Thursday, December 15, 2022


Say what? Bucket-hole fixing on a Thursday, with an ample supply of straw? 

The pond had to check the date quickly, but it wasn't a Friday,  our Henry had bolted from the gate early, such was his sense of impending doom and grotesque depravity ...

But before getting there, the pond must pause to note and honour the correspondent who drew attention to SloMo's wretched performance before the Robodebt inquiry. 

You won't find any of that at the lizard Oz because the reptiles have lowered the volume on their coverage to the point of invisibility so the pond thought it might celebrate with a meme that's been doing the round. If anyone's seen it, never mind, just pass it on ...

And with that done, the pond can move on to the hole in the bucket man, and once again, we must forsake Thucydides and all the rest of the ancient Greeks and Romans, but perhaps a trip back to the time of Gough might be allowed, if paranoia and hysteria are to remain supreme ...

Only the reptiles could start a column by the hole in the bucket man with a click bait video suggesting that "siding with workers" is all you can expect from a Labor government.

It suggests that the reptiles think siding with big business, rent seekers, profit gougers and fuckers of the planet are the way to go, but the pond already knew that ...

More important was the sort of illustration that the reptiles decided to use, and instead of shots of baleful Satanic windmills or an array of hideous solar panels, the reptile picture editor decided to produce a snap of pleasing gas burning in the sky, helpfully warding off the winter chill ...

As for the nub of our Henry's argument, the pond is quite content to ignore it all, because it's heard it all before. Santos must have got in touch with Dame Groan, who got in touch with our Henry and so he bolted from the gate on a Thursday, because dammit, it's the business of the reptiles to make life tough for workers and mug punters ...

Here, have another click bait video about poor, hapless coal and gas producers and the great things they're doing for the planet ... oh wait, the pond always neutralises these things, but at least you can catch the drift ..

At this point, the pond began to wonder if it had chosen wisely. but no, Dame Slap was still off rabbiting about the Higgins matter ...

She'll never give up on Higgins or the Voice, but seeing how her MAGA cap days worked out, perhaps there was no other choice.

Meanwhile, in the rest of reptile la la land, gas was all the go, and our Henry was just doing what had already been done in the tree killer edition ...

There was also a mention of that rogue, ratbag, rabid anti-vaxxer and conspiracy theorist turned cop killer ... must have been following the deeper thoughts of  Ron DeSanctimonious, or perhaps Killer ...

Meanwhile, our Henry wasn't winding down ... with a snap of the anti-Christ himself designed to whip him into a lather ...

Yes, but how desperate are things? So desperate that in his last gobbet, as foreshadowed, the Greek and Roman man was forced to take a trip to Gough times, as a way of heralding the arrival of the apocalypse ...

Ah, the pond believes that's a reference to Psalm 146:3-5, so it seems that at last Henry is calling on an imaginary friend, the God of Jacob, for help ...

The pond will call on a Wilcox ...

And so to a bonus, and it wasn't a big set of choices ...

Reptile Goff was in a frenzy and so was comrade reptile Dimitri, and the pond has absolutely no interest in Harry and Meghan and all that jazz, and so it had to be Killer ... though the pond thought it might start with its own bit of musing about history.

What with all the booing that he copped just recently, and the patently nonsensical lies he told about it, as Elon's lickspittle lackeys tried to get the footage taken down wherever they found it, some have begun to wonder how Elon can be such a gigantic tool and so filthy rich at one and the same time, albeit with the riches fading a little.

The pond was reminded of the example of Henry Ford, a fierce anti-semite and Hitler tool ...

Henry did wonders for the production line, but he used his riches to spread anti-Semitism as far and as wide as possible, and it fell on the fertile ground of Adolf's sociopathic madness ...

There's a good Q and A about it at PBS here...

