Thursday, July 15, 2021

In which the pond sups on very thin bromancer and lizard Oz editorialist soup this Thursday, and even giving the rocks a pounding fails to fill the void ...




The pond just says no to petulant Peta, now routinely failing upwards on the Peta principle at the lizard Oz ... but what's this? Of course, as sure as day follows blighted barbie-stopping knightships ...

Well it had to happen, and meanwhile, the pond was left looking for some filler ...





Golly gee, things are looking pretty thin gruel at the lizard Oz on a Thursday these days, unless you want to shove some petulant Peta in your pipe and smoke it. 

Some Alexander the minor doing a Dame Groan impression, and the venerable Sexton sounding nonsensical on Ireland, and a couple of lizard Oz editorials as filler?

Of course the pond went with the bromancer, even though it's bored by all the idle chatter about lockdowns, and recently even passed up a chance to spend quality killing fields time with Killer Creighton ...


Sheesh, another banal illustration ... no doubt to be followed by banal bromancer observations.

Remind the pond of likely alternatives, when's that happening again?


August 5th, and cheekiest of all, on a Thursday. Meanwhile, the pond can do nothing, except grin and bear the bromancer ...



Perhaps guided by the relentless do-nothing caution of the bureaucracy? Or perhaps led by the lockdown-denialist reptiles, with Killer Creighton doing his thing in the lizard Oz, and in plague proportions when the loons are let loose after dark on Sky News to howl at the moon and lockdowns ... though the ABC helps by running the thoughts of the lockdown-denying, coal-loving Canavan caravan on a regular basis... but do go on, bromancer, there's nothing like a little pretence at reason, addled by reptile delusion ...

No, no, you can't keep on blaming the bureaucrats. If there was a political will, and some political understanding of what was needed, there would be a way ... but there isn't, and all the bromancer braying in the world won't change things ...

It is fatuous to compare US city lockdowns? But, billy goat butt, that's just what the lizard Oz - courtesy of Killer - did.

Are you saying that Killer Creighton is fatuous? Oh tell the pond something new ...

And so to the lizard Oz editorialist pumping out the same sort of tune ...


Okay, okay, the pond only ran this defensive nonsense to illustrate the way that the reptiles keep rabbiting on about gold standards... while our Gladys has had a hand in re-infecting the country. 

Now there's a gold standard, as even the reptiles felt compelled to note at the top of the digital page ...



It was the headline in the tree killer edition too ... yes, the 'roaches have sent a little joy down south ...



And as usual the reptiles couldn't resist berating comrade Dan, while giving fool's gold standard Gladys a free kick ...


Well at least there was an infallible Pope to help with the blather about a more pragmatic approach ... a little coaching from the master marketing coach ...



And so to a bonus, an EXCLUSIVE, from the urbane Urban ...


The pond isn't particularly interested, but it has to fill in the space with something until the savvy Savva turns up ...


There's the killer line there. Fancy only mentioning that coal and petrol are helping fuck the planet ... when we all know that school curriculums should be filled with industry propaganda, as they were in the old days when you could write off for help with your school project, and get plenty of responses back on the wonders of Milo ...

By the way, how is the planet going at the moment?



Splendid, splendid ... and is there anything else we might put on the curriculum to study, thanks to mining companies?


Excellent. Important mining company work, blasting away the past and fucking up the future.

More at The Conversation here, but back to the lizard Oz and the urbane Urban acting as press release agent for Gina's mob ...


And after nodding off - reading industry press releases in the guise of reptile reporting is so tiring -  at that point the pond woke up, remembering that it still had an immortal Rowe to hand, with many more Rowes to hand here ... and that's more than enough reptile gruel this day. Bring on the savvy Savva to plump the pond's pillow ...



  1. So Niki Savva joins Nine - a sad fate for a good Doveton lass, even for one born in Choli Cyprus back sometime in the mid to late 1940s. But she's looking very experienced these days, so not sure for how much longer. But did she not like the Graudian or did they not like her, or did the question never arise ?

  2. Bromancer: "We're going to need skilled workers, international students and permanent migrants [aka New Australians] and we're going to need them soon." And talking about "such facilities", I wonder if the Bro has ever heard of Bonegilla, that place in Victoria near Albury which was the first stopping point for around 300,000 "permanent immigrants" between 1947 and 1971. My partner's parents came there from Europe in 1949, were housed, clothed and fed, taught enough English to get by in Australia, and found a job in Melbourne.

    We had some vague basic idea of how to do things back then that we have all but completely lost. Who remembers the Point Nepean Quarantine Station now.

  3. Thin soup indeed, Dorothy. My Source saw a possible new ‘contributor’ to matters economic, in David Alexander. Alas, she found it difficult to divine just what this Alexander was trying to tell our part of the world. Not being familiar with any particular work in the professional literature under his name, she followed-up on his current affiliation.

