Given that Leak was widely reported to have died from a heart attack, this lizard Oz editorial splash was surely bold and brave, and raised the question: if that's the state of the beating heart, how long before brain death follows?
The pond was worried that the reptiles would be so overwhelmed by grief, they might forget to attend to the affairs of the nation.
After all, there's nothing like mortality to bring into sharp relief the futility of a devotion to the cultural wars. But the pond needn't have worried, because nattering "Ned" remained on the job ...
After all, there's nothing like mortality to bring into sharp relief the futility of a devotion to the cultural wars. But the pond needn't have worried, because nattering "Ned" remained on the job ...
The pond could sense it was going to be one of those epic pieces of bloatware that the pond has come to expect from "The Thunderer", a combination of the Times newspaper of the old English school, UK police whistle, of the blow hard kind, and historical hysterical fictional posturing ...

Of course that splash might have read "All the reptiles and nattering 'Ned' kelly share the blame for a monumental bout of climate denialism and the consequent policy failures that have resulted in chaos and confusion around the land ..." but you won't find the Thunderer Thundering about any of that ...
And so to the first gobbet, with the pond anxiously wondering how many gobbets there might be in this epic rant ...
Now there is much to admire here - the Chicken Little is strong, but it's the climate science which appealed to the pond.
Ever since Moorice's decline and fall as a climate scientist, the reptiles of Oz have needed a skilled scientist, who could snipe at "obsessive climate change and ideological posturing" ...
Ever since Moorice's decline and fall as a climate scientist, the reptiles of Oz have needed a skilled scientist, who could snipe at "obsessive climate change and ideological posturing" ...
The pond is growing ever more weary of actual scientists who turn up all over the place, but never much in the lizard Oz ...
How tiresome - there's more at the Graudian here of course - and how typically alarmist and hysterical, unlike nattering "Ned", a beacon of hope and tranquility and optimism, and the sort of "fix it with stockings and barbed wire" mentality that made Australia great ...
Profound consequences? Well if you count endless carry-on by nattering "Ned" as a profound consequence, it's a biggie in fits ...
Funnily enough, it was necessary to read to the bottom of the reptile report on these matters, which inter alia included a demand for ... gasp, carbon pricing ... and this lovely symmetry ...
Always this blather about "clean", just the sort of jibber-jabber, ideological posturing to be expected, when really "clean" coal has got the situation sorted.
No wonder nattering "Ned" was furious, as he moved on to the third of his fits ...
Indeed, indeed, though some might have detected an echo of previous reptile reports on the matter...
Uh huh, and what was the reptile response to talk of "clean" coal ...
They loved it, they were all over it, as recorded in the pond here ...
And now that climate denialist "clean" coal cat has been belled, it's time for the fourth nattering "Ned" fit, but mercifully, it's a short one ...
At every turn, any attempt to construct a sensible response to climate science was denied, debased and degutted by reptile hysteria about carbon pricing, and the benefit of market responses to what was perceived as an imaginary issue ...,with much talk of climate science as a religion and its followers as religious cultists ...
Now there's nothing new in this ... as noted back in 2011 by Robert Manne in here ...
Now there's nothing new in this ... as noted back in 2011 by Robert Manne in here ...
Indeed, indeed. They sowed the wind and we have inherited the gale.
Ned even managed to get the Jesuits at Eureka Street agitated here ...
That nattering "Ned" refuses to acknowledge this, or stand up and take the credit, is a great shame.
Such proud obfuscation and ideological posturing surely should be celebrated in the great Oz hall of denialism ...
At every point where there might have been a chance of bi-partisan policy responses, the reptiles and nattering Ned himself have stepped up to sow confusion, chaos and rigid, fixated hysterical dissent ...
Attention should be paid to that great work, and outcomes duly noted - in the United States their work has already produced a fitting conclusion, as noted by Rowe, with more notable Rowe here ...
Such proud obfuscation and ideological posturing surely should be celebrated in the great Oz hall of denialism ...
At every point where there might have been a chance of bi-partisan policy responses, the reptiles and nattering Ned himself have stepped up to sow confusion, chaos and rigid, fixated hysterical dissent ...
Attention should be paid to that great work, and outcomes duly noted - in the United States their work has already produced a fitting conclusion, as noted by Rowe, with more notable Rowe here ...
So it would seem free speech as practiced by the despicable left is what killed Bill Leak. We literally hounded him to an early grave. Sad!
ReplyDeleteThank you Dorothy for highlighting the fork tongue of this hypocrite and the terrible Murdoch empire.
ReplyDeleteNed is tedious and tendentious, and his articles full of spin and skew, but they rarely contain out-and-out bullshit. But this one manages it:
ReplyDelete"But an epic ideological blunder for which Australia pays a high price was the decision by the green and environmental lobbies to cut gas out of the plan in favour of their fixation on renewables."
Sorry, Ned, but the core of the "green and environmental lobbies" have been arguing for what is now accepted by the consensus of stakeholders - a suitable blend of wind and solar, augmented when necessary by hydro and gas peaking plants - for at least decade. This was seen as a necessary bridging strategy until such time as necessary improvements to dispatchable low carbon sources and storage options came on stream (which are still a little way off).
Unlike the nuclear and coal industries, renewables have always known their limitations and that the transition to a zero/low carbon energy regime would have some necessary compromises. This renewables+gas model has been the standard line for at least five years, but that period has corresponded with the ascendancy of Tony Abbott. That is where the ideological failure was - do nothing until the whole system starts falling apart, and blame the people who warned you that would happen.
Kelly is just reinventing history here, as five minutes googling would show. "Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia."
It's the bit about "the decision by the green and environmental lobbies" that really got to me (amongst many other things, that is).
ReplyDeleteSince when have "the green and environmental lobbies" been able to make "decisions" that were actually put into practice ? Ever since Lake Pedder perhaps ?
But it was your point about "blame the people who warned you that would happen" that really hit the mark. And Ned is a master of that little subterfuge, along with his mate Dogbotherer Kenny, of course.
The Murdochs are wrong on climate science but my god,they were on the money with Iraq.