Saturday, September 09, 2023

In which the pond spends time pictorially harping about the planet, because you can't expect the reptiles, the bromancer or the Angelic one to do it ...


The pond has begun to notice a tendency with the reptiles ... see if you can pick it from the top of the digital Oz this morning, more by way of absence than presence ...

There's the usual ...Dame Slap ranting away, and the dog botherer taking the opposing line, and the pond decided to red card both of them ...

The dog botherer slipped in one good snide aside ... Mundine argues a voice is not needed because adequate representation already exists. Which is OK for him, I suppose, given he was once the chairman of Tony Abbott’s hand-picked Indigenous advisory committee.

But a Moir cartoon could sum up the state of the debate without any need to go there ...

Progress, ain't it a grand thing. 

Usually the dog botherer could be relied upon to at least slip in a mention of climate science denialism, but not today, and so the pond must mention what the reptiles never do ... another climate event. 

You can find it mentioned in many places, but not by Lloydie of the Amazon, doing a Cheshire cat impression, and not by any other reptile ...

Why the blanket reptile ban? Almost every weather and climate event of note in recent times has been disappeared by the reptiles, yet they're not without a certain interest, as record after record is smashed ... per the Graudian ...

And so on, and yet if you search the front page of the digital lizard Oz, you draw a complete, comprehensive void, a profound disappearing, an absence of weather, climate, the whole damn thing, which carries into the commentary section ...

Apropos of "Ned", he dog botherer made a joke about preferring Paul Kelly the singer to nattering "Ned" ... The case for voting Yes has not been put more eloquently, or pithily, than by Paul Kelly – not this paper’s esteemed editor-at-large who writes powerfully against the voice proposition, but Paul Kelly, the nation’s greatest singer-songwriter.

But the dog botherer lost the pond with the use of the word "esteemed". As anyone with half a clue knows, that was a running joke, with episodes introduced as "the highly esteemed Goon show", and after that "esteemed" couldn't be used in its original sense by anyone with half a clue ...

Perhaps the dog botherer was being ironic, but the pond doubts he has the capacity ... especially as h went on with "writes powerfully", as if a soporific "Ned" word salad could be anything other than a powerful sleeping pill ...

Anyway, there was another red card for "Ned" and another for the oscillating fan, and another cartoon, just for the lolz ...

And after all that, the pond was left with an extended rant by the bromancer about Qantas. The pond doesn't like it, the pond knows it can't give this stuff away for free, but it's all the pond's got, because after you strip out all the Voice malarkey,  all that's left is the void ...

In its flying days, the pond went off Qantas years ago, and not because of mindless reptile blather about it being woke, it was more to do with ticket prices and an ability to fly on time, and without a surly, resentful staff grimacing at you ...

The cheap half-arsed smell of an oily rag reptile graphics department knows about price sensitivity, because to back up the bromancer's ranting, they ran a series of stills ... beginning with a bunch taken from Qantas - oh the irony - together with a few designed to establish a deep state conspiracy... 

With that gaggle out of the way, the bromancer turned into a series of meandering gobbets ...

In honour of climate science being banished by the reptiles, the pond thought it might run a series of contrarian interstitial cartoons, beginning with the infallible Pope of the day ...

The pond could endure the bromancer blathering about woke if it could slip in the odd mention of climate via cartoons ...

Was it worth taking a step back with the bromancer to indulge in analysis? Not really. He's more a professional hysteric than an economist.

A man who has spent his life formidably being self-delusional about Catholicism is a sight to see, but it doesn't really compare with the recent summer experienced in the United States ...

The pond senses it could get a rhythm going ... a short gobbet from the bromancer, and then a cartoon ...

Um, if you really wanted doom and gloom, why not look around?

Um, sorry, not in the lizard Oz ... as today's centre piece demonstrated, with the reptiles fascinated by Melbourne carnage, but completely uninterested in Hong Kong carnage...

Possibly the bromancer as an economist might stimulate Dame Groan devotees, but the pond started to rush through the gobbets to get to the next 'toon ...

Take for example the next opening line.

Pedants might rush off to sundry lists to note that the bromancer seems to have forgotten to mention Atlassian, but the pond simply refuses to take the bromancer as economist seriously ... you might as well pick a fight with a simpering lettuce leaf ...

Speaking of graphs, it's not just ABC's graphics department that can deploy them to help provide a chuckle in the finance news ...

Is there an irony in all this bromancer twaddle, what with News Corp having assorted layers of shares that keep the company in thrall to chairman Rupert and his brood?

You know, speaking of corporate grey zones.

Don't expect the bromancer to dwell on it ...

The great thing is - if you can call it a great thing - that thanks to events like the the rain and the mud of Burning Man, and the general weirdness of this American summer, the pond can keep up a steady flow of recent cartoons to match the garrulous bromancer ...

But of course climate change is possible to ignore if you go down the rabbit hole with the reptiles ...

