Saturday, May 27, 2023

Warning: this post is likely to offend community guidelines. It contains reptilian content ...


Is this the understatement of the week, the month or the year? 

...anyone who glances at the Australian or watches Sky News will notice the Murdoch stable is obsessed with running down the ABC in general, and Grant in particular.

That was the venerable Meade in the Weekly Beast ... The Australian blames ‘production error’ for attack on Noel Pearson added to reader’s letter

What was even funnier was the reptiles' excuse: they were sorry for the bigoted tone of the additions to the reader's letter, it was just a different bigoted reader's letter, and they'd got them in a muddle, but be assured, they'd sort the bigotry out and everything would be fine ...

More of that anon. First to a housekeeping matter. The pond is starting to get community guidelines warnings. One post was "unpublished", disappeared into the full to overflowing intertubes void, with the note that for it to be republished, the content should be updated to adhere to the guidelines. 

Another post was put behind a warning for readers "because it contains sensitive content" according to Blogger's community guidelines.

The neatest bit of this neat trick?

The pond has absolutely no idea which posts offended the absentee landlord because there's no indication in the warning. All you cop is this note from out of the blue ...

Who knows when or where the crime was committed? Who knows what caused offence? Who has the first clue how to fix it? 

The bot doesn't say. The bot just does what bots do ...

Well, it is what it is, and the pond apologises for whatever has gone missing, but let's face it, every day the pond posts vile, violating filth, and sensitive content.

Just look at what was on offer today ...

The reptiles have started tranny bashing as their new mission? The mutton Dutton projects that it's the PM putting reconciliation at risk? Fergo launching another assault on comrade Dan? Stan Grant launching an attack on the ABC, which happens to be the perfect each way reptile bet?

Talk about a dilemma. Every offering involves the pond violating the senses and offending the gods.

And it was the same below the fold ...

Dame Slap on the Lehrmann matter yet again, possibly the zillionth time, though the pond isn't keeping an accurate account. Robert Thomson smiting Google, issuer of stern warnings? The bromancer back with a cornball Czech pun, while Polonius berates the ABC for being a conservative-free zone? And that is for the zillionth time, the pond has been keeping an accurate count there, and will save the outing for the Sunday meditation ...

It's an odd feeling to be banned, not so much for the banning, but for the nature of the disappearing, mysterious and ineluctable ... and so the dog botherer's rant seemed vaguely on topic ..

Oh dear, could that image cause offence? It certainly offended the pond. Way back when in the good old days, the reptiles had an actual graphics department, now long gone ... these days they head off to Shutterstock, and pick up a cheap image from Vector Images, handy for any project, "emails, presentations, social media posts and more", such as reptiles down on their luck and missing their graphics department ...

Then the reptiles went the pregnant woman ploy, and just to be safe the pond decided to downsize it, because who knows if the sight of a pregnant woman or a loon might offend ...

Then it was on to the dog botherer ranting about unseen forces and gigantic conspiracies and collusions and orgies of fear and control and complacency and compliance and yadda yadda ... each moment likely to offend the unseen blogger gods ... what with the tyrannies of 1984 and Brave New World sure to be mentiioned...

Memo to reptiles ... the pond realises it was first published as words rather than numbers, but this is more likely to offend community guidelines ...

Good old Signet ... now that's a cover ... and if mentioning the Anti-Sex League doesn't offend someone in Florida, the pond is out of form and dropping its game ...

Now on with the rant ...

Could the pond have offended by publishing a Killer rant about masks? Was there a mention of the prophylactic powers of hydroxychloroquine?

By definition, everything the pond publishes is offensive ...

The reptiles were the home of Covid denialism, just as they've been the home of climate science denialism, and many other forms of denialism.

The whole pond enterprise is at risk, simply by recycling the paranoid fear-mongering of the likes of the dog botherer ....

Dear sweet long absent lord, could the pond have been subject to a Five Eyes attack? Quick better reach for an image from a wedding photographer ... or maybe not ...

Meanwhile, the dog botherer kept on posing an existential threat to the pond's existence by referencing that compleat loon, Matt Taibbi...

Ah, that's it, Uncle Elon has taken over blogger, and is removing all references to him coming down from his attic to wreak havoc ...

