Saturday, June 24, 2023

A big day at the lizard Oz, with Passionate. Principled. Purposeful. offerings from the dog botherer, the bromancer and nattering "Ned" ...


Some day the pond hopes to be able open with a line like this, as in Maaeve McGregor's piece for Crikey, As the country tries to un-Morrison itself, Morrison tries to Morrison the world... (sorry, likely paywall)

In the last week or so, Scott Morrison has delivered a concentrated dose of contrived polarisation, outrage, hypocrisy and self-serving warmongering that surpasses his usual penchant for small-t Trumpian excess. 

Perhaps it should have been big T, but never mind, instead the pond will open by quoting, as pond correspondents are wont to do, the venerable Meade in the Graudian ...

Everyone from the prime minister down had an opinion about the ABC’s decision to make political editor Andrew Probyn redundant but one take stands out. “Was Andrew Probyn let go from the ABC for being male and white?” asked Nick Cater in the Australian (without a single piece of evidence suggesting this was the case).
Probyn “faces an uphill task” getting another job, Cater says, because he is a member of an oppressed class that doesn’t tick any diversity boxes promoted by “radical ideology”.
“Discrimination on the grounds of ethnicity, gender or sexuality is officially sanctioned at the ABC, as it is in every organisation that falls for the poisonous doctrine of social equity,” he said, again without any evidence.
Perhaps the former editor of the Weekend Australian is unaware News Corp has its own “poisonous doctrine” in the form of a diversity, equity and inclusion plan: “We believe that diversity, equity and inclusion help us generate better ideas, and that our business is stronger for integrating diversity into our content and operations.”

But wait, it gets even better. In a company peddling the remarkable crap of Passionate. Principled. Purposeful., this home of climate science denialism has a sustainability page ...

The pond isn't going to bother quoting it - just sighting the corny graphics is more than enough - but what better way to segue into one of the chief reptile climate science denialists, doing what the reptiles always do when down on luck, bash the ABC ...

But why the dog botherer? Well these days the digital edition of the lizard Oz is verging on the unreadable, as yet again the Lehrmann matter consumed the top of the page ...

If the ABC's in a digital world of pain, double that pain for the reptiles, which is why the dog botherer's screeching and squawking is at best mildly amusing, but more inclined to the tiresome and the tedious and the endlessly repetitious ...

See those opening lines about the Caterist above, and as for the matter of broadcasting, the pond is old enough to treasure memories of AM radio, but every so often while out and about finds itself with head down, contemplating a small screen in a way it once swore it would never do, thereby joining the band of vulgar youffs roaming the streets, completely oblivious to the world, heads down and always willing to step into traffic in the expectation that the cars will part like the Red Sea ...

It helps explain the hysteria infecting the dog botherer. Irrelevance can do that to you ...

The pond might not be joining the ranks of the vulgar youff - blogging is as quaint and so noughties  that it's as irrelevant as a dog botherer screech - but the words of that Dylan song began to echo in the pond's ear. 

You walk into the room with your pencil in your hand
You see somebody naked and you say, "Who is that man?"
You try so hard but you don't understand
Just what you will say when you get home
Because something is happening here but you don't know what it is
Do you, Mr. Dog Botherer?

Funny how an ancient song still manages to catch the vibe ...

Yep, whenever the pond turns to the lizard Oz, it's bombarded by the stale, predictable posturing of the likes of the dog botherer, peppered with anti-pretty much everything bile. It tends to make the dog botherer both funny and dreary ... especially dreary when he tries to blather about "mainstream plurality" without the first clue as to what he's blathering about ... 

Is the lizard Oz designed to pander to "mainstream plurality"? Then we're plural plucked, and plucked hard, and so the final gobbet comes, as it always does, as something of a relief ...

How the reptiles would dearly love to get the ABC out of the digital space, operating as they do under the fanciful notion that it's up for grabs, and they might be able to grab it. 

