Saturday, September 02, 2023

In which the dog botherer does his Helen Lovejoy impression - who said they'd killed off drag? - and the bromancer struts about in authoritarian demagogue mode ...


For a moment, the pond was worried ... would it be possible to get through the weekend without a barrage of reptiles carrying on about the Voice? 

Strangely the reptiles seemed distracted at the top of the digital edition, but it was a huge relief to the pond ...

There was Twiggy, and no apparent recognition that the reptiles had made a fortune out of dementia (where would the HUN, the Currish Snail and the Terror be without the footy?) and down below - if you looked past simplistic Simon and the lesser member of the Kelly gang - Dame Slap was railing at activist judges, as has been her wont for decades.

And there up on the far right was the dog botherer, returning to his usual turf of climate science denialism.

It was no contest between Dame Slap and doggie boy ...

Sure the pond had heard it all before, but any port in a storm, and who needs Lloydie of the Amazon when you've got the dog botherer in full denialist, "won't somebody think of the children?" Helen Lovejoy flight ...

Ignore the undiluted comedy of the dog botherer doing a Sgt Friday and demanding the facts.

What's the real reason here? Dare the pond suggest that the dog botherer is such a narcissist, he actually craves attention from Media Watch?  Surely this is an attempt to get on next Monday's show and get a feud going?

The pond's suspicions were roused by the rogues gallery of snaps scattered through the yarn ...

Not Major Mitchell, patron saint of reptile climate science denialists? Does the peculiar Claire in the middle realise the company she keeps? Probably, she's apparently really chummy with the dog botherer, and yet we've known about his parenting skills for a long time ...

It would be too much for the reptiles to have snuck in a reminder of a boycott going down ... for that you'll have to head elsewhere ...

Back with the dog botherer, deep into his Helen Lovejoy impression ...

It's not just BTN! Apparently Kudelka is in on the boycott and he's been scaring little kiddies for yonks with outrageous claims ...

What'a a professional climate scientist to do when confronted with this sort of idle propaganda? Can't a child even look at a cartoon without feeling insecure?

Sweet little things, they need the comfort of the dog botherer, doing his wolf routine with grandma, so that kids can understand the caring side of wolves ...

Ah the old unrestrained catastrophism routine, with children apparently incapable of noticing what's been happening, and what's routinely reported by cartoonists ...

Sadly the pond is going to run out of cartoons before the dog botherer is going to run out of verbiage, and now for that guest appearance by consorting Claire ...

Indeed, indeed, an astonished Claire, and the dog botherer can never stop repeating himself, such is his delight in himself, but please allow the pond once last chance to terrify the children ...

Of course some might think the dog botherer in full flight is more terrifying ...

Yes, without mentioning climate science denialism! Just the distorted lies and mangled facts, ma'am, demands this Joe Friday.

And so to end with a rousing celebration of Major Mitchell, patron of reptilian denialism ... shush, little kiddies, don't cry, it'll soon be over ...

It beggars belief. Now for more high comedy, why not read about News Corp's alleged goals ...

Contact with comments or questions? Nah, couldn't be bothered, click bait climate science denialism journalism is deep in the soul of News Corp, and all that pious top dressing is just the sort of virtue signalling you should expert from a corporation dedicated to doing evil ...

And so to the bonus, and again the pond sensed it might be in trouble ...

There was Polonius, but he had to be saved for Sunday, and there was the long forgotten Georgina preparing for war, and there was the oscillating fan and "here no conflict of interest" simplistic Simon, and a Clegg going off the Voice rals and becoming unglued, but once again the pond was saved by the bromancer ...

Donning a beguiling black and a full length leather coat - Hermann Göring always had the best rack - the fundamentalist bromancer was on hand to explain his deep and abiding love for populism, authoritarianism, and heck, downright coup-loving fascism ...

Of course in none of what follows will Faux Noise, and its flirtation with fascism and love of Putinism, be mentioned ...

That's possibly because the bromancer, trained early on a love for Franco, is deep in the authoritarian dictator worship mode ...

Is this the point at which it should be remembered that Clinton won the popular vote by 2.87 million? Probably not, after all, Hitler just needed the help of a few chums to gain power, and where would the Donald have been without chairman Rupert and the peculiar voting mechanisms deployed in the United States ...

Now back to the criminal love ...

Sorry, it goes without saying that the pond was going to seize the chance to run a few 'toons because the pond has already heard many times before the bromancer's fascination with populist authoritarians, demagogues and dictators ...

At this point the reptiles decided to run that mug shot, discreetly framing out any unsavoury element, and the pond thought it should get all the snaps out of the way in one go because this was going to be a long haul ...

Sheesh, not little Johnny, but the bromancer is right, there's one that knows how to do the pose ...

And then on with the long march ...

That's such a wildly Romantic interpretation that for a moment the pond thought it was back in Victorian England. Then the pond realised it was reading the bromancer. Victorian England seemed impossibly modern ...

The pond realises that there's a temptation to list off novelists who did a little journalism, and vice versa, from Mark Twain through Hemingway to Mailer, but we're not talking about reality here, we're talking about reasons to cheerful and to love facsists, part three ...

Strange, the bromancer has thus far failed to mention Vivek, but surely he's exactly the sort of showboating con artist and snake oil salesman that should appeal to him ...

