Tuesday, July 21, 2020

In which the bromancer begins to suspect there's an alternative reality outside the herpetarium ...

No, the pond won't be writing about the Bolter this day. The Bolter's brand is shock and outrage, and there's no point feeding the trolls. The only thing the pond will confirm about the Bolter is that he and the HUN have now reached a point of Trumpian illiteracy and Twitterspeak …

Is the sentence? Is the question? Is the dada? Is the dodo?

All the pond will add is that anyone who buys any Murdochian publication for any reason in any form is helping in one way or another to subsidise the Bolter and his kind. Please stop it, before you go blind, or grow hairs on your palms, turn senile prematurely and lose all your teeth (too late for Catholic boys, the pond knows).

Yes, the pond uses hand sanitizer, both real and digital, and so it won't be adding to the pollution in the ether by dwelling on Killer Creighton's latest effort to downplay the virus, and make it seem like a trivial affair ….

Why? Because the Killer is bold and brave and goes out into the world to show how it's done …


Oh dear, the pond knows there's a new word for checking out people's rooms as they zoom away, but is it wrong to observe that Killer Creighton's home library is a dismal affair, and as for that mirrored wardrobe thingie …

But enough of noble bravery and preaching about going out into the field, or next thing, the pond will be running an infallible Pope …

There you go Killer Creighton, there's bravery in the field, there's an example to us all …

And so to the fresh meat of the day… newly harvested offerings from the reptile killing fields, and what do you know, the bromancer has gone truly weird …

The pond realises it's just click bait. 

The Donald is on the record as having delivered 20,000 plus whoppers, lies, untruths, distortions (WaPo and others celebrated the 20,000 mark back on 9th July - the Graudian keeps it outside the paywall), so in this 'tsunami of untruths', the bromancer is only talking about the most recent strange and grotesquely untrue bit of Trumpian blather ...

But the Donald has said just as many silly things before - it would start at 15, and get down to zero, or it would just go away - a claim he repeated in that interview. And he said many more silly and wildly untrue things in his bizarre Wallace interview - the pond had to endure a Morning Joe rant about that senility test and the elephant before deciding it needed sleep more than the rant.

Why did this particular bit of nonsense from the Wallace interview get up the nose of the bromancer? It's no weirder or more grotesque than many other outlandish Trumpian sayings ...

The pond suspects that the bromancer, who is no Killer Creighton when  it comes to the virus, might have had some reasonably immediate experience of what the virus can do …because of late, whenever the virus is mentioned, he sounds like he knows there's an alternative reality out there, beyond the herpetarium ...

But the nuttiness does wash with Trump's base.

Fox News goes on its merry way, with Chris Wallace just a blip in the network's daily nuttiness. Hannity, Ingraham and that prime tosser Carlson…

What a merry tribe they are, these Murdochians …

And the Donald telling another fib, one of many, isn't a bad sign for him … it's a bad sign for the country, the GOP and the Murdochians …and it's a really bad sign for the lizards of Oz that the bromancer seems just now to have realised that the Donald is a congenital, habitual, frequent and grotesque liar ...

Will they now take down the Confederate flag on Dame Slap's desk in 'leet Surry Hills? Or will it be kept for freedom of speech and celebrating history reasons?

Speaking of the US, there was another mournful dirge this day …

It's only slowly dawning on the Yanks, and the WSJ and loons drunk on honied Mead that many now think of the United States as a comedy act …

The pond has no idea why …

But please do on on to explain how pax Americana has become a sequel to Blazing Saddles ...

There are so many stupidities embodied in that world view that the pond doesn't know where to begin …

… but do go on, so that the pond and its readership might sip on your tears as it sups on the beanz ...

Dear sweet long absent lord, this from the country that embarked on the most cynical and wretched of wars in Iraq, with all that produced, and now is at this very moment, behaving in a cynical way in Afghanistan …

The pond felt so debilitated by the nonsense that it new it needed a climate denialist fix, and quick about it, and who better than Dame Slap ...

Now the polar bears have been back in the news of late …

Dear sweet long absent lord, not Nine News? What would Karl the clown say after his starring role at Media Watch showing his love of whack jobs?

But the pond digresses. Forget it poley bears, in the world of Dame Groan you count for nothing ...

Why won't it go anywhere? Well in Dame Groan's Trumpian universe, climate change is just another hoax, and SloMo, after a suitable session of speaking in tongues, is happy to wait on the rapture ...

Just because there's a virus out and about killing off people, Dame Groan is not willing to give up the task of killing renewable energy ... heck, killing koalas, killing the planet, killing just about anything … what have you got?