But Chairman Rupert has never understood digital, from MySpace days on, and erecting vast paywalls will be as futile a strategy as it once was when the Han built a wall to see off the nomads, only to see the ravaging Mongols turn up ... not that the pond is comparing vulgar youff to Mongols, but you wouldn't want to be a Ming lover in these digital days ...

And so to a little rich comedy, as the pond's favourite reptile - can't the pond have a reptile pet? - tries to tackle the American scene ...

Recognising that the bromancer needed some visual help, what's left of the graphics department in the lizard Oz rustled up a couple of snaps of the bleeding obvious, inevitably downsized and juxtaposed for added spice by the pond ...

What's amusing is the way that the bromancer is forced to deal with the mango elephant in the room, and the tawdry history of News Corp and Faux Noise in relation to the said elephant ...

Ah, the good old Hunter standby, and yet, right at the minute, the cartoonists seem to have a new topic of conversation ...

Sadly the pond can't seize the bromancer's blather as an excuse for a cartoon fest, and must press on ...

Thar he blows, simply unable to renounce the mango Mussolini, and naturally the graphics department backed him up ...

Never mind that he's a carnival barker, a snake oil seller, a con artist and a narcissistic crook, it's the American way ...

Sorry, sorry, the inclination to turn to cartoons is strong ...

Who knows? Well Bill Barr's justice department didn't seem to know, but soft, the pond is enjoying this romp, with the billy goat butts strong in this one ...

Well it's a dream, not exactly a dream for the house of mouse, but some kind of weird bromancer dreaming ...

Um, is it funny that the bromancer failed to mention Ron DeSanctus's academic record, as a graduate from the 'leet Yale University as well as Harvard Law School, and a cynic who thinks the way to power is by going the "woke" routine, having done a Kari Lake and ridden on the coattails of the mango Mussolini, replete with all the standard bigotries, victimhoods, persecution complexes and angertainments?

Never mind, it's all just for fun ... and one big final gobbet should do it...

The pond can but hope that every so often the bromancer tries to cope with US politics ... there's nothing like a little peace and calm and thoughtful reflection ...

And so to the pond's weekend burden, the climbing of the Everest known as nattering "Ned". It's an exceptionally difficult and painful climb this weekend, but the pond must accept the challenge no matter what, no matter even if "Ned" is indulging in stale crackers about the Voice ...

Ah, Australia Day, or as the pond knows it, Invasion day ... guaranteed to set "Ned" off ...

Heard it all before?

Of course ... the art of being a reptile is to inanely repeat the same things over and over again ... and the pond did think of going with some leftover bromancer cartoons ...

But that's cheating. Perhaps a serving of "Ned" in smaller, more digestible chunks?

Truth to tell, "Ned" can never be made digestible, especially when he gets to regurgitating others, such as the Price is right ... or Lidia ...

At this point what's left of the reptile graphics department ran a very large snap of a figure designed to instil fear in the lizard Oz readership ...

There, not so terrifying after all ... on with the regurgitation, accompanied by more sounds of Chicken Little flapping ...

At this point what's left of the reptile graphics department ran a very large snap of a figure designed to instil fear in the pond. No, not just fear, more like blind, abject terror ...

Phew, that's a relief, there's a lot to be said in praise of downsizing, and by this point, it has probably become clear that the pond doesn't intend to engage or argue the point with "Ned", because what's the point of that?

The pond has been down this road what feels like countless times and it's a matter of ticking off the gobbets, with this the penultimate one, the stage where strength must be summoned for a final assault on the peak ...

... says Captain Potato, who turned his back on an apology, and has kept his plodding back turned ever since.

But the good news is that the pond has at last made it to the peak, only to find the view disappointing, and inclined to the dismal ...

A reptile calling for restraint? A cry for restraint from a man who can never shut up, as pompous and portentous a blowhard as can be found in the land?

And so the climb might have been hard, but there's always comedy at the end ... in much the same way that the immortal Rowe has found the Russian invasion a tad amusing ... while after yesterday's almighty fuss, the reptiles have somehow managed to carry on regardless ...


