Monday, September 19, 2022

In which the pond is so astonished by the Monday array of delights at the lizard Oz that it has resorted to a mega omnibus of reptile pleasures ...


Few will understand the pond's sense of outrage and shock to hear humble old Wee Waa referred to as Wee Wah on ABC news radio, in a news bulletin, no less, when of course it should be pronounced the way way locals do, as Wee War ...

The town has enough troubles without that final straw, though at the moment of outrage, the pond realised it had joined the reptiles and become one of the grievance police. 

Each day the reptiles are full of grievance and anger, and no matter how trivial or mighty the cause, the sense of grievance is always palpable ...

Major Mitchell was an expert at grievance, and his absence from the Monday digital edition of the lizard Oz has been a major loss ... but this day the reptiles have excelled themselves and produced such a motley crew of whiners, moaners and toss pots that the pond simply had to embark on a mega omnibus edition ...

First up was ostensibly not about a grievance, but a hope, and the pond knew at once that there had to be some sort of con or grift or snake-oil selling at work ... just look at the header ...

The naked absurdity of  "Gas will power us to net-zero future" immediately suggested that Lloydie of the Amazon had dug up some Italian physicist to do a column, but there was another name attached, and so the pond read on quickly to get to the tag ...

Before the pond gets to the revealing tag, it should possibly note a recent story in the Graudian.

Is there an irony in the use of 'gaslighting' while talking of a gaseous bit of gaslighting enthusiastically blathering about gas?

The pond supposes so, but now on to the tag ...

There you go ... "their utter inability to tell the truth" on display as usual in the lizard Oz, gaslighting gas, which the pond will admit is a change from old-fashioned gaslighting of coal ...

But now the pond must rush on, helter skelter, pell mell ... there is simply not the time nor the space for idle indulgences or cartoons or other distractions, because there's a lot to attend to this day, and next up is the Caterist going full monarchist ...

Now the pond has had something of a ban on all the wall-to-wall coverage supplied by monarchists, but the pond also knows that there are devotees who are simply addicted to Compass Polling commissioned by the Menzies Research Centre, a taxpayer-funded institute for Caterist blather ...

What can the pond do, but agree this phenomenon deserves attention, whenever it bobs up?

Did the pond say no cartoons or other distractions? After that line alleging that King Chuck III, aka the talking tampon is more popular than you might imagine, how could the pond resist?

Will King Chuck III be able to keep his mouth shut, or will some pronouncement on climate science and Gaia send the Caterist into a frothing, foaming frenzy? The pond suspects there will be delights in the future, but for the moment we're in the set-up stage, where the Caterist is content to blow and scrape and tug the forelock ...

Ah the radical green fringe ...

Sorry, the pond can only get through a Caterist these days with the help of a cartoon or two ...

What a first class loon, and with loonish polling too, but the pond can't pause for breath, it must rush on, because there's this delightful little delicacy to consume, recycled from the WSJ and it's only two gobbets, so where's the harm? You see, it's rock 'n roll wot done it ...

The pond doesn't know where to begin with this one ... it had the faint whiff of a Malcolm Muggeridge or some loon in dotage ... with the obligatory reference to the ancient Greeks suggesting that it might be a pen name for our very own Sir Henry of the ancient order of hole in bucket ... but then the pond began to understand when the scribbler revealed he was a devotee of CIA-financed English kultur ...

Gad sir, not rock 'n roll. Gad sir, not calling Elton John a rock 'n roller. 

Gad sir, it's a long time to hold a grudge against the 1960s, and while it's very Gatsby, it's also most peculiar and quaint, and the pond had not expected to see its like again, even allowing for the way that moggies of the Jacob Rees-Mogg kind continue to miaow ...

Egad, there'll always be an England, sir, so long as the moggies are around ... you know, T.S. and practical cats and all that ...

And with all that done and dusted, how could the pond leave out the Oreo? It's by far the best and most peculiar Oreo the pond has read in yonks ... 