    Seems this Alexander has a day job with a firm called ‘Barton Deakin’. Impressive names, assuming it is something to do with the Barton and Deakin who were prominent after we had federated.

    With one’s search engine of choice, we find ‘Barton Deakin’s consultants collectively span decades of service to conservative governments in Australia and New Zealand.’ That statement is followed by rows of photographs of ‘Directors’ - one of whom is this Alexander. The rows start with - yep - Graham Morris, Chairman and Federal Director. Mmm - getting a feel for what this ‘Barton Deakin’ is about?

    Given that the original Barton and Deakin were ‘Protectionists’, that Barton held office with the support of the Labor Party, and worked to provide old-age pensions and similar aberrations - it is difficult to see how this firm would be promoting much of what Barton, and to some extent, Deakin, were about. But - lobbying groups need a name, and I suppose ‘Rent-seekers-R-Us’ was a bit obvious.

    I’m guessing that this Alexander’s experience so far has been with one or other industry lobby group. On the Source’s assessment of his ‘contribution’, I don’t feel inclined to spend much more time hunting him on the internet. iView still has plenty of episodes of ‘Shaun the Sheep’, which is a much better use of ten minutes.

    But I was interested to see the Bromancer cite, with approval, mind - Quentin Grafton. I doubt that he is a regular reader of Prof. Grafton’s work, but whichever reptile checks on who the ‘Editors’ are quoting will already be having conniptions over Quentin’s excellent contributions to national water policy (and hoping that those Nationals who can read, have not read any of the work of Prof. Grafton and his team)

    Finally - the Minerals Council of Australia. Guess they have not recovered from the demise of the ‘Commonwealth Trades Alphabet’, which we all - well, all in the state school system - received, out of the goodness of the hearts of assorted Australian business groups, offering us material for our school projects. All with no obligation, y’understand. Just seeing that the kiddiewinks knew where their bread, butter, plum jam - and the melange that was rolled-out for trousers in high school - came from.

    I don’t recall looking under ‘J’ and finding the manufacturer of ‘Jaffas’, so - nothing frivolous.

    1. Oh - someone who knows my secret identity has chided me for referring to A 'Graham Morris'. In fact, it is Grahame Morris - with an 'e' - for those who want to remind themselves of just how much he has infiltrated the common weal.

    2. Now Graham is, of course, derived from Grantham (meaning 'gravelly' or 'grey' home apparently) and Graeme is a phonetic rendering thereof, but I have never discovered where Grahame derived from. Pretentiousness, maybe ?

      You know there's billions of people alive and dead on this planet that I have never heard of, and Quentin Grafton is one of them. Yet there he is, working away on something essential to Australia and the world: water. And may I wish him every success in his endeavors.

  4. The Bro - "Paradoxically, the quicker you start them (lockdowns), the earlier you can get out of them". Hands up now, who finds this paradoxical? Everyone in this house understood this from the start. I'm wracking my brain trying to think of anyone I've discussed this with who wouldn't have picked it up intuitively once they understood the seriousness of the infection (I do tend to hang out with like-minded people).

    Every issue in the Oz is surrounded by a fog of misinformation and contrary opinions. It's a formula for inaction and half-arsedness when something finally is done.

    1. The Bro is not a very bright lad, Bef, so concepts as "go hard go early" are quire beyond him. Not intrinsically, but just because he never thinks anything through in any systematic way.

      But as for the Oz, it's the same old question: is it deliberate sabotage or just the consequence of their simple-mindedness and I always tend to favour the latter.

  5. The Bro - "Absent vaccines, it's much the same as it was in medieval times"

    Yes that's right The Bro - "vaccine? No vaccine here. Here, no vaccine."

    Imagine, if you will, an Australian where the people tasked with vaccinating the country had, stay with me here, vaccinated the country.

    Not sure reams and reams of failing public servants were on eye-watering 6 figures packages with double-super while failing at their jobs in the medieval times either. Though I could be wrong.

  6. According to the urbane Urban, the MCA chief executive had this to say: "Educating young Australians in earth sciences and STEM from an early age is fundamental to the future success of the Australian resources sector ..."

    Stop me if you've heard this before, but: "For those who will use mathematics in their profession, what's taught in school is too little, too late; for everybody else it's too much too soon."

    When will these people understand simple concepts such as that ?

  7. Genius writing must not be contained behind a paywall. Here is what Claire Harvey wrote about Ned's new podcast:
    " Kelly is launching a podcast, bringing to your earbuds his distinctive baritone, reading aloud the ever-unpredictable columns in which he demonstrates his genius for reaching into the murk and scrabble of daily news and pulling out a clear line of historical significance.

    “Ah, that’s right,” thinks the reader as Kelly, in his unmistakeable style, enumerates the reasons why this or that development is deeply significant, and how it fits into the bigger picture for Australia and the world.


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