What kind of things did Henry Ford blame on Jews? 
Throughout The Dearborn Independent, Ford published articles that would refer to Jews in every possible context as at the root of America and the world's ills. Strikes: It was the Jews. Any kind of financial scandal? The Jews. Agricultural depression? The Jews. So "the Jew," in a way, became the symbol of a world that was being manipulated and controlled.
To me, that's one of the really crucial forces in this rhetoric -- that things didn't just happen; but rather somebody is orchestrating these developments, and it's the Jews who are doing it for their benefit. They're doing it in order [to] gain the twin-linked goodies of power and wealth.
Ford also republished the Protocols of the Elders of Zion -- what is that? 
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was a notorious forgery that originally came from Russia, and [was] translated into English. [It] claimed the existence of an international Jewish conspiracy -- that a group of Jews got together and basically planned the fate of the world, be it financial catastrophe, be it war. The world was controlled by this little cabal of Jews. [This forgery was] printed in The Dearborn Independent as a factual piece. And so someone reading it would take this to be the news

And so on ... there's a lot to cover, and many stories and that Adolf connection is also covered here ...

Numerous historians have noted that Ford is the only American mentioned in Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” memoir. After asserting that Jews were increasingly exerting control over American labor, Hitler wrote, “one great man, Ford, to their exasperation, still holds out independently.”
Experts on Hitler have noted Ford’s literature influenced Hitler’s writing in “Mein Kampf.” Reading “The International Jew,” which became a hit in Germany after being published in German in 1922, helped push Hitler further into “conspiratorial anti-Semitism,” Thomas Weber wrote in “Becoming Hitler: The Making of a Nazi.”
“Henry Ford is important for having provided to Hitler confirmation, coming from the very heart of America, of an idea that had been brewing in his mind,” Weber wrote. The idea was that Jews’ control of global finance was behind the world’s problems.
“Henry Ford thus turned into an anti-Semitic icon for Hitler.”
In summer 1938, with the German Wehrmacht having marched into Austria, and despite years of deflecting charges he was an anti-Semite, Ford accepted a 75th birthday present from Hitler. It was the Grand Cross of the Supreme Order of the German Eagle, the highest award the regime bestowed on foreigners.
The golden Maltese cross, surrounded by four small swastikas, was presented to Ford in Ford Motors’ Dearborn offices by Fritz Haller, the German vice consul in Detroit.

The pond has never had much time for Fords, or Führer wagons, though the pond will concede that if you went down the list and struck off all the collaborators, you'd have to add BMW, IBM, Mercedes and dozens of other abiding businesses to the list.

As for that mention of Mein Kampf, the pond can hear the rustle on the bookshelf, with some wondering why there's no mention of Ford in their edition ... but it was only in the early edition and you should have read an annotated copy ...

How is it possible that the newspapers of a Northcliffe, who were the faithful shield-bearers
in the British battle against the German Empire, suddenly broke ranks and chose a path of
their own? 
(This idea and much of the following about America came from carmaker Henry
Ford’s newspaper, Dearborn Independent. Hitler was very interested in Henry Ford’s
theories. Northcliffe was a title Baron Northcliffe bestowed on Alfred Harmsworth, a 
newspaper magnate who was also called Lord Northcliffe. He controlled the Times and other
papers and was known for influencing propaganda against the Germans in the First World
The British did not seek the destruction of Germany; that was a Jewish interest.
Today, the destruction of Japan is not in the political interest of England, but it does match
the desire of the Jewish leaders and their longing for a Jewish world-empire. While England
over-exerts herself to maintain her position in the world, the Jew is organizing an attack in
order to conquer it.
The Jew already sees the present European states as tools in his fist, controlled by either the
indirect means of western democracy or in the form of direct control through Russian
Bolshevism. The old world is not the only one that he holds in his net. He also threatens the
new world with the same fate.
The Jews rule the financial powers in the American Union. Each year they become more and
more the master, controlling the working power of one hundred and twenty million people.
Today, there is one great man, Ford, who has preserved his independence and is still
irritating the Jews. 
(Later editions of Mein Kampf omitted the name Ford, which referred to
carmaker Henry Ford. This reference may have been removed at the request of Henry Ford
due to social and political pressure he received because of his anti-Semitism; however, it is
more likely it was removed by order from Hitler because of a public apology Henry Ford
made to the Jews in 1927, which was issued after he was forced to shut down the
newspaper, and in court Ford claimed he had no idea what his anti-Semitic newspaper had
been publishing.) 