How soon before the bromancer forgets what he's just written about not demonising Joyce and demonises him by calling him arrogant? And how soon can the pond run another cartoon to forget?

The pond relishes these small gobbets ... and suggests anyone who's taking all this navel gazing and fluff gathering about Qantas seriously to do what a friend heading overseas on a junket next week did. 

Book with another airline ... and then you won't have to spend all this unendurable time brooding with the bro ...

Did the bromancer just mention the mutton Dutton and Bid in the same breath as scribbling "No doubt everyone's motives are pure?

Is it wrong for the pond to suggest doing your own research?

Okay, it's not exactly climate science, but it's still better than the snaps that the reptile graphics department lined up to interrupt the bromancer's rant every so often ... 

Oh and by the way, not to demonise that arrogant Irish prick, but what an inherently undemocratic wastrel he is ... and yes, it's at this moment that the bromancer begins to sound unhinged in, his usual fundamentalist barking mad Xian way ...

Ah, the old "global warming schtick", naturally hooked up to "identity politics", and a bonus mention of the Quad-rant folk ... and naturally the pond took it the wrong way ...

The pond thinks this bromancer outing is the clearest evidence to date that either (a) the reptiles are now being paid by the word in an in-house News Corp gig economy or (b) AI has taken over, and the word machine has been carefully trained to spew out references to woke, identity politics, yadda yadda ...

There's a problem with the latter thesis, because it assumes some form of artificial intelligence, but the pond has spotted SFA signs of intelligence to date in the lizard Oz, just the usual set of reptile neuroses and word tics ...

Waltzing Matilda banished by woke, Sky News the repository of truth, and so on and so forth?

What is he on? Do the reptiles slip a little speed into the office water cooler?

What an amazing barking mad howling at the moon that was ... with Qantas just a coat hanger, from which the bromancer could dangle all sorts of remarkably weird mind worms ...

The pond hopes that soon the chairman springs for a florin a word so the bromancer can cut back on the hysterical blather ...

Meanwhile, the immortal Rowe said as much as needs saying, featuring a figure strangely missing from the bro's musings ...

After all that, is it possible for the pond in good conscience to give away another reptile, knowing that there's no market for them?

Well yes, the pond will always allow a little quality time for the Angelic one, and a freebie is a freebie, even if no one wants them ...

The angelic one's "analysis" - the pond uses the word loosely - is of course driven by the primary concern that there's not enough breeding going on, and what on earth will happen to the Catholic church's Ponzi scheme, because they need a steady flow of new victims ...

The pond can overlook that blather about "widely disseminated platform" - you can't give this stuff away - to marvel at the way that looking at the lizard Oz of late has come to feel like a wander through an iStock catalogue in search of cornball images, the cornier and more disreputable and meaningless the better ... an attempt to make a Norman Rockwell painting for the Saturday Evening Post seem classy ...

Now we have AI at work, in the sense of artificial images ...

The pond could have extended that list of uses to infinity, but instead returned to the well for another bout of Catholic breeding ...

The pond can think of many reasons that vulgar youff might be a little worried about the future and not inclined to breed, but it never seems to enter lizard brains, even though dinosaurs provide some sort of precedent ...

Meanwhile, all the angelic one can think of is the need to lie back and breed, to keep the Catholic church's Ponzi scheme in shape, though you need to decode "family" to understand it really means have one for yourself, one for Petey boy and one to become a priest or a nun ...

And there you have it, another stupid reptile scribbling profoundly stupid things about 'leets and cultural revolutions and trashing values and such like, and without a clue as to what's happening in a world where the trashing is going down apace ...


  1. Here’s a question - did the Australian public ever really love Qantas? Here’s my answer - no, they didn’t really. They may have felt some appreciation for its safety record - or took some comfort if they were on a flight - but that’s about it. It’s always just been there - a big, ubiquitous company that people either patronised or didn’t (and until it merged with TAA a few decades back and moved into domestic service, the bulk of the public had probably never travelled on a Qantas flight anyway). If people thought about the airline at all it was probably “fuck, flying is expensive”. Saying it was “loved” is as absurd as claiming people “love” Colesworths, or a particular brand of petrol station, or whatever big bank owns your soul. Strip all that silly emotive stuff, along with the usual bullshit about “woke”, and you’re left with a discussion about poor management, price gouging, terrible customer service, questionable practices and ineffective competition. That’s all a bit much for the Bro to get his head around, so we’re left with the usual hysterical ramblings.

    1. Yair, I reckon we people loved the Commonwealth Bank (and maybe the Vic State bank too) more than we ever 'loved' Qantas. Not sure about TAA, but it was 'ours''.

      So I think we actually took some pride in Qantas, especially for its safety record, while it was still actually ours, but love ?

    2. But, but... doesn't the Bro consider corporations as people?

  2. "Anyway, there was another red card for 'Ned'...". But, butt, Ned knows the "wise steps needed for a successful referendum"! Surely he must be induced to pass on this wisdom so that no referendum henceforth will fail. Too bleedin' bad for The Voice though.

