Saturday, September 17, 2022

In which the pond dallied with Lloydie before heading high candle West, and then going south with nattering "Ned" ...


The pond knows there are days like these at the lizard Oz, but still it's a dispiriting exercise. It helps explain why hits are down, and interest minimal ...

Look at the top page of the digital page and all you can see is nattering "Ned" in worshipful pose ...

Ours to command? Lessons we must learn from "Ned"? The talking tampon in charge, and apparently parliament has nothing to do with it, and Charles I transmutes into Charles III ...

It's too much for a koala, or a Paddington bear to bear ... and below the fold the situation was just as dire ...

Gemma a monarchist? Who cares? 

The craven Craven extolling this most unique woman? Who cares? 

The oscillating fan laying out three steps for a republic victory? Everyone knows to give up the grog you need more steps than that ... and of course ersatz quisling alleged republican prattling Polonius has to be saved for the morrow ...

That's why the pond turned to Lloydie with relief, knowing that all that talk of climate science and melting glaciers and warming seas, and what not, was a never no mind ...

He's found a study, and lordy lordy the words are fine, music to the reptile ear ...

Oh it all sounds grand, and explored with Lloydie's usual diligence and thoroughness ... (caution: truly unique meta irony at work)

The pond decided to leave out a click bait video by the reptiles sighing 'Pretty inevitable': Australian commits to net zero to maintain 'international position', because why else would you do it, but just to fit in? Each week Lloydie brings the good oil that there's nothing to see here, and so it's on with the oil, or the Lloydie drum, if you like, and you know ancient Oz slang ...

As a bonus, dropping the image of the click video meant the pond could keep on with the good news without having to neutralise the thing ... 

The pond was vastly relieved by the terminological exactitude ...

“The anthropogenic versus natural attribution of the origin of a phenomenon is based on probabilistic models and makes reliance on simulations that hardly reproduce the macro and microphysical variables involved in it”

At this point some might be wondering about Gianluca Alimonti ... and head off here to learn that his expertise is...

My research activity has always been focused on subnuclear and high energy Physics: first in beauty and charm quark photoproduction experiments at Fermilab, then in solar neutrino experiments at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso.
I'm involved in the largest hep experiment, ATLAS, taking data at LHC (Large Hadron Collider), at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) at Geneva: the ATLAS paper about the Higgs boson.

...or perhaps here from Europhysics News, September-December 2014, albeit only the front page...

And so to the final reassuring words ...

Increase resiliency?

Why bother? Everything's apparently shipshape, so it's time to revive that NSW coal mine and get on with business as usual ...

But after the usual bout of climate science denialism, the pond knew there was no escape, knew it had to do its duty, tug the forelock, bow and scrape, and all the more remarkable because the reptiles allowed in a refugee from the ABC to conduct the worshipful ceremony ...

It occurred to the pond this morning, as it woke to the news of another young woman being murdered by the Iranian morality police, that it really doesn't give a flying fig for religious reconciliation, or deeply symbolic prayers or ecumenism or all the rest of the blather ...

It's hard for the United States to get agitated about the Iranian morality police, or the tyranny of the Taliban, or the wretched behaviour of the authoritarian monarchist patriarchs running Saudi Arabia, because the United States itself has an abundant crop of morality cops ... but if you happen to mention it, you'll get assaulted by the Murdochian morality police for being woke or indulging in virtue signalling. Apparently the notion that women should have rights is the sort of thing that sends the long absent lords - pick a lord of your patriarchal choice - into a frenzy ...

It gets so bizarre that the mango Mussolini relies on his own morality police to keep himself relevant, not least the Murdochian morality police, yet it's hard to imagine an authoritarian less connected to morality than the Donald ... not just as a lying con artist and snake oil salesman of the most corrupt kind, but for the sort of things that get the morality police excited ... being careless with wives and strippers ...

But where was the pond? That's right, having to read tosh from the ABC man, delivered up unto the reptiles ...

The pond has already had its rant, now it's just a matter of gritting teeth and grinding away, as blather about sundry contemplative and mysterious elements arrive ...

And then in the final gobbet comes the big reveal. As might be expected of a talking tampon, an idle prince who wiled away a life waiting to be king, and indulging in all sorts of eccentricities before getting married to a mother figure, the lad does love being a Catholic in drag, what with the frocks and the rituals and the candles and the singing and being filthy rich from birth by way of birth and wondering if they really meant that when they talked about the rich fitting through the eye of a needle ...

The pond will leave the being on notice to the preachers and the talking tampon ... it's all too Freudian for the pond.

And so to the final duty, the Everest known as "Ned".

This is a particularly tricky one, because it's not only unendurable, the unendurability is unendurably long ... and as a result, the reptiles have flung in click bait videos so that the punters might get away from it all. 

The pond always neutralises them, so there's simply no escape ...

It's only six gobbets, some might think, but the pond was unnerved from the get go with a ghastly graphic at the head of it, one that defames the queen while offering a humbug false god, not to mention the tone of the usual sanctimonious, hectoring, preening pompous headline, an unsettling indication of what was to follow ...

At this point, the pond will break early and serve up an infallible Pope ...

So everyone's thinking of Paddington this day ... until they're reminded they're in the company of a pompous, portentous ass, handing out instructions in his usual high-handed way ...

At this point, the pond decided to drag in a Kudelka, though he can always be found here ...

Yes indeedy do, the pond is already well over it, but there are still four bloody gobbets to go, and that's the last cartoon until the immortal Rowe arrives to discuss an entirely different matter ...

See how the reptiles slipped in a click bait video, because truly learning about the schedule for funeral arrangements is more interesting that reading "Ned" ... a man who makes desiccated coconut seem positively moist ...

Oh heck, can the pond weaken and throw in another cartoon?

