Monday, January 03, 2022

In which the pond edges ever closer to the reptile cliff edge ...



It doesn't take much to trigger the pond at the moment. 

This note was meant to be kindly, and informative, and yet it plunged the pond into a deeply troubled fear and loathing:

DP - My Source tells me there was something from our ‘Killer’ in the weekend Flagship, but not worthy of serious consideration. Well, very little that comes from Killer’s keyboard is worth reading right through, but she did not trouble to go past the header.

Well yes, but does that mean that the pond is entirely pointless and meaningless, because not a single reptile is worth reading right through, and any fule should kno that there is never any point going past a header on any reptile column ...

And yet, after days studiously avoiding the reptiles, never clicking on to the lizard Oz, never reading them, soon the pond will have to deal with the likes of the Killer. Can the pond survive the mental shock, the trauma?

Oh sure, it's not like shell shock in the Somme in 1917, but it's still pretty bloody ugly ...

Oh such saucy doubts and fears, and yet the deadline is looming and soon the pond will be plunging back into the reptile maelstrom, like that hapless robot  V.I.N.CENT. ("Vital Information Necessary CENTralized") in Disney's ancient The Black Hole.

On a brighter note, the pond has spent its time trawling through other papers in search of the exotic, and was delighted to see a story in the Graudian, Old Parliament House fire protesters linked to anti-vaccine and conspiracy groups.

Among the documentation was a tweet:

And in the tweet came a chance to get a close up look at the documentation ...


Just look at that sticky tape for a sign of a first class professional job, with the Common Seal a capper.

A confession: the pond has spent far too much time over the break looking at SovCits

The pond has also taken time out to watch far too many Karens at play, together with the odd Ken - the pond refuses to engage in the argument as to whether Chad or Brad or Brian or Jeremy or Donald or Richard is the right way to talk of a male Karen. That last name surely can't count, because there have always been dicks in the world, long before Karens really cranked into gear.

Never mind, these SovCit barking mad loons pop up everywhere, and the pond is deeply moved by their attempts at legalese - it takes the pond back to the days when it was a bush lawyer, and could run rings around your average lawyer by simply blathering 'pari passu pro rata' ... with maybe an op cit and an ibid.

Of course it's to do with the zeitgeist, which cranked up several notches thanks to the massive amount of lying by the mango Mussolini and by his supporters, including the entire Faux News gang ...

You can't whip up monstrous conspiracy theories without them bubbling up like boils all over the place ...

There was a story in The Independent back in January 26th 2021, naturally headed by a clip of Cucker Tarlson, which noted how assorted weirdnesses were coming together in a Qfoxsovcitdonald big bang theory ...

Believers of the QAnon conspiracy have begun to spread rumours that Donald Trump will become president again on 4 Match, as the theory merges with other online extremist movements.
QAnon supporters have been circulating the theory that the Republican will return to office in recent days, with many suggesting 4 March as a final day of reckoning for the former president’s opponents.
The rumours, which have been shared on TikTok, come amid reports QAnon was moving towards theories promoted by The Sovereign Citizen movement.
Its supporters argue that they are ungovernable because the United States has been a corporation since former president Franklin D. Roosevelt ended the gold standard in 1933, when the value of the dollar was no longer pegged to gold.
According to reports, the sovereign citizen theory has been shared among Trump and QAnon supporters on TikTok, who believe Mr Trump will become the 19th president of the United States on 4 March - the date inaugurations were carried out before 1933.
The theory also alleges that all amendments to the constitution since have been invalid since 1871, when the 14th Amendment guaranteed citizenship for former slaves and equal “protection of the laws” for all Americans.
Travis View, a conspiracy theory researcher, told VICE News that the crossover between the two conspiracies was “concerning because it means QAnon is borrowing ideas from more-established extremism movements.”
“There was some crossover between QAnon and the sovereign citizen movement before, but I've seen sovereign citizen ideas about the United States being a ‘corporation’ become more popular within QAnon and beyond in January,” Mr View added.
QAnon supporters, who believe Mr Trump was undermined by a cabal of satanist paedophiles while in office, allegedly viewed the storming of the Capitol on 6 January as the coming of a “storm”.
They were among those who besieged the US Capitol with claims November’s election was “stolen”, but were allegedly disappointed by Mr Trump’s departure last week, when Joe Biden was sworn in as US president.
According to Rolling Stone, one TikTok user wrote: “Listen, patriots, y’all can relax. We’re going back to a republic come March.”...

