Saturday, August 24, 2019

In which the pond has to go there, and eat the entire regurgitated cake ...


It was the week of the parrot, climate and Pell at the lizard Oz, and in relation to the Pell matter, Mad as Hell promised regurgitated cake, and so it must be at the pond ... even though the pond knows nothing of the judgement, the evidence, and cares not a whit nor a jot for Pell and the Pellists … (it goes without saying it's also always the week of the Donald, but that's a very peculiar form of American hell).

The Pell matter is of deep concern to the reptiles at the lizard Oz, with dark mutterings and the entire justice system held in contempt … though the pond should note at the beginning, as the Amazon burns, the reptiles still managed to produce this remarkable graphic effort …

Dear fucking sweet long lost universe, what a graphic to go with Bjorn ….blathering on the the usual Bjorn-again way ...

And there was this along the way that almost convinced the pond it was back in Tamworth in the 1950s …

Oh go tell it to a Swiss bank account, Gra Gra, and why does the arm-breaker keep reminding the pond that John Howard actually helped the country dodge a bullet? How is this a useful reminder?

Perhaps the pond will do a survey of all it missed in reptile la la land for its Sunday meditation, but this day is going to be a lengthy one, and Polonius is already agitated and anxious to speak out …

It seems to have escaped Polonius that there was a trial by judge alone - three of them in all - in the Pell matter, but never mind, stupid is as stupid furiously scribbles … with David Marr once again offending, and Polonius forced to resort to yet another of his famous history lessons ...

Yes, it goes without saying that longer is better, as nattering "Ned" will demonstrate below. Never mind the quality, just feel the width and the length, as the pond's uncle used to say in female company …

Around this point it might be worth noting the lizard Oz's coverage of the matter, just by way of the headlines …


You see? Within a very short time, there was dashing Donners, sent out to berate the wicked secularists, while the reptiles turned to the High Court …

And immediately the victim was attacked, there being no victim in the eyes of the reptiles  …

What happened to "alleged" then? Ah, that might have been tricky, considering the alleged result the alleged reptiles allegedly had published ...

But back to Polonius, and that rich serving of regurgitated cake … laced with a media conspiracy theory of which the Donald himself would be proud ...

Indeed, indeed. This must mean that Polonius himself is now broken, and lacking in all confidence … and it's true other reptiles began to brood during the week in a most unseemly way …

Oh there was doom and despair, and track of death row …

And there was the pond thinking that they'd abolished capital punishment, despite the reptile love of dictators …

Oh the Arndt was gloomy, and in the depths of despair, and beside herself, as the Graudian noted …

Still, there was hope …

Yes,  it was the dingo wot done it, though how it got into the church is something the meritorious Merritt has yet to explain …

A simpler explanation might be a reviewing of a Hitchcock movie wherein lay a vital clue …

Ah yes…


Now there's a lifeline …

And so to a final serve of that Polonial regurgitated cake ...

Indeed, indeed, but then the pond has always counselled young men that giving up any interest in sex and a balanced life might have second thoughts about becoming a priest in an institution as fucked as the Catholic church … as evidenced by Polonius's and the onion muncher's own avoidance of the priesthood as a career option …

Never mind, the pond takes its duty seriously as the recycler of white supremacist, white nationalist, thinking - no matter how battered the Anglo-Judaic systems might be as the reptiles lash out in their agony, but let's face it, what follows is an Everest even for the most passionate …

Now those with a memory longer than a gnat will remember Polonius complaining about media bias, and yet here's nattering "Ned" ready to go on and on and on, displaying the reptile bias in this matter …

The pond rolled jaffas down the aisle when it came across this, purporting some kind of balance …

Respect the system? Respecting the alleged victim, who either lied or got the wrong man or was delusional?

Waiter, another box of jaffas…

The reptiles have complete contempt for the system if it takes down their man, and nattering "Ned" was on hand to roll out lashings of contempt ...

