides that persons shall not be allowed to smoke opium, and shall not be allowed to cultivate opium. … I believe the conditions of the Bill are so stringent that it would be impossible to continue opium smoking under the measure without detection."
    Premier Patterson, 
    Opium Bill 1893 (Vic),
    Second Reading

    "Owing to total prohibition, the price of opium has risen enormously, and as persons who have aquired the habit of using it will continue to use it at any risk, and at any cost, they are prepared to pay any cost that might be demanded."
    Report of the Comptroller-General of Customs, 1908

  2. While I’m a long-time Mothra fan (and of the two tiny princesses who sing her theme song), Elon reminds me much more of another Kaiju - King Ghidorah, the multi-headed space dragon -

    At least the stories of Musk’s drug consumption may help to explain some of his recent business decisions. Any chance he’s been inspired by another classic Japanese film?
    (Under the title “Attack of the Mushroom People”, it terrified me when I saw it on TV one long-ago school holiday afternoon. Kiddies these days just don’t get that sort of entertainment!)

  3. Joe Rogan is a “comedian”? I was under the impression that “opportunistic fuckwit” was a more accurate description. Or just he claim to be a funnyman so he can use the “I was only joking” excuse to deflect criticism?

  4. Of course whenever you want a definitive answer on any subject, you should seek the views of a tradie. After all that was an article of faith with the last PM, so it must be correct.

    Once upon a time, though, taxi drivers were supposed the font of all wisdom according to conservative pundits. Perhaps the rise of Uber has dented their reputation.

    1. Very true Anony, once upon a time, there were all sorts of journos who gathered 'received wisdom' from cabbies. And no, there's hardly any mention of them at all these days, so you might just be right about the effect of Uber.

    2. Elin will take over taxis soon. Custom self driving teslas
      Is it OK when you get in to say "Take me to your leader"?

    3. Whoever, if anybody, eventually 'takes over' taxis, I'd say it's very certain that it won't be Elon. Much more likely to be Waymo, but even they are way mo away.

  5. So, according to Keelan and Cater, if Keelan should come to do electrical work on one’s house, take no notice of Keelan’s expert advice on electrical matters, because, as he himself says, expert advice is “frequently misleading, contaminated by rent-seeking and other sources of bias.” Heck, surely he's not suggesting one might be better doing the work oneself?!

    Good to see that Cater is doing a crash course on electricity from a Youtube influencer. However, he might be wise to insure himself first before he starts on any projects based on such advice, given Cater’s past history.

    What’s Keelan’s gripe anyway? The solar panels allow him to travel off-road and not have to pay costs at a caravan park in order to hook up to electricity plugs and at least he can look down on the campers travelling light without the satellite dish, fridge, etc., etc.

    1. Keelan hasn't really got a gripe Anony. He's just promoting his own sponsor/ supplier over any opposition and no doubt being paid for his trouble.

  6. Cater is completely clueless as regards electricity. He doesn't know the difference between watts and kilowatts - a 1050 kW array would be enough to power 200 homes and would cover about 4000 square metres - in a measure that Cater would understand, one acre. He doesn't know that running an air fryer, coffee machine and a few lights consumes about 2 kW. In short, he is an idiot, it's a marvel that he can get through a day.

    1. Oh, but then he has a very articulate and successful partner to help him scrape through existence, Joe.

  7. For a few moments I wondered if the operating system of Limited News had been hacked. That would have been an easy explanation of what appeared against the Cater’s name this day.

    Then I recalled that, back around September I had taken down what I could of Cater ‘interview’ of fishperson in north Queensland, about restrictions on commercial netting along the coast of this state. Which also appeared on ‘YouTube’.

    With permission, I return to some of what I wrote then -

    “He claims he had written to ‘the 19 scientists who had written the report’, and they ‘came back with ‘the fishery absorbing carbon dioxide. If we stop you from taking the fish they’re gonna hold it in under the water and it’s not gonna go up into the ozone layer, and it’s not gonna go out there and cause climate change and bleach the reef.’

    Cater ‘You’re kidding? That is the best they can come up with?’

    End of cross-examination; Cater apparently satisfied that random fish chap and his 19 imaginary scientists had nailed the issue.”

    So we see a steady lumping of ‘experts’ with other members of the ‘elite’ - but an ‘elite’ that never, never, includes the main group included by C Wright Mills when he first discussed the concept of influence of elites on democracy - those in mass media. We can trace a kind of appeal by Reptiles to what they imagine to be vox populi - but again with their own differentiation. Where the phrase has long been used for opinions held by a clear majority of people, Reptiles will happily take the opinion of one person - provided that one can not be traduced as an expert - as ‘vox dei’.

    It would be tedious here to trace how many out at the loopy ends of the ‘right’ have used management of Covid as a way of asserting that governments should pay no attention to formerly acknowledged experts in epidemiology; far better to proclaim ‘Freedumb’ and lose tens of thousands of your citizens. No real problem for government, because those who die no longer vote anyway, so there is no retribution from them.

    In the effort for this day - seems we also have a touch of the Cater innumeracy (recall his belief that there could be no more than 12 hours of sunlight per day in our home of Girtby?) but, if you are going to quibble about decimal places - don’t get into discussion with sociologists.

    I have to admit - Cater/Keelan did give me a laugh. This is the content of what Rupert still claims to be a national newspaper of record.

    1. "lose tens of thosands of your citizens", Chad ? But they all had very low QALY scores and were just going to die anyway. Though, funny as it may sound, I always thought that all humans would die anyway, so why try to save the lives of anybody suffering from anything ?

      Incidentally, just for comparison the USA has, to 31 Dec 2023, had 103,436,829 cases of Covid resulting in a mere 1,144,877 deaths. Not even worth the bother of counting.

    2. "so why try to save the lives of anybody suffering from anything ?" We hide them.

    3. The Caterer doesn’t need to be hacked to appear clueless Chad. He does an excellent job of hacking himself. For instance, he went on YouTube and found some blond nomad ex-sparkie who calls his viewers “turkeys”.

      It appears that he didn’t even interview the guy. He just lifted some of his video transcript and still managed, as Joe has pointed out, to get the figures wrong by a factor of no less than a thousand. What a turkey!

      It also goes against Cater’s incessant anti-solar schtick how Keelan’s “horribly inefficient” solar panels allow him and his partner to live year-round, in Keelan’s own words, “Like we are living in a house, we never have to worry about power.”

      Plus those “experts” Keelan is dissing in the video are just rival shop salespersons, not the scientists and government advisors that Cater would have us believe.

  8.  Chadwick correctly notes - "This is the content of what Rupert still claims to be a national newspaper of record." -

    “Nostalgia is only amnesia turned around.”  
    Adrienne Rich.


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