In short, it's possible for a very rich man to be both filthy rich and a complete tool, and so the pond has set the stage for Killer to do his thing ...

Okay, okay, the pond gets the joke: "Muckrakers would have been all over the Twitter Files", and Killer is all over the Twitter Files and ergo, Killer is an exemplary muckraker ...

Here have another cute example of a sub-editor at play ...

Now at this point, some might be wondering why the pond is wasting time on a very rich idiot who has gone down the rabbit hole, and exposed his narcissist attention-seeking to the world, and so is naturally celebrated by a muckraker of the Killer kind, when it might be celebrating SloMo, but the immortal Rowe has taken good care of that, and has that tool in hand, or at least in chair, and not a hose in sight ...

And so the pond can indulge the Killer, what with Killer fancying that once again he's delivering some killer paranoid hysteria lines ...

Indeed, indeed, speaking of the far left, what we need is Marshall Law ...

The pond is only here for the entertainment, and others might find the Graudian entertaining, or MSNBC,  or Vanity Fair,  but please, the Killer has some great routines of his own, not least labelling Matt Taibbi and Bari Weiss as "centrists", though the pond supposes this might be true if the comparison were to Genghis Khan or perhaps Adolf himself ...

A playful tweet? We've just seen how that rabbit-hole madness plays out in the deep north, and yet the Killer plays the madness of Elon down as playful?

And for that "self-evidently, my employer is a laudable exception", what to say, except to propose that the Killer is even more up the fundament of the Chairman than his own, and amazingly still thinks his and the Chairman's shit doesn't stink ... or that they haven't over the years, done their level best to distort, ruin, fuck up and destroy the public conversation.

But enough already with Faux Noise ... the pond's only hope is that Killer doesn't go even further down the rabbit hole with Elon, because then a truly epic delusion on a Fordian scale beckons ...

And so, because self-evidently, the pond can't cover the comedy of SloMo, what with the story having been shadow banned by the reptiles, a few more cartoons ...

And then there was an infallible Pope, for those who haven't already forgotten every word scribbled by the hole in the bucket man ...

As usual, it's the detail that delights, and as our Henry and the reptiles deal with their PTSD,  one of those witches is worth a closer look ...


  1. Our Henry eager to display his extensive experience with actual legislation; so eager that he jumps in a day early. Unfortunately, his experience does not justify that.

    Enabling legislation usually avoids being too specific, or to spell out limits to the powers it establishes. The very act of drafting often implies limits, but they are seldom made manifest. The single best reason for this is that the enabling legislation my be in place for 50-70 years, and, as the saying goes, it is difficult to make predictions.

    Even subordinate legislation - for example, regulations - increasingly avoid putting specific limits. For example, penalties for offenses used to be set in dollar terms, but even 20 years on simple inflation would reduce the supposed deterrent of that initial penalty. So penalties now tend to be set out as 'so many penalty units', and an overarching piece of legislation, from time to time, puts a dollar value on a 'penalty unit' for all subordinate legislation, if only to allow for inflation.

    It has also long been the practice, in the Westminster system, to include provisions that allow ministers a wide discretion in decisions they may make. This does provide for - can we agree that there may be unforeseen circumstances in almost any human activity, no matter how carefully legislation may have been considered and debated.

    Of course, with that goes the expectation that ministers will face parliament to explain decisions they make under their discretionary power, and they, and their government, will be accountable for that.

    If you look at day-to-day public administration, a lot of it is done under such discretionary provisions. It would be difficult for a country to function otherwise.

    There is a touch of irony in the Henry writing as he has today about unspecified powers for which governments usually would be accountable, at a time when a Commissioner is probing the avoidance of accountability over several years by different ministers in what we may call 'Robodebt' for convenience. But that does not negate the practical reasons why enabling legislation is drafted in the way it long has been.

