Thursday, January 17, 2019

In which the reptiles caricature themselves, without any help from the pond ...

a picture, description, or imitation of a person in which certain striking characteristics are exaggerated in order to create a comic or grotesque effect.

Please don't blame the pond, it has no desire to caricature the reptiles - they do it to themselves …

Look, there in the rotating splash at the top of the faraway tree in reptile la la land …


The usual reptile bĂȘte noises were on parade - Bettina having a fainting fit, and the unions scaring the pants off the weakling reptiles …

It was beyond the valley of the reptile caricature, somewhere on the dark side of the moon where plants wilt ...

And there were follow-up yarns ...


Piers Morgan leading the charge? That cream puff?

Here's a suggestion.

The Murdochians announce a News Corporation world wide ban on Gillette and its products, and never mind that the Murdochians have railed against boycotts in the past, especially if poor old Fox and Tucker cops a pounding.

Make a stand for manliness. Back up Piers, revive Bettina from her fainting fit with smelling salts and news of the boycott ...

Would it, could it happen? Of course not, the impotent wretches don't actually want to take a stand, they just want Bettina jumping up and down, because it appeals to the ageing white men shouting at clouds, who make up the reptile demographic …

Meanwhile, the caricatures continued …

So much for Suez, and look over there, at the top of the digital page …

Yep, the bromancer strikes again, and the actual piece was even sillier … because in the pond's observation, not even everyone in the Labour party thinks that much of Corbyn …

But the reptiles are in deep demonisation, fear-mongering mood this morning, beyond even the usual caricature ...

Why did the reptiles persist in running this piece, wherein the bromancer is full of unbearable tension, when just above it comes news that it's actually full of unbearable delusion? The Tories lurch on, with May somehow clinging to power ...

Who knows why the reptiles did it, who knows why they do anything, but can we at least mention Winston Churchill, so that Brexit might compare with the second world war?

Frankly the pond felt short-changed. It decided to charge up on a Pope, with more Papal celebrations here

And then the pond went on the prowl, because it wanted a proper dose of bromancer in full frothy, foaming flight, and what do you know …

Now there's nothing more the pond loves than Tories dumping on Tories, Tories ripping the stomach lining out of other Tories, Tories filled with regrets, Tories beset by woes and fears, the very same woes and fears they themselves created, in a most under the bed Sendakian fashion ...

Yes, it was all her fault, and nothing to do with the "all care, no responsibility here" mob of the Boris kind, who having set the shop on fire, calmly walked away to scribble furious columns for the UK Terror …and what of Rees-Mogg, the pond's favourite villain, pursued by Boris impersonator and the apocalypse?

But not to worry, it's all her fault, shameless and incompetent hussy ...

Does it please the pond that the bromancer is sounding a bit like a Steve Bell cartoon?

Not really, because Bell does a mean caricature, with more mean cartoons here, and he simply isn't the same as the added relish the pond experiences at the sight of a bromancer and other Tories moaning and quivering and quavering and donning sackcloth and ashes.

Where is your Rees-Mogg now, oh bromancer, oh Tory lover? Where is your Boris? Where is your Nigel? Why have they forsaken you? How did they manage to help fuck it up so completely and comprehensively? Oh never mind, it's still all her fault, shameless, incompetent hussy ...

Yep, never mind the gormless Tory men who bunged on the do, and then, from Cameron on, either took to the hills or spent their time sniping and hiding, it's all her fault ...

And so to an item beyond caricature, and high up on the reptile page, and never mind that the country's in the grip of a dire heat wave, and thinking of all the poor fishies ...

Why do the reptiles do it? Why do they carry on so?

At first the pond suspected they were just helping out an old mate, always in urgent need of attention, in the usual narcissist way, and perhaps with a book to flog ...

But The Climate Change Delusion was actually published in September 2017.

Cori Bernardi helped at the launch, the Terror and the other usual suspects lined up to celebrate, and now it's all looking a bit tired and faded … and yet still the reptiles give him space …

Why did they dust off this moth-eared old loon and give him a run? Surely the only explanation is the reptile lust for caricature and self-satire?

Now the pond's not going to debate the issue, except to note that bold state "In my 50-year scientific career, I have never seen a hypothesis where 97 per cent of scientists agree."

Where does that leave the scientific greats? Aren't theories the results of tested hypotheses? Surely in the real world, rather than argue over a meaningless statistic, there's plenty of meaningful data for a working hypothesis, which might even have achieved the status of a theory …

Timing, it's all in the timing …


It's all in the timing, or in the cartoons, or in the images and reports ...

