Monday, September 26, 2022

In which the Major stays missing, and the pond is left with some knob polishers and other reptile knobs ...


Not since the 22nd of August have the reptiles, and so the pond, heard from the Major ...

Last time he was seen, he was urging the west to hold firm in face of China's bluster, and then after that bluster, the Major took a powder and disappeared, leaving the pond with this sort of detritus on a Monday ...

So many """" and lizard Oz editorials and the pond began to wonder again about the lizard Oz supply chain for far right loons ...

What a wretched bunch, and it helps explain why the pond decided to spend some quiet time with simplistic Simon and the echo chamber doing a quiet bit of image building, aka knob polishing ...

They also serve, those hagiographers and dusty knob polishers, and this day's duty was ... well, dutiful ...

Hang on, hang on, the pond has been down this path before, it opened the web version ... only to find that it needed to open the web version ... to discover that the web version suggested reverting to the web version ...

Never mind, what's this talk of Lindsay Fox being a transport magnate?

Where the pond and the reptiles come from, the Fox is a tycoon and to be seen in his company is awkward and perhaps even shameful ...

The pond wouldn't have even noticed the tycoon joke except that some lizard Oz reptile insisted on putting the two tales cheek by jowl ... and in one yarn he's just a close mate and a magnate, and in the other he's a tycoon offering cruisey gigs, as billionaire buddies are wont to do on their ultra-luxury cruise ship ...

It's all in the word choice, and now back to the knob polishing by simplistic Simon and the echo chamber ...

Great news, especially with such loyal and devout friends, they're willing to go on the record, and boast of their friendship by putting their name to it ...

Never mind, it's a tough grind for knob polishers, so on we go, because whadda ya kno, the mutton Dutton is into meditation, and has even crossed paths with an organic farm. Why he might even have visited Nimbin ...

Ah, Joycey, good joyce if you want to get your bags on time, and as for the Morrison leadership group model, what a splendid joyce and example to follow  ... and how soon before the mutton Dutton takes on five ministries so he can discuss political tactics with himself?

Sorry, but you didn't expect the pond to get through this guff without a cartoon or three ... but as the infallible Pope has mentioned climate science, rest assured that the mutton Dutton and his hardy team are on the case ...

Rebuild? But there are already some splendid precedents and strategies out there ...

And with summer approaching and that cheery though in place, it was on to the next and final gobbet from the dutiful, hard working knob polishers ...

Splendid stuff, and it was just as well someone was on the case, because when the pond turned to the Caterist, he seemed asleep at the wheel ...

Just two gobbets of guff, and the Canberra cash in the paw lad was done, though there was a most excellent picture of Kirribilli at the start to kick things off ... well, it looks a teeny weeny bit like Kirribilli, with the residents down to their last McMansion and 4WD penny...

The pond realised the problem at once, and it will mortify at least one of the pond's regular correspondents.

On the evidence of the first gobbet, Compass hadn't done a poll, and so the Caterist had nothing to work with, and so he overnight he seems to have become something of a Marxist, with a deep concern for the poor ...

It's true that last week, he was a devout monarchist ...

... but this week he's a devout Marxist concerned with the poor out at Oran Park...

Modelling by Roy Morgan? And Compass Polling dragged in at the last moment to placate the pond and its anxious correspondents, and not even mentioned in the first gobbet as the Caterist raged at the citizens of Mosman?

It reminded the pond of that ancient barb in Crikey back in 2019 ... (paywall?)

Going by our report on Tuesday, the judgment found that Cater actively disregarded the evidence of an eyewitness, which contradicted his false argument that poor flood prevention by the Wagners had created an “inland tsunami”. This news was the opposite of buried: it raced around inner-city pubs where media types gather. The general take was that Cater would now be offered the chance to move out of his salubrious accommodation in Kirribilli and out amongst the suburban culture he has so long celebrated in his writings, but has, for some reason, failed to shift to.

Kirribilli? Salubrious accommodation? Did somebody mention government taxpayer cash in the MRC paw?

Well the pond once lived in Kirribilli and can assure concerned correspondents that it's nothing like Mosman, and is pretty close in terms of suffering and lifestyle to Oran Park... or at least that's what the latest Compass Polling suggested ...

Meanwhile, no news if the Caterist has actually moved to Oran Park, but its hard to understand his bleating, what with the UK government offering a splendid example of how to lift up everyone from the morass, ways to share the pain, a levelling up of the playing field...

