Thursday, June 29, 2023

In which the reptiles of the lizard Oz succeed in the task of sending the pond back to bed ...


Wow. The pond wouldn't know Lord Evgeny Lebedev from a bar of soap, but what a lathering Marina Hyde gave him in Links to the KGB? Come on, guys. Lord Lebedev just wants to be a public servant.

Among many moments, including a mention of Chairman Rupert, the pond enjoyed this ...

A few years ago, a World of Interiors interviewer who visited his house in the Hampton Court deer park fawned hilariously, praising “some cushions of silk damask I would sell my soul for”. Of particular note, apparently, were “improved copies of 18th-century originals”, the cornice “newly copied from a Chippendale in Dumfries House” and a “Lutyens design but modified for contemporary needs”. Lebedev himself took the opportunity to claim one artwork as representative of Putin’s ideology. According to Evgeny, this was “the Eurasian union – this new kind of philosophy of a Russian state more focused on the east than the west”. Mm-hm.

There's a payoff to that chipboard wankery, and talk about a savaging, and it helps explain why these days the pond tends to look on the reptiles at the lizard Oz as a toothless bunch of tedious toadies ...

What to make of this motley crue?

Not Sydney v. Melbourne? Is that the best they've got? Well there's Geoff loading a chamber at the ACT government, but the whiff of ennui turned into terminal boredom ...

Crikey did the Sydney v. Melbourne thing back in 2019, (possible paywall), and tracked it back to the nineteenth century, and even had a war clipping ...

On a whim, the pond headed off to Trove and found it in the Bathurst National Advocate, 24th July 1940 ... (and elsewhere if anyone cared, it being a syndicated piece) ...

The Attorney-General (Mr. Hughes) said, "They come to Sydney for a day or so, walk about the streets as though they were foreigners in a strange land, trying to talk our language, and looking as though they liked it. but, they then fly back to their burrows as quickly as the plane will carry them."

That's more than enough of that sort of mindless, moronic and tedious nonsense ...

And speaking of tedious nonsense, at the top of the digital page there came petulant Peta ...

The pond simply couldn't summon the strength, simply couldn't do it. 

Not another rehash of the onion muncher dreaming ... memories of Tony Abbott and John Howard join Jordan Peterson-led group looking at ‘meaning of life’ flashed before the pond's enfeebled brain ...

In keeping with the Lebedev spirit, the pond decided the best it could do was a serve of the grave Sexton ... 

Nostradamus the grave Sexton ain't, and the tedious talk of WWI comparisons reminded the pond of the old saw about generals fighting the last war ... though to be fair this time it's not even the last war ...

And then the graphics department decided to send the pond right off with yet another stock photo ...

Would they really fork out the cash for Alamy, where the snap can be found? The pond suspects the reptiles are so cheapskate that they decided to get the image from an ancient copy of the Britannica ...

As for the venerable Sexton, he's always struck the pond as someone infatuated by the new kind of philosophy of the Russian state ... and so at the moment things are a bit awkward ...

Strange, that's not how the pond remembers it, the pond remembers reading horror stories about the casualties and about the Iran-Iraq war as a way of cultivating hostility to Saddam Hussein, and we know where that ended ... 

Meanwhile, on with blaming NATO ... because they made Putin do it ...

Why is the pond ineffably reminded of some British loon drawing up a map of Africa, or perhaps sorting out the middle East, or explaining Europe to Europeans, and for some reason, keen to divide up turf and reward Vlad the Impaler for his war mongering?

Sure enough, there came a snap of the sociopath himself, albeit looking a bit glum ...

At the end, the pond was left wondering why the reptiles bothered to run quislings, white anters and panderers ...

Straight out of Vlad the Impaler's playbook, invoking the nuking option ... and yet given that Ukraine doesn't have nukes, that could only mean a US nuking, the apocalypse, armageddon and World War III. So give up Crimea and plenty of turf, or it's the end of the world ...

After that hearty dose of fear mongering, dissenting stupidities if you will, the pond decided to discover why the reptiles were having trouble finding an audience with vulgar youff ...

Dear sweet long absent lord, the reptiles' graphic department know how to give a matt finish to any piece of commentary. Five bums presented to camera in the act of voting is supposed to be an enticement to read?

And they followed it up with a snap of the Ruddster, last in office way back in September 2013 ...

A decade on, and the reptiles are wondering why they're having trouble with vulgar youff?

That rather begs the question as to why anybody of any age would find the energy to get out of bed and vote for Captain Potato ...

What a pity there wasn't a Taylor Swift joke in sight ...

There's a relief, the pond had been wondering how to slip in that immortal Rowe ... if only to prove that the pond was down with the scalpers ...

As for the rest ...

More than 80m Americans under air quality alerts while temperatures hit triple digits in south and south-west

Lots of things might be happening by 2040 ... oh boy, if you read the news today, you might even end up knowing how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall ...