There's nothing like a reformed, recovering feminist explaining western civilisation and Xianity to make a bleat about the 1960s seem passé ..

Already this is shaping up to be one of the very best pieces by the reformed, recovering feminist ... a religious war!

Indeed, indeed, all at once the scales fell from the pond's eyes, and it understood the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The pond had mistakenly assumed that they were spiritual campaigns designed to produce western enlightenment, but it seems the pond was wrong ... and as for that matter of church and state ...

The Donald's minions are on the march, but the Oreo apparently isn't aware of the white Xian nationalist movement ...

And as for delusion? It's not just a feminist thing, apparently reformed, recovering feminist are just as inclined to think that Western Xianity is a bulwark against totalitarianism by separating church and state ... though she might have joined the conversation with Samuel Perry ...

And so on and so forth, and so to a final treat, and while it is last, it really should have been first, because the pond started by noting how much it missed the Major.

For those who've come late to the story, each week the Major would get out his skull and swear an oath against the twitterati, the ABC, its minions, and all that wasn't News Corp.

It was touching in its monomania, and the reptiles must have realised they were failing to cater to a major portion of their market, because they went to the extreme of heading off to the town where the maiden aunts sit on the verandah under the wisteria and grumble about the twitterati, the ABC and such like ...

Can anyone explain to the pond what's the difference between a boorish old fart Murdoch hack railing at the twitterati and ABC types, and old farts having a turn on Twitter?

What's that you say? At least on Twitter they have to keep it relatively short, or insert a document to carry on the feuding and the fussing if they want to do it at greater length ...

Well yes, but in News Corp, they never know when to shut the fuck up ... on and on they drivel, apparently unaware of the spittle and the spleen and the dribbling at the mouth ...

How boorishly bad did it get? Well this time the reptiles put up snaps of assorted ABC types or alumni, just so the readership could get out the tomatoes, the cow dung, and whatever else would be handy for the throwing ...

Is there anything weirder than a grizzler grizzling about grizzlers? It goes back to that sense of grievance that the pond began with ...

The pond happily ignores Twitter, it's only when grumpy old farts of the reptile kind get going that the pond is forced to pay attention ...

As for that blather about the blather about too much coverage, the pond has saved up a Rowe for the closer, but must endure a lot more grizzling and carry-on before it gets there ...

The pond is pleased that Penbo couldn't give a rat's arse, because truth to tell, the pond has always thought of his scribbling as pathetic Adelaide lite, the sort of crap you might find in a tabloid of the crappy Daily Terror kind when it wasn't in a shithouse Murdochian blog ... and frankly he's not a patch on the Major when it comes to grizzling about grievances ...

Still there has to be an end, and with not a nano second's thought as to the how and why of people signing up to Murdochian garbage of the Sky after dark, HUN, Terror and Faux Noise kind, with the latter having done more to fuck the United States than an army of tweeters ...

Imagine a world where News Corp could hound a woman out of the country? 

The pile-on fuelled by wealthy and unhinged News Corp presenters created an environment in which Abdel-Magied endured real-life attacks. A pig’s head was dumped at the Islamic primary school she attended and posters were put up in a Sydney neighbourhood by a white nationalist group that racially stereotyped Abdel-Magied and journalist Waleed Aly – another overachieving brown migrant who has been the subject of sustained abuse. (Graudian)

Thank the long absent lord they ensured there were no stones left lying around the glasshouse in Surry Hills ...

And as for that relentless, endless, unendurable coverage, as promised the pond will end with an immortal Rowe ...


  1. “Wee Wah” is bad enough, but there’ll definitely be questions asked in Parliament should some Big Smoke ABC announcer ever be so pig-ignorant as to mispronounce Goonoo Goonoo…….