We're talking fifty shades of grey here, and reptiles of the Killer and Dog Botherer kind are just a lighter shade of conspiratorial grey ...

And so here we are, with the reptile lizard people in charge of everything ...




Millennials? Damn straight, the lizard Oz reptile minions and their overlord chairman Rupert rule the planet, and try to hide it by blaming George Soros.

As for the loons lighting fires, what did they achieve? What's your protest good for? Well as the song says, nothing, absolutely nothing, say it again ...

And yet with their climate science denialism and the Killer's fear of masks and all the blather about woke folk, is there that much difference between your average loon Oz scribbler and your average howler at the moon scribbling "Notice of Acquiescence by Default", when surely ipso facto, they meant "Notitia acquiescentiae per defaltam". 

The pond is standing by with its partner Lionel to offer SovCits much needed, considered, and useful legal advice ...



On an even lighter note, the pond was pleased to spot Catherine Bennett in The Graudian scribbling Lighten up the satire? That’s a tall order when life is out-crazying the most vivid fiction.

Bennett is in the pond's camp when it comes to Don't Look Up ... and so scores a pond uptick ...

..Though shamelessness in public life hasn’t, as it turns out, rendered satire impossible, it hardly invites subtle treatment. How, with the recommended light touch, is a satirist supposed to ridicule a leader who, performing press-ups or other tricks for free editorial, counts his absurdity as a superpower? Nor, given Boris Johnson’s likely successors, is his departure likely to reset satirical standards to those prevailing when Dr Strangelove, with which McKay’s film has been disobligingly compared, was having fun with double entendres.
Liz Truss, Johnson’s would-be replacement, was posing in scarlet costumes and an eye-catching new pompadour well before Meryl Streep was accused by critics of overdoing it as the scarlet-suited, over-ringleted President Orlean. Actually, when compared with Truss’s patriotic cheese oration (“That. Is. A. Disgrace”), President Orlean’s rhetoric as she, too, poses as saviour of the free world, is notably sane. Truss won’t be impossible to satirise, but any attempt that isn’t at least unkind, angry, shrill, insensitive, preposterous and depressing is likely to look like PR. 

Well yes, and the pond can feel its sensa huma and sense of fun already straining at the notion of the reptiles and their heroes ... remembering that the bromancer was a keenly delusional Brexiteer and Dame Slap donned a MAGA cap, before celebrating in the streets of New York at the arrival of the mango Mussolini ...

But what really moved the pond was Bennett's opener ...

In 1944, George Orwell got a letter from TS Eliot, a director at Faber, rejecting his political satire, Animal Farm. There were several reasons. First, it was not the right time. Also, said the creator of The Waste Land, “the effect is simply one of negation”. The poet took issue, too, with the wholesale disrespecting of pigs, since they were logically the “best qualified to run the farm”, being the cleverest. “What was needed (someone might argue) was not more communism but more public spirited pigs.”

So, if some leading film critics watching Adam McKay’s Don’t Look Up (currently most-watched on Netflix) have hankered for a less satirical kind of satire, they are in distinguished company. TS Eliot might well have agreed with these reviewers that McKay’s savaging of a society too corrupt and deluded to save itself from an urgent threat to life on Earth, in the film’s case, a comet, could have been more cheerfully done. For instance, echoing Eliot on pigs, some of the more cartoonish leads could have been made more relatable. How about humanising lead villain Peter Isherwell (Mark Rylance being mesmerising), a creepy tech billionaire who, absurdly, intends to live forever? Meanwhile, McKay’s US president, the preposterous Janie Orlean (Meryl Streep) has appointed her dreadful son chief of staff. Why can’t these grievous weirdos with their silly dialogue be more like, say, Donald Trump, Mark Zuckerberg or Elon Musk?

Or Don Jr or Eric, or the Deeeply Weird Constance Owens ...

