Saturday, December 23, 2023

A last, lost weekend with the reptiles, but who's counting?


At last it's here ... the pond's last weekend for the year with the reptiles. 

Or should that just be thought of as the culminating lost weekend in a series of lost weekends?

Never mind, the pond is always up for a movie reference, and this last lost long weekend is going to be tough, and some might think of turning to the demon drink just to get through it, but don't ... not unless you want to end up like Ray Milland ...

First up in this long lost weekend is the dog botherer, doing the usual, and bothering dogs ...

Meanwhile, on another planet ...the collective punishment and ethnic cleansing of the gulag, apartheid ghetto if you will, continues apace ...

But this is Xmas, and so sturdy Xians cheer on mass starvation and the killing fields ... it's the reptile way ... the truly Xian 'western civilisation' way ...

Around this point the pond usually notes other material for reading, such as Katharine Murphy's Ted O'Brien's fact-free nuclear cheerleading is cover for the same old climate vandalism ...

There's more at the link, and it's much more interesting than the dog botherer ...

Note how easily and blithely the dog botherer slips from bog standard climate science denialism to attempting to walk on the wild side with Assange ... but speaking of climate there was that other story, Gina Rinehart says renewable energy could use one-third of Australia's prime agricultural land ...

And so on, and so forth, but at least it got the pond to the final dog bothering gobbet, with bonus ticks, fleas and lice ...

Oh dear, there he goes again, pretending he's a genuine human bean, when really his bizarro mission is to comprehensively fuck the planet ...

And so to this day's Everest, and relax, the truly awesome Everest, nattering "Ned", won't emerge until tomorrow ...

But this one is pretty awesome, and it involves that old joke about the lizard Oz being the Catholic Boy's (and the occasional Girl's) Daily ...

And so we come to the Angelic one ...

Here the pond must protest. Why didn't the lazy remnants of the lizard Oz graphics department drum up a decent celebratory image or two for the Angelic one?


She could have done with being reminded of pagan celebrations of the winter solstice...

Not to worry, without a pagan snap, it means the Angelic one can be swallowed in a couple of quick bites ...

Well you wouldn't expect the Angelic one to rabbit on about Saturnalia and the way that Xians routinely ripped off ancient customs and passed them off as their own, in much the same way that the Vatican ripped off lots of great marble from ancient Roman buildings to deck out assorted areas of the Vatican ...

And so to the final gobbet, and this entrée will be done ...

Yeah, yeah, all that jazz, but the Angelic one was just a warm up for the main Catholic Boy's Daily event ... the bromancer in full fundamentalist tyke mode ...

Actually the planet is on fire, and we're burning ourselves to a crisp, and as for the subject at hand, we've been there before, as students of Father Coughlin will know ...

Frankly any showboating priest who hangs around with the likes of Jordan Peterson, John Anderson and the rest of the clowns and loons that turned up in London to do a fundamentalist party down is deeply suspect ... and so it came to pass ...

It turns out that the message is just the standard bigotry ...

And so on and so forth, and naturally to be celebrated by the bromancer ...

Speaking of prize loons, the reptiles then slipped in a reminder of what we'e dealing with here ...

The pond is over Peterson and his addictions and his stint in Russia, but regarding this barren addiction to his causes, is it any wonder that after a nanosecond's digging, the pond turned up a story back in June 22 headed Multiple resignations at Bishop Barron's Word on Fire after allegations into staffer's personal life ...

And so on and on ... the worst always attract the worst, and so the bromancer is naturally attracted to Barron ... it's what armchair generals do after a busy day in the armchair ...

The trouble with cults and cultists and personality magnets is that inevitably details are inclined to get messy ...

Barron also struck a sympathetic tone for Gloor, telling those on the companywide call that the investigation had also been "a difficult period" for Gloor, who Barron said "loved Word on Fire with his whole heart and soul." Barron added that protecting Word on Fire "was paramount in his mind."
As for the women who came forward with their allegations against Gloor, Barron referred to them as "accusers" who had had every opportunity to be heard. During the meeting, Barron mentioned one of the alleged victims, who had known Gloor for several years, by name.
"This was not like some one-off thing, they've known each other for over 10 years," said Barron, who emphasized several times that "nothing criminal" had happened.
"These took place within the context of consensual relations between adults," said Barron, who parsed Gloor's alleged behaviors as "unwelcome" sexual advances in the context of consensual relationships.
After one employee asked Barron "[h]ow can we say that these things are not criminal?" the bishop responded: "You know, bottom line is, if the accusers feel it's a criminal matter, then bring it to the attention of the courts. So, it's not for Word on Fire to adjudicate criminality."
"I'm not a policeman," said Barron, who told the employees that "every legal person" the organization had spoken to had said that they would have disregarded the women's letters because "they have no legal status or bearing."
"But hey, everyone knew, given our unique situation as a Catholic ministry, that there's a PR, it's a PR issue, it's a public relations issue," Barron said, claiming that there was "never a question of any sort of legal implications or ramifications."
The Word on Fire spokesman told NCR that Barron's statements attributed to him in the transcript "do not represent his personal opinions concerning the legal characterization of the interactions between Gloor and the victims."
"Rather, those were the conclusions reached by the independent, third-party investigator based on her experienced and professional assessment after extensive interviews and analysis of the evidence provided by those involved," the spokesman said.