    1. If only the place was big enough for the cardigan wearers to notice ...

  2. "the pond realised it had joined the reptiles and become one of the grievance police." Yes, sadly, haven't we all. But at least not the "angry" grievancers, just the totally out-numbered, sadly rational grievancers.

  3. "The naked absurdity of 'Gas will power us to net-zero future'...". I always have this burning question: do they lie deliberately, or is it just because they simply don't know what is true. So 'CCUS' is now the go: a nice little name change from the old CCS to now incorporate 'Use/Usage' just to make it all seem so good and friendly.

    And then our lovely McCulloch goes on to say: "CCUS is a subject I am very familiar with, having recently concluded a role in Paris as head of the IEA's CCUS team." And if that is true, couldn't she have told us, or at the least given a hint, where CCUS is actually up and running at any approximation to a productive industrial installation.

    But no, none of that, just the usual "gaslighting" that we've been getting since whenever.

    But we do have this:

    "The Carbon Capture, Use and Storage Development Fund provides businesses with grants of up $25 million for pilot projects or pre-commercial projects aimed at reducing emissions."
    Funding for carbon capture, use and storage pilot projects or pre-commercial projects aimed at reducing emissions

    "pilot projects or pre-commercial projects" ? Yeah, right - is that why the '' site (last updated 22 July 2022) says that "The grant is no longer available" ?

    1. "Do they lie deliberately, or is it just because they simply don't know what is true?" You are not the only one asking this question

      However, I think the author's job title and the rather transparent nature of the lies gives you a hint. She knows she is lying and she doesn't care. The AFR at the moment is full of this sort of claptrap written by industry shills (5 on one day).

    2. Hmmm: "Companies are presented with two competing mandates: on the one hand, the societal pressure to contribute to climate change mitigation, and on the other, financial pressure to perform for shareholders via activities that directly and significantly contribute to climate change."

      Indeed so, Bef. However, I still keep in mind a couple of things: 'theory persistence' in which beliefs and the 'facts' upon which they were based become disconnected, but the beliefs are retained and 'mental compartmentalisation' in which quite clearly contradictory beliefs can be held because they are somehow 'compartmentalised' apart from each other.

      I see lots of both of those phenomena. And as John Howard has convincingly shown us: you are only lying if you actually know that you are, or simply, if you really believe it then you aren't lying. And you can "believe" contradictory things simultaneously.

  4. If it's good enough for Chuck and Lauren Boebert, then it seems 'stinking' is the new adjective for everything.

  5. Replies
    1. Oops. Here's what I meant to say:

      Well, the WSJ's J. Epstein Esq. is a bundle of fun. From his list of writers "HR Trevor-Roper .... Philip Larkin and many others." none of which I have ever read - but not including in that list Eric Blair or Aldous Huxley or even John Wyndham or sundry others that I did read - and then his objection to The Beatles and Herman's Hermits (in the same breath as mentioning the Fab Four) but never mentioning Pink Floyd (the greatest exponents of symphonic Rock).

      But how about this: "Brave England, the country that had withstood the Blitz and, with America's aid, defeated the Nazis ..." Oh sure, just a little "aid" from America and nothing at all from that other eastern empire that we simply won't mention by name now.

      You'd maybe wonder why somebody who claims to be an American could produce such utter rubbish, but then this is the WSJ.

    2. Excellent effort, fellow-Anony; I thought earlier of commenting on the Epstein article but felt complete overwhelmed - where to begin? With his conflating of England with the United Kingdom? His love of “the English accent”, of which there is obviously only one? His admiration of the Empire, and young Eric Blair’s contribution to its administration? It’s rare to read a single article so rich in loon-acy - what the Hell are they putting in the WSJ water coolers these days? At least we now know that the end of the Empire was all the fault of Herman’s Hermits - no wonder Peter Noone has never received a knighthood.

