Friday, January 07, 2022

In which the pond has to scratch around to find a reptile worth hitting over the net ...



Friday and the hole in the bucket man gone missing, and some fuss about a tennis player, and so the pond was reduced to a survey of the reptile offerings ... so low, so quickly, and the pond was getting better hits when scribbling about Gundagai, and perhaps should be scribbling about the hail storm that struck the town the other day ...

But no, the pond is back on herpetological studies duty, and first up, must note that the reptiles are still taking Clive's cash in the claw, and so the cry is freedumb, freedumb on the tree killer edition ...


Can't get enough Freedumb when it means cash in the reptile claw ...

Boring ... so what about below the fold?


The mutton Dutton out and about behind the paywall? 

Well it's what you expect of a Pravda down under or a sanitised Hong Kong newspaper, thanks to emperor Xi, and perhaps once upon a time the pond would have transcribed it for benefit of taxpayers deprived of the thoughts of their fearless political leaders - unless they donated a shekel to chairman Rupert's mafia-style combine - but not today ...

And to fill the gap left by Henry, hole in bucket fixer, the reptiles offered up a couple of lizard Oz editorials ...

The top of the lizard Oz digital edition had the pond pushing the reptile content panic button hard ...


The pond has already pilgered Sir Tony Bleagh and as for the rest? 

The pond has got nothing to add to what Malcolm Farr said yesterday in the Graudian when it comes to the matter of the strollout man and the tennis star, in full here, and ending this way ...

...His keenness to be seen as the tough guy with Djokovic – once it was explained to him it unavoidably was his responsibility and not that of the Victorian premier, Dan Andrews – was the first sign that border protection would be ramped up.
His problem is that even insulting and exploiting the world’s best tennis player will not be sufficient distraction from the growing confusion over the response to Omicron as it overwhelms towns and cities.
Morrison’s admission that he gets rapid tests for free, while thunderously objecting to other Australians getting the same deal, quite simply stinks.
If it’s not the hypocrisy or the deliberate misleading, it’s the broad policy failure of the federal government’s Covid response.
There is only one tennis player being deported.
There are thousands of Australians every day discovering they have been infected by the virus, and many others unable to get tested but who know they are stricken.
None of them will feel safer because Novak Djokovic has been thrown out of town.


It just goes to show what can happen to a reptile once he leaves News Corp. Farr was always one of the saner ones, a kind of Chris Wallace in the fold, but now he scribbles for the Graudian he can be both sensible and human …

Sadly those who stay in the fold still retain an astonishing capacity for fluff-gathering, navel-gazing and bum-sniffing, though they only sniff lizard Oz approved bums ... which brings the pond back to the lizard Oz editorialist ...


Incidentally, the pond was asked a riddle the other day. What's the difference between Chris Cuomo helping out and advising his bro, and Hannity helping out and advising his bro? Yep, Hannity's still got a gig ... because shameless pandering is the reptile way ...

Oh by the way, readers will also have noted that it's all the fault of the Victorian government, apparently now in the business of offering, then denying, federal visas ... how strange that one was issued, knowing that it would later be retracted ...


Tough love eh?

Well at least there have been a few winner memes ... with this one widely noted ... well played Titus ...

Speaking of tough love, the lizard Oz editorialist had plenty to spare ...



Why the obsession with Victorian stats?

Well it was Iron Pyrites' standard Dom that set the herd immunity ball rolling, and the reptiles don't seem  to be reminded of his brilliance, or the current state of NSW ... or the rest of Australia, suffering thanks to the brilliant Dom and the strollout skills of SloMo, who clearly looked to Britain, saw Boris lying brilliantly, and wondered why he couldn't be as brilliant ...



Yep, there's your tough love in action. Suck it up folks, and remember, whatever you do, don't mention the brilliance of Dom ... or the strollout man ...

And so to the most bizarre of the reptile offerings this day ... undiluted hysteria ...




Don't get too excited by that talk of a cruel state. There'll be no mention of the refugees ... 




It's really just a chance for Mirko to get his rocks off bashing comrade Dan, and for the reptiles to slip in some clickbait videos ...


Meanwhile, things are splendid in NSW, thanks to Iron Pyrites' standard Dom and the strollout king ... cf Malcolm Farr ... now time for another clickbait video, carefully neutered by the pond ... with only the rolling ball preserved in aspic ...


Perhaps before cranking up the outrage another notch, another meme?



And so to the final gobbet, and yes, the shameless reptiles managed to slip in yet another clickbait video at the very end ... 


Or put it another way...

