Friday, July 30, 2021

In which the pond goes sans-culottes with the hole in bucket man, before moving to air-conditioned Mullumbimby with Lloydie ...





Yes, there are many better ways to spend Friday than brooding about Macron and the unvaccinated, especially in the company of the hole in the bucket man.

If the pond might put it a touch crudely, but with some vigour, fuck the unvaccinated ... and that's really all the pond has to say on the matter ... but not our hole in the bucket man ...



Of course Macron faces particular difficulties, because herding the perfidious French towards anything is far worse than herding cats ... but that said, do we really need two snaps of him in the one Henry piece?


What a libertarian song and dance about nothing. And yet our hole in the bucket man keeps blathering on ...

The law of tort? As one reader noted awhile ago, if tort is the solution, prepare for a long-winded legal answer ...

What the fuck has our Henry been smoking of late? What's the point of this tossing about? If someone wants to declare the unvaccinated republic of Nimbin and Byron Bay, let them, and let the border be closed long and hard ...

In the end we have the ripples of Faux Noise and Q and all that US shit at our doorstep, and none of it would have been thought about it back in the day when the pond stepped up to a dose of sugary sweet pinky liquid served up in a spoon, aware that there were still people forced to walk about with the aid of calipers, Alan Marshall style ...

It's true Marshall made a good fist of his lot, but what's the bet he would be interested in all the anti-vaxxer tosh doing the rounds? Or the hole in the bucket man wringing his hands and worrying about the suffering of the unvaccinated ...

Oh and why do the reptiles keep interrupting our Henry with meaningless shots of the French ...

 Couldn't we just have had another shot of a man punching a horse, or perhaps refusing a Covid test? N'est-ce pas?

And then the hole in the bucket man gives the entire game away by referring to France as instituting "vaccinal Jabobinism" ... which the pond hastens to add has nothing to do with vaginal, except a certain melodic rhyming ...

So perforce it's just not fuck the unvaccinated, it must be fuck the hole in the bucket man too ...


Institute a system whereby access to the lizard Oz is restricted to the unvaccinated? The pond could perhaps live with that, in the hope that the readership might die off a little more quickly ...

As for an intelligent argument, sorry, all the pond has to offer is fuck the unvaccinated, and fuck our hole in the bucket man too, and if you've got a problem with that, have you thought about spending your life in Mullumbimby in a state of delusion and denial ...

Speaking of reptile denialism, the pond was pleased to see that the saviour of the Amazon was back out and about, spreading, in his usual way, fear, doubt and uncertainty ...


That's the best the downsized, awesomely pathetic lizard Oz graphics department has got?

Couldn't they have helped out the saviour of the Amazon by stumping up for a different image, and perhaps a different story?



Sorry, that's in another paper, and perhaps Lloydie's saving of the Amazon is a tad exaggerated, so it's on with the uncertainty and doubts clause ...


If the pond might be so bold, Lloydie's diligence should be viewed in the context of reptile defensiveness and the pounding SloMo and Australia's deep and abiding love of dinkum, clean, virginal, coal is likely to cop at Glasgow, as we cling to our precious bodily fluids and gaseous substances ...


Uncomfortable? Lots of the planet is already uncomfortable, thank you very much, and even the reptiles joined in by offering a bit of alarmism about Russia's coldest regions, which in the interests of the reptiles' ongoing climate science denialism, the pond was forced to neuter as a screen cap ...

We'll have none of that nonsense about the planet burning, or freezing, or flooding, at least not when our Lloydie is out and about and keen to talk to the only climate scientist he seems to know ...

Yes, come on down denialist neo-sceptic Judith Curry ...


Just for the DeSmog Curry record ...

Yes, yes, air conditioning and a herbal diet in Mullumbimby, that'll fix it all, how foolish of the pond to worry ...

And so to the search for a bonus, and what slim pickings the reptiles had on offer on a Friday ...



The Swiss bank account man had an awakening? Who knew, who cared? Just keep cutting down the trees and digging up that coal ...

And Sharma with a statement of the bleeding obvious?

Perforce the pond went with the """ man, kindly offering advice to Scotty from marketing ...



You see, there's something truly weird and wonderful about the man from the John Curtin Research Centre explaining how SloMo might keep his job ... what with the splendid job he's been doing of late ...

John Curtin might be rolling in his grave, but hey, if Scotty from marketing just manages to be a little bit more like Little Johnny, all will be well ...



The moral of the story? The pond is searching for one ... perhaps a new bout of furriner bashing is the answer?

At this point, the pond had to neutralise another reptile distraction by turning it into a screen cap ...


But aren't we offering advice so that the mean, tricky and out of touch anyone might yet score another term in office?

Please, do go on, help the lad out ...


Indeed, indeed. What joyous news. Just a few minor policy changes, courtesy of the John Curtin Research Centre,  and SloMo's position is recoverable, and we might yet have another few years of clap happy speaking in tongues, laying on of hands, and shouting out to imaginary friends as we await the rapture ...



