Monday, September 25, 2023

OK Major, and hagiography corner ...


The pond concedes it's cruel ... there was the Major top of the digital lizard Oz, ma, in the far right corner of the digital edition, as is right for the far right Major ...

And now here he is relegated to a late edition of the pond and there's simply no way to sell it ...

Best get it done, because in the usual Major Mitchell way, it's Majorly long, and it begins with one of those stock snaps that reminds the pond that the lizard Oz can no longer afford a graphics department, while Chairman Rupert retires with all his loot safely in hand ...

That's how they're going to appeal to the vulgar youff market? With cornball snaps straight out of the 1950s?

Now it's easy to see why the Major is agitated, what with him being a boomer, and the only thing to say to any Major outburst is "OK Major ..."

As usual, at this point the pond is getting all the other illustrations out of the way, especially as one is a nauseating snap of Petey boy in his prime...

Seen full size that snap of Petey boy could produce nightmares for a week. Best get back to the railing and ranting Major ...

It should be apparent by now why the pond relegated the Major. OK Major, carry on ...

Of course only the Major knows, only the Major knew, only the Major, full of infinite wisdom, compassion, insight and understanding foresaw the future and understood the past, and what the world needs now ... is more Petey boy breeding, because there's simply not enough people in country or on the planet ... unless you're channelling Dame Groan and are ripe for an immigration panic attack ...

For "critics", read a jolly good groaning, and OK Major, this is your last gobbet ... make it a good strong rant ...

With a bit of luck, Lachy will soon swing a scythe through the superannuated remnants at the lizard Oz, and some young conservative riff raff will step up to fill the void left by the departing Major ... unless Lachy decides to kill off the rag entirely, perhaps starting by terminating the tree killer edition...

The pond felt badly about offering this sort of half-baked OK Major rant even in a late arvo slot, and thought it might compensate by some filler from the weekend which the pond missed ...

Think of it as hagiography corner. You see Chairman Rupert cared so little about the lizard Oz that the reptiles had to release it as a digital story and so missed making it a feature of the tree killer edition ...

M'uh lud, the pond would like to place on record the lizard Oz pandering front page that attempted to restore the rag's honour ...

And the pond would also like to place on record this hagiographical marvel by John Stensholt ...

In his previous tribute, Stensholt had been required to share his byline with a lesser member of the Kelly gang ...

Now he can shine alone ...

As it's a hagiography, there's no need for comment, but the pond did have some spare cartoons to offer in the breaks ...

And so to celebrate with the first of the 'toons ...

Then back to the hagiography ... and a set of moving tributes. Naturally none of these came from filthy rich folk or diabolical 'leets, but from humble ordinary folk with barely a penny to their name, but devoted to the emeritus man ... no way would this Chairman have billionaires celebrate his work ...

The pond was deeply moved by all the tributes ... moved to feature another 'toon ...

And still the tributes kept flowing, thanks to the Stens gun ...

Indeed, indeed, a visionary... but now ...

And so to a final short gobbet ...

Yes, he was such a visionary that the tree killer edition of the lizard Oz is still being published to this day, and yet the sun also rises ... and where will OK Major be then?


  1. Does Keegan… Paddy McGuinness….. Peter Costello….. Pink batts, School halls, Gonski, Rudd and that dreadful woman…. What is all of this? Is the Major mounting his own production of “Night of the Living Dead”? What the hell is the idea of “the sandwich generation” - a phrase which may well be widely used, but which I’ve certainly never heard. Just what is the Major on about - or on - today? So far as I can see his only real theme is that he’s finally admitted that half the clowns the Oz has published and promoted over the decades were just spouting crap? Apart from the man himself, of course……

    As for that front page of the weekend edition - nothing like the evil leer of a geriatric gnome to boost sales.

    1. He really has a thing about the 'Pink batts' scheme, doesn't he. I don't think anyone much else has mentioned it for ages.

  2. Question to the Major - just how did basically halving company tax boost “productivity” ? In which sectors?

    1. It boosted productivity in the 'wealth acquisition by the rich at the cost of everyone else' sector.

  3. Capo Major, Don Lachy in "the “Electric Mafia”;

    "Beer correctly diagnoses this impulse, one that I detest. It is moral narcissism for intellectuals to exhaust their human capital endowments debating about how they can minimize their own sins while the forces of technocapital grow stronger by the day. Beer’s now-quaint description of the threats we face illustrate just how badly we have been losing over the past fifty years—the “Electric Mafia” he fears is easily recognizable in the control technologies of algorithmic feeds and product recommendations."

    "The Tragedy of Stafford Beer"
    SEPTEMBER 26, 2023


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