And so to the bonus, and the Oreo was in the same turf this day, and once again the pond felt the twinge of the missing Major, as one does apparently with phantom limbs, and for some reason, the pond felt the same about Brexit ...

Britain is in chronic decline?

But it wasn't so long ago that the Oreo was celebrating Britain Brexiting rampant and BoJo on the move against the leftists  ...

Ah, the reformed, recovering feminist at her finest, and the pond only cut her off so it could throw in another chunk of sugary and floury Oreo goodness, with a splendid illustration ...

Sorry, sorry, the pond had to cut the Oreo off at that mention of George Soros, because who knows, next stop might be the Rothschilds, or the international banking system, and we know what that means ... 

Dammit, teh gays have nobbled the orange Jesus, and he's now part of the international conspiracy ...

Now back to Monday matters and a click bait video the pond has managed to neuter...

Note to the Caterist, and concern for Oran Park residents, please read the Oreo to get a tip on how to deal with stupid people reflexively supporting higher wages for hardworking people in low-paid jobs ...

Think of the damage done! What Compass Polling needs is a reformed, recovering feminist to kick things into shape ... or else who knows what might start to happen ...

Never mind, the pond hung around for a final bleat about all that damned climate science nonsense ...

Is there an upside to today's reptile offerings?

Well the pond isn't a woman in Iran or Afghanistan, and that's a bonus, and it also happens to be out of the way of Vlad the impaler and his minions as their Vietnam unfolds, and that's a real plus ...


  1. "the pond began to wonder again about the lizard Oz supply chain for far right loons ..." It's looking very thin and scraggly about now, isn' t it. But nothing will ever deter the Cater.

  2. "what's this talk of Lindsay Fox being a transport magnate?" Well of course he is, DP, even the ABC reckons so:
    "Trade unionist Bill Kelty, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and trucking magnate Lindsay Fox meet at the Community Jobs Summit at Fitzroy Town Hall in Melbourne, Friday, May 1, 2009."

    Now are there any better credentials than meeting with Rudd and Kelty ?

    1. Questions without notice. What's the difference between a business magnate and an oligarch? How does national security spending help with a cost of living crisis? What did the LNP do to improve educational out comes (they went a bit back past basics)?

      We seem to have the talking points for the LNP summarised today, not that they make much sense in relation to the things that they did when in power.

    2. A 'business magnate' is a bad guy and an oligarch is a worse guy who owns a very big yacht and a very big 'home' in London and speaks cyrillic. Funny, ennit, to remember that the Rus were Swedes who made their first capital in Kyiv.

    3. A tycoon to me, a magnate to thee ...

  3. GB: So, ok what do we do then: all join hands and sing Ring around the rosie ?

  4. Benson re Dutton: "members of a wider business network he is enlisting to help drive Labor's economic and social agenda." Que ? Labor's economic and social agenda ?

    Benson again: "Dutton speaks most frequently with Ley, Birmingham, Taylor and Cash..." Well, that explains a lot.

    And what about that killer 'seniors workforce policy' that the government "ultimately adopted most aspects of". Is Dutton then the Bill Shorten of the LNP ?

  5. Cater: "to hope Labor will break the habits of a lifeline by making serious cuts to spending." Habits of a lifeline ? Anyway, here's a cut in spending we could all get behind: stop handing out our taxpayer money to Cater and the MRC.

    1. "Did somebody mention government taxpayer cash in the MRC paw?"

      Who, me ?

  6. “The laptop set” - is that a new term from the Caterist for ‘leets? Or did he simply mistype “latte”? It’s an odd one - I would have thought that most non-leets these days would be at least passingly familiar
    With laptops, or at least tablets or mobile phones - even out in Oran Park? Or does Menzies House still use a typing pool?

    1. No, no, he meant the lap of the top set, Anony.

    2. Hah - nice interpretation, GB! Makes as much sense as anything the Caterist says.

    3. And what's wrong with a Selectric typewriter and that handy white ribbon thingie that helped you correct your application, and rejig the figure from $30k cash in the paw to $300k?

  7. "Canberra can learn from state's mistakes"; Red Kerry hosting a "leader's symposium" - why are the reptiles incapable of considering more than one person or thing at a time?

