Saturday, June 17, 2023

In which the pond is forced to go there by the allegedly Aristotelian dog botherer, and the mind-numbing nattering of a tediously droning "Ned" ...


The pond was pleased to note a correspondent noting the keen Keane in Crikey noting ...

At The Australian, a severe reverse ferret has been required. Stenographers Dennis Shanahan and Simon Benson are today, hilariously, lamenting the politicisation of sexual assault allegations and insisting all sides have been damaged. But at last count, there is only one party that’s ended the week with fewer senators than it began. The opposition would have been far better to have left The Australian to stew in its own sordid juices rather than following its lead.

The headline said it all, Oops! News Corp campaign to destroy Higgins takes out Liberal senator, (likely paywall), as did the lede ...After targeting Brittany Higgins and Labor, News Corp and the opposition have instead found that they've taken out one of their own in a disastrous week.

And yet as late as last night "the stenographers" were still front and centre in the commentary section, still bold as brass, but as putrid as month old sour milk ...

It wasn't just the reptiles ... Crikey also lost a grundling piece by the grundler: A statement regarding Crikey removing an opinion piece by Guy Rundle (likely paywall).

No need to go into the details of the imputations and errors, the lede will do: Crikey has made the decision to unpublish the article, and apologises to Brittany Higgins and readers.

In recent times, the grundler has attempted to become a tiresome latter-day Bob Ellis, with wild-eyed columns, pandering to the weirder elements in Crikey subscribers, but at least they decided to take him down this one time.

As for the reptiles, the keen Keane concluded by asking ...

If women, no matter their status, party or prominence, are still being made to feel unsafe in the nation’s Parliament without serious consequences for perpetrators, how much has changed?

Not much, not bloody much at all. (Would My Fair Lady get past the blogger censors these days?)

The shameless reptiles, unabashed and unrepentant, had this at the top of the digital page, and it was top of the tree killer edition too ...


This from a rag that has conducted a show trial, a kangaroo Murdochian court, in the Lehrmann matter for month after shameless month ...

The pond regrets to advise that the reptiles are still at it, and finally the pond has been forced to go there ...

As an esteemed correspondent noted, any stray reader would be better off heading off for a good Hyding, with Are Tory MPs as deluded as Boris Johnson? It’s a tough act to follow, but they’re doing their best.

Those who stay will be left with the latest contemptible offering by the dog botherer, who manages to conflate and confuse, and somehow manage to get Covid and climate science into his filthy mix ...

Dear sweet long absent lord, the pond had long dismissed arcane talk of a Henry virus, but it seems that the dog botherer has indeed caught it, what with blather about Dante and Machiavelli.

A mention of Aristotle will confirm to the pond that the virus is real, and that the dog botherer has indeed caught it ... and henceforth the virus will be known as the portentous humbug variant ...

At this point, the reptiles slipped in a snap of long lost Xian Porter, because even they realised a snap of the trudging Tudge would be a step too far ...

And at this point, the pond thought it might be worthwhile reprising the keen Keane on the whole sorry reptile saga ...

Spare a thought for the hardworking operatives of News Corp today.
It must smart something terrible — you put weeks of effort into a conspiracy theory-based campaign to destroy Brittany Higgins using illegally leaked text messages, only for all that labour to blow up the Liberals instead, with Opposition Leader Peter Dutton forced to suspend a Victorian senator from the party. Worse yet, a former Senate colleague of the man emerges to make similar accusations as those levelled by Lidia Thorpe.
Today, even The Australian has had to report that several other people had concerns about the behaviour of David Van, who denies all of the allegations made about him. The awkward silence that greeted Thorpe’s accusations of harassment and assault by Van has, within 24 hours, given way to the headline “Open secret of a groping senator”. Presumably the angry columns about how Van has been denied justice and due process can wait for a later edition.
Having started off with a historically small opposition bench thanks to Scott Morrison’s 2022 election disaster, Dutton has overseen its further diminution in a variety of ways: he lost the Aston byelection, Nationals MP Andrew Gee departed in a fury over Dutton’s hostility to the Voice, and now the opposition leader has been forced to turf a senator accused of repeat groping. Each is his own fault — especially the loss of Van, whose alleged behaviour has only been discussed because Dutton thought it’d be a good idea to peddle the discredited conspiracy theory about Higgins.
A common criticism of the Dutton-era Liberals is that, despite the smashing they took in May 2022, they have learnt nothing. The last week has fulfilled that description to the letter. Clearly nothing has been learnt from the failure of the Morrison government to respond appropriately to Higgins’ allegations: they smeared her partner, claimed a conspiracy with Labor, called her a “lying cow” and tried to dismiss the seriousness of her claims. That only demonstrated how badly out of touch Morrison was and how uninterested he was in responding to the toxicity of the Parliament House work environment as anything other than a political problem to be managed away and lied about.
This week has seen a replay of exactly that, in partnership with News Corp, complete with the same conspiracy theory being touted, only with a greater willingness to target Higgins herself. The immediate result is the loss of a senator — surely Van will quit to make way for a Liberal replacement to finish the remainder of his term — and further damage to the Liberal brand. The longer-term result in terms of how impressed female voters are that the Liberals are still trying to destroy Higgins remains to be seen.
At The Australian, a severe reverse ferret has been required. Stenographers Dennis Shanahan and Simon Benson are today, hilariously, lamenting the politicisation of sexual assault allegations and insisting all sides have been damaged. But at last count, there is only one party that’s ended the week with fewer senators than it began. The opposition would have been far better to have left The Australian to stew in its own sordid juices rather than following its lead.
The larger question is less one for Dutton — who may well not have been aware of the talk about Van, and who moved quickly upon learning of it — than for the parliamentary Liberal Party as a whole. Van strongly denies any misconduct, but if it really was an “open secret” about his behaviour among staffers and parliamentary colleagues, why was nothing done other than to move him away from a complainant, in light of all that has happened since early 2021?
If women, no matter their status, party or prominence, are still being made to feel unsafe in the nation’s Parliament without serious consequences for perpetrators, how much has changed?