And so on ... while the bromancer swallows it whole ...

What's interesting is this notion of a persecuted religion, when it would be hard to think of a religion that has managed to match the Catholic church in terms of its persecutions, its bigotry and its promotion of sundry hatreds, fears and loathings ... and not just the Inquisition or notable tools, such as book banning via the Index Librorum Prohibitorum ...

Up close, the way the cleansing of past sins is easy enough to track ...

According to Word on Fire's 990 tax filing for the tax year beginning July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2020, Gloor was the organization's highest-paid employee with a $135,657 annual salary. He earned more than Word on Fire's development director, John Barron, the brother of Bishop Barron, who had a $127,975 salary, according to tax documents.
Bishop Barron's Word on Fire salary for the tax year beginning July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2020, was reported at $37,694. Grunow, the priest-CEO, had a $58,904 salary, while Sean Lee, the senior director of operations who is currently serving as the interim CEO, had a $116,029 salary, according to the documents.
Founded by Bishop Barron and incorporated in 2007 as a nonprofit in Illinois, Word on Fire in the tax year beginning July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2020, reported $9.2 million in revenue, $3.6 million in operating expenses and 28 paid employees. The organization had since grown to the point where 58 staff members participated in last October's companywide meeting.
Since that internal Google Meet videoconference last October, at least six Word on Fire employees have resigned. Four of the resignees spoke to NCR; two others announced their decisions publicly.
Gloor appeared on MTV's "I Used to be Fat" television show in the 2000s and was also a fitness model and bodybuilder as well as a theater and English teacher in Los Angeles. He joined Word on Fire in 2016 after he said he experienced a life-changing religious conversion, according to a 2019 article by Bishop Barron.
Most articles and videos of Gloor talking about the Catholic faith and his role at Word on Fire seem to have been removed from the organization's website and social media channels. For example, one Reddit thread referring to a video of Gloor talking about his spiritual journey is still available, but the video itself has been removed from YouTube. The Internet archival tool Wayback Machine also has captured references to Gloor on Bishop Robert Barron's YouTube account that are no longer available.

There you go, disappeared, and off to the corn fields with him ... while the bromancer remains infatuated ...

Is there a problem with meddling, self-promoting priests, who use their religion to achieve personal fame and glory?

Shouldn't the pond just allow devotees of frock wearing to go about their business?

There is of course nothing wrong with wearing frocks, though the pond wishes that someone would remind the church there's all kinds of drag and drag lovers in the world ...

But meddling, meddlesome priests can do harm ...

Barron made a great show of deploring the attack on the Capitol, and so on, and yet, when it comes to self-promotion, he's always been handy, and so Trump, Barr, Barron speak at National Catholic Prayer breakfast ...

Talk about an unholy, unnatural trinity ... but at least it brings the pond to the final gobbet ...

Eternal truth?

Luckily there's an actual infallible Pope, and he evokes some current truths ...


  1. Yair, that's him: "Oh dear, there he goes again, pretending he's a genuine human bean...". Yep, just a repeat of a repeat of a repeat of the lies of a Doggy Boverer who then gives us: "Thanks for reading this year...".

    And so: "May this nation [and some obscure SA Aussie footie team] have a bountiful 2024 with much less bizarro world and much more sense." By which is meant a sort of reptile "more sense less feeling" kind of thing where the Bov's definition of "sense" equates to everybody else's definition of anti-woke craziness.

    But hey, may he recuperate well over that pagan season called Χριστός which was appropriated by a bunch of so-called religious believers to "celebrate" the non-birth of a non-existent person - or Part 2 of the Trinity if you prefer - so as to take over the non-Xmas celebrations that had existed for many centuries previously.

  2. The Bothering Bro: "The folks who typically do worst in pagan societies are the least powerful, the poor, the dispossessed, the weak, childless widows and, compared with men, women and girls generally." Oh wau, so we've all really been living in this global pagan society these past millennia. Remembering, of course, that it was a fully "pagan" world for the roughly 190,000 years of homo sapiens sapiens existence until a bunch of wierdo Judaists reckoned that the Trinity Part 2 had finally arrived though pretending to be a "god-made man".