  1. Ahh, that Doggy Bov paragraph beginning with "We have a taxpayer-funded behemoth..." and ending with "...negligently ignoring the costs and impracticabilities of the transition to a world's first renewables-plus-storage energy grid." is truly reptile classic, isn't it. Now if ever there was an example of Parkinson's "Work expands to fill the time available" that would be an original classic.

    Only one question though: how well would that have gone over on Tik-Tok ?

    Then we get to the key reptile point: "The ABC Act needs to be amended, not just by renewing that wide-ranging digital licence, but by prescribing exactly what platforms the public broadcaster can host." So, good old News Corp, seriously trying to save its own skin by expanding into 'digital' fields, once again wants the government to prevent any competition, especially competition from the ABC. Now does anybody remember the last time News Corp wanted the government to save it from competition ?

    Lastly, re the ABC: "How many comedy shows have made you laugh?" and not even a mention of Bluey. Shame, Doggy Bov, shame.

  2. Our Bro continues the reptile meme on Joe Biden - 'decrepit, feeble' - with not quite the ersatz concern that 'presenters' on Sky Australia claim, when they preface the items they repeat from Fox about how 'sad' it is to see the deterioration of all the faculties of Joe Biden.

    But there is an odd dichotomy in reptile renderings. Australia's contribution to 'investigative journalism' in the Untied States, the unlovely Miranda Devine, has polished an account of responses to the 'Titan' submersible, to assert that some super-secret US technology detected the implosion of the 'Titan' on Sunday, when other communications ceased. Then, says the arch-conspiratorial construction, Joe Biden immediately saw an opportunity to suppress that information, encouraging mass media to drag out a disaster movie plot, with hourly countdowns of available oxygen, speculations on the passengers might be thinking, banging noises that - set your own odds - could, just could, be desperate attempts to signal their whereabouts. And why did the incumbent President do that? To keep reporting of his son's prosecution for tax offences off the front page/or first up on the evening broadcasts. And, in the devious Devine mind - he was successful. A decrepit, feeble, octogenarian, who supposedly has real difficulty recalling what day it was, had no trouble heading off the mass media of just about the entire world, persuading said media to plumb new depths of mawkish sentiment, then growing outrage about what everyone, just everyone, knew about the design faults of the 'Titan', upstaging all other items of supposed news for an entire week.

    Now the Devine has a remarkable reputation for getting to the significant elements of news stories - remember how she got to the important 'facts ' about Quaden Bayles? - so you would think that the other reptiles, over there and over here, would get the memo (actually Twitter) and portray a Joe Biden who is easily able to manipulate all the major media organisations around the world, almost at a whim. No?

    1. DP may have run this some time ago

      There little walnut sized brains must be buzzing when they try to reconcile their collective wisdoms with the observed reality.

    2. Sheesh, Chadders, that's a bloody marvel. The pond should get out and about more often. Nutty as a decently made Xmas cake should be ...

    3. I think that's been the reptile go for a while now: that senile old duckhead Joe Biden fools all the woke media and gets away with it. But not the Murdochracy, oh no, no fooling them.

      Now how much high-speed opening and closing of compartments does it take to hold both of those points of view almost absolutely simultaneously. It clearly takes the artistry of one Miranda Devine to manage that.

    4. Nice one, thank you Befuddled - and Luckovich

  3. If you are wondering about the relevance of fishy cartoons, see

    1. But Joe, Alito had never met Singer and didn't know him from just any other old billionaire with cases being heard by SCOTUS. An understanding worthy of Miranda.

  4. Kind of interesting at the moment that social media seems to be out in front of traditional media in reporting the Russian situation - they certainly seem to have a better network of contacts.

  5. So Ned informs us that: "Albanese-Dutton rancour won't help the referendum or the country." Then Dutton and his gang shouldn't have started the 'rancour', should they. And fancy picking on Whiteboard Michaelia as a "legal affairs spokeswoman" (did he mean 'spokesperson'?).

    And then: "...bipartisanship is a dead letter" and am I pleased by that; who in any form of right mind would want any kind of "bipartisanship" with Dutton and his fellow-travelling lackies.


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