Actually the pond couldn't give a stuff. If there's one less pond post in the world recycling reptile content, who cares? The public debate won't be suffering and likely crucial disinformation, lies and falsehoods have been suppressed or downplayed, and where's the harm in that?

It says a lot about the dog botherer and his gigantic ego that he thinks that he's vital to the public debate and that his offerings contain crucial information ...

Yeah, yeah, but deep down, the pond suspects it got into trouble recycling Killer or jokes about Killer ... or maybe sex. They have a thing about sex in Florida ...

And so to the voice, or the Voice, as some prefer ... and the usual interminable dose of nattering "Ned" ...

Warning, it's full seven gobbets long, with a gobbet as deep as a fathom, and short of visual distractions, but true to that note at the top ...anyone who glances at the Australian or watches Sky News will notice the Murdoch stable is obsessed with running down the Voice in general, and and any passing supporter of the Voice in particular, and if that happens to be fallen god Noel Pearson ...

Why do the privileged reptiles, housed in Surry Hills amongst the best baristas in the world, persist in starting off with a reference to the 'leets?

Pearson? That Weekly Beast joke is worth recycling ...

A reader of the Australian was left “horrified” after a letter she sent to the newspaper was printed with the addition of two sentences defending the masthead and criticising Indigenous leader Noel Pearson as “shrill” and “prejudiced”.
The reader told Guardian Australia she was shocked when she saw her letter printed in Monday’s edition of the paper with paragraphs inserted that she had not written.
The reader had sent the letter in response to Pearson’s article in the Weekend Australian, in which he reflected on the masthead’s coverage of Indigenous affairs.
Pearson wrote: “The opinions in this broadsheet are more numerously antipathetic to the voice than not.
“They are mostly obscurant and borderline casual racists in their views. Just read the comments at the bottom of this piece.”
In an unusual move, the Australian’s editor-in-chief Michelle Gunn pinned an editor’s note to the article: “We reject Pearson’s characterisation of our readers as ‘borderline casual racists’.”
After reading Pearson’s thoughts on the voice, the reader wrote to the letters page: “I was disappointed that Noel Pearson generalised me as a ‘borderline casual racist. I have long admired Pearson as an intelligent, well-educated and wonderful Australian.”
But when she opened the paper on Monday she saw a very different letter.
The words Rupert Murdoch’s national broadsheet inserted were: “I am at a loss to understand how Pearson thinks that his increasingly shrill denunciations of those who have voiced opposition to the [Indigenous voice] model will win over those who may still be undecided.
“To casually dismiss ‘the boomer readership’ of The Australian as ‘mostly obscurantist and borderline casual racists’ displays a prejudice that would be rightly dismissed if it were directed against any other group within our society.”
The reader, who the Guardian has chosen not to name, said she was a regular purchaser of the Weekend Australian.
“When I saw it I was absolutely horrified because I thought ‘my God for them to actually do that in this day and age’,” she said of her changed letter.
She tracked down Pearson to explain she had not written the harsh words, and she contacted the Australian for an explanation.
“I wanted to speak with Noel and apologise for what I did not write, and we had a nice discussion on the phone,” she said.
For his part Pearson emailed Gunn on the reader’s behalf, saying he expected the paper to correct it.
The Australian called the reader to apologise on Wednesday and put a correction on the letters page on Thursday: “Because of a production error, a section from a separate letter was included. The Australian regrets the error.”

So the reptile reader was happy, and the reptiles were apologetic, not for the contents of that letter, shrieking in the usual prejudiced way, but for mis-assigning said contents ...

Sorry, you can't make this stuff up, and it's on with the fear and loathing ...

Yep, the reptiles are obsessed, "Ned" is obsessed, and the pond ends up having to deal with his obsession ...

Will anybody bother to count the number of times that "Ned" emits "elites" from his privileged position as a thunderer down under?

No? Must hurry on then ... wouldn't want to get caught out by a distracting infallible Pope shell game ...

Sorry, that came out of the blue, back to "Ned" and his natter ...

Joh? He dragged the peanut farmer into it? Now we're in brown paper bag and cash in the paw territory?

What a wretched old dotard he is, though fun fact, if a vulgar youff happened to chance upon the reference, they'd be clueless ...

Meanwhile, the wide scope of the reptile voice? Don't you worry about that ... instead, we have at least one more mention of the 'leets to count ...

And at last the final gobbet lands, and before proceeding, just a reminder of past form ...

