Thursday, May 11, 2023

In which the pond dares to go there, and then keeps on going there ... if cartoons be a 'there' ...


Another day, another bombing of the gulag by Israel; another day, another bombing by Vlad the impaler in Ukraine; another day, and another dismal performance by the lizards of Oz, though to be fair, the lack of decent loonacy is possibly a relief up against the first two options ...

The immoral Rowe has been on a roll of late and said all that needs to be said about the likes of Vlad ...

That lead-in is all by way of explaining a difficult, unjustifiable and completely indefensible decision by the pond ...

Confronted by this Sophie's choice ...

... what to do, what to do?

The pond had already decided it had no interest in the latest attempt by the reptiles to arouse interest ...


Back to Sophie's choice, which the pond found of interest.

The pond had already issued many red cards to Dame Slap on the Lehrmann matter, so the pond decided not to go there, but instead, to go there. 

Please, hear the pond out. The pond is dedicated to weirdness, and a prize loon of the petulant Peta kind blathering on about Victorian loons is surely central to the pond's mission ...

The pond understands some might have a visceral, gut-wrenching response - petulant Peta produced that in the onion muncher, so it's likely to affect others, not that the pond is comparing its readership to the onion muncher - but surely deeming Deeming a matter of interest is only far right ...

And yet just to cook that goose, the reptiles - for reasons that can only be called perverse - offered up a snap showing Deeming hanging around with Kellie-Jay Keen, as weird a name-changing bigot as might be found on a Neil Mitchell program.

And when it came to the crunch and the cock crowed thrice, Deeming could not renounce her ...

On Monday, Deeming survived the expulsion vote over her participation in Keen’s anti-trans rally in Melbourne that was attended by neo-Nazis. She was instead suspended for nine months from the party room after Pesutto claimed she had condemned “the type of conduct referred to in the dossier.”
Hours later, Deeming was back on Twitter clarifying she had not condemned Keen and other anti-trans activists. 
“Don’t worry, I never condemned you, or KD (failed Warringah Liberal candidate Katherine Deves), or KJ (Kellie-Jay Keen),” Deeming responded to anti-trans activist Angie Jones. 
Pesutto told ABC News Breakfast on Tuesday morning that Deeming “was not off to a good start”. 
Deeming, who has a history of making anti-trans statements, in her response to moves to expel her, admitted that “with the benefit of hindsight of what has occurred that my participation may have been an error of judgement that resulted in unneeded scrutiny”. (SSO)

And yet here we are, endless errors of judgement on, and here we have barking mad petulant Peta offering unneeded scrutiny ...

The problem is that the Victorian Liberal party became infested by the truly weird, and when given several thumpings by comrade Dan, tried to change course.

Look up Deeming's beliefs and you find she's a home schooling anti-vaxxer as well as a fellow traveller with transphobes ...

And as for Heath ... just a sample from the top of this page will suffice ...

What a weird nest that is ... but of course when you're a fish like petulant Peta or Wanda, it's just part of the ocean in which you swim ...

So long as the Victorian Liberals have the likes of petulant Peta blathering in support of the weird, they'll have a problem, and there'll be more stories like this ...

Another former church member, James Dalton, claims he was blamed by a church elder for being sexually assaulted and sent through gay conversion therapy, causing post-traumatic stress disorder and other mental health conditions. He went through exorcisms at the church and said members would stand around him in a circle, pray in tongues, cast out demons and pray to God to stop him from going to hell.

And if finding that deeply weird is politically correct, then bring on the correctness ...

And now speaking of Victorians, the pond went looking for a bonus after yesterday's dismal showing ...

Having transgressed with petulant Peta, why not go the full Victorian hog with Paul """ Hayes ... and never mind the pond's permanent ban on voice ranting ...

Apparently the reptiles were too lazy to find a snap, yet if you plunged in to the piece there was a huge snap of the """ KC ...

It was way too much for the pond, which shrank it down to a size that could have been useful to the reptiles' splash, but to give you an idea, it was the same size as the snap of the racy novelist judge ...

What a prize doofus, and if the pond is ever in need of a barrister in Victoria, it now at least knows one to avoid ...

At the same time, the pond was pleased it hadn't wasted too much time on a man who thinks rhyming barristers and baristas passes for legal wit, and so the pond had the chance to turn to Dimitri ...

For those who came in late, the pond once looked up Dimitri's Eminence Advisory ...

You can follow the warnings here, and truth to tell, the pond loves the way you can hang out a shingle and become a financial advisor, or at least proffer financial advice via the lizard Oz ...

The pond remembers fondly the day that the pond became a director of a company and was legally endorsed as a financial advisor, and had its very own stamp and its very own stamp pad, able to be topped up with ink, and generating an intoxicating waft up there with petrol fumes ...

Trust the pond for financial advice, and trust the pond, you were on the highway to financial hell ...

