Monday, July 12, 2021

In which the Major valiantly keeps on defending the indefensible, the bromancer and the Caterist get it on, and the pond ends up stranded in the shoals of hope ...



The pond has a sneaky respect for the Major. Each Monday he turns up to defend the indefensible, a fool's  errand, requiring both enormous stupidity and a tremendous Herculean dedication to ignoring the stench emanating from the Augean stables ...

It's hard to know which is stronger in this one ... the blind eternal loyalty, or the monstrous nonsense he peddles, as this week the reptiles face the Gladys test.

Not that the pond ever bothers to worry about the loons at Sky News, but it's a marvel to see a loon such as Paul Murray go from calling Gladys the gold standard in January to the fool's gold standard a few days ago ...

... which brings the pond to that bizarre notion in the Major's header. "More nuanced"
The reptile tabloids don't do nuance, Paul Murray doesn't do nuance, and plays the extremist fool, bouncing around like a stray tennis ball ...

Come to think of it, the Major himself doesn't do nuance, and so it's fascinating to watch him drift away from nuance in his very own, predictable  tree-killing lizard Oz thoughts, attacks on the usual suspects, at the very same time as he claims to be nuanced ...



Oh fucketty fuck. The best the Major has to offer on the other side is Stephen "let's censor the intertubes" Conroy, Nicholas Who, jolly  Joel and Gra 'Swiss bank account man' Gra?

And the parrot as a 'both sides' bird? 

Does anyone have a chaff bag so the parrot can offer to stuff SloMo in it, and drop him far out to sea?

But that's what's so heroic about the Major, tackling the impossible and defending the indefensible ...

Now let's get on with the usual business, blaming Albo and featuring a snap of that ogre from the south ... 


Here's the thing. The Major's both siderism bird has a hard time getting into the air, because Albo's not the government, and Albo isn't in a position to mandate anything. It's the government in charge of aged care, and it's the government that might have done something, but SloMo has developed a habit of going missing in action of late, which leads to easy snipes ...





But that's what oppositions do, just as reptiles have to defend the indefensible, and get paranoid about rivals such as the ABC and the Graudian, and mount feeble assaults on the likes of pet peeve Jacinda Ardern, as if that's got anything to do with the price of bread in Australia, or come to think about it, the state of the vaccination roll-out ... you know, bunging on a fear-mongering campaign, when the preferred vaccine for the under 60s is nowhere to be found ...



It's way past time for the Major to muscle up and be honest, and admit that News Corp is a media plague which is rarely part of the solution to almost any problem, but routinely prefers to be the problematic part of everyone's problems.

You know, with stupid lines about Pfizer being pushed by Trump, as if no one down under is aware that the orange one long ago threw in his lot with the vaccine hesitant, or that classic News Corp Tucker style vaccine undermining.. with the orange one quietly getting his shots in private, and then saying nothing about it in public ... and meanwhile, filtering back to the Sky News loons down under we're reminded that the Chairman will have his minions do and say anything to revive the ratings and keep the bucks rolling in...



It rarely ends well for the Major, and the pond sometimes wonders why he bothers, but marvels at his almost infinite capacity for inanity ... that search for the lost Order of Lenin medal has served him over the years ... given him a certain credulous capacity to keep banging on, no matter that the cause might be lost ...



What a relief to leave the Major brooding about the unfairness of it all, and in a deep sulk, all because there's a little unseemly gloating south of the border - and never mind the shit sandwich the reptiles, including the Major, still keep serving up to comrade Dan.

Now let's get on with the Caterist showing News Corp in its proper role ...



There's no point arguing with the Caterist. As Molesworth might have said, any fule kno that arguing with a fule is fulish ... and footile ... and next thing you know, you might be wondering if the fule kno anything about the movement of flood waters in quarries ...

Meanwhile, of course the fule would start off his column with a fulish comparison to the flu ...



What's most remarkable about this? Is it the level of complacency, produced by isolating the country and maintaining lockdown regimes, to such a level that the vaccine rollout has been done with the solemn pace of a funeral? Or is it simply pig-headed ignorance, a sublime lack of awareness of what's happening in other countries right now, such as Indonesia, or the Olympics-burdened Japanese, or in red state denialist areas of the United States?

Being fair and balanced, the pond thinks it's usually a mix with the Caterist, though a sullen capacity for stupidity should also be factored in ...




Thar he blows, with the pond hazarding a guess that the Caterist has gone full Brad while apparently unaware that Brad himself had had a sublime flip flop moment, a come to the long absent lord turnaround ...





And so on and so forth, and yet the Major keeps on trying to defend the indefensible, while the Caterist keeps on cratering ... 



Unconscious group bias? What a futtock, go talk unconscious group bias to Japanese or Indonesian folk at the moment ... and here, have a Rowe to go on with ... with more Rowe here ...



And so to balance the books, a serve of the bromancer ...



The pond has no idea why the foreign affairs editor at the lizard Oz keeps scribbling about almost anything under the sun, but when it comes to the virus and the vaccine, he attempts a certain kind of sanity that's completely impossible for the floodwaters in quarries, government cash in the paw man ... 


You see? The bromancer is sounding almost pondish, and no doubt, in his attempt to defend the indefensible, the Major would point to the bromancer ... even if this requires looking past the bromancer's desire to nuke the country ... now please perhaps a graph as relief from the sight of feuding reptiles...