And just to prove the point the reptiles slipped in a huge snap of the onion muncher, last in office in 2015, and so insufferable and incompetent, even his own mob couldn't stand him ...

Hmm, why did the reptiles dig up that ancient fossil? And then the pond had a realisation, a sudden enlightment.

It was all a form of avoidance strategy.

A search of the front digital page revealed not a single mention of Brother Stuie, and yet he's famous yet again ...

Might it not have deserved at least a mention?

Meanwhile, and in short, it seems the lizard Oz demographic might be in trouble ...

What a wretched offering, and as compensation, the pond decided to throw in a little of petulant Peta, just to stink out the joint.

Not much, just the closing bit, which claimed that petulant Peta was living in the real world, much as Dame Slap probably thinks planet Janet is the real world ...

Okay, okay, the pond shouldn't have bothered ... 

How many times must the pond read reptiles screeching about nuking the country to save it, while at the same time thinking climate science is a bunch of baloney, and emissions nothing to write home about? 

And how many times must we hark back to Sweden and Covid? The pond could have saved time by linking to Jon Henly in the Graudian, and The right Covid response? How countries outside UK are also under scrutiny.

If the reptiles keep lowering the bar, the pond might well decide to take a break ... or perhaps just run a page devoted to the infallible Pope ...

Another Taylor Swift reference!

And yesterday there was this ...

And while in that mood, here's a Wilcox ...


  1. Sexton: "...remember July 1, 1916, when the British lost 20,000soldiers on the first day of the Battle of the Somme..." And maybe it should also be remembered that "The bulk of British troops involved in the Battle of the Somme were inexperienced volunteers of the 'New Armies'. They had been recruited in 1914-15. The British Empire forces were commanded by General Sir Douglas Haig."

    And also of Haig that "Under Haig, the British Empire engaged the main enemy in the main theatre of war and defeated it. Despite this success, he remains a controversial figure and for many his leadership was marked by unacceptable losses."

    Then: ""...the current clash is largely a proxy war between Russia and the US." Really ? It's all Biden's fault, isn't it.

    "a snap of he sociopath himself, albeit looking a bit glum..." Yeah, but Russkis always look stony-faced and glum.

    And finally: "How the conflict in Ukraine can be brought to some kind of settlement is a question that seems to resist any realistic answer at this time." Well, I guess it will just have to keep on going then. For example, the war in Syria - also involving Russia - has been going for near on 12 years so far (even longer than the 8 years of Iran-Iraq). Is this just another Russia-US proxy war too ?

  2. Matty T - we all love some Tay Tay too - "...the Coalition's currently low level of support could drop even further - falling from 58 seats to 23 by 2040." Sadly, I think it's highly unlikely that I'll still be here to see that. But just think: support for "God" is falling significantly and support for the Coalition is matching it. Does this mean that a significant percentage of homo sapiens sapiens is actually acquiring a modicum of sapiens (but how ?) and abandoning age-old superstitions ? And how long will it take for the rest of the world to catch up ? Though America might just be heading that way, slowly and hesitantly.

    Anyway, unlike Sexton who doesn't know the difference between 'buffet' - a bunch of edibles - and 'buffeted' - being knocked about - Matty is an educated 'honorary' reptile: he's written a report about how "Generation Left Young Voters are Deserting the Right" which can't be true because those Left Young (Woke ?) voters never joined The Right in the first place and you can't "desert" what you've never been part of. And if you don't believe me, just ask Prigozhin.

    1. Or maybe Germany ? But then, those Germans were very early Protestants, weren't they: “The Catholic church is dying a painful death in full view of the public

      German Catholic church ‘dying painful death’ as 520,000 leave in a year

  3. Oh dear, but the simple ones are out in force again. Peta "...the small modular reactors that many countries are now considering because these have been safely powering ships and submarines for more than a half-century." Oh no they haven't: there's nothing the least bit "small modular" about the nukes that power subs and ships and it has taken the best part of 50 years to get them as far as they've developed.

    But the so-called SMRs which are only now being designed and planned, are not the units installed in ships and submarines. Rolls Royce - which has been making naval nuclears for a long time - reckons that it might just get an SMR up and running by 2030 at a cost of £1.8 billion per unit and 4 years to build.

    No concept of fact checking. But then I guess that follows from having no concept of facts.

    So, for example: "Yet most recently Sweden was the only Western country that refused to lock down its citizens ... The outcome: Sweden's excess death rates have been lower than most other countries ..." Ok, so let's compare Sweden with Australia:
    Population: Sweden 10.28 million, Australia 26.56 million Ratio: Australia has 2.58 times the population of Sweden.
    Total Covid deaths: Sweden 24,391 Australia 21,303 Ratio: Sweden has about 1.44 times the number of deaths of Australia.

    Yep, no doubt about it, Sweden wins again because some parts of Australia had very long lockdowns.

    She's a real gem, isn't she; made out of pure shining iron pyrites.

  4. There; all done now.


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