Is the dog botherer smarting terribly? Well he's not terribly smart, but that's another matter ... and so suddenly we're off with climate science and Covid ...

Others will have their opinions of this ongoing climate science denialism and endless distracting speculation about Covid ... 

As a pre-emptive strike, the pond just wanted to slip in this note from The Graudian ... beginning ...

And so on and on, and the pond wanted that to be kept in mind as the dog botherer, supposedly a supporter of the Voice, indulges in some idle black bashing, and confuses and conflates the mango Mussolini with Hillary, because cats and dogs, and apples and oranges ...

Aristotle as a closer? What a contemptible fool he is, and what a potent form of the virus that pompous humbug variant is, and the pond reminds stray readers it's not too late to head off for a good Hyding ...

Those who stay will be served up a spiteful offering from a fossilised dotard, if only to prove that the reptiles have learned absolutely nothing from their recent efforts.

Not even an infallible Pope could sway nattering "Ned" from his course ...

Keep that image of a badly burned spud in mind when reading ...

Actually, in political terms, the Liberal party has been stabbed in the back by the lizard Oz and the Murdochian media ...

Remember ...

Spare a thought for the hardworking operatives of News Corp today.
It must smart something terrible — you put weeks of effort into a conspiracy theory-based campaign to destroy Brittany Higgins using illegally leaked text messages, only for all that labour to blow up the Liberals instead, with Opposition Leader Peter Dutton forced to suspend a Victorian senator from the party. Worse yet, a former Senate colleague of the man emerges to make similar accusations as those levelled by Lidia Thorpe.
Today, even The Australian has had to report that several other people had concerns about the behaviour of David Van, who denies all of the allegations made about him. The awkward silence that greeted Thorpe’s accusations of harassment and assault by Van has, within 24 hours, given way to the headline “Open secret of a groping senator”. Presumably the angry columns about how Van has been denied justice and due process can wait for a later edition.

It saves the pond having to comment on "Ned" or his talk of the Coalition and the Murdochians being justified. This dotard down from the attic knows nothing of righteousness or being justified ...

The pond won't comment on the Lehrmann matter, but does note the grim determination of the reptiles to persist in their work ...

The pond said the image would come in handy... now back to "Ned's" burning ...

And still he blathers on, an insufferable old toady, without the first clue about anything ... and yet ...

Having started off with a historically small opposition bench thanks to Scott Morrison’s 2022 election disaster, Dutton has overseen its further diminution in a variety of ways: he lost the Aston byelection, Nationals MP Andrew Gee departed in a fury over Dutton’s hostility to the Voice, and now the opposition leader has been forced to turf a senator accused of repeat groping. Each is his own fault — especially the loss of Van, whose alleged behaviour has only been discussed because Dutton thought it’d be a good idea to peddle the discredited conspiracy theory about Higgins.
A common criticism of the Dutton-era Liberals is that, despite the smashing they took in May 2022, they have learnt nothing. The last week has fulfilled that description to the letter. Clearly nothing has been learnt from the failure of the Morrison government to respond appropriately to Higgins’ allegations: they smeared her partner, claimed a conspiracy with Labor, called her a “lying cow” and tried to dismiss the seriousness of her claims. That only demonstrated how badly out of touch Morrison was and how uninterested he was in responding to the toxicity of the Parliament House work environment as anything other than a political problem to be managed away and lied about.
This week has seen a replay of exactly that, in partnership with News Corp, complete with the same conspiracy theory being touted, only with a greater willingness to target Higgins herself. The immediate result is the loss of a senator — surely Van will quit to make way for a Liberal replacement to finish the remainder of his term — and further damage to the Liberal brand. The longer-term result in terms of how impressed female voters are that the Liberals are still trying to destroy Higgins remains to be seen.