Donald Trump is backing the COVID-19 vaccine because he is "old," the conservative activist Candace Owens suggested to her followers this week.
"People oftentimes forget, like, how old Trump is," she said in an Instagram video posted Thursday. "Like they came from a time before TV, before internet, before being able to conduct their independent research."
Her comments came after her interview with Trump last Wednesday, where the former president gave the COVID-19 vaccine his strongest endorsement yet, saying that it protects people and won't kill anyone.
Owens has encouraged vaccine skepticism and repeatedly said that she was not vaccinated.
"Everything that [Trump's generation] read in a newspaper that was pitched to them that they believe that that was a reality," she said. "And one of those things was, you know, this push for vaccines and believing that people were going to die without vaccines. And so, I believe that his support of the vaccine is genuine and it's not based on any corruption at all."
Owens said she wanted to address questions from Trump supporters, who may be wondering where his support comes from.
She justified his opinion by saying he only reads mainstream media and doesn't try to find alternative sources of information.
"Believe it or not, I do not believe that Trump reads or partakes in any other news sources," she said. "I don't believe that Trump is on the internet or that he necessarily uses the web to try to find obscure websites. I think that he just relies on typical mainstream sources. So, I don't think that there's anything evil going on there."
"But he needs to have a larger conversation to really understand what's going on and why so many people are just horrified," she added.

That's not too far from Killer or his kissing cousins at Faux Noise ... if only she'd thrown in some climate science denialism for good measure.

But back to Bennett and her reference to Eliot, Orwell and pigs, and the pond realised it had never ever run that famous letter ... at least famous in Eliot's lunch time ...

This is where the delicious lines about pigs kick in ...

Translation: … after all, your Murdochian reptiles are far more intelligent than the other animals, and therefore the best qualified to run the farm - in fact, there couldn't have been a Reptile Farm at all without them: so what what was needed, (someone might argue), was not more communism or capitalism, but straight out fascism led by public-spirited pigs of the chairman Rupert, lizard Oz, Faux Noise, Cucker Tarlson kind …

Keep that in mind the next time you stumble across a reference to Orwell in the lizard Oz, and remember that High Anglicans might seem intelligent in one sense and write clever poems, but in another they can be deeply dumb. Almost Clive "freedumb" Palmer dumb ...

And so the dread day draws ever nearer, and the pond will have to shift from recycling yesterday's stunning headline tributes to the work of Iron Pyrites' standard Dom and his Brad Hazardous waste ...



Soon the pond will be back to the present tense, to the reptiles in real time ... though the pond can't see the headlines getting any better simply by being "now" ....

Look at this splendid effort ...

 They do dope but not vaxx? Fucking hippies, or is it the lizard people at work again?



Remember that was yesterday. Crisis point. How are things today?

Still with the help of a few cartoonists, perhaps the pond can still find the silly side of Iron Pyrites' standard Dom ...



And as a passing thought, and a pox on all those bloody seasonal gongs, how good to see the Pilger deliver a good Pilgering. The pond left the Pilger long ago - fuck that shit, as John Lennon might say - but felt the need to pilfer this Pilgering, because, really, fuck Sir Tony Bleagh ...



What else to say?

O, if it should, how would thy guts fall about thy
knees! But, sirrah, there's no room for faith,
truth, nor honesty in this bosom of thine; it is all
filled up with guts and midriff and money-grubbing.
Charge an honest woman with picking thy pocket!
Get a queen to give you an impudent gong?
Why, thou whoreson, impudent, embossed rascal,
if there were anything in thy pocket but tavern-reckonings,
memorandums of bawdy-houses, and one poor penny-worth of
sugar-candy bullshit to make thee long-winded, if thy pocket
were enriched with any other injuries but these, I
am a villain: and yet you will stand to if; you will
not pocket up wrong: art thou not ashamed?



  1. "any fule should kno that there is never any point going past a header on any reptile column ..." Well, not past the hed, dek and lede anyway, DP. But then any fule also kno that the point is not the reptile itself, but the chance to refudiate reptile nonsense with rationality, knowledge and compassion - and that especially with the Killer.

    It is the stimulus for at least some to display a degree of sensible and sensitive intelligence and understanding of and to the world, and we loonpondians do our best to rise to the challenge under your critical eye and beholden to your awesome erudition. And I for one benefit boundlessly.

    Nonetheless, should you need to take a restorative 'break' occasionally, as you have over the last couple of weeks, that's not been too bad either, so please feel free.

  2. Apology for the quite unintended 'fear and loathing' DP - but nice piece of metaphoric consistency with plunging the pond. On that occasion, My Source was pointing out that our Killer had descended into the laziness that has afflicted so many reptiles of late, and not attempted any element of economic analysis (his claimed personal qualification) to justify the paycheck for that week.

    The Source does dissect contributions that claim to be economic analysis to show that reptile writings must first tick boxes for Rupert, then for the IPA, then for the remnants of LNP ideology - which leaves few openings to offer scribbled notes from Ec101, taken those years ago, when at least one Australian University expected discussion of the gold standard for currency in Year 1 papers.