  8. It’s already been pointed out elsewhere that the only non-Parliamentarian woman in that list of Spud’s influencers is Gina Rineheart. What an insult to the Reptiles! Where are Dames Slap and Groan, the Oreo, Our Gracie and the rest of the herpetarium?

    I also notice Dutton’s old school mates all fulfil the Liberal Party requirement for
    “great blokes” by being described as”small businessmen”. Gawd forbid he should actually mix with a broader cross-section of society.

  9. Could the Major be assisting Vlad with that referendum thingy? Perhaps he thought this might be a good time to resume the search for that Order of Lenin, and, in the spirit of the Curious Snail all these years, saw an opportunity to promote a democratic solution to that unpleasantness in Ukraine at the same time.

  10. Oreo: "Chalmers must face a party with a spending addiction" They can just can't stop pushing their lies, can they. That one is just part of the 'Coalition are better money managers' lie that they also push relentlessly. So when the Orea continues with: "The economy is a sorry tale." she might consider reminding us who has been running this 'sorry tale' for nearly a decade. Oh yes, Labor has because the Coalition had to keep on spending and spending just to keep the big-spending Laborites out of the Treasury.

    And nearly last, but not nearly least: "Labor faces a reality deficit about its spending problem..." Sure it does, it faces the reality that the Coalition left "a great wall of debt" from handing over $millions to Gerry and others:
    ASIC reveals the big businesses that received the most JobKeeper payments

    So, Oreo: "the nation cannot weather another external shock like a pandemic, natural disaster, major recession or military conflict"; that is "unless Labor commits to using revenue to reduce the debt and deficit." Right, so if any of those things happen (did somebody just mention 'global heating' and 'sea level rise'?), we'll just have to all pick up and migrate, won't we. Or maybe just learn from how the Japanese have weathered their economic woes.

  11. Consistent with the serious focus on knobs for this day - I note that the igNobel prize in engineering for this year went to a study called "How to use fingers during rotary control of columnar knobs" - published in the Bulletin of the Japanese Society for the Science of Design.

    Confirming - as if any were needed - that this site is way ahead of most other media, on the important issues of existence.

  12. Oh - and particularly for GB, but others are welcome - this took the igNobel in economics

    - from a group who compare random course of events with supposed 'management', and regularly find that random actions - luck - often beats 'talent' in personal success and advancement. I'm not really sure why that should not qualify for the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics, but I guess a lot of people who have done various versions of 'business management' courses (MBA !!!), like to pretend that that was actually a study of economics, and - hell will freeze over before they would concede that chance can have outcomes as good as (often better than) the recommendations of business consultants.

    1. "Funding strategies to improve the success of the most talented people are also discussed." Oh yes, can I have some funding to improve my success please. After all, I am very talented, but fortune has waged a vigorous war against me.

  13. The Man Who Goes With Bridget

    To renew the Coalition now, the word had passed around
    That the Spud’s the one to get them on their way,
    He’ll revive the vanquished Liberals – and those National Party clowns,
    And all the hacks will gladly sing his praise.

    So the fired-up fake news writers at workstations near and far
    Were pounding at their keyboards day and night,
    For a reptile’s job is ramping up how great these Liberals are,
    And they pump out propaganda with delight.

    Now with Morrison, nobody cried when Scomo’s time was up,
    Because they knew he’d lost it long ago;
    But who could now replace him, and dare drink the poison cup -
    Who would go to lengths no mortal man should go?

    Then Dutton of the Underworld raised up his claw-like hand,
    No grimmer leader ever took the reins;
    But who could e’er depict him as a true man on the land -
    Who grows organic veggies on the plains?

    Call Simon in - that simpering, smarmy, sycophantic beast,
    Who is sometimes seen with Bridget by his side
    He’s a paid up corporate crony – three parts troglodyte at least -
    Such minions are by Rupert Murdoch prized...

    1. "And the watchers on the Loonpond standing mute".

      Ab fab, Kez.

    2. :-)³, with just one minor suggestion. Three parts troglodyte seems a tad low, and a bit of an insult to the fully realised troglodyte beast ... would 'eight parts troglodyte' muck up the flow?

    3. Yes, it would mess with the metrics DP. Best to leave the remaining quarter of Servile Simon's genome up to speculation...but weasel, toad, slug, or worm all seem appropriate to me. Cheers. :>


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