But that's it, that's more than enough, let's get King Chuck III done and dusted ...

"Losing his rag"? That sounded unnervingly like a reference to talking tampons, and why wouldn't an innocent punter click on it to see what it was about, just for the relief of avoiding "Ned"?

But the pond offers no respite, just a couple more gobbets to go ...

The pond was reminded of the old days, when it was bold and daring to sit down during the playing of the national anthem when attending the cinemah ...

All gone, of course, though the pond believes the ritual might still survive on occasions among thugby leaguers and the like before they settle down and go the biff ....

All the pond knows that it has reached the final gobbet, and can then attend to the immortal Rowe ...

The pond really must stop this self-immolation, this ritual flogging, it's almost Opus Dei, like the wearing of a cilice, or putting nettles in the nether regions, or carrying on with a crucifixion at Ēostre ...

But at least the pond has reached the immortal Rowe, only to be reminded that far from all the blather, there's still a war going on, conducted by a most egregious rogue  ...

Yes, we've been there before, and what a shame that we had to get there again ...


  1. "Gemma a monarchist? Who cares?" Why, all those people who care that she is also now a liberated feminist, of course. Must be a half-dozen of 'em at least.

    1. Ms Ton-yee-nee ≡ identity politics, as the brief perusal this morning confirms. Thank you Dorothy for taking no more of our time on this.

    2. I'd almost agree with that, Chad, except that I don't think Ton-yee-nee actually has an identity; she just practices 'copy-cat' politics.

  2. So, Lloydy quoting some Italian Nuclear Physicists: "None of these response indicators [natural disasters, floods, droughts, ecosystem yields and crops] show a clear positive trend of extreme events, the report said." Well apart from exhibiting the "wait till you're drowning before you learn to swim" syndrome, it doesn't seem to include temperature (land, sea and air) and it doesn't mention ocean tides (eg Atlantic Meridional aka Gulf Stream) and it doesn't include large ice meltings (mountain glaciers and Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets especially Greenland) and not El Nino and La Nina or the Indian Ocean Dipole and hence no mention of sea level risings. But we're ok for floods: "evidence for increases in flooding remains elusive" - oh, the folks in Lismore will be so relieved to know that.

    But hey, we're given a great rundown on the significant difference between "statistical evidence" (of which they could find none) and "probabilistic calculation" which is clearly always wrong. So: "The anthropogenic versus natural attribution of the origin of a phenomenon is based on probabilistic models ..." Hence, just like the Doggy Bov says, all is precedented because 'conjecture isn't reality' and all those melting mountain glaciers and ice sheets are just artefacts of the "probabilistic calculation".

    Winding up: "We should work to minimise our impact on the planet and to minimise air and water pollution, the authors said." Oh yeah, I know how to do that: just increase the human population by at least another 2 billion in the next 40 - 50 years. That'll do it.

    All in all, a fine example of Lloydy's quality of investigative reporting, yes ?

    1. Yes, GB, the pond knew you would love it. There's nothing like the smell of napalm or a GB demolition job in the morning to make the pond look forward to the rest of the day ...

    2. Very happy to be of some value, DP. Of course, we've had this physicist thing before, and it's just the same old story all over again (as indicated very clearly by John Cook).

      Physicists - at least a fair few of them - believe that because 'physics' is the basic science of existence that therefore they know everything about everything. So, their arrogance is in full view when they decide to exercise their dogmatic* ignorance in public.

      They're even worse than laymen - who might display some cautious modesty -because they really do believe in their own omniscient infallibility.

      * ooh, twice in two days !

    3. A longish read, but interesting and portentous. I wonder what our "physicists" would have to say about this:

      "This makes the ice shelves on Thwaites and Pine Island more sensitive to extreme climate change in the ocean, atmosphere and sea ice. If Thwaites and Pine Island were to destabilize, several of the neighboring areas would also fall apart, causing a widespread collapse, the scientists said. Thwaites alone could cause sea levels to rise about 10 feet, the scientists said."

      Antarctica's melting 'Doomsday glacier' could raise sea levels by 10 feet, scientists say

  3. West of the ABC: "Rather than being Defender of the Faith he might prefer the more capacious term 'Defender of Faith'" But butt, billygoat, if he is not defender of THE faith, then he can't rule by "divine right" can he - only by very mortal "acquiescence". I wonder does he realises that - because Andrew West certainly doesn't.

    1. So many gods to defend and embrace GB, but if he's going to be defender of faith, then the pond wants his views on defending spaghetti monsters, even if they lurk under the bed ...

  4. "...when it was bold and daring to sit down during the playing of the national anthem when attending the cinemah ..." Oh yeah, my very first act of social and political rebellion ! All the way back in 1963 ! Back when I first heard those immortal words: "One of the most important questions that must be answered in the nuclear age is: what is the effect of an atomic bomb on a tropical rain forest !" So the ADF built a tower out in a tropical rain forest, packed it up with 10,000 tons (yeah, Imperial tons, not tonnes) and detonated it. Question answered, never to be asked again !

    1. Err, that was 10,000 tons of TNT and they gave a medal for bravery to the sargeant who primed and activated the fuse.

  5. Whenever I ensure one of Ned’s interminable sermons, I find myself reading it with His pompous, ponderous tones running through my head. Today’s “My time with the new King” added a couple of additional elements - I found myself imagining him delivering it as an after-dinner address to a meeting of Australians for. Constitutional Monarchy, punctuated by frequent loud emissions of wind from Ned and the quieter farts and gentle snores of his audience.

    1. The pond just caught up with this one, but loved it so, because the pond does exactly the same thing. Whenever the pond reads "Ned", that pompous, ponderous, stilted voice does the reading, in the manner of a lifeless voice in the car pretending to be human and offering directions ...


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