    Oh wau, "Barron and his WOF mission have sold more than five million of their books...". Now the total 'Christian' population of the world is reckoned in the International Bulletin of Mission Research as 2.6 billion. Yes, that's 2,600,000,000 of which 5,000,000 is about 0.192 percent.

    But "Barron is the most successful and probably important Catholic communicator other than the Pope himself...". So, two millennia under the power of the omniscient, omnipotent Trinity, and the best they can do is Robert Barron. And, as DP says "It turns out that the message is just the standard bigotry...". Though strangely, perhaps, the "standard bigotry" doesn't seem to quite have the audience it claimed once upon a time.

    So, the Bro tells us that at the "Responsible Citizenship Conference": "Barron's quite scintillating address argued that many contemporary social problems derive from old theological disputes." And also that many contemporary theological disputes derive from nearly 190,000 years of old social disputes and problems. Like, for instance, the Word On Fire world which, according to some is: "...beset by low morale, damaged trust and a "boy's club" culture...". Well, who would ever have [not] expected that ?

  3. Scary really GB. Note to Kez.

    . "... the main Catholic Boy's Daily event ... the bromancer in full fundamentalist tyke mode ...
    Boy Bro's internal dialogue... "It’s unfortunate, but let’s not get too worked up, shall we?"

    "... the 2018 McCarrick scandal
    ["In June 2018, became the first cardinal to resign from the College of Cardinals because of claims of sexual abuse in July 2018," Wikipedia]
    ...demonstrated to the world that the episcopacy is still horribly corrupt, ...Church leaders were still covering up their sins and illegal activities while doing little to nothing to boldly proclaim the Gospel to the nations. Catholics realized that this wasn’t just beige Catholicism, it was black Catholicism. Yet bishops—including Bishop Barron—still speak about the McCarrick affair like an English gentleman who sees someone picking up the wrong fork at dinner. It’s unfortunate, but let’s not get too worked up, shall we?

    'Multiple resignations at Bishop Barron's Word on Fire after allegations into staffer's personal life"
    ... follow on...

    " Two prominent Catholic writers and speakers have resigned from the Word on Fire media apostolate, adding to recent charges that calls for a reform of communications and organizational culture have gone unheard, and that an investigation into sexual misconduct on the part of a former employee was mishandled."

    Shivers down my backbone ... "the bromancer is naturally attracted to Barron"
    Search "♫ Normie Rowe ♥ Shakin' All Over ♫" and you'll find it
    Check the set! The Mike Walsh Show?

    1. This one's for you Anony, thanks for the prompt re the infatuated Bromancer. Merry Christmas. Apologies to Elvis's Edge Of Reality.

      Religious Insanity

      Some may say I'm the Bishop's darling (darling)
      That doesn't bother me (bother me)
      We Catholics are much resigned to (resigned to)
      Religious insanity

      At night you'll hear strange noises echo (echo)
      And rustling of frockery (frockery)
      Don't be alarmed, I'm just engaged in (engaged in)
      Religious insanity

      Each night in the monastery
      Such feelings come over me
      Feelings that dare not be named
      Divorced from reality
      Alone with my fantasy
      I wrestle with demons unchained

      I tempted him with just a biscuit (biscuit)
      And a cup of tea (cup of tea)
      If he forsakes me
      Then I'm condemned to (condemned to)
      A life of inanity...

    2. With a Kez - the year is properly wrapped (I resisted the impulse to write 'rapped') Thank you, Kez, for your contributions through the year - they always seem to come when some of us are close to despair - and lift us out of the slough.

    3. Cheers all. And thank you for those kind words Chad, it's nice to know I can lighten the existential load a little.

    4. But of course you recall the lyrics of Billy Joel's Piano Man:

      "'s me they've been comin' to see
      To forget about life for a while

      So maybe not so much to "forget" as to view with at least a soupçon of whimsy which you bestow upon us.

    5. Cheers GB. "A soupçon of whimsy" ...I love that!

  4. Merry Saturnallia!
    Antidote for kool-aid.

    "A chemical signal in human female tears lowers aggression in males"

    Hallucinating still efficacious.

  5. Tell the bro "First on deck is the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, who remind the court that nonconsensual third-party releases were essential to the Catholic Church's ability to walk away from the untold number of children abused by the clergy who were protected by the Church:
    supremecourt gov /DocketPDF/23/23-Purdue%20Pharma.pdf

  6. Wondering why Kenny was using the term bizarro world, I did a Wiki and perhaps the real reason for Kenny’s delusions is that, being born in 1962 and “Bizarro World” comics were first released in 1960, so the poor little chap has perhaps replaced reality with his comic fantasy.

    Given that the next federal election is not until 2025, Kenny looks to be just as glum in 2024.