Yes, fuck the planet, fuck the poley bears, fuck the koala bears (that'll teach 'em for pretending to be bears), get with the Dame Groan program …

And now the pond realises it's running way over time, but it couldn't resist this IPA outing ...

Why couldn't it resist? Well for a start there was that sanitised work space shot, which doesn't look like any of the building sites in the pond's vicinity. Not a hint of mess, not a coffee cup out of place …

The pond and the local tradies could sniff a fraud in the making. Gotta get a little dirt on your hands, you tradie impersonator ...

And then there was the loon himself, explaining how blue-collar jobs are worthy, while wandering around dressed in a suit ...

You get the sense that shit-carting and garbage-collecting and this loon are two, unless it happens to be keyboard shit-carting for Gina's mob, and then he might be one ...

You see? The pond knew it would get a little more climate denialism from the suit wearer … (will someone explain to him that something should be done about that yellow tie if he's going to get to the top floor? And if he doesn't get to the top floor, how will he be able to dole out shit to the shitty workers doing the shit jobs?)

The pond guesses it's a living, blathering about the nobility of hard physical yakka from the safe haven of the IPA bunker, a bit like Adolf urging on the troops while preferring the easy way out …

The pond's extended family mainly made money by labouring, and ended up physical wrecks, and there's not much chance of that happening if you pound the keyboard and don the suit for Gina's mob ...

Oh fuck, not with the talk of a boutique from a fancy pants suit wearer with a terrible yellow tie … (the pond doesn't much like the look of the suit either, but maybe it's just the low-rent photographer).

And now as a reward for those who stayed the distance, a gobbet from Killer Creighton's piece, just because the pond is feeling truly perverse this day ...

Yes, let's hope for a better response next time, and let's hope that cowards don't lurk at home, but instead get out and dance in the streets, and infect everyone they can, and what do you know, you'll soon be quoting Iranian figures as evidence, and all you'll need to add as a caution is "if that's true"

And if that's true, this isn't Adam Creighton cowering in front of a camera in a wretched room without a hint of class or taste ...

Oh okay, the pond only flung in that original Adam as filler, putting in a little social distancing from the IPA, and donning a mask, before getting to the Rowe of the day, with more Rowe as usual here ...


  1. "Trump has stepped up his attacks on Joe Biden.

    He paints Biden as bordering on semi-senile, soft on China and a willing dupe of the Democratic Party’s activist left wing. Although Trump expresses them roughly, these are profitable lines of attack as there is a smidgen of truth in each."

    There is an adage about leopards and spots. Reptiles do change their skins, but the same reptile emerges after each ecdysis. The Eastern Brown Bromancer ever-ready to get in a quick nip. Comments from David Brooks on PBS over the weekend offer a different assessment of Biden, but then Brooks was at the disadvantage that he had had several conversations with Biden recently.


    1. There's a "smidgen of truth" in just about everything ... well, everything but the dogmatic pronouncements of reptiles.

      I saw a bit of Brooks back some years ago - when he regularly appeared on an SBS rebroadcast of some PBS news-hour commentary show along with some other guy who was supposed to provide the "leftie" ideological balance. He was a Wiffle Piffle then and he's a Wiffle Piffle now; I never could see who he would appeal to. Yet some of his books have sold millions, apparently.

      Which I guess is a tribute to the concept that when the underlying population is huge (nearly 8 billion of us and increasing every day), then the normal curve tails are both thick and long.

  2. Bromancer: "This nuttiness [the Wallace on Fox interview] won't wash even with Trump's base. It's a bad sign for him."

    Really ? The "That's it: you just tell them and they believe. They just do." man is somehow suddenly not going to be believed by his base ?

    You said, DP that: ".... he [the Bromancer] sounds like he knows there's an alternative reality out there, beyond the herpetarium ..." Doesn't look like it to me; looks just like the same old Bromancer as ever: the world is exactly as the herpetarium believes it to be.

    Moving right along to Dame Groan: "[solar thermal] plants have been failures overseas. (One was planned for Port Augusta in South Australia; it is shelved)." Well 1414 (a local South Australian company) doesn't quite agree. See: https://reneweconomy.com.au/1414-picks-up-port-augusta-solar-tower-project-plans-huge-thermal-storage-plant-22559/
    Wikipedia doesn't quite agree either: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_solar_thermal_power_stations though there have been some cancellations, of course, but that isn't quite the same as "failures", is it.

    Besides, when people finally wake up, and Scotty from the Do-nothing Libs gets out of the way, we might yet see an Australian inspired worldwide solar generated hydrogen economy start up. Maybe, but then this is "hand everything profitable off to foreigners and then pay them to sell it back to us" land, isn't it.