Advocates for Stolen Generations survivors have questioned Peter Dutton's mea culpa for boycotting the 2008 Apology, 15 years after he walked out of the chamber during Kevin Rudd's delivery.
The Leader of the Opposition was the only member of the shadow front bench to do so. Following last year's May election, Mr Dutton said it had been the wrong thing to do.
Meagan Gerrard and Alex McWhirter, representatives for Coota Girls Aboriginal Corporation, asked why Mr Dutton had taken so long to recognise it as such.
"As a leader of this country, why has it taken 15 years for [him] to recognise [his] mistake? Why [hasn't he] been listening?"
As the parliament marked the sombre occasion, Mr Dutton said he had "failed to grasp" the "symbolic significance" of the Apology at the time.
"It was right of Prime Minister Rudd to make the Apology in 2008," he said.
"It is right that we recognise the anniversary today, it's right that the government continues its efforts and in whatever way possible. We support that in a bipartisan effort."
Mss. Gerrard and McWhirter took exception to Mr Dutton's choice of language, and highlighted the worsening rates of First Nations children in out-of-home care.
"We believe that the significance of the Apology should never have been understood as simply 'symbolic'.
"We echo what our Elders and our community have been speaking for decades: Sorry means you don’t do it again. Sorry demands action."

And the former plod's excuse? He was a gormless plod ...

The Opposition Leader relayed experiences he had in the Queensland Police Force that had informed his judgement at the time.
He relayed instances of responding to violent incidents involving First Nations people.
He believed an apology should only have been made "at a time where we had addressed and curbed that violence and incidences."

It might have been simpler for him to have said in a cheerful voice, I was a bigot, always been a bigot, always will be a bigot ... but I do believe in the never never, as in never never meaning an apology and fingers crossed, always happy to do it again ...

And so to that final gobbet ...

Put it another way ...

...anyone who glances at the Australian or watches Sky News will notice the Murdoch stable is obsessed with running down the Voice in general, and and any passing supporter of the Voice in particular ... and in the process celebrating the worst in Australia, be it the onion muncher or a plod imitating a spud ...

And you could find that joke about the daily, weekend, weekly, monthly, yearly rage here ...

The pond can't translate "jfc". Community guidelines, wot wot ...


  1. "This post was put behind a warning ...". Que ? I don't recall ever having seen a warning attached to any Loonpond post and I do read the blog fairly attentively. Can anybody else recall having seen a "warning" ?

    1. Not I, GB - the internet moves in mysterious ways.

    2. It's likely just been added GB, but as there are nigh on 7,000 posts, who knows, and in the end, who cares. A warning's a warning, but a disappearing's a disappearing, and what irritates about that is that the comments go with it, and the site's really only worth the comments ... (yes, the pond is being a suck, but hey, it's also true)

    3. Oh well, such is life, and the internet, I guess. And indeed, it just might take a very considerable search to check the Pond's entire history.

  2. Apart from being a pontificating windbag and a terrible bore,Ned - like all long-serving reptiles - is lazy. A perfect example is the continued use, after all these years, of such tired cliches as “elites”. Leaving aside the absurdity of the term being used as a term of denigration by prominent reptile of some decades standing ( or lying….), what does it mean when applied to such areas as “political, corporate, financial, university, media, sporting, trade union and religious”? Why, persons who are elected representatives of various interests, senior managers of various organisations who have made their way to the top of their respective fields through (at least according to the sort of values that News Corp claims to espouse) through talent, diligence and hard work, or bodies that have, at least in theory, the best interests of all Australians at heart. What justification can Ned have for damning them as smug, self-appointed and unrepresentative “leets”? Unless, of course, on this occasion many of them happen to have decided to support a proposal that Ned desperately opposes.

    But that’s how it rolls in Reptiletown, doesn’t it - just throw around a few wheezy old cliches as insults (can “latte-sippers” by far away, or has that finally been retired), cite a few departed names that few have ever heard of, and forget about the need to actually debate the issue. Shorter Ned - “I’m old, I’m grumpy and I don’t like change”.

    Btw, I thought that Joh’s standard response to inquiries was actually “Don’t you worry about that”. In any case it demonstrates Ned’s relevance, citing a bloke who departed the political scene and is likely to be known to most folk under 50. Not that that’s a problem for most of Ned’s readership.