How lucky for the pond not to have to bother with it all, or to wonder ...

The longer-term result in terms of how impressed female readers are that the Murdochians are still trying to destroy Higgins remains to be seen.

Instead it's back to the stifling toxicity of "Ned's" natter ...

Here's a thought ...

Spare a thought for the hardworking operatives of News Corp today.
It must smart something terrible — you put weeks of effort into a conspiracy theory-based campaign to destroy Brittany Higgins using illegally leaked text messages ...

Sorry, keen Keane, "Ned's" still doing it, and by this point the pond's patience is wearing incredibly thin ...

It's an interminable rehashing, remarkably defensive and incredibly tedious, and it were best over with ... and in the pond's defence, it's the first and last time it will go there ...

Over and over the same old ground, and to what avail?

There are lessons to be learned, but "Ned" and the reptiles will never learn them ...

Sorry that's just a teaser for the immortal Rowe that will be at the end of "Ned's" ranting ...

At this point the obviously bored reptiles stuck in a huge snap of a wicked witch, naturally downsized by the pond...

If only the reptiles could have found a relevant image ...

And so to what will be the very last gobbet the pond will run on the Lehrmann matter and associated events,and reptile capering and witch-burning...

What was that?

If women, no matter their status, party or prominence, are still being made to feel unsafe in the nation’s Parliament without serious consequences for perpetrators, how much has changed?

Put it another way. If this is where the reptiles have ended up, with "Ned" promising that this will be a never ending saga, have the reptiles learned anything from their folly?

Nope ... nada, zilch, zip, nihil, nothing ... but at least the pond can end with that immortal Rowe in full...


  1. The phrase that first springs to mind is “dogs returning to their vomit”. Or Dog Botherers, as the case may be.

    At least the Botherer’s screed has some entertainment value, being a long howl of existential rage about pretty much everything in the world and how it’s all the fault of the Green-Left Illuminati. Grow that beard out, Doggy boy, and you could be the Murdoch answer to Ginsberg.

    Ned on the other hand just cosplays an elderly parson, pompously delivering a seemingly interminable sermon on moral values to a dulled, half-dozing congregation desperately waiting for the collection plate to be passed around so they can get out. For best effect it probably should be read on a Sunday morning while sitting in a stiflingly hot, airless room. Still, at least Ned provides an amusing little snippet of Victorian Era hypocrisy at the end by absolving the Murdoch Media of any blame for stirring up the shitstorm. Well done, Rev Ned - that’s worth sixpence in the collection plate - or perhaps a button.

    1. That's Green-Left-Woke Illuminati surely, Anony.

      But I am truly amused and bemused to be lectured about "the persistent tension between truth and lies" by one such as the Doggy Bov. He doesn't even know the clear distinction between "lies" and "believed untruths" which John Howard could have, and once upon a time did, apprised him of.

      Which may be why the Doggy Bov lies so frequently and guilelessly - he doesn't even recognise the falsehoods he so vigorously and fatuously espouses.

  2. This brightened my morning -

    - although, with the state of libraries in the Untied States these days, you wonder . . .

  3. '... if it really was an “open secret” about his behaviour among staffers and parliamentary colleagues, why was nothing done other than to move him away from a complainant, in light of all that has happened since early 2021?'

    Thanks for the words from Crikey. The Catholic Church comes to mind. AG.

  4. What’s left of the Oz Graphics Department outdid itself with the header to Ned’s sermon - what a triptych of terrible, awful harridans!

  5. My Saturday darts practice is in full swing; blind fold on, a few spins, and bingo - a bullseye first up with Nattering Ned.

    'It is astonishing and shocking. When will the Liberals break free from the repeated cycle of sexual abuse allegations?'

    Firstly, it is pretty safe to say that they are not just allegations. Secondly, there are numbers the Liberal Party can call to get help and support.

    Keeping the blindfold on, I took another shot, and ...

    'Media is our best hope in pushing back against nonsense and reasserting reality. Yet it is letting us down, ...'

    More self harm. Chris, there are numbers that you can call for help and support. AG.

