Sunday, January 23, 2022

In which prattling Polonius leads off the Sunday meditation ...




With the reptiles returning to the routinely abnormal, prattling Polonius's rightful place at the head of the pond's Sunday meditation seems assured ...

It's true that the pond was alarmed by the absence of a mention of the ABC in the header, but that line about being the envy of the world was guaranteed to remind the pond of the good old days when we never had it so good ...


Of course it helps in thinking this way if you happen to be an insider chum head of a private institute cosying up to other insider chums, people with connections and power and plenty of loot ...



Was it only yesterday that the dog botherer was comparing state premiers to long lost Japanese soldiers found on islands, and the general populace to a mollycoddled nation of hypochondriac fretters, like Dorrie Evans or Norman Gunston?

Must it be left to the dog botherer to assault the ABC and other hysterical media, while our Polonius does a knees up prattle about the good times? 

Must the pond ask the question: how did the lizard Oz allow the reptiles to run a dog botherer rant while presenting as a journal of considered opinion?



Dear sweet lord, has Polonius suddenly gone soft? Has the new year suddenly made his brain go soggy? Has he allowed his egg to be boiled a nanosecond too little, and now it gets the runs?

What is this assault on his chums? Does he realise that the dog botherer was in a frenzy and a fury about the unfair treatment of the unvaccinated and the Djoker?


 And then came this news ...


There's still a chance for Polonius to rail at the ABC, but the odds are getting long, with only one gobbet to go ...


From neighsayer to cheer leader, and all in a flash. 

Who said the new year would bring bad news, perhaps a war with Russia, perhaps an incredibly inept response to the new variant, testing, and such like ...

Better to chant along with Polonius

Want to be able to see the world the way Polonius sees it? Can the pond recommend this item, going cheap as surplus stock ...



Oh, it's a good day, it's a good life (spoiler alert).



And so to the next reptile, and more good days leading the good life, and who better to follow up in a state of euphoria than the Angelic one ...

Some might ask why the pond never runs with the oscillating fan, but just the splash is enough to show the reason ...


The pond has no time for the wishy washy flip flopping nattering negativity of the oscillating fan. He never knows how to think good thoughts.

Polonius was on a roll, and the Angelic one was right behind him, quashing the doubters and the neigh sayers ...

Is this some kind of persecute the dog botherer and the Djoker week at the lizard Oz? Why the cartoonists have celebrated the land of Oz ...

And so to the last of the Angelic one ...


Yes, things have never been better, and when the pond hears any of that treasonous talk of incompetence, it reaches for the good times and its Gunn ...


For those who can't make out the wording, the listing suggests these details ...



What's it mean? Well it's just another way for the pond to say we've never had it so good, and speaking of that, it's time to finish up with a dose of Killer Creighton ... or Tucker Creighton as he's known to the pond's correspondents ...




The pond wishes that it's heart was pure when it came to Killer, but these days the pond tends to think of a Killer piece as a clothes horse on which to throw yet another reminder of the soggy state of US politics, by running a flurry of cartoons...





The reptiles are all over jolly Joe's gaffes, but did any of them ever match the spectacular heights of the glory days of the mango Mussolini and his acolytes?

Never mind, the pond knows the Killer form ...

And so on we go ...

Indeed, indeed, but that was before the Supreme Court shut down jolly Joe, and Fox and Friends turned to great cures and wise gurus ...

 Now back to Killer Creighton ...

Ah, systematic racism. Who could forget the plump turtle's contribution during the week, as featured in WaPo (paywall limited)?

What a card he is, and yet he's got plenty more marked cards in his stacked deck ...

And now back to the Killer ...studiously ignoring any of that ...

The pond has been astonished at the ingenuity of the GOP in terms of voter suppression, gerrymandering and such like, backsliding away ...




But there is hope. GOP ideas for the discussions of policy have taken a new level of seriousness which suggests a desire to do better ...



The pond keeds, it keeds, it's just democracy done Killer style ... and now the pond has a couple of cartoons left over, so why not...


And so to the last gobbet ...


Speaking of gross hypocrisy, the Killer's stock business, with a rich inventory, back in 2020, the BBC ran this story, with graphic illustrations ...




What a fine tribute to Killer's tribute ...

The pond has said it before, the United States is fucked, not being helped by blow-ins such as Killer Creighton and the Chairman to lend a helping hand in the fucking ...

And that's more than enough of Killer, Polonius, the Angelic one and the whole damn reptile thing, and so to end with a TT, the first of the New Year ... with more at Daily Kos here ...


  1. Could there possibly be a smaller bubble than the Shanahan Bubble?

  2. DP - yet again, thank you for setting out on ‘an enterprise to be undertaken with a sort of moral bog hoe’ - to borrow from Henry Dvid Thoreau, but saving us any need to make this particular cultural study. Polonius thinks James Allen - the Garrick - is a ‘normally considered’ (Macquarie - ‘to think deliberately or carefully’) contributor to that ‘considered’ journal, The Spectator.

    A journal so treasured by readers in this country that, as we know from the court proceedings involving the Cater’s considered opinion on flood waters, its entire print run is about the same as the newsletter of some of our larger high schools. But nothing is too trivial for our Polonius to, er - consider.

    Then the ‘Contributing Editor’ - a meaning of ‘editor’ that the ‘Wiki’ has tried to grapple with - van Onselen - slips in reference to ‘overwhelming support for (Djokovic’s) deportation.’

    Presumably that refers to the ‘tick a box’ ‘poll’ cited by talkers on Sky News, that 83%, or perhaps that was 86% of its box tickers supported deportation of Djokovic. Assuming Prof. van Onselen has PhD students at Griffith, those are the sources of data he would pass without hesitation.

  3. Aah, DP: Drexel Jerome Lewis Bixby and 'It's a Good Life' (1953). As seen in a 1961 episode of The Twilight Zone and also Twilight Zone: The Movie. They don't write 'em like that any more, do they. Not even Harlan Ellison's 'I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream' (1967).

    But hey, what's this from Polonius: "Which raises this question..." No "begging" from a perennial beggar ?

    Polonius preaches: "Less than three months after COP26, nations are still buying high-qiality Australian coal along with iron ore. And there is increased interest in Australian gas. Purchasers of Australian natural resources have no reason embarrassed. Nor should sellers."

    Nope, no reason at all to feel embarrassed, but just maybe feeling a little hotter every year. No matter, if they want to kill the planet using our poisons, then clearly we are morally obliged to provide them. At a reasonable price.

    Just like I expect we charged Japan a reasonable price for the fossil fuel extracted liquid hydrogen we just sold to Japan. A mere two years after Stanford University showed us how to extract 'green' hydrogen from sea water:
    Solar-driven, highly sustained splitting of seawater into hydrogen and oxygen fuels

    And come to think of it, couldn't the Japanese extract it for themselves ? Or is there just no sunshine nor wind in Japan ?

  4. Oh yeah:


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