...His keenness to be seen as the tough guy with Djokovic – once it was explained to him it unavoidably was his responsibility and not that of the Victorian premier, Dan Andrews – was the first sign that border protection would be ramped up.
His problem is that even insulting and exploiting the world’s best tennis player will not be sufficient distraction from the growing confusion over the response to Omicron as it overwhelms towns and cities.
Morrison’s admission that he gets rapid tests for free, while thunderously objecting to other Australians getting the same deal, quite simply stinks.
If it’s not the hypocrisy or the deliberate misleading, it’s the broad policy failure of the federal government’s Covid response.
There is only one tennis player being deported.
There are thousands of Australians every day discovering they have been infected by the virus, and many others unable to get tested but who know they are stricken.
None of them will feel safer because Novak Djokovic has been thrown out of town.

Or perhaps put it yet another way ...

Or perhaps ...

...there’s nothing obviously marginalised about a millionaire sportsman arrogantly demanding the right to jet into a country suffering record infection rates in hopes of lifting yet another lucrative trophy. Australians have endured restrictions so draconian that thousands of them stranded abroad at the start of the pandemic weren’t even allowed back into their own country. Djokovic has less in common with an agonised British care worker, on minimum wage, facing the sack if they don’t get the jab, than with a frequently more middle-class form of anti-vaxxer who slips under the radar. He is a believer in “natural” healing who once suggested that polluted water could be cleansed by the power of positive thinking, insisting that science had proved “that molecules in the water react to our emotions”. He’s entitled to hold whatever wacky beliefs he likes, of course, but he doesn’t have a God-given right to escape the professional consequences of them, and still less does he have the right to impose consequences on others. The clout he wields as an international sportsman, meanwhile, makes it all the more important that he be seen to follow the rules.
“One rule for them, another for the rest of us” remains the single most toxic charge of the pandemic, whether levelled against Downing Street aides tucking into convivial Christmas wine and cheese at a time when ordinary mortals weren’t even allowed to see their own parents, or against big-shot Hollywood names granted entry to Australia for film and TV work when most people were barely allowed to leave their own homes.

And given how power of positive thinking irritating all this has been, the pond would like to offer a genuine oddity as a closer ... with a Prof apparently unaware he's contributing to the lizard Oz and the chairman's media empire, including the likes of Hannity ...



First up, is it wrong of the pond to note an uncanny resemblance between the good Prof and that character in the dreary Potter movies? 

At this point, the pond should confess that it never finished the series, in fact it never made it past the first outing ... even though in the pond's world they were freely available.

Can all the talk about badly written but popular fiction be translated to movies? 

Certainly ... is there a George Lucas in the house? A discussion of galactic trade wars anyone?

Perhaps a cheesy Spielberg fucking over West Side Story? And if that doesn't suit, perhaps a Ron Howard show? Too many to count there ...

And if all that fails, how about a treatise on Cats and the musical mindset that produced that marvel?

Sorry, sorry, on with the Prof, getting extremely agitated about the likes of Mirko getting extremely agitated, with wild-eyed talk of draconian states ...


The ideological mindset? What the fuck is the good Prof on? Does he realise that he's scribbling for the lizard Oz, kissing cousin of Faux Noise, and so at one with Ron and Trumpists everywhere?



Sorry, sorry, back to the Prof ...

But Prof, Prof, please, there has been some terrible suffering in recent times ...


Okay, time to finish up with the Prof ...



Thank the long absent lord, we might have lost the hole in the bucket man, but we still get references to Plato and Aristotle, so relevant when discussing the mango Mussolini, News Corp and Hannity looking out for his bro ...

Dammit all, the pond will persist, must insist, regrets nothing ...

And so to sign off, the pond notes that there has been a Wilcox retrospective going down at that other place, and some of them remain remarkably relevant. 

Remember, in reptile la la land, a tennis player is a fit subject for all sorts of blather, but whatever you do, Don't Look Up, never look up, it's wrong to look up ...


  1. Mmm - Mirko agonising over ‘The suffering that each and every Victorian experienced as a result of Daniel Andrews’ fanatical lockdown’ and that this was because of the ‘brutally strict and inflexible manner in which the restrictions were applied and enforced.’ is, of course, wholly consistent with the senior author of ‘Not enough official torture in the world? The circumstances in which torture is morally justifiable.’

    Mirko, mate - if I may be so familiar - you rather gave up any right to express indignation at this kind of public administration when you authorised publication of a justification of torture which was based on myths, spurious hypotheticals, and remarkably little evidence that torture had ever delivered a useful outcome to public administration - as distinct from depraved emotional stimulus to the one who initiated or applied the torture.

    And, yes, at the risk of being seen as tedious, I will continue to remind people that that was a supposedly justified contribution by Mirko Bagaric to the academic study of law.