Now here's the thing, the pond wasn't at the court and didn't hear the evidence, and besides, the matter is still open to appeal, so the discreet thing to do is not to get involved in the argument …

Instead, as the theme is religious, what about that Donald headline, The Final Whopper?

And by golly great minds think alike because the immortal Rowe produced his own variation …*yes, there's always Rowe here, even if there's no point linking to the infallible Pope's paywall).

Sorry for that interruption … back to the regurgitated cake ...

Yes, indeed, and the reptiles know all about straw-clutching … or being Bolshie, and lordy lordy was the bromancer feeling toey this week …

And this led to a few more cartoons by the pond's  favourites …

And so back to "Ned" for another slice of that regurgitated cake …. remembering that the case might still be appealed and that the pond, like "Ned", wasn't actually in the court room listening to the evidence as presented ...

Well at least consider the second hand facts, presented by "Ned" in a prejudicial second-hand way, as an exemplar of the reptile contempt for justice, and as an example of the sort of media pile-on Polonius had prattled on about some aeons before ...

Dear sweet long absent lord, the man is obsessed … and any attempt to lighten the load might well be taken the wrong way …

There's nothing that can be done than to grin and bear it and carry on ...

The pond is wilting under the pressure …perhaps a brief change of topic?

Well that's enough distractions … now the pond will just have to plough on and on and on … and only the Donald might provide a little light relief ...

A long list followed? Not nearly as long as nattering "Ned's" natter ...

And naturally so does "Ned", though it might have been more seemly to await the High Court and the likely appeal.

But when have the reptiles ever given a toss about seemliness, especially when  it comes to the Catholic Boys' Daily and their man, driven down by wicked secularists, or so dashing Donners claimed straight out of the gate ...

And here the pond must announce at last some good news.

There is only one gobbet of nattering "Ned" to go … and so the pond might slip in another joke …

Which reminds the pond of a technical slip-up by the parrot, as any Tamworthian would know. Mere talk of a backhander is not enough … a backhander "across the chops" is the correct terminology for any domestic thug and misogynist of the parrot kind ...

And by now anyone who's reached this far must think they've been forced to swallow a dozen chops or perhaps the entire regurgitated cake ...

And what of the two judges who found in favour?

Well the reptiles never bother with such niceties, nor do they for a second consider the prejudicial behaviour that littered the lizard Oz this week, should the matter eventually proceed to the High Court as promised …and yet Polonius has the cheek to whip up a media conspiracy, while in the dead heart of the biggest media conspiracy of all ...

As for the pond, it will continue with other topics of conversation in its Sunday meditation, and who will turn up, apart from the mighty Donald and his vision? One thing's certain … it won't be Pell  or the Pellists… been there, done that, and discovered the true meaning of hell and denial ...

1 comment:

  1. Ah, now that's better, DP: truly classic Polonius special (and pointless) pleading to illuminate a Saturday. Strewth, it's almost enough to make a feller want to emulate a Kohler and claim that it's all just a plain case of floccinaucinihilipilification (yes, it really does have just one more letter than antidisestablishmentarianism).

    Though I do echo Kahneman's prospect theory in wondering whether, in Polonius's wild-eyed view, trial by judge alone is better than trial by judge and jury if there's a 66.6% chance of being convicted anyway. Besides, Pell was clearly guilty of inventing and enforcing the abominably anti-Christian 'Melbourne Response', so beloved of cannibal Catholics and their running dog lackeys.

    So maybe the relevant precedent isn't Lindy Chamberlain, but Al Capone: if you can't get him for gangsterism and murder, get him for tax evasion.

    But then, according to Ned the Led, "The Pell trial has never been about the egregious crimes of the Catholic Church in relation to sexual abuse of children." No, of course it wasn't; nothing has ever been about that despite nearly two millenia of cannibal Catholics committing such clear "non sins".

    So, we also have: "...the judicial majority believed the victim against Pell". But then, who wouldn't you believe in preference to Pell, a known liar. Besides, as another Pope informed us "To err is human, to forgive, divine" and while I can see much humanity in the judges, I see no divinity at all in either Pell or Ned.


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