Sorry, we're meant to be bagging Jimbo with Dimitri, though to be fair, the infallible Pope does a fair job unleashing the dragon ...

Okay, okay, fair cop, the only reason the pond went with Dimitri is that it has a lot of cartoons to hand ... and Dimitri provides the filler and the ballast ...

The reptiles kept on using snaps to give Dimitri a bit of weight and heft, but are they any match for the dragon motif that's all the go at the moment?

Twiggy out on the street and ever so 'umble and grateful? Who knew .... but lo, the dragon motif lurks ...

The pond almost fainted away at the undiluted nostalgia evoked by that snap of little Johnny and Petey boy, though it did give a clue as to why Dimitri sounded so ancient, and why he was sounding a little startled by Jimbo ...

The pond was only being fair when it said it had a few cartoons up its hat ... and they were more than a match for the snaps the reptiles offered as filler ...

And now as he winds down, Dimitri offers up Milt, while the pond offers up another cartoon, sure to send Dimitri into a frenzy ...

And so to the final gobbet from the principal of Eminence Advisory ...

Well this brand of gloom is a change from "Ned's" brand of gloom, though really, couldn't he just have said it in a few words, as suggested by Wilcox?

The pond has no doubt bad times will come again, and there are already budget surprises popping up - one landed on the ABC's news radio this morning - but how hard it is for reptile doomsaying at the moment ... it's just not fair ...


  1. Hmmm. So there's Dimitri claiming to be a "former government policy analyst" (though he doesn't actually say whether within as a PubServe or without as a contracted "consultant") spruiking that: "Sadly, seldom is a word uttered about the need for reform of spending to address inefficiency and ineffectiveness." Right, but, sadly, seldom if ever is a word heard about what 'efficiency and effectiveness' comprises.

    So how about this example:
    "A $45bn naval shipbuilding project faces “significant” cost blowouts after defence officials failed to properly consider “value for money”, according to a new audit report."

    I reckon that must be exactly what Dimitri is talking about, don't you ? So who got us into this mess ? Oh, I see from the illustrative picture, that it was Malcolm Turnbull and Christopher Pyne. It seems the 'NBN Killer' is just as good a defence killer. 'Nuff said.

    Well, how about this:
    "Clive Palmer’s company Zeph Investments has given notice it intends to sue Australia in a fresh case in addition to the existing $296bn investor-state claim, with a potential third claim in the works.
    The two new prospective investor-state claims are revealed in budget papers, released on Tuesday, as contingent liabilities that could cost the budget bottom line.

    Would that be money well spent ? Keeping Clive happy ?

    Amazing what you can find in Budget Papers if only you look hard enough, isn't it.

  2. "The pond is dedicated to weirdness, and a prize loon of the petulant Peta kind blathering on"...

    Conservatism (belief revision)
    "In cognitive psychology and decision science, conservatism or conservatism bias is a bias which refers to the tendency to revise one's belief insufficiently when presented with new evidence."

    I wonder when the sheeple will realize;

    Housing Fund - zero direct, borrow, play stock market. Conservative Labor

    Pays Union of GP's a bit so they don't go in strike and collapse "universal" (haha) health.
    Conservative Labor

    Raukus AUKUS! Conservative Labor

    AUKUS - we dispose of nuclear waste!
    Stupid Conservative Labor

    Stg 3 tax handouts - from floor crumbs (me) to tablecloth. Conservative Labor

    $250 for boofheads island circus.
    Politically Conservative Labor

    “There was no commitment to say, we’re going to look at the way the rental market works or at incentives for landlords to rent to people over a certain age or on income support,” she said. “For me, this is just a Band-Aid … This might help me buy some more fresh bread, but at the end of the day I’m still paying 50-60% of my pension on rent.”
    Conservative Labor

    Need I go on!

    Conservatives & Conservative Labor are going to break the Overton Window.

    And so the culture wars become even more polarized, warped and socially debilitating, causing more Petulant Peta's to bleat "I'll show you Conservatism!".

    Which is news I can't use.

  3. Well thank you for the day's Peta, DP, quite an experience. Especially when she quotes her former 'leader': "The Liberal Party is the freedom party, it's the tradition party but above all it's the patriot party." Yeah, right: as in the freedom of women to ingest RU486 at their own choice and not be forced to give birth according to the Muncher's choice; and as to tradition, well yes whatever tradition(s) you follow, the Libs will force you to change to their traditions instead; and as to "the patriot party", well yes, if you continue to revere the past while the world changes around you, I guess that is being 'traditional'.

    I especially liked this bit: "At one level, this is the story of yet another Victorian Liberal leader intimidated by Andrews into responding to Labor's agenda ...". Say what ? Did Andrews call up Pesutto and threaten him unless he "responded to Labor's agenda" ? What agenda ? And how exactly did Andrews "intimidate" him ?


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