  3. The Bromancer: "So many of Australia's biggest companies -Commonwealth Bank, Telstra, CSL, Qantas - are former government corporations." Yep, and now we're beginning to see just why the reptiles have adopted Hawke and Keating as their new heroes. The only one left is Aussie Post. Thankfully (though I don't "love" it).

  4. The Bromancer ceased to be even amusing when he cited writing from ‘Quad Rant’. Never mind that it was quite abstruse - this is Bromancer - but - ‘Quad Rant’, currently cultivating some of the most crass responses to the coming referendum that are likely to appear in print. Abject racism, cloaked in unrelenting ‘squillions spent on THEM, but nothing for meeee!’

    Oddly, it was the comment from ‘Ned’ that sent me off on this day’s tangent. He puts up the frighteners with ‘Australia is headed towards a dangerous political showdown on October 14.’ We suppose he does not think there is any real chance for ‘Yes’ to come through in the referendum, triggering - as so many on Rupert’s media are warning us - the implosion of our entire economy, so it must be to do with the expected Dutton triumph with ‘No’.

    Which set me to thinking about a previous referendum, the 1988 effort to recognise in the Constitution the level of government which most directly involves virtually all of us, every day. The one that has $half a trillion-worth of tangible infrastructure on its books, has single entities much larger in population and budget than at least one state - yep, Local Government.

    The parliamentary papers on referenda in Australia show that the essence of the ‘No’ campaign then included -

    “The proposal could result in local government being replaced by large, impersonal regional government controlled from Canberra.

    The proposal is uncertain and vague.

    The proposal will not stop either arbitrary dismissals or amalgamation of local government bodies.

    The amendment would allow the federal government to use its ‘external affairs’ power to intrude into local government by entering into international treaties.”

    Look familiar? Those were the arguments marshalled by the then opposition (guess which side of politics?). That question lost on every count, by persuasive margins.

    But what happened to local government? As you may have noticed, it continues to bumble along, like the mythical bee that, in theory, cannot fly, but has not taken the trouble to read the textbooks on aerodynamics which show that it should not be able to fly.

    In much the same way, with all the strident assertions from the ‘Noalition’ there there are none in this country more dedicated to improving the lot of our indigenous than the ‘Noes’, then, following their triumph, we should see extra-ordinary partnership between almost all parties (excepting the Nationals, but - that’s the Nats) to produce a wonderful future for the descendants of those who watched the redcoats land back in 1788.

    1. Yeah, some sort of "if I didn't put it up, then it must not pass" pathology which afflicts an awful lot of the awful Opposition. Too much taking their name literally, perhaps.

      But really, this is the age of many lies as practiced by Mr No (aka Dutton). It's the Fox/Sky way based on the Gish Gallop: tell many lies, and tell them often; even if your 'base' doesn't wholeheartedly believe you, at least they have a story to tell.

      But really, government was badly done even way back in the Menzies days - the last half-way decent PM we had was Ben Joe Chifley - but is very much worse now: massively enlarged Australian and world population, many different languages and many 'spoken at home' even in Australia, hugely increased national economy and finances (not living off the sheep's back now), more complex problems that are not solved quickly and politicians of minimal skill and very little knowledge.

      Frankly, Chad, I'm not all that unhappy that I haven't got that much time left: maybe another 5 years so I can outlive my 14.5 yo cat and that'll be it.

  5. You gotta laugh at the Bro's assessments sometimes - "the fairly obscene size of Joyce's remuneration and bonuses." Fairly obscene? As opposed to the Murdoch Family's fully obscene remuneration and bonuses?

    1. Yeah, but at least the Murdoch's own what they're looting: Joyce is just going to walk away with $millions as his reward for having ruined Qantas in the meantime.

  6. So, Shannahanna: "...marriage and family are disappearing as a foundational good, the nucleus of society. It is happening because we have raised an emotionally immature generation..." And is there anyone better able to recognise "emotional immaturity" than someone who can say: they're just like me !

    But never mind, Shanna, apparently there will be something of the order of 9.7 billion homo saps saps by 2050. Pity I won't be around then to count how many of them are Catholics.

  7. We know the Bromancer has a few emotional difficulties, and I wonder if he has revealed one this day. He writes ' - who shot Bambi?'

    Now, while the Bro and television arrived in Australia within a few weeks of each other, he probably was of the age cohort whose parents took them to movies when they were quite young, particularly if one of those wholesome Disney movies was going the rounds again. So fair chance he saw - 'Bambi'. I understand that there are people who never quite accepted what happened to - not Bambi, but Bambi's mother, at that critical juncture. Given the extent to which the growing Bro was inculcated with his duty to honour the Blessed Mother by the Christian Brothers for his high school time, then in his time at the seminary - does he have difficulty in accepting that THE MOTHER is the one who gets shot, and is no longer available to intercede on behalf of Bambi?

    1. Or is it just lazy ignorance which the Bro also has some problems with.


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