You'd have to be a tone deaf dinkum clean Oz coal lover, oi, oi, oi, not to realise that now is not the best timing for a Plimer outing …not even the onion muncher would go there this week ...

Isn't it rich?
Isn't it queer?
The reptiles losing their timing this late in their climate denialist career
But where are the Plimers?
There ought to be Plimers
Don't worry, they're still here ...

Put it another way …how long must the pond endure these post-modernist, post-ironic, relativist French theories of the world, where nobody agrees on anything? Where scientists are a confused rabble of incoherent thinking and anarchic, chaotic disagreement ... unless they happen to be Plimer, and it goes without saying, Plimer agrees with Plimer, but not with many others, especially if you discount crackpots, conspiracy theorists and mining sector lobbyists and coal lovers …

Well there's a last gobbet to go, and then the pond will have done with this caricature of a day in the life of the reptiles, even if it still doesn't know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall ...

Robbing the taxpayer blind? Does Plimer really know what's going down?

But enough of tired old pond memes, how about a fresh cartoon or three?


  1. Graham Greene wrote about Kim Philby:"Philby has a chilling certainty in the correctness of his judgement, the logical fanaticism of a man who, having once found a faith, is not going to lose it because of the injustices or cruelties inflicted by erring human instruments." Or overwhelming evidence that his faith is madness.

    1. Ah but, Joe, the thing is that to the Philbys and Plimers in their alternate universe, the only kind of real 'evidence' is that which they make up for themselves. It works for Trump, too.

  2. Hmm, now of May's 2017 campaign, the Bromancer says: "As one senior Canberra cabinet minister told me, it was the worst election campaign he had seen anywhere."

    Only one cabinet minister - that wasn't Barnaby or Dutton or maybe ScoMo was it ? But anyway, what about John Winston Howard ? May only lost 13 seats out of 650, but Howard lost 20 (and 2 by the Nats and 2 Senate seats as well) out of 150. And Howard lost his own seat ! May kept hers.

    And maybe we should also remember the important part played by Lynton Crosby in May's loss. Who knows that but for his sage advice, she might actually have won a seat or two.

    Then he gives us: "...could have parliament passing laws, against the government's wishes ..."

    Oh goodness gracious, "parliament passing laws" ? How utterly, incredibly anti-democratic that would be. Winston, and Edmund, would be spinning in their graves about that. But also "against the government's wishes" - isn't that just a modern form of heresy ? Wouldn't any MP who passed a law against the government's wishes be automatically consigned to hellfire and damnation ?

    Oh, and otherwise don't we all just love Plimer: "...many scientists and activists are expressing confected outrage at the possibility of public debates because the science is settled."

    And its just so true, isn't it. Just consider all those "scientists and activists" expressing "confected outrage" at the possibility of "public debates" about the shape of the Earth just because they think "the science is settled".

    Now Plimer knows - his field is profitable capitalist geology, after all - that the shape of the Earth will never, ever be "settled science". It will always be in dispute and it will always require long and intensive public debate in order to never, ever, arrive at a "settled" conclusion. At the very end of the existence of homo sapiens sapiens, there will still be unsettled arguments about the shape of the Earth.

    And if Plimer and the band of climate denialists continue to get their way, the very end of the existence of homo sapiens sapiens might come a whole lot earlier than we might think.

  3. "You'd have to be a tone deaf dinkum clean Oz coal lover, oi, oi, oi, not to realise that now is not the best timing for a Plimer outing …not even the onion muncher would go there this week ."

    But they do it again and again - don't they? Its like they are hunting for the silliest, most poorly timed, patently absurd proposition to prove their idiocy. Consider Plimer running a cui bono argument regarding climate researchers. A man up to his eyeballs in the mining industry accusing academic researchers of pursuing self interest. It reminds me of all the Centrelink recipients living the high life on $250 per week.

    As for The Bro, he's just engaging in "blamestorming" where a bunch of opinion leaders sit around and decide who to blame for a collective mistake.

    1. Yes they do repeat their most boorish "strategic disasters" don't they. And they haven't even got Lynton Crosby to blame. Maybe we should just say that their error prone behaviour is "humiliating" and let it go at that.

      But as for Plimer's little moan about "the billions annually spent on climate research" he really is uptight about missing out on all that moolah, isn't he. Which is really funny considering how much his mates and employers spread around each year so as to keep their hands on the loot.

  4. Re: the pic of Rees-Mogg and PseudoBoJo, I was amused by the apocalyptic sign.

    Clearly, when the Rapture comes and everything old is swept away in fire, unintelligible grammar will not bar one from appearing in the Book of Life.


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