  3. I had been worried about Nattering Ned - he seemed to lack that old pizzazz - but today we saw a thrilling return, every line pure rubbish, the threats, the indignation, the hand-wringing - you'd think his job was on the line [as are all jobs at News these days]. Once again, I don the blindfold, spin three times and throw the dart - bingo:

    'As a political institution it [The Voice] will be involved in negotiations, deal-making and public disputes. It will be a focus of media attention and obviously exploit the media for its ends. As Albanese once conceded, when the voice takes a strong stand it will be difficult for government to resist it. Just imagine the coverage the ABC would provide when the voice challenges the government or parliament? The voice will be a new arm in our government system'.

    So now all is clear. Ned sees what life will be like when the Coalition is duly returned to government and they have to put up with not only the voice of first nations people, but the dastardly ABC behind them; as if a few years in the wilderness is not bad enough, a future Coalition government will be continually harangued by activist organisations, and even worse, taxpayer funded!

    You can see his point, you can feel the fear - my god [or alternative spirit], is this what democracy will become - the voice of the people?

    I can only hope that the Coalition and the reptiles just chuck it in - one more electoral wipe-out may do it, Ned can retire, and News can focus on quizzes and reality shock shows which will rate better. I can't wait.

    I think I will sharpen my darts this arvo. AG.

  4. It’s hard to see where the intelligence is in News Corp’s intellectual property, so no need for Robert Thomson to be concerned and, besides, Gerard and Co regularly denounce anything intellectual as the intelligensia.

    There’s Kenny doing his catastrophism, with no mention of the latest news on NGN’s surveillance of Hugh Grant and others.

    Kenny’s discussion of public health initiatives not only fails an intellectual understanding of the role of government in maintaining public health protocols, but he would fail a basic science test. According to Chris, brainless tweets should be put before public health.

    Perhaps Paul Kelly could have a chat to Hugh Grant about NGN’s methods to intimidate, as distinct from organizations which represent their members in a democratic society.
    Aboriginal people are holding the foremost political operator in the country hostage?
    Refusal equals deception?
    Which rule book?
    Advice equals power?
    Being listened to equals power?
    Allowing those whose country was occupied to be heard is dividing the country along racial lines?
    Does he understand the meaning of recognition of people? It’s not like recognising a word or thing as simply being there.
    We should ignore the elites from organisations and at the same time listen to the head of the Human Rights Commission and a judge of the High Court?
    If the voice is defeated that will cause harm in the country, but Kelly is asking that it be defeated?!
    No intellectual property to worry about in Kelly’s article.

    1. Perhaps we should consider Ned’s track record of accurately predicting societal collapse when some long overdue action took place. It wasn’t that long ago that Chicken Little was squawking about the dangers of same sex marriage or The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse being a witch hunt. I’m sure DP could add a few more items to this list as well.

      Imagine being able to just forget about the most embarrassing, patently wrong, things you have said and moving on as if you still had any credibility.

    2. Sully of Tuross HeadMay 27, 2023, 2:18:00 PM

      That pompous old fart, Kelly calling others "elites" makes me wonder if that was really him I saw at the Queanbeyan dog races on Thursday night, cloth cap on head and ciggie in hand.

    3. Noodlenuts Neddy right up front: "to persuade and intimidate the Australian people". Ok, I'll ask: just how are they "intimidating" the Australian people ? I don't feel 'intimidated' in the least by the pro-Voice "elites", do you ?

      And after a start like that, it's all downhill from here.

  5. Quite an impassioned squawk from Dogy Bov today - he really is just letting fly. Which makes me wonder if he is really just responding to fears about retention of his way overpaid employment. After all, the entire Roopie world is under threat now isn't it - if 'they' can dispose of Tuckyo, who amongst them is safe ?

    But apart from that it was a prime example of standard reptile output: lie, lie, lie again and then lie some more. And pick on a stable of public idiots - Taibbi internationally and Antic and Hanson locally among many; and who wouldn't believe all of them, and more, unilaterally and unquestioningly - to push a swag of pettifogging 'protests' about what their government(s) did to try to keep them and their friends and family, alive and passably well.

    And as for any comments on just how easily our government(s) gave up those 'draconian' powers when the major crisis had passed - well that's just a disguise, isn't it: now that our government(s) know just what they can get away with, it'll be 1984 next time (Brave New World always was just a little easygoing for true autocratic despots - and too much ancient Greece based if it comes to that).