  7. Good grief! The armchair general is now referencing CS Lewis to describe the birth of Jesus Christ as “infiltrating beyond enemy lines”. It should be a shock to even the leaders of the many Christian religions that humanity is the enemy.

  8. Clash of mighty intellects. Yesterday, our Doggie Bovverer was filling in for someone on 'Sky', and clearly thought nuclear would help occupy a few minutes. Summons up Keith Pitt - nationals pollie for the around Bundaberg area, pretty much lacking in gorm, but a reliable interview on Sky, because well coached in saying 'That's exactly right Peta/Andrew/Rita' when the 'presenter' needs to draw breath.

    The Pitt informed us that the current GenCost study had been 'torn to pieces' in 'The Australian' by one Claire Lehmann. As we are considering bizarro doppelgangers, perhaps there is more than one Claire Lehmann contributing to the Flagship - with the bizarro one actually having some skills in either engineering or economics. The dialogue then meandered on about the weather in northern Queensland, with the Pitt saying, as best I could understand, that the many towns without power would not be so afflicted if it were coming from nuclear generators. No, he did not explain how the nuclear stuff would be delivered to home consumers without the aid of wires (perhaps he has been reading one of the more fanciful biographies of Nikola Tesla, or was convinced, those years ago, when 'Jonesy' said the NBN was not needed, because there was this laser thingie that would send to your laptop an entire movie in 3 seconds?) but our Bovverer was nodding along with him. I suppose I need to wait for their man O'Brien to set out just how that nuclear/wireless setup works.

    Oh - after the Pitt, our Bovverer announced that his next interview for the day would be with Lord Downer, but there are limits to my inclination to sample 'Sky' for the vicarious entertainment of others who come here.

    1. Perfectly understandable, Chad, perfectly understandable. But then it's not everybody who can have a natural blue tinge to their chin - those of the feminine gender can't for example - so more that 50% of h-s-s* will be always without 'gorm'.

      * homo-sapiens-sapiens boc.

  9. It's xmas, so an excess of reptiles pressies for your tree DP.

    Cackling Claire, falsifier of hissstory, nods in agreement with Paul Murray equating N... with S.......!
    CL- "I thought everybody knew this already." The Australian parallel universe was coming into view."
    Worth a read in full. PVO is a shmo who jumps on to the bandwagon. Clicks and ego stroking wan....

    "Nazism, socialism and the falsification of history"

    Matthew Fitzpatrick and A. Dirk Moses
    10 Sep 201810 Sep 2018

    "Why are some now so intent on claiming that Hitler was a socialist?"
    "Murray - himself no historian - seems not to understand the war, yet his erstwhileSky News colleague, political scientist, Australian columnist and now ABC commentator Peter van Onselen, leapt to his defence on Twitter late on 16 August. "There have been plenty of criticisms of Paul I've been reading on social media, pointing out Hitler was a fascist not a socialist," he wrote, adding: "Nazism is national socialism which is considered a branch of socialism." Claire Lehmann, founder of the Quillette magazine, fashionable blog of the right-wing commentariat, chimed in: "I thought everybody knew this already." The Australian parallel universe was coming into view.

    "Well, thankfully, not "everybody" is an adherent to the jejune News Corp view of history, despite the fact that Sky Newsstreams into public places across the continent. Van Onselen's cavalier tweet provoked a firm Twitter response from over 1,500 people (including us). Feeling exposed, he quickly composed an opinion piece on the "Socialist Roots of Nazism" for the Australian, which duly appeared online the next day."

    1. Oh c'mon, Anony, you know the reptiles: it isn't about 'facts' or 'truth' it's about the words you use. Van Oncelot has used all the right words - at least in his mind - and therefore he must be believed uncritically and totally.

      You know the drill: what I repeat (at least for a second time) is ipso facto true for all time or until the reptiles decide that "If I never mention it again, then it never really happened").

    2. Thank you for the link Anony at 2.26pm. As you say. worth reading. I have previously seen attempts to link Hitler with socialism. The simple-minded may be duped by the slyness of Murray and van Onselen, but anyone with any intelligence knows that just because a political group or party has a word in its title doesn't mean it practises or even espouses such principles. How many governments have called themselves the People's Democratic Republic when the government has been the opposite, eg., the German Democratic Republic in East Germany.

    3. Also thank you for the link to the ABC article - there are books on this but this article is a good summary. No wonder News Corp at al hate the ABC - for actually reporting facts. AG.


    1. Oh come on Anon, no teasing, I had to click on the link to see it featured Mr Bean at Xmas ...

    2. That's not a Kwanzaa, then.

  11. Remembering childhood for a while:

    "The research, which has not yet been peer reviewed, found that for most children, disbelief crept in gradually about the age of eight ..."

    Psychologists pinpoint average age children become Santa sceptics


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