Wednesday, March 15, 2017

In which the pond has a Devinely lite time ...

It never takes long for the haters to pile on, and is there any better hater than Miranda the Devine? 

Why your average Queensland cane toad is more pleasing to the eye than the bile of the Devine in full flight, so naturally the pond was captivated. 

To mix the metaphors, a Devine column always reminds the pond of the dead horse arum lily someone had mysteriously planted in the backyard of the pond's Adelaide house ...

Ah the smell, ah the blowflies, ah sweet stench of carrion. 

Fond memories indeed ... but back to the Devine this day ..

Now right there, the first irony will be noted.

No doubt the Devine will go on to celebrate the need for civil, respectful debate ... by starting off flinging about talk of fascism and the Gestapo ... because that's what arum lilies do ...

Of course we've been here before with respectful debate and polite discussion ...

Yes, Leakian respect is all the go ... and naturally the Devine will invoke the Leak while the bible bashers imbibe the light ...

Yes, there it is, the Waffen SSM, up against Australian SAS hero the pastie Hastie ...

So much for the talk of a lesson in civility, and respectful disagreement ... 

Well once the pond goes on the Devine march, goose-stepping with the Catholic fundamentalist bigotry of the Devine takes on its own symmetrical magic ...

Please, a toast to the invocation of Adolf Hitler in polite discussion ...

Respectful debate? You can disagree without being disagreeable? Why is such civil discourse not more common?

Could it have something to do with the talk of fascists and storm troopers and Nazis and the Gestapo?

Sadly the Devine is such a humourless bitch - the pond uses the word advisedly in the dictionary sense to make spitefully critical comments - and so unaware of irony and so unreflective and unreflexive, that all this just zooms over her head ... resulting in a case of peak irony ...

Reflexively hateful? Oh come on, they're all just a bunch of goose-stepping fascists, and where's the harm in saying it ...

Now elsewhere, amongst the Jews, there's been a certain sensitivity about breaches of Godwin's Law and the flinging about of insults of the fascist and Gestapo kind ... (clicking to enlarge might help the read) ...

But this sort of thing means nothing to a bilious Devine in full bigoted flight ...

Actually, bilious Devine from hell, one of the features of a free market is that people might choose which businesses they want to support, and which ones they're happy to see wither and die ...

It's got nothing much to do with fascism, so much as that much over-rated American notion of freedom to choose ...

Sorry, you only get cinnamon with that ...

And so Coopers have arrived here ... in company with a bigoted fundamentalist Catholic preaching the Gestapo, fascism and the Waffen SSM ...

Now the pond might once have been able to boycott Coopers if it had wanted, but as someone long on the wagon, it's an academic point. However others are free to spend how they want, to withold their cash, or to splash it, or to do business with those they like ... unless of course the federal government has determined that they shouldn't spend their allowance on grog ...

As it stands, Coopers, the pastie Hastie, Freedom Boy and the Bible Society have all shot themselves in their collective feet ... and provided much comedy in the process.

Where's all the talk of polite, civilised discourse now? 

Here's what you did Coopers, you splashed yourself with a good load of the pond's favourite parfume ...

You're welcome, have a nice smelly business model day ...

Oh and incidentally, the fuss helps explain why this ...

... still sometimes ends up looking like this ...


  1. "Now the pond might once have been able to boycott Coopers if it had wanted, but as someone long on the wagon"

    Oh dear, DP, deprived forever of Cooper's Sparkling Ale ! How appalling.

  2. Off topic but could not let this moment go by because of the ABC duplicity in the guest they had to comment on South Australia electricity problems.
    Their guest was a ex advisor to John Howard on Nuclear energy now if want an independent opinion why not go to Martin Thomas.

    1. With the ABC I'm never quite sure whether that's duplicity, or simply ignorant stupidity. Or maybe someone just asked Vanstone or Switzer who they should get to comment.

  3. The SMH reports Hastie saying: "We were given the beers and I was a bit surprised to be quite frank, as it was recorded just after noon and I don't tend to have a drink at lunchtime. If you look, my bottle is very full because I didn't sip any of it."

    Why pretend to be drinking?

  4. The biggest question here remains unasked - why the fuck does an organisation whose sole occupation is proselytising have tax-deductible charity status?

    I eagerly await removal of the reference to "between a man and a woman" from the Marriage Act, but I'm saving my affordably priced non-vintage sparkling wine for the removal of Section 12(1)(d) of the Charities Act 2013, which intuits some public good is served in "advancing religion". At the very least it should be amended to require an affirmative proof of public good (as happened in the UK in 2006), rather than the simple presumption that it is a Good Thing (like the Norman Conquest or Alfred the Cake).

    I'd be happier still with amendments to 50-5 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, the relevant bits of the A New Tax System (Fringe Benefits) Act 2000 and related statutes and tax rulings to entirely remove tax-exempt status from religions, but I'll settle for now for not subsidising religious propaganda distributors, like the Bible Society.

    Of course, all that is not quite as catchy as "Waddabout 18(C)?"


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