  6. From a commentary on the book Stasiland.
    'Anna Funder explores, in the most humane and sensitive way, lives blighted by the East German Stasi. She allows ex-Stasi operatives an equal chance to reflect on their achievements, and finds - to her dismay and ours - that they have learned nothing.' J.M. Coetzee.

    So, ignore the 'humane and sensitive', change the names and we arrive at Crikey's deduction. History repeats. Again Pond, thanks for the citation. AG.

    1. History repeats because the species - homo sapiens sapiens - that makes and writes history repeats: generation after generation after generation, same bullshat. But who knows; with more and more claiming no religious affiliation maybe a turning point is coming.

      But if it is, it's too late to prevent us from inflicting great change - global heating and all it entails - on our one and only reachable, inhabitable planet.

  7. This was always going to be the hardest edition for the Reptiles - I've been thrilling to its arrival ever since Spud made his sort-of stand on the Van-man.

    They have not disappointed today have they? Nodding Ned simply a cut above: "The Liberal party have been stabbed in the back by history".

    Yes Neddles, that's what millions of Australians thought as yet another uber-creep was weeded, somewhat reluctantly out of the garden. It's that bloody history again!!

  8. Now that Shanners has provided his moral judgement, surely it’s time for Angela to provide the Daughters of Mary perspective?

  9. C Kenny has gone troppo, because the sludge has sprayed all over News Corp, but P Kelly has resorted to the lowest nastiness, apparently willing to take take everything Reynolds and the Coalition say at face value, as against what the alleged victim or anyone else says. As for weaponising sexual assault, there’s Kelly spraying machine gun fire in every direction to save News Corp, Morrison, Dutton and the Liberals. The only person who found the final fallout this week surprising and shocking is Kelly. Catherine Cusack, has made it clear in an article in The Guardian that she is not surprised at all.

    If allegations are made of possible criminal acts occurring within the parliamentary building, let alone by political operatives, it’s politicised by its nature, given that it is alleged to have occurred within the circle of politics and power. So to say that Liberal opponents are politicising the issue is absurd.

    Ever defensive, News Corp tries to justify itself and also to prevent the ALP from asking similar questions the Liberals have been attacking Labor with all week – what did Dutton and the Liberal Party know about Van and when did they know it? Was it before Van stood to speak on the Higgins issue? Kelly must try to block that line of questioning at all costs.

  10. Anonymous - noting that the triptych above Ned's sermon includes Amanda Stoker - 'presenter' on Sky and one of those selected to join Winston and the Muncher in Jordan Peterson's quest for the meaning of life.

    1. Quite a cast of 'questors' isn't it. Have we seen a full list of them anywhere ?

  11. Doggy Bov: "...too many have their moral compass set by George Costanza: 'It's not a lie if you believe it.'" I must have missed that episode (I missed quite a few, overall), but now the question is: who said it first, George or Honest Johnny ? Or who ? Because it is so: if you believe it, it is merely a "believed untruth" and not a lie.

    And boy, does the Doggy Bov spray out a tsunami of 'believed untruths' over and over again. Isn't there some form of journalistic sanction that can be applied to somebody who repeatedly plagiarises his own mountain of 'believed untruths'.

    Strangely enough the Bov does support the 'Yes Voice' side and does it quite well IMHO, but otherwise all he seems to be capable of is self-plagiarisation about renewable energy, Covid, Higgins and #MeToo and the awful Green-Left-Woke Illuminati.

    But then I suppose that keeps his pay-packet safe unlike some ABC employees.

  12. Hmmm. Noodles Ned: "It is, of course, utterly fatuous for senior ALP figures to talk about the damage to the parliament when Labor spent the second half of the previous term weaponising the Higgins issue across the parliament." Ok, so there we have it: if the reptiles and the Liberals attack Labor, that's just due concern for the rightful and righteous, but if Labor "attacks" the Libs, then that is frightful "weaponisation". And it works a treat because it's all just 'believed untruth' that will be held against Labor.

    But it seems that "weaponising" is the in-word for reptiles and wingnuts nowadays. So when Ned says "For Dutton, trying to repair the Liberal brand with female voters, this week was another blow." So let's get this straight: 'trying to repair' - so it is already broken, with or without Labor - and 'another blow' which means they've had plenty of blows already from which they haven't recovered.

    So, "central to Labor's victory [May 2022] was its campaign against the character of Scott Morrison and his ministers." Yeah, right, sure it was, because Labor won such a totally resounding victory just on that issue alone, didn't it. No teals and no Greens were involved, were they, because it was all just Labor on its little old lonesome saying evil things about the character of the saintly Scott and his running dog lackeys.

    Thus "Morrison never recovered." and he still hasn't.


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