    But one of Doggy Bov's talking points I do find amusing is the so-judged 'ineffectiveness' of the vaccines. Now we do have to acknowledge that the vaccines were not brilliantly successful in stopping individual infection, but what they did do, by significantly reducing the effect of Covid, was not only to keep many hospitals from being over-run, but also, in combination with lockdowns, masks and distancing, they did significantly reduce transmission of Covid - people could stay 'locked down' for a relatively short time and then have significantly reduced capacity for transmitting Covid to others.

    But you see, that's a cooperative social thing, and reptiles just have never understood the need for a cooperative society.

  6. Doh! Could this be little at me at Doha airport? The powers that be would not allow me access to the Pond. Which surprised me. Not being allowed access to a wine forum did not surprise me :)

  7. "Yep, the reptiles are obsessed, "Ned" is obsessed..." Yair, I'm beginning to really think they all feel threatened so they're responding in the only way they've ever known how: sounding as 'threatening' as they can manage. So Noodles carries on about "a decisive test was whether it united Australians." Oh but no: "The polls, the policy and legal disputes, the formal opposition of the Liberal and National parties show the voice singularly fails that test." Well, I dunno, but on that basis there isn't many referenda that should have succeeded, and indeed most haven't.

    And maybe this one won't either, but it has to have its chance in the form and content provided by its originators. Though "This is a deeply divisive proposal." Well indeed Neddles and the reptiles and Mutton Dutton and his out-right Liberals and Nationals have certainly done their very best to make it such. On the points of their tiny heads be it.

  8. Marina Hyde:
    "What does Jeff Bezos’s new fiancee see in the world’s
    third-richest man? Must be his enormous philanthropy"

    "I’ll be honest: we haven’t met. But from the outside looking
    in, my nose pressed against the glass of Google Images,
    I simply cannot get enough of this Nietzschean superwoman,
    the final form of the East German silicon-doping programme,
    who has missile-titted her way into my consciousness..."

  9. Just a note-
    100 years ago today Hank Kissinger arrived on the scene and curiously nobody
    has taken note.
    He seems to have been exiled to the Isle of Misfit Reptiles along with George Bush,
    Dick Cheney, Mike Pence and newly washed ashore Scott Morrison.

    1. We're still paying for one of his glorious achievements though which was Australia's gutless acquiesence in his gift of West Papua to Indonesia.

  10. I did see one article on the “Sydney Morning Herald” website, Mike, though I can’t seem to find it now. It featured the old ogre’s dire predictions of the future, and he was treated with great reverence by both the journalist and in the comments. This despite his long history of mistakes, misinterpretations and fuck-ups. I suppose that’s one advantage of living so long - you get to outlast most of your critics and burnish your own legend.

    1. Anonymously,
      "Ogre" is right, he now to all appearances seems to be a hideously
      damaged gargoyle who barely escaped his roosting spot atop Notre Dame
      when the fires brought the roof down.
      A fitting bit of cosmic justice for neglecting the Dorian Gray gambit of the
      portrait in the attic, all his crimes are right there to be seen in his visage.
      GB, I forgot about the West Papua fiasco.
      Plus there was his orchestrating the coup that brought Lon Nol to power,
      which ultimately resulted in 2 million dead Cambodians.
      If DP created a Reptile Hall of Fame, he'd have to be one of the first

    2. Anonymous, not "Anonymously", the set up doesn't allow one to go back
      and edit out errors.

    3. We don't hear much about Lon Nol and Cambodia now, do we. But yes, it was another of the hideous gargoyle's many achievements.

  11. It now occurs to me I might lifted that "gargoyle" bit from one of Dorothy's posts.
    If so I apologize.


  12. "It might well be that the pond's time with blogger is coming to a close. The pond has done nigh on 7,000 posts......The pond had hoped to shuffle off into the night with the passing of Chairman Rupert...."
    NO NO!!! The sun rises, the sun sets, The Pond appears everyday, even in Sanur.
    There's something Ptolemaic and reassuring there.
    Oates is a schoolboy hero but......NO NO NO. Just another 7k posts...please.

    1. Is there some way, maybe, that we could conspire to make DP immortal ? Or at least a lot longer lived than we are.


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