Wednesday, December 02, 2020

In which the reptiles send in nattering "Ned" to sort things out ...


Why didn't the reptiles think of it before? Why didn't SloMo? The war with China going badly? Send in nattering "Ned" and bore them to death ...


Sheesh, maybe even boredom won't work. Perhaps a Rowe cartoon?



Nope? Not working? Apply more boredom, with a generous serve of pontificating tedium ...




Still not working?



And now for the coup de grâce ...


Misjudged? Long dark night? Say what? But the lizards of Oz entered the war with China in such good spirits ...

Well "Ned" was a flop, as he frequently is, but here's a certain fix. What say we send in the bouffant one with a lengthy screed pumping up SloMo?


That's it? That's all he wrote? Sheesh, thinks are crook in Tallarook, and maybe a statue outside the Murdochian bunker in Surry Hills might have been a better strategy ... with a rag handy, and a bit of Brasso for a daily polishing ...


That found via Wilcox's Twitter feed here

Bloody cartoonists, but because the bouffant one was so short - no thongs or shorts, only Napoleonic glory - it left room for an epic Dame Slap rant ...

What a fine noble image to begin with ... none of that rubbish to be found in other rags ...


And now let the rant begin ...


Magna Carta! Let the rant continue ...

Ah yes, your basic human values ...


And so to wrap up the rant, because it must all be the fault of the ABC. It always was, it always is, it always will  be ...


Has anyone got a prosthetic leg handy so the pond can drink to fundamental values?

And so to end with another ongoing reptile war, and the infallible Pope ...

Shorts? Thongs? Let the inner dag run wild and free, and think about a holiday ...


  1. "In which the reptiles send in nattering "Ned" to sort things out ... "

    And just as well too, DP. We wouldn't have wanted to leave it all to ScottyfromMarketing and his wraggle-taggle "deplorables".

    Is there any thought in anybody's head that SloMo actually has even the tiniest clue as to what's going down ? Even after China's list of 14 transgressions ? Have we all looked up the origin and meaning of 'suzerainty' yet ?

  2. An aside: ooh, what fun:

    ABC accuses Morrison government of using News Corp to attack its journalism

  3. Hi Dorothy,

    Dame Slap’s argument dragging in the Magna Carta is as weak as piss.

    The Special Operations Task Force were awarded a citation because it was believed the entire unit had acted in such a way as ‘deserving reward or praise’.

    This we now know wasn’t true. Some members have very likely committed war crimes and many others who witnessed or knew about these crimes remained silent.

    Hardly meritorious is it?

    Finally revoking a reward for good behaviour isn’t punishment it is merely pointing out that instead of praise the ADF and the Australian Government which got us into this nearly 20 year quagmire need to have a long hard look at themselves.


    1. The document that later became known as the Magna Carta (to distinguish it from the Charter of the Forest,qv which was way more important at the time and for many centuries afterwards) was a bit piss weak itself until reissued by William Marshal acting for Henry III. It wasn't until Edward I reissued it again in 1297 that it became notable, after a fashion.

      But it was quite a while later that the Carta was elevated in popular belief: "The political myth of Magna Carta and its protection of ancient personal liberties persisted after the Glorious Revolution of 1688 until well into the 19th century. It influenced the early American colonists in the Thirteen Colonies and the formation of the United States Constitution..."

      But then, I wouldn't expect Slappy to actually be aware of the bullshvt that she espouses from her normal stance of deep ignorance.


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