    And so on to this: "...NSW will avoid the costly mistake made by the Victorian government." Does anybody have any idea what she's rabbiting on about ? What "costly mistake" has she invented ?

    But there's no gainsaying reptile lies is there, even if they are only a penny a word.

    Then we have Daniel 'I'm in the IPA' Wild. I truly wonder who does the IPA's recruiting these days: Slappy as Board Chair, Wild as "a director of research" - note the lack of capitals though, so it's not a real job position is it. Might be just a tad more accurate to say Daniel Wild "unpaid intern". Like you I loved the tie though, DP.

    He's quickly learning all the swear words: "boutique concerns of noisy activists". Maybe "Killer" Creighton is coaching him: "governments and their catastrophic cheer squad".

    1. You beat me by a country mile on the 1414 take up GB. Then again facts have never been the Dame’s forte when it comes to spinning a shoddy yarn.
      There is an ever growing sense of buyers remorse of late from the Bromancer and his musings are getting down to 250 words.....most of them more a cry of defeat than anything else. Poor bugga......hope he isn’t on that $1 a word scheme.

      “But please do on on to explain how pax Americana has become a sequel to Blazing Saddles ...” Now that is bad ass comedy DP. :))
      Mead sure does know how to dump his horse shit on everyone else..... excluding the WSJ and the current leaders of loon central, of course.
      I think Pope sums it all up best!

      I notice that other IPA apparatchik Tim Wilson has been busted .....again, by his grubby efforts at self promotion to get a bit further up the greasy pole of neo liberal aggrandisement. Shameless hit!

      Killer Creighton, along with the rest of the travelling band, whenever they talk of climate, anything left of Ghenghis Khan, environment, Corona, social media or any form of activism, they always throw in the word religion as some almost derogatory term of reference to an insult and I am left with the impression that they would actually love to use the term Nazi.......then maybe it’s just me. Cheers.

    2. Grrr!......hit hit instead of git. Bloody auto correct.

    3. I can't quite discern what, if anything, actually is Dame Groan's forte, CA. But then, that applies to basically all of the reptiles.

      The Bromancer suffering "buyer's remorse" ? Hmmm. I hadn't quite considered that, but maybe he is one of the few - the only ? - reptile that just might experience some public regret. Slappy, for example, just plays the reptile game of "yesterday never happened" in respect of the likes of Monckton and Trump. Who are they ? And even the Bromancer can hardly bring himself the name them.

      Tim Wilson is a prime sleaze, isn't he: everything he does is simply and purely for the benefit of himself and devil take the hindmost.

    4. And as for Groan's endorsement of the "credible work" by that paid stooge for the fossil fuel industry, Brian Fisher, this is a bit of an antidote:

      As to how "credible" Fisher's work is, try this: "BAEconomics’ modelling is deeply flawed. It is essential to interrogate its claims and assumptions closely, particularly as its results are out of line with decades of analysis."

      BAEconomics is led by, guess who ? Brian Fisher, that's who.

    5. CA: since you knew about the 1414 company and 'concentrated solar' (aka solar thermal), you might be interested in this:

      Solar panels - sort of like the ones we're used to, but able to generate electricity via the photovoltaic process, but also to 'bleed off' the solar infra-red to focus as heat, either to directly make high temperature steam to drive generators or to heat the silicon-salt heat stores which can then release the heat overnight creating steam to drive generators.

      In other words a composite photovoltaic direct process and a 'solar concentrating' overnight process but without the need for all those expensive mirrors and towers that solar thermal has required until now.

      But I won't hold my breath waiting for the reptiles to grasp that yet again technological progress has out-foxed (heh) them.

  3. For some reason the words 'condescending prick' came to mind when I read the headline of the IPA boy's piece. No doubt he has had to summons a trades-person from time to time to unblock a toilet or similar but that would be the limit of his familiarity with manual labour.

    The laugh is really that people like Slappy and (not so) Wild are the main beneficiaries of a well regulated society. Their scribbling indicates they don't understand much and their CVs indicate they cannot do much of any use. Basically, they require layer on layer of other people's expertise and government regulation to survive.

    Probably not very different to most people but most people aren't raving about deregulation or proposing that a pandemic be allowed to rip through society.

    Anyway, I like this endorsement of the nanny state


    1. I daresay that Wild has to wipe his own bum from time to time - unless he can already afford a personal Groom of the Stool - so he has to perform some manual labour himself occasionally.

      Otherwise, yes, the reptiles in particular all benefit enormously from the 'nanny state' that they are paid so handsomely to bad mouth and denigrate. As your 'Conversation' link puts it: "Nanny state critics are almost always self-interested. They’re rarely motivated by the freedoms they purport to defend."


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