    1. You aren't promoting the 'dictum of unforeseen consequences' are you Chad ? Of which one is the 'unforeseen actions' that opponents of, or exploiters of, any given piece of (humanly fallible) legislation may take as soon as they can work out the weaknesses and possibilities.

      But I hadn't caught up with the "penalty units" at all so thanks for that info. Now all we need to do is define 'penalty units' in terms of prison sentences: how many years make up an imprisonment 'penalty unit' and adjust that as the human lifespan increases (or decreases as climate change takes effect).

    2. GB - any piece of legislation will be prone to unforeseen consequences. One of the useful things project teams used to do was to take the draft of a bill to an extended pub lunch - in a quiet pub, of course - and think up things you might try if you wanted to gain some advantage from when the bill became an act. Groups I worked with called it 'bullet proofing', and I am sure it had other names in other jurisdictions.

      But it is quite disingenuous to follow our Dame Slap's objection to almost everything proposed by the Albanese government that it will have 'unintended consequences', or 'encourage lawfare'. Every kind of legislation that seeks to direct corporate behaviour is up against the imbalance - that the corporations that will be regulated by the legislation will be able to buy the services of more, and smarter, lawyers than the department or other agency proposing the legislation, and I don't recall Dame Slap seeing any problem with that arrangement. For her, it is the natural state of things.

    3. It's just part of nature: to those who have, more will be given; from those who have not, more will be taken.

      I like your 'bullet proofing' though. Back in my programming days our 'bullet proofing' consisted in finding a very good tester: get the program up to a certain functional state and then sit the tester in front of it to see if she could break it (and I say 'she' because our very best tester was one such).

      Standing behind the tester and watching and she would work away and suddenly 'bung' it was broken. "What did you do then", we'd ask, and she would walk us through an incredible sequence of actions until she'd managed to break it. Sometimes we'd just let it go on the basis that no sane or normal person could or would replicate her series of actions. Aah, reminiscences !

      But yeah, our Groany is one of those for whom if an outcome is in her favour, it's good and if not then it's bad. And any outcome produced by 'woke commie green lefties' is by definition not in her favour.

  2. Hi Dorothy,

    Speaking of Nazi collaborators, it came as a bit of a surprise that the architect behind the “modular” stadia for the World Cup in Qatar had a very familiar name.

    How appropriate.

  3. One of the MPs speaking in today’s condolence motion on the recent Queensland shootings warned against the dangers of spreading crackpot conspiracy theories via such outlets as Sky After Dark.

    He was warning specifically against politicians indulging in such behaviour, but his comments could equally apply to scribbling fantasists of the Killer variety. To state the bloody obvious, this sort of shit has real world consequences.

    1. It always has had "real world consequences" Anony. But they depend on the resources available to the believers of the "crackpot conspiracy theories". Remember Francis De Groot ? As a nuts for brains member of the New Guard back in his day (as long ago as 1932), all he could manage was to ride his horse onto the Sydney Harbour Bridge during its opening ceremony and slash the ribbon before Jack Lang could get the official scissors to it.

      Yeah. But nowadays, any nutcase can obtain lethal weapons and protective armor and such like and fire up a website and get active supporters. And there will be more and more of it as time passes - the loonies aren't going anywhere, and they are multiplying.

      So it goes.

  4. An interesting snippet from the “Financial Review”, offered without comment -

    “News Corporation is investigating complaints relating to an incident at end-of-year drinks for its flagship masthead The Australian at a Sydney pub last week, as the company manages the fall-out from two other party incidents.

    The newest incident led to News Corp Australia executive chairman Michael Miller sending a note to staff this week, with a blunt warning about end-of-year Christmas parties: “Remember that inappropriate behaviour has consequences.”

    “ources say a senior editor at The Australian attended News Corp headquarters in Sydney on Wednesday to meet with HR over an incident during end-of-year drinks at a pub in Surry Hills.

    The incident is understood to have occurred last Thursday night in Surry Hills, where both senior and junior staff were meeting for drinks.”


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