Thursday, December 07, 2023

In which the pond prepares for the silly holyday season and Saturnalia with a dose of horror ...


Consider this a signal that the pond is winding down for the silly season and Saturnalia celebrations.

The pond went to the reptile well this day, and the reptile well was dry ...

Absolutely nothing of interest, what with the corruption unit allegedly eyeing one payout while the reptiles remain oblivious to those living rent free ...

Simplistic Simon was at his usual "no conflict of interest here" routine in the far right top slot, - is he still hanging out with Bid? - while the bouffant one was blathering about political catastrophe, just as a real humanitarian disaster unfolds in another place ... and the best the reptiles can do is send in Sophie to stick up for Benji's terror campaign ...

The pond was also low energy, having spent too much time last night watching Boris give what might be loosely termed a response to damning messages ... celebrated in Boris Johnson says he wasn't properly warned about seriousness of virus and 'Skill set of a clown' and Lazy and fraudulent: we saw the true Johnson at the Covid inquiry - and why his like must never have power again ... except of course that they still do have power, though the movement of the rats on the sinking ship is a marvel to behold, with Robert Jenrick the latest to slip down the mooring rope ...

It will be remembered that back in the day, the pond reported endless celebrations of BoJo's wisdom by the bromancer ...

Those were the days, but we'll surely see their like again ...

At least took the pond's mind off the ethnic cleansing currently under way with a mindless and savage ferocity ... for that you have to turn to Aljazeera's reporting by the minute ...

Too much horror. No wonder the reptiles avert their eyes ...

The pond did think of reviving the war on Christmas, but it was impossible to top Bill Lueders in The Bulwark offering an array of Xian messages of love and compassion in The War on Christmas Comes to Wow Wow Toaster, Wisconsin ...

Truth to tell, if the pond reprinted some of those f***ing Xian messages of love and joy, it would likely cop a ban ...

Then there was the marvellous comedy of a Moms for Liberty co-founder and gay basher caught out in Florida having sex with women, per the Miami Herald ... If Moms for Liberty co-founder had sex wth a woman, why is she targeting Florida's gays?

There being no answer to that question, at least no answer that doesn't mention the mango Mussolini's behaviour and that of Newt Gingrich, the pond finally looked below the reptile fold ...

There was Ariela Bard falling silent in the wake of the current barbarity, captured by a Wilcox cartoon ...

There was also the meretricious Merritt, blathering on about the need to lock up people forever without an actual criminal conviction, which might have led to a joke about Mike Johnson blurring faces so that criminals could avoid being convicted for participating in a coup ...

And then there was, with a deep sigh, petulant Peta ...

The pond did try, the pond did give the litany a chance, but stumbled at this ...

...So, too, an energy reset because Labor is convinced that fossil fuels are destroying the planet and can’t bring itself to admit that nuclear power on land might be as practical as the nuclear power at sea that it (just) supports. It must be obvious even to the most diehard opponent of fossil fuels that the installation of 22,000 solar panels every day and the installation of a major wind turbine every month until 2030 are simply not going to happen, given farmer and conservationist opposition to the destruction of agricultural land and wildlife; let alone the construction of at least 10,000km of new transmission lines; let alone the gas-fired, pumped hydro or battery “firming” power needed when the wind isn’t blowing and the sun isn’t shining.

Labour is convinced? Aren't scientists convinced? Still, she'd be in a good position to run a chicken COOP for benefit of fossil fuels, and it did provide a segue to the infallible Pop of the day ...

Vote foxes for hen houses!

The pond also baulked at this jump ...

It’s why Tony Abbott saying he would scrap a carbon tax and stop the boats was powerful because it was what people wanted, they voted for it, and they could clearly see if it was delivered (as it was). So far, this Prime Minister is better known for days at the tennis, or spinning discs on his DJ deck, as well as overseas travel making him look indulgent when he’s supposed to working for the country 24/7.

Still yearning for the onion muncher and a carbon tax and stopping the boats and climate science denialism and knighthoods? 

Even their own mob gave up on this pair, and yet here she is in the lizard Oz blathering away, while the narcissist, attention-deprived onion muncher travels the world seeking out loons and authoritarians.

The pond knows that each day it publishes reptile drivel, but there has to be some kind of limit ...

The pond looked even further and found the lizard Oz editorialist ...

Yeah, yeah, culture of fear, and comrade Dan still lurks beneath the reptile beds ...

The pond looked to the right of the lizard Oz ed, but found no joy.

Tangled web of lies finally exposed Jack? Talk about coming late to the party. There's a new game in town ...

Good old United States, the land of the hustle and spivs, where con artists, snake oil sellers, bankrupts and frauds can still aspire to be president while being top dog in the GOP ...

The pond realised it needed just a little padding before turning to its daily bible studies, so it shanghaied Killer for a short burst ...

Below the surface, the pond can sense a deep Killer yearning for the return of the mango Mussolini.

But to be fair, there was an epic Killer "to be fair", first hinted at in the snap that interrupted Killer in mid-flight ... as if somehow, for some obscure reason, Killer and the Reptiles (now there's a band name) were committed to fairness ...

Now for the Killer "to be fair"...

Only Killer could type a line like "To be fair, Trump may want the top job for obscure reasons too: to stay out of prison."

Obscure reasons? As in ... obscure in plain sight? Obscure in the way a face shouting at you from inches away is obscure?

Sure, it's not Killer's greatest comedy, but there is he still offering hope to RFK Jr,  though that remark about "on the condition he they both promised" is too obscure a use of pronouns for the pond to decipher ...

Who knew that the marvellously adept Killer was also into gender identity?