    1. Swinburne U has some reputation and standing in astronomy (2 of its profs have time in the first observation cycle of JWST [ ] and Swinburne has some level of standing in modern technology.

      And it also has Mirko Bagaric. I just simply do not understand. For many years after its foundation in1908 as the Eastern Suburbs Technical College in Hawthorn it functioned as a genuine technical college for the otherwise educationally underprivileged. Then in 1992, it was 'universityised' by Joan Kirner's 'last gasp before dying' government.

      And now it has the like of Mirko 'torture is only for the deserving' Bagaric as a law professor. Such is life.

  2. Who the 'ell is Prof John Carroll ? What does it take to be an emeritus professor of sociology at La Trobe U ? Not much, it appears, for he expounds: "Humans may be classified along a fear spectrum, from intermittent and usually mild at one end; in the middle examples such as hypochondria, performance anxiety and relationship insecurity; and, at the far end, extreme phobias and paranoia."

    Strangely enough, humans can be classified along a whole lot of spectra: height, weight, physical strength; speed in sprinting, IQ (or even 'intelligence' if we ever work out what it is and how to measure it), introversion/extroversion etc etc. All of them with their own scale and measures and individual meanings.

    So at least for me, I just don't really appear on the prof's "fear spectrum", I'm with Richard II: things past redress are now with me past care. And amateurish 'spectra' made up by a sociology emeritus for whatever purposes of his own, worry me not at all.

    But then, he does show some perception: "The ideological mindset leaves no room for doubt, its reflex opinions as if scripted from a credal handbook." And here he is, writing for the leading club of ideological mindsets, preaching to those who, without a hint of doubt, already revere and obey the Little Red Book of Chairman Rupert.

  3. Ah, the complexities of running legacy media organs....

    No sooner as the Reptilian editorial blaming Victoria for the SNAFU hit the giveaway stands around the country, then the reality starts to be revealed. Before lunch was served today, it was revealed that communications between the feds and TA were, wait for it: not revealed to the Victorian government.

    Dash it!

    Not to worry, cause the Reptiles are on the contemporary meedja as well - And the Killer is a master of the twitter as we all know and respect. Here he is today, admonishing those who didn't see his subtle comic offerings.

    Go get 'em Killer!

    1. No, no, vc, everybody always tells Dictator Dan everything: both TA and the Border Bunglers would have been on the phone, or the email, within moments to tell him.

      How can ScottyfromMarketing blame Dan for every little thing that goes wrong, otherwise ?

      And here's that fabulous law professor, Mirko Bagaric explaining it all: "The situation is made immeasurably worse by the humiliation and considerable inconvenience inflicted on one of the world's greatest athletes, who is detained against his will for the crime of following the rules as he understood them to be. No elite sportsperson has been treated this appallingly in living memory. The Victorian government has struck one of the worst unforced errors in tennis history. Game, set and match."

      Wouldn't you really want to study law under such a man ? He really knows his law, doesn't he. And would it surprise you to know that Mirko was born in Croatia which has a border in common with Serbia from back in the times when they were both part of Yugoslavia ?

      As to mistreating Novak this appallingly, is Arthur Ashe still within "living memory" ?

  4. I believe Marion Harris is a new ‘contributor’. In case she is used again, her twitter is available at

    She does give the standard disclaimer that ‘views are my own’, but she seems to be a busy little twit, mainly fostering the myths about legislating for assisted dying (hints of grasping rellies hovering over the patient, guiding their hand to the ‘yes’ button).

    She protects her own position with a wonderfully broad statement that the ‘public are ill informed’ on what constitutes ‘assisted dying’, and includes results of the inevitable ‘survey’, although, no surprise, without identifying a source.

    But, to show that she ticks other boxes to be accepted as a contributor to the Flagship, she retweets -

    Johannes Leak cartoons
    Shellenberger on the ‘superiority’ of nuclear energy over all other ways of generating electricity
    Alan Moran
    Lyle Shelton
    The Bromancer - as religious writer
    Des Houghton, of the Curious Mail. Becoming the only person I have encountered who cites Des Houghton on anything. And that from someone apparently domiciled in Victoria.

    She is vehemently ‘down’ on Greens, and cannot be bothered checking the spelling of Kerryn Phelps.

    If she does continue to contribute (I guess she is not expensive) - it will be a boilerplate effort each time - mind the ‘slippery slope’.

    And, no, she is not worth coming to the net for a quick volley.

    1. Hmmm: "Like most oncologists, I've never had a patient ask me to end their life." and "Consenting patients can be at risk of dying earlier than they should."

      It's good that she knows when "patients" should die, then.


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