Don't tell the pond all that, go tell the Caterist ... and now please, it's been fun, but let's wrap it up, perhaps with a Brad moment that will help us forget all that reptile carry-on about comrade Dan and the wickedness of the toads to the north and the secessionist sandgropers...




But there is an alternative. There's the Caterist News Corp alternative, catch the bug, die quickly or at least suffer endlessly...

And so, although it means doing overtime, a little piece on the reef ... always in the hearts and minds of the coal-loving, what about nukes, green energy doesn't cut it, reptiles ...


The truth? Who is this both siderist half way house loon? Like the reptiles, the pond only gets its reef status reports from the Riddster ... because we can't handle the truth ...


Uh huh, and what about the planet? How are other parts of the planet going? How's that canary in the jolly Joel beefy Angus coalmine going?




Oh that augurs well, so please, go on with that both siderism stuff ... you know, on the one hand, and on the other ...



That's it? We're fucked, so we'd better get resilient, or we'll be even more fucked?

Oh, so the planet is fucked, and so are we, and so, come to think of it, is the reef,  unless you count a blather of bureaucratic pieties as the answer to it all.

Any last thoughts?



The trend is worrying, but we can hope? Give hope a chance? But hope is the last refuge of the scoundrel, and if this is the best that the Major can offer in defending the indefensible, might as well return to reading the Riddster and the Bjorn-again man, or perhaps just wrap up with a Wilcox cartoon ...


  1. So there's the very "nuanced" Maj. Mitch: going after Rudd and Swann about "the pink batts disaster that killed four installers and burnt down houses" Now that's some reptile malarkey we haven't heard for a while - almost as old, and as truthful, as the Order of Lenin medal. And every little bit as important.

    1. Did you mention KRudd?

      This all looks like parsimony compounded by stupidity.

    2. So we have gotten some value out of him eventually.

      In the mean time, we seem to have a PM who can just go missing at any time without even leaving the country:

      Well, he’s done it again. Scott Morrison has vanished, leaving the nation to steer itself through the dangerous waters he’s created.

  2. Now to Maj. Mitch. being "nuanced": "Morrison is criticised by some conservative News Corp commentators and supported by others. As this column has often argued, News is more pluralistic than the ABC or Guardian Australia. Sky News controversial commentators Andrew Bolt, Peta Credlin, Paul Murray and Alan Jones often criticise Coalition governments."

    That shows "News" nuance clearly, doesn't it: the reptiles will occasionally mention some picayune "difference" between themselves and "Coalition governments" but when was the last time a media organisation launched a full blown attack in any "Coalition government" to compare with the Peta Credlin led assassination attack on Dan Andrews ? Or Parrott Jones's various assaults on Julia Gillard.

    Yep, News and its reptiles sure are all nuanced and pluralistic, they can attack a plurality of Lefties and Wokies simultaneously and using whatever bullshvt that comes to hand.

  3. Now how about the quarry waters boy: "Unconscious group bias is the scourge of public policy, whch is why good policymakers consult widely, are willing to be proved wrong and are open to other approaches." Well, just another weensy bit of "nuanced disagreement with Coalition governments" there as pointed out by Maj. Mitch.

    Now there are a precious few "good policymakers" in Australia, but I can't recall any reptile or wingnut supporting any of them. And I can't recall many ever being in or part of any Australian government, Coalition or other. Not since the Joe Ben Chifley era, anyway, and then only for a short while in the Curtin-Chifley governments.

    But Nicky C goes on to mention:
    "optimism bias, the tendency to overestimate the chance of success"
    "the anchoring effect, the tendency to give undue weight to the first piece of information offered"
    "perserverance bias, the tendency to hold on to beliefs and act on them despire disconfirming evidence."

    Oh my, somebody has been reading serious works to Cater (none of which mention water in quarries). Somebody named Lee McIntyre is who Cater credits, ok, but who read it to him and tried to explain it all to him ? A failled effort as we can see by Cater's total inability to apply any of those failings to his own behaviors and "writings" despite their multiple appearances therein.

    And, but of course, he omits to mention one of his - and of the entire reptile claque's - major failings: selective inattention. Now some will say that should be rendered as "selective attention", but no, the major failing is all those things they strive to repeatedly ignore. So just like Killer C, Cater strenuously ignores most of the rest of the world and what has happened with Covid-19 there - like the USA, UK, Indonesia, Russia and India just for a few places to studiously ignore.

    A thing I heard on the radio if I remember it accurately is that "large groups of unvaccinated people are thereby functioning as factories for Covid variants". Do you think Cater, and Killer C, could ever understand that ?

    1. The pond is pleased you pick the cratering Caterist apart, GB, because these days, the pond just presents the folly, so that others might admire the foolish incoherence and the monstrous stupidities, and the weird way flood water moves through quarries ...

    2. One has to do what one has to do, DP. And that's the thing with selective inattention: sometimes it is absolutely necessary.

  4. The Major mentions the vaccine that saved Britain. The UK is a bit of a model for the "living with Covid" crowd. With that high vax rate what could possibly go wrong if they reopen?

    Not sure this race is over. I'll be watching this space.

    1. Yes, it's all up to individual responsibility now BF, not much care and no responsibility for BoJo, but his assorted uncounted children will know how that works already ...

      The pond did enjoy a comment from an old git at the bottom of that link ...

      Really !? 67,000 maskless people packed into a football stadium ! Hundreds of maskless people jumping all over each other in Trafalgar square ! Hundreds of maskless people sat at Wimbledon !

      The British public will have to use their common sense say Boris.....that'll be the same people who voted for him & for Brexit!!


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