    3. First-Anony - it would be difficult not to have become acquainted with at least one of Larkin's poems.

      Many of us have it in memory - it being remarkably memorable, like, say 'Jabberwocky'

    4. Well (coming out of accidental anonimity), Larkin appears to be one I just might have enjoyed (though not quite to Jabberwocky level) but no, Chad, I had, to the best of my recall, never heard of him or encountered his poetry. Such is life.

      But then, given that there is now getting on for 8 billion homo saps saps on this planet, then even if only 1 in a million write memorably readable stuff, that's 8 million churners.

      Did you know that, according to Worldometer, 1,979,163 new books were published "this year" (whatever they mean by that).

      Even Australia managed 28,234 new ISBNs in 2014.

      So, how many works will qualify to the level of 'being known' that Jabberwocky and This Be The Verse have managed so far ?

    5. Great fun Anon and it was incredibly polite and kind of you not to mention Hugh Trevor-Roper, Hitler's diaries, The Times and a big win for the Chairman ...

      By early 1983, things were moving along at a rapid clip. The publishers began meeting with international outlets—Newsweek, Time, the Times of London, Paris Match—to syndicate the diaries. Well-respected historians, including Hugh Trevor-Roper, were sent by the syndicating papers to Switzerland, where the diaries were locked in a Swiss bank. They declared the books authentic. It was all systems go.

  6. Penberthy: "Mother Teresa could edit that newspaper [The Daily Telegraph] and around one-third of people would regard her as evil." But, butt "Mother" Teresa was evil which has been known for quite a while now.

    "The late Mother Teresa, one of the world’s highest-profile religious figures, was accused of being mad, vain, evil, and also of having an inappropriate relationship with a priest who was her spiritual director, according to newly published research from the University of Birmingham."
    Mother Teresa: the 'demon' saint

    But then it's always best for them if reptiles and their ilk have no connection whatsoever with "truth". Render unto Caesar, yes, but what to render unto God ? Certainly not truth or anything remotely approaching it.

  7. 'devotees who are simply addicted to Compass Polling commissioned by the Menzies Research Centre' - it's a fair cop, DP, a fair cop. I plead guilty to being such a devotee, but will plead mitigating circumstances (just as soon as I can make some up - or borrow some from the technicians at Compass Polling)

  8. Hi Dorothy,

    “CCUS is a subject I am very familiar with, having recently concluded a role in Paris as head of IEA’s CCUS team.”

    Here is Samantha’s CV;

    Law, Commerce and Public Policy. Not seeing a great deal of science, geology or engineering there.

    Still it’s a skill set that allows to you state “that in order to save the planet we had to fry it first”

    1. Excellent research DW, the pond should have done it, but then the comments are where all the action is ...

  9. The great mystery of the Caterist isn’t the bullshit that he spouts, but whether he actually believes it or is simply scrambling around for a topic to fill his allotted space. Nobody out there in what we laughingly call the real world really gives a flying fuck who or what will be on the $5 bill. In any case the reality is that within a few years it will probably be replaced by a coin anyway (with the five and ten cent coins vanishing completely), and electronic funds transfers, rather than cash transactions, are increasingly becoming the norm (not saying that’s necessarily a
    good thing -it’s just happening). Perhaps we need a Menzies Institute-sponsored survey on whether an image of King Tampon should flash up when we swipe a card or click “Pay”? Pretty feeble stuff, really, for the holder of a redbrick university Sociology degree.

    1. Yair, it's going to be interesting to see just what will happen to all those who don't have 'electronic funds' when physical cash finally disappears - you know, all of those who don't actually have access to a bank account: the young, the very old, those on the dole etc etc.

    2. Vulgar youffs look at the pond askance whenever the subject of cash is mentioned, and truth to tell, the pond only uses the stuff when wanting to avoid an Aldi surcharge, but if you're an arcane relic of the Caterist kind accustomed to government cash in the paw, cash probably has some kind of deep mystical significance ...

    3. Well colour me arcane and relic; I just don't want hundreds of $5 or $6 transactions on my bankcard for every time I buy a coffee in a month.


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