Never mind, on we trudge, with the pond wondering if it might not have been better off with a nattering "Ned" Everest climb challenge...

Dear sainted aunt, Bob and Trump ... but clearly the bromancer can recognise talent when it walks in the door ...

Hire that man ... and let the bromancer carry on endlessly with his enduring infatuation ...

Yep, that'd be the John Howard that not only lost government, but managed to lose his seat, and yet remains deeply loved by the reptiles ...

Around this point the pond began to feel vaguely hysterical and had an urgent desire to rush out of the room, or take a look at a blonde news network, anything for a distraction ...

Around this point the pond also realised that there were just two gobbets to go, and there was a glut of cartoons to hand. Best clear the deck ...

Then it was on to the penultimate gobbet ...

Actually, there's a wiki detailing allegations of sexual misconduct by the Donald, and it's more than one, but the pond doesn't want to go there ... how about a few weight jokes instead?

And so to the final gobbet, and if you haven't rushed out to order your full-length black leather coat, you clearly have failed to appreciate what the bromancer is offering ...

Barking mad, of course, but it explains why next week the bromancer will be offering a long screed on the enduring charm and appeal of Adolf and Benito, and an explanation of how Nazis keep SBS in the viewing race, followed by a long and worshipful piece on the enduring attraction of Vlad the impaler - if only the bromancer could bomb China the way Vlad is treating the Ukraine - as well as lots of idle speculation on the delights of any other authoritarian, coup-loving demagogue who happens to be passing by...

And then it was with great relief that the pond realised it could close proceedings with an immortal Rowe, featuring Twiggy, though it seems a long time, an eternity, since the reptiles started from there ...


  1. Doggy Bov: "Then we heard from schoolchildren, seemingly in their early teens." There he goes, slinging off at Greta yet again. "So why bother with your homework?" Yair, Greta never did hers, did she.

    So, ever onwards: "BTN cited an international study of 16 to 25-year-olds in 10 countries including Australia that found 59 per cent were 'very or extremely worried about climate change...". But then, as I've said before, there's this:
    "A climate psychologist explains how we’ve moved beyond hope, anger, and complacency toward something more promising."
    There’s been a shift in how we think about climate change

    See, it's all down to what's uppermost in your "finite pool of worry" and uppermost in the Boverer's pool is worrying about how the children will worry as the world collapses around them.

    But hey: "...if weather extremes do gradually increase, we have the technology and where-with-all to get close to zero emissions just as soon as we decide the benefits outweigh the costs." Yep, that's the way to handle a 'pool of worry', simply deny it. And one of the Bov's denials is that even if we plant a gazillion trees - but not in the drought areas caused by climate change nor in the flood areas where they'll get washed away - it will take many, many years to reduce the CO2 content of the atmosphere back to some approximation of what it was maybe 50 or more years ago. What a sad thing it is that Doggy Bov can't be taught, and can't learn, anything.

    1. DB is a guy who doesn’t understand the problem but confidently asserts he has all the answers. Perhaps the children are anxious because they actually have some understanding of the problem.

    2. Yeah, the only way to ever have all the answers, as the reptiles know only too well, is to define the problem your own way. And if you look at the children - eg Greta and all who've followed her - then very clearly the children understand the problem far better than the Doggy Bov ever will. For starters, they understand that there actually is a problem.

  2. Oh boy, from "No worries here" Benson: "For [Albanese] and Jim Chalmers to succeed the political skills of a Hawke-Keating collaboration will be required." But not those of a John Howard, or of an Abbott-Turnbull-Morrison succession, oh no, they simply aren't up to it. It's all down to resurrecting those reptile super-heroes Hawke and Keating.

  3. So here goes the Bromancer: "...the manifest mental decline of President Joe Biden; the growing impossible-to-ignore evidence of Biden family sleaze; his son and other family members were receiving millions of dollars from nations with which Biden was dealing". Yep it's the GOP liars' paradise still, isn't it, and the Bromancer is in there with his nose growing ever bigger by the minute.

    But even so, and nonetheless: "...a New York Times poll at the beginning of August that showed Trump running dead even against Biden"; oh how totally amazing, especially as that comes from one of the great 'liar newspapers' in America, the NYT.

    And here's the rub: "Democrats [sic] cynically contrived these prosecutions to make sure Trump was the centre of attention and won the Republican primaries." Oh they are so artfully slick those Democratics, aren't they. No member of the GOP could ever be as crafty as that - all they can do is try to steal elections (starting back with George W Bush who did manage to do so) and establish gerrymanders all over America whereas those Democratics have corrupted the entire USA law enforcement and court system.

    And herewith: "Republicans took the lesson. It's not your conduct that counts but your ability to keep your base." And seen in retrospect, that's been the lesson all over the world for the millennia for which we have some kind of comprehendible historic evidence - it's just never been quite so obvious as it is now. So according to "An accomplished American think-tank figure ... 'You don't get the good Trump without the bad Trump'." Well ok, we've seen years of the "bad Trump", so when, if ever, do we get the "good Trump"?

  4. Turns out that Hanrahan was quite prescient in his prediction.
    The applied politics described in the project advocated by this outfit of benighted ghouls tells us in stark detail what will happen if the repugnant party gains power
    Needless to say most/all of the Quad-rant nexus will be very pleased if the repugnants gain such power.


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