And so to the Bible studies, with only one last burst scheduled for tomorrow ... click on to enlarge ... as the pond again must note that Richard Cohen's Making History can be found at its publisher Simon and Schuster here ...

"...a narrative that relates fantastic things such as angels and demons is problematic ..."??!!

Still, it's good to be reminded that the infallible, immutable word of the long absent lord required structuring, re-writing, editing and polishing, because apparently the long absent lord's transmissions were occasionally distorted and broken up by static...

Meanwhile, in the time taken to read that, there were fresh reports from the field...

So deeply sick ... best get back to the bible studies for an Xian understanding of such things ...

And so to end with a bit of cheerful nostalgia for young pups, anything to take the mind off the ongoing horror ...


  1. Sorry DP. I find it impossible go through the liberal party election campaign written and authorised by the Murdochracy.

    1. The pond understands, sympathises and agrees. If it's any consolation, apparently it's parrot-hunting season years after it mattered ...

      Apparently granny has finally worked out why he lived in north Newtown ... or to be more precise close to Missenden road ...

    2. Anonymous, broadly I agree with you, although some of the bits they make up, to inveigle folk to pay for more access, do provide their own amusement. Supposed revelation t'other day claimed that a 'survey' showed that a third of voters in the electorate of Grayndler wanted someone other than Anthony Albanese to represent them. Great survey - at the most recent election, Albanese took 53% of the vote for himself, so, simple deduction - the other 47% wanted someone else to represent. Then we find it was not so much a survey - actually the mutterings of a focus group, but still at odds with the one poll that counts (to coin a phrase?) Here in Queensland, the Curious Snail in the last couple of days has been giving 'revelations' of a survey supposedly that shows that the Palaszczuk government is gone for all money. Well, it was more of a legitimate statistical effort, ( the results were purloined from another publisher who had paid for it), and the Snail folk quoted quite selectively, with little regard for the likely 2PP numbers, but, well, they did save on having to pay for an actual survey.

      Some of my own fun, out on the wider lemniscate that is Limited News/Sky/Quad Rant, is to glance over the triumphalism that still bubbles up from the result of that most recent referendum on the Voice. Yes, they tell us - if you are PM, and a referendum does not carry on your watch - it is virtually your duty for you personally, and, probably, your government, to resign. After all, it was crushed by a devastating 60/40.

      So I amuse myself inserting the 1988 referendum on local government, held during the term of Bob Hawke, and which garnered only 33% of the national vote, into what those people now rant about the things that Dutts must be doing to maintain the momentum of this recent defeat. And we all know what happened to local government in this country as a result of the 1988 referendum, and to the PM of the day.

      On moderately serious note - we have not been sufficiently adult to have our constitution acknowledge the reality of local government, when that little country we happily patronise - New Zealand - had such recognition in its constitution of 1852

    3. :)³, talk about a timely reminder that a sensa huma is vital for reptile studies, together with an astonishing willingness and ability to explore the sewer for comedy and rich detail. Bonus point for The Curious Snail, exactly the right tone of bemused perplexity ...

    4. And people wonder why NZ doesn't want to become an Australian State. But hey "leave our Constitution alone" !

      Anyway, here's a real "survey":

      Labor down but still has large lead in federal Resolve poll; it’s close in Queensland

      And here's one just for us, Chad:

    5. GB - thank you for the 'New Daily' link. I am enjoying reading through Kohler's Quarterly Essay on Australia's housing mess - and how to fix it. Taking my time, not because it is heavy going (as the old saying goes - he worked hard at his writing to make it easy to read) but it is information dense. I do not use any of the phrases like 'should be compulsory reading for . . . .' so hackneyed by reptile opinion writers, but it is good company through our version of heat wave, up here in the mountains.

    6. Ah, well I hope to get around to that one myself ... real soon now.

    7. In the meantime, here's some really helpful advice for us oldies:

      Alzheimer’s prevention: How hard and fast you need to exercise

      Pity I just can't really do "hard and fast" these days.

  2. That Bulwark article is really something, thanks DP. One of the crazies talked about the "progressives" ie anti-Christians wanting to legalize narcotics, and so I wondered if the Bible had much to say about the evils of narcotics. Nope, nothing, according to the Skeptics Annotated Bible, (though some of us remember Allegro's book The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross

    1. Hey Joe, (with a nod to Jimi), The Bulwark - full of reformed crazies who found the light - always seem to know where the crazies are buried.

      There's no need to get into narcotics, not when you can get into serious food porn ...

      ...the hare, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you.

      And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be clovenfooted, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you.

      Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcase shall ye not touch; they are unclean to you.

      Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that shall be an abomination unto you

      And so on and on, all to keep camels safe ...

      Still, you could have a 'shroom dressing with these ...

      Even these of them ye may eat; the locust after his kind, and the bald locust after his kind, and the beetle after his kind, and the grasshopper after his kind.

  3. Blaikstock: "For accuracy of detail, and for evocation of atmosphere, Luke stands, in fact, with Thucydides." Oh my, when can we expect Holely Henry to start quoting him ?

  4. "I wondered if the Bible had much to say about the evils of narcotics." 

    Nothing beats Conserapedia for craziness. I think the koolaid recipe says 'and tincture of conservapedia'.

    On artificial intelligence it says "A serious problem in trying to create machines that think like humans is that the machines do not have a soul and may not be guided by the Holy Spirit like humans or even animals are, possibly explaining why AI tends to favor ruthlessness".

    Make sure you have your Joo Janta 200 Super-Chromatic Peril Sensitive Sunglasses on if foolish enough for a visit(ation)!

  5. How would Stephen Rice a journalist know that the corruption commision are looking at the Higgins payout when as I understand these matters are not published by the commision.


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