    1. No, you were right Chadders, the pond has had it soft too long, it needs to harden the fuck up. In a few days, it will be reptile time again, and they see the fear in the eyes, and smell the panic in the nostrils, and the next thing you know the pond will be proposing Iron Pyrites' Dom as the new gold standard ...

  3. Oh, a 'statement' like the one that was taped to Old Parliament House also appeared on the doors of our local Council building a few days back. Remember we are in Littleproud's electorate, so our Council is likely to set aside a special meeting to debate it. Nothing else has been ignited, yet.

    1. Dear sweet long absent lord, not the member for Maranoa ...

      Australia’s minister responsible for drought and natural disasters, David Littleproud, has said that he doesn’t “know if climate change is manmade”.

      David Littleproud, the federal Minister for Agriculture, makes it hard for anyone to welcome the return of "politics as usual". His dismissal of the Queensland government's proposed bid for a small stake in Virgin Airlines as a "brain fart" is an indication of a style of politicking that the Australian community can do without. Maybe in Trump's America, but not in Australia. Oh, for the more civilised days when political ideas were dismissed as "thought bubbles" when they were judged to be insubstantial.

      Yesterday, in response to ANZ’s announcement of an investment policy focus on transition to renewables, including a move away from coal by 2030, Agriculture Minister David “live export” Littleproud declared “the Nationals will review every policy lever at the federal government’s disposal — including the availability of deposit guarantees — to protect Australian farmers from these sorts of arbitrary boardroom ideological agendas.”
      Littleproud spent 17 years with the ANZ’s Melbourne rival, the National Australia Bank.
      This wasn’t Barnaby talking in opposition, as in 2010. This was a senior Nationals minister warning that banks that didn’t toe the Coalition’s climate denialist line faced an unlimited regulatory threat and could be abandoned by the government in the (unlikely) event they got into trouble.
      Australia guarantees deposits in authorised deposit-taking institutions up to $250,000. Is the man who can’t control the abuse of animals in the live sheep and cattle trades now claiming to be able to tell the Reserve Bank, APRA and Treasury what to do when it comes to the stability of the financial system?
      There was silence in response to Littleproud’s threat from Treasurer Josh Frydenberg, so we have to assume Littleproud wasn’t speaking out of turn but reflects that the government’s policy is now to threaten the foundations of Australia’s financial system as part of its lunatic war against science and coming generations.
      What’s this got to do with the corruption that runs sewer-like through this government?
      As we pointed out earlier this week, Mark Vaile, the former Nationals leader and chair of ailing Whitehaven Coal, demanded that the government force banks to invest in coal mining, specifically by using taxpayer guarantees. Whitehaven is a large political donor, exclusively to the Coalition — just under $125,000 between 2013 and 2019.
      Now Littleproud is doing exactly what Vaile asked for. For donors and Nationals mates, ask, and you shall receive. As it turns out, 120 grand and change can buy you the destabilisation of the entire financial system.

    2. Looking at recent history, what can be said about the ozone layer: too easily fixed, maybe ? So 'anthropogenic climate change' just can't be a real problem, can it ? We caused the ozone layer thinning but we just fixed it real quick too with no fuss and no impacts, so what's the problem ?

      The problem, as best I can grasp it, is that even for lots of people who claim to believe it, they just have no conception of what a 2C increase in world average temperature will mean, and is already beginning to mean. It really is just a planet, and species, wide version of: now I'm dying in ICU, can I have the vaccine, please ?

      And Littleproud doesn't even want the vaccine.

  4. On Truss’s patriotic cheese oration (“That. Is. A. Disgrace”), see
    Could only have been better if she declared "We must not allow a cheese gap!"

    1. :)³ That smirk ... and the echo chamber!

    2. Heh. Maybe we could invite her out here to do a follow up along the lines of 'We import every single one of our vehicles".

  5. Oh my: "Scott Morrison has resisted calls to make rapid antigen tests (RATs) free across the country as he insists the health system can manage the “very different virus” of the Omicron variant."

    Free ? Nothing is ever "free", it's only a matter of whether it comes out of your wallet (figuratively speaking) now or whether it came out of your pay packet as "tax". But that's way too confusing for ScottyfromMarketing isn't it. Unless it's handouts to Scotty's mates: they're "free" by definition, aren't they.

  6. We all remember this one, yes ?

    But have they started a fashion ?


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