Something to truly feel sorry over? Was that an attempt at irony? But we already had a generous dose of irony, a hearty dose of irony, with the John Curtin Research Centre busy researching the way that Scotty from marketing might recover, and then offering the findings to the reptiles, so that they might put them behind a paywall ...

With friends like these, is it any wonder that Labor has no need of enemies and is routinely doomed?

That said, the pond will admit to an ulterior motive. It really only wanted an excuse to put up another relevant Rowe, still staging his alternative Olympics, with more relevant Rowe here ... can't get enough of those sharkie shorts ...but just who is locked up in that gold standard box? Don't ask the pond, we're off to enjoy the air conditioning with Lloydie in Mullumbimby ... or at least we might be, if the gold standard ever lets us out ...






  1. Just to avoid the .59 second delay in Googling (or DuckDuckGoing if you prefer) Lloydies reference to Science mag, the link is here

    Seems like scientists doing scientist stuff to me. Reviewing data, refining results, improving models and so on. It's only the churches and right-wing opinion writers that have a fixed canon of knowledge that cannot change - although, items do seem to just disappear from time to time.

    None of the scenarios look hopeful. It's a bit like arguing over the quality of shit sandwiches. Rather like bushfires, pandemic and other crises, none of the possible outcomes suggest 'do as little as possible and hope for the best'.

    I do realise, however, that is the current policy.

    1. A handy link might also be ...

      That also provides a tweet link to the WMO data

    2. Thank you Befuddled. I agree with your assessment, and serve notice that I will purloin your reference to 'quality of shit sandwiches' (with due acknowledgement, of course) when I see an opportunity.

    3. We've actually been "reviewing data" for quite a bit longer than most people realise, Bef:
      The physics of climate change was described in the 1800s by scientist Eunice Foote

      It's a thought way beyond the comprehension of the Lloydies and Currys of this world that the physics of 'greenhouse gases' is very well understood - and has been since 1861 - but that models of the behaviour of the very complex system of Earth's climate are subject to continuing review and adjustment over time.

      Of course what the models are saying isn't that global warming isn't happening - much as Lloydies and Currys may want to think that - but that the process is complex and requires continuing research and refinement. Lots of "scientists doing scientist stuff" as you say. But Gavin Schmidt, for one, has been a capable and honest climate scientist for many years now, so I expect the review and research process to be effective.

    4. PS:

      Greenland: enough ice melted on single day to cover Florida in two inches of water

    5. Oops, you'd already covered the Greenland melt, DP. Oh well, truth repeated is truth reinforced, isn't it ?

      But talking about "moving to air-conditioned Mullumbimby with Lloydie", how about this:
      "Origin Energy has slashed the value of its assets, including Australia’s biggest coal-fired power plant, by more than $1.5bn as cheap power from renewables floods the national grid."

      Well, well, well. So the cost of energy consumption will have to rise. Looks like the "scientific models" got it all wrong once again.

    6. Befuddled,
      "It's a bit like arguing over the quality of shit sandwiches."
      That's going straight to the pool room, to quote from The Castle. Right next to
      "I'd rather be pissed on by a koala drunk on gum leaves" courtesy of DP. I don't
      know if she made up that gem or it's ancient Tamworth wisdom handed down from mother to daughter around a campfire at the base of The Big Golden Guitar on one's 13th birthday. But it works for me.
      Jersey Wisdom:If you can't figure out who the mark is at the poker table, it's you.

    7. Come now, JM, there's a lot to be argued about in the quality of a shitsam:

      Is the input vegan or not, and if not is the meat natural or artificial, and in either case, was there GMO in the input ?

      As to drunken koalas, well:
      "Koalas have a very specialized digestive and intestinal system which extracts all the nutrients through the fermentation of the Eucalyptus leaves.
      Some researchers have argued that fermentation also produces alcohols in koalas and that's why they are lazy and sleepy but no significant findings have been yet been made about such claims.

    8. Jersey Mike - always good to have your angle. I have filed away that gem of 'Jersey Wisdom' for future use (with appropriate acknowledgement)

  2. A little update on the Cheshire Catallaxy. There is a string of something over a thousand comments, a goodly proportion of which seem to be people (and the odd dog, see Steiner cartoon) paying each other out for what they fear will be the last opportunity. The usual reflections that contributor 'X' is in the pay of communists, is otherwise retarded, has none of the experience it claims, exudes hypocrisy or doesn't accept 'truth' when the Donald spouts it - such a civilized little bunch they have been. There could be cause for concern that, if they do not have that outlet for their innate hostility to humanity to keep them in their backrooms, they might take to roaming the streets seeking some 'aggro'.

    1. "hostility to humanity", Chad ?

      "I love mankind/humanity, it's people I can't stand." Charles Schulz via Linus Van Pelt